Problem in Fetching the bearer token in twitter - twitter

My application needs to log in to each user and generate the bearer token for each of them. By using the bearer token I can fetch the result using Twitter API v2. Anyone, please help me how can I do that.

The bearer token is specific to your application, NOT to the user. Bearer token / app only authentication is JUST for the app, not for the user. The first time you create the app on the Twitter developer portal, you get the bearer token which you should save in your password manager.
The account token - when a user is logged in to your app - is different. If you need this, you can also generate it on the developer portal FOR YOUR ACCOUNT ONLY, or you can make your app implement sign-in with Twitter via OAuth 1.0A. These tokens will enable your app to operate for a user and port new Tweets, like Tweets, create lists, etc.


Who is auth server in OAuth2.0 between two Apps eg. between Google and Twitter

I know that OAuth2.0 is framework using to authorization data request between apps, but to give this access auth server is required. It is my question: who is this server? Let's say: We have two apps: Twitter and Google. I am trying to register Twitter account using Google account. And now where is this auth server? Is it Google? Or maybe it is another third server (managed by Twitter and Google together where user data is?) If it is Google, how Twitter is able to check if user token (generated by auth server [Google??]) is valid?
On your first question,
I am trying to register Twitter account using Google account. And now
where is this auth server? Is it Google?
Yes, it's Google. If you're trying to login/register to Twitter via Google, Google is the authorization server. Because, Google has to authorize/delegate access to Twitter to access your data such as your Gmail id, username, etc.
Once you click on "Sign up with Google" button on the Twitter registration page, you will be redirected to the Google login page first (to see if you're an authenticated google user) and then Google would show you a consent page saying that "Twitter is trying to read your profile data, are you okay with this?". Once you click on "Allow" button, Google will generate an access_token, id_token, and refresh_token and pass it to Twitter.
On your second question,
If it is Google, how Twitter is able to check if user token (generated
by auth server [Google??]) is valid?
Twitter is not going to validate the tokens. Twitter can pass the token to retrieve your Google profile information from Google's Resource Server (where all your data reside)
Google's Resource Server is the one that's going to validate the token. It first checks the 'iss' claim of the token to see if the token is issued by Google's Authorization Server. Additionally, it would check for 'aud' to see if the token is issued for them (recipient of the token). Finally, it checks for the 'scope' claim to see if Twitter has the right access to request the data. For eg, they would need to request only read-only access to your profile, but not write access. There could be additional validation depending on the use case.
I hope this answers your questions.

Azure AD / Microsoft Graph Tokens - What to use for a multi-client app

I need to be able to monitor a user's Hotmail or Outlook account in the offline mode via a backend. But the user can sign up and authorize the account access either from a web app e.g. Laravel or Lumen or from a Cordova mobile app or another SPA interface such as Angular. Basically, the app is configured on for an implicit flow.
Since the app requires a backend offline processing lets say few times a day - I will need a refresh token to renew the access_token. There are two ways to get consent from the Azure AD.
authorize = id_token + token (But the limitation is that id_token is only client specific). This approach is more suitable for fetching the emails when client is running and user is online.
authorize = code and then generate access_token and refresh_token.
Question - would option 2 work for both hotmail/ and O365? If the access and refresh tokens are generated by the client - would they work for both online and offline access of a user's account and email.
Of course you can. But if you want to receieve a refresh token in token response, your app must request and be granted the offline_acesss scope.
The offline_access scope gives your app access to resources on behalf
of the user for an extended time. On the work account consent page,
this scope appears as the "Access your data anytime" permission. On
the personal Microsoft account consent page, it appears as the "Access
your info anytime" permission. When a user approves the offline_access
scope, your app can receive refresh tokens from the v2.0 token
endpoint. Refresh tokens are long-lived. Your app can get new access
tokens as older ones expire.
// Line breaks for legibility only{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?
Actually, if you use code grant flow to sign in AAD, you will see this Page:
If you click Yes, you will consent offline_access scope.NOTE: This works for both MSA and AAD Account.
You can see more details about offline_access sope in this documentation.

LinkedIN Way to prevent Linkedin Oauth expires after 60 days

I have a website where people can post blogs. I want the blogs to be automaticly posted to a Linkedin account connected to the website. So the person posting the blog is not the owner of the linkedin account.
I use the Sharing API from LinkedIN to do this, but this requires the administrator of the linkedin account to refresh the Oauth token every 60 days. I know this is a security thing to prevent illegal use of accounts. But in this case its always my own linkedIN account. Is there a way around this? mabe by using the app key and secret instead of the acces token?
The LinkedIn API docs ( say:
In the case the access token is already expired, your application will
go through the same authorization flow as previously described.
However, the login dialog will be shown to the user as they will need
to grant access to your application again.
so there's no way around that. But what you could do is go through this flow before the access token has expired. The docs say:
Simply have your application go through the authorization flow in
order to fetch a new access token with an additional 60 day life span.
When the following conditions exist:
User is still logged into The current access token isn't
expired (within the 60 life span) We will automatically redirect the
user back to your redirect_uri without requiring them to reauthorize
your application. If they don't exist, we'll prompt them to login and
then redirect them.

Use Facebook authentication token in API

I'm having an iOS app where the user authenticates with Facebook on the device and also communicating with my server API.
Today I'm sending the Facebook user access token (over SSL) and the server verifies the token with Facebook. Thats the authentication mechanism for the API.
Session token
Instead of using a generated token to user for all future API calls, I use the Facebook access token as the session token as well. This makes it a lot easier on the device as you don't have to care about first getting the token and then call the API. You just send the Facebook token in each call, easy.
Is this a good solution when authenticating with Facebook towards an API?

Confused about oAuth, creating secure API in Rails

How do I secure my API when I want an app to be able to retrieve app-specific information without a user logged in and when I have an OAuth provider for another section of my API? Can I use the client app's OAuth credentials to hit the API without a user logged in?
I have create an OAuth provider and client using doorkeeper following railscasts 353. I can successfully authenticate a user to my provider app and make requests on behalf of the user to my provider API.
However, a portion of the API is user independent, meaning that the information returned from the API is not specific for a user and therefore a user should not have to be logged in. For example, assume an ecommerce site and items and prices are stored on the provider for multiple clients. I want a client app to be able to securely retrieve the items/prices associated the retrieving app without a user having to be logged in. So if you went to the items would be displayed even if a user is logged in via OAuth.
I have only be able to retrieve this information via OAuth when a user has logged in through OAuth (creating an access_token). Is there a way to use OAuth without having a user present (I've been trying to read about 2-legged OAuth and if that is an appropriate solution)? Or do I need to use Api keys (or Http Basic Auth) for the application to retrieve the application specific data?
If OAuth is not the right solution because I do not have a user present, could/should I use HTTP Basic Auth over SSL and use the client site's OAuth secret key as the API key for the basic auth username?
If you need to authenticate your client apps in you API (without requiring a user specifically) use the Client Credentials flow
