Google Sheets Function Autofill - google-sheets

I'm looking for a solution to a problem that seems minor at first, but if you end up having spreadsheets with 1000's of rows, it involves a lot of dragging. I need an autofill for a formula for a column that pulls information from the first sheet.
Here is what I have so far.
I suppose I could do the same thing with =(Magento!A2).. but I was trying to get it to detect and auto-fill based on what is input into the first sheet.
Basically, if there are 29 SKUs in the first sheet which is the master, I'd like it to populate the information in the second sheet. At the same time if there ended up being 2000 skus on the first sheet, I'd like the 2000 skus to be populated on the second sheet column A without having to drag and drag the autofill.

It sounds to me like you just want to bring in a copy of whatever is in Magento!A2:A, exchanging any zeros for nulls. If that is the case:
If that isn't what you had in mind, please share a direct link to your sheet (or a copy of it), using File > Share.
Addendum (after comment clarification)
You just needed this:


Preventing API edits from breaking arrayformula columns

I have a Google Sheet that I'm using as a database for a an app I am building in AppSmith. Really just an interface for people to work with the sheet in a controlled manner.
I'm using the Google Sheet because I'm familiar with layering formulas to make it work the way I want it to work. I have a number of columns that start with an ARRAYFORMULA that gives the name of the column in row 1, blank in blank rows that should be blank, and some programmed information in other rows.
This works great as long as I am working from the spreadsheet or reading/adding rows from the app.
However, when I try to edit the row from the app, the API update will take the "50" that it sees in the column and actually put "50" in the cell, breaking the arrayformula.
Is there any way to prevent API calls from actually editing that column? Or to automatically clear the cell and let the arrayformula expand again?
I found a temporary workaround to push "" for the column(s) I know are arrays, but it seems vulnerable to complications if I add other array columns later, or want to make another form in the app that also updates the sheet.
As a "rule of thumb", avoid having formulas on sheets being used as "databases" (top row used for field names, 2nd row and below used for data). If you really need to use formulas in the spreadsheet instead of doing the calculations on the "APP", add them on a "mirror" sheet.
This is a common recommendation when using ARRAYFORMULAS to do calculations with data comming from Google Forms.
If you think that creating a "mirror" sheet might cause more problems than benefits, if your "APP" is able to limit the number of columns being edited, put the formulas to the right of the last column linked to the app.
Make Google Spreadsheet Formula Repeat Infinitely

Google Sheets - Grab data from a separate sheet and add it to a master sheet

I have a Google Sheet that has a main master sheet, with a column for users to fill in their Name to show they are "working" on that row, then that row gets populated to their own tab based on a =QUERY(Master!A3:AA,"select * Where L='Name'") for each of the users' tabs, there is 8 total tabs where users are updating information. This is already quite a bit of processing on Googles part, so I am trying to generate a separate Google Sheet that pulls in the information that the users are entering on each of their tabs so the management can monitor that sheet for updates and then both sheets will run a lot faster/smoother.
I have tried using a VLookup with this syntax: =vlookup(A3,importrange("sheetID",{"Name1!$A$3:$N";"Name2!$A$3:$N";"Name3!$A$3:$N";"Name4!$A$3:$N";"Name5!$A$3:$N";"Name6!$A$3:$N";"Name7!$A$3:$N";"Name8!$A$3:$N"}),12,FALSE) which gives me an #N/A Error, cannot find Value '1' in VLOOKUP evaluation.
I have also tried using a =QUERY({importrange("sheetID"x8 with the ranges)}, "Select Col12,Col13,Col14 where Col2 matches '^.\*($" &B3 & ").\*$'")
That only returns headers, I am trying to get the query to basically find the unique key in Column A then spit out what is in Col 12-14, but that doesn't seem to work either. Columns 1-11 are static, but Columns 12-14 are what I am trying to populate for the management, which is the work that the staff is inputting on each of their tabs.
I can get the query working if I keep it on the same worksheet as the one the staff is working on, but then it bogs down the whole sheet so I would like to keep it separate if possible. Any ideas? I can't provide a sample sheet at this time since it has financial info on it, but I can add more details if I know what to look for.
your formula should be:
IMPORTRANGE("sheetID1", "Name1!A3:N");
IMPORTRANGE("sheetID2", "Name2!A3:N");
IMPORTRANGE("sheetID3", "Name3!A3:N");
IMPORTRANGE("sheetID4", "Name4!A3:N");
IMPORTRANGE("sheetID5", "Name5!A3:N");
IMPORTRANGE("sheetID6", "Name6!A3:N");
IMPORTRANGE("sheetID7", "Name7!A3:N");
IMPORTRANGE("sheetID8", "Name8!A3:N")}, 12, 0)
keep in mind that every importrange needs to be run as a standalone formula where you connect your sheets by allowing access. only then you can use the above formula

How to get autocomplete data shared for all rows and columns across entire spreadsheet?

I have a Google spreadsheet and autocomplete is only working for the columns I am typing in, meaning if there is word1 in the column I am typing in, and I start to type a word, it will suggest word1, but WILL NEVER suggest word5 from the column next door. I am trying to make autocomplete data shared for all columns and rows.
Example 1-a:
Example 1-b:
See what I mean? I'd like for autocomplete to suggest the word WORRY but it won't. I am trying to share autocomplete data across the entire spreadsheet rather than just to individual column data.
unfortunately, that is not possible to achieve. autocomplete is available only in few cases when in the same column. best you can do is to use Data Validation on the whole sheet (selection) with disabled dropdown menu (for visual) but this can have undesired result in the form of a red arrow in the top right corner of the cell.
I found the answer since this is, from what I hear...not possible.
The linux program ... "TextSuggest".
Easily download and install TextSuggest from the AUR repo.
yay -S textsuggest
It will do exactly as Google Sheets autocomplete feature does, but within your entire Linux system.
If you wish to see/learn more, here is a nice article/review on it.
TextSuggest is the best alternative to the "not possible".

Using text from a cell in a formula in Google Sheets

I would like to use the text from a cell in a formula in Google Sheets.
I have a document with multiple sheets that a variety of people can edit with a H,M,L (high, medium, low) value from a drop-down list. Each person has their own tab in the Google Sheet.
I then have a dashboard that populates based on their choices of H,M,L. I know that I can use the formula =('Jay Delacruz'!C6) for example to populate a cell in another sheet by manually selecting the cells on the other sheet.
However, I am looking to make quite a few of these documents automatically with another Google Script that I am running that creates the individual sheets from a roster of names on the first tab.
My question is, is it possible to have a =('Jay Delacruz'!C6) type formula that instead of the sheet reference it can pull the name of the person from the roster, as this will match exactly the sheets that are automatically generated by the script I have running.
So I would essentially have a pre-populated dashboard of formulae that would become valid once the sheets are created with the names, as created by the other script.
If it makes it a little clearer, there is a link below to make a copy of the Sheet I am working with. All names were randomly generated, so don't reference any real people or data.
Thank you in advance!
Also see here for more info on INDIRECT() function.

Google Sheets Copy Down Issue

I have a google form that my students fill out daily. All form responses feed into one workbook. From the workbook, I have a spreadsheet for "Clean" data. Which is just the information from the responses sheet needed to graph progress. The formula I am using in A2 is: ='Form Responses 1'!N2
Nothing too complicated right?
However, each day that I want to show the kids their progress on the charts, I have to select the last two entries in the Clean Data worksheet and copydown the formulas in order for the new data to appear. Apparently, every time there is a new form submission, google sheets changes the cell address in the formulas. Is there any way around this?
As JPV commented, the "pushing down of formulae" by form submissions may be counteracted by using an array formula (in row 2):
=ArrayFormula('Form Responses 1'!N2:N)
And as Akshin commented, if you were in fact bringing over a couple of columns for graphing purposes, you can do it all in one with QUERY. For example:
=QUERY('Form Responses 1'!A:N,"select A, N",1)
