How to get autocomplete data shared for all rows and columns across entire spreadsheet? - google-sheets

I have a Google spreadsheet and autocomplete is only working for the columns I am typing in, meaning if there is word1 in the column I am typing in, and I start to type a word, it will suggest word1, but WILL NEVER suggest word5 from the column next door. I am trying to make autocomplete data shared for all columns and rows.
Example 1-a:
Example 1-b:
See what I mean? I'd like for autocomplete to suggest the word WORRY but it won't. I am trying to share autocomplete data across the entire spreadsheet rather than just to individual column data.

unfortunately, that is not possible to achieve. autocomplete is available only in few cases when in the same column. best you can do is to use Data Validation on the whole sheet (selection) with disabled dropdown menu (for visual) but this can have undesired result in the form of a red arrow in the top right corner of the cell.

I found the answer since this is, from what I hear...not possible.
The linux program ... "TextSuggest".
Easily download and install TextSuggest from the AUR repo.
yay -S textsuggest
It will do exactly as Google Sheets autocomplete feature does, but within your entire Linux system.
If you wish to see/learn more, here is a nice article/review on it.
TextSuggest is the best alternative to the "not possible".


How to design a system in Google Sheets that allows for people who don't speak the same language to know they're typing the same thing

I admit this is a strange request. Essentially myself and another person who speaks Mandarin need to work on scheduling asynchronously through a spreadsheet. If either of us enters something in, in our respective sections, it should update the other person's section to match. So If I changed Order 1 on Day 1 from Apple to Butter, it should look at the translated text for Butter in Chinese and update the dropdown list entry for Order 1 on Day 1 from Apple to Butter
Unfortunately it doesn't seem like there's anyway to add formulas to dropdown lists. Any advice here?
I created a super simplified spreadsheet of what I'm looking for Spreadsheet
there is a GOOGLETRANSLATE formula:
also, you have DETECTLANGUAGE that outputs the language code:
both of them (DETECTLANGUAGE is able to work with vertical arrays only) are not supported under ARRAYFORMULA so you will need to drag them around. also, it's worth mentioning that formulae are always 1-directional so you can have a dropdown to be translated but that translated output can't be used directly as the input for back-translation creating a paradox. with a scripted solution, you may have more flexibility tho.

Google Sheets - Randomize and freeze queried columns

I'm trying to create a dynamic 'worksheet' in Google Sheets to help myself study Chinese.
This is something I'm kind of figuring out as I go, but I'm currently trying to create a template for the basic 'worksheet' that will draw vocabulary from other pages in my document.
Here's a copy of my current version:
Sheet1 is where I'm currently struggling. The idea behind Column A was that I could create 'switches' to keep the page from updating (Freeze) while I'm actually using the worksheet for studying. Once I've finished and checked my work, I could switch back to (Update) so that the Query will re-run and update to include any new words, etc.
Thus, E2 =if(A2="Update",1,0) is the condition I'm trying to check. 1 in this case would be letting the page update. 0 would be the only other value (Freeze), which would ideally stop the sheet from updating.
Another problem I've run into is that I wanted to use the 'Randomize Range' feature from the right-click menu on the output of my Query, but that doesn't seem to work. I wanted to be able to shuffle the terms so that I am not accidentally memorizing the order rather than the actual information I'm trying to learn.
I don't know which is more efficient: Having the Query grab the definition along with the word and add those to a hidden column, or have a column that matches the word to its definition outside of the Query.
If I could add in another layer of complexity, it would be neat if I could have my worksheet randomly choose between column A and column D (maybe E, too) on my Vocabulary Bank pages so that sometimes it would show me the English term and other times it would show me the Chinese one. (Currently, I'm planning to just have one worksheet for English to Chinese and a second for Chinese to English.)
In the end, I'd like for Sheet1 to work like this:
Column A: Switches
Column B: Terms, grabbed from 'Vocabulary Bank - [etc.]'!A3:A [etc.] being all of the different banks. These are randomly reordered and 'frozen' until the Range switch is changed to 'Update'.
Column C: Hidden, containing the translations of the corresponding words. These update according to a switch.
Column D: This is where I enter my guesses at the translations. There is a switch to enable 'grading' where answers that don't match Column C are highlighted.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Google Sheets Function Autofill

I'm looking for a solution to a problem that seems minor at first, but if you end up having spreadsheets with 1000's of rows, it involves a lot of dragging. I need an autofill for a formula for a column that pulls information from the first sheet.
Here is what I have so far.
I suppose I could do the same thing with =(Magento!A2).. but I was trying to get it to detect and auto-fill based on what is input into the first sheet.
Basically, if there are 29 SKUs in the first sheet which is the master, I'd like it to populate the information in the second sheet. At the same time if there ended up being 2000 skus on the first sheet, I'd like the 2000 skus to be populated on the second sheet column A without having to drag and drag the autofill.
It sounds to me like you just want to bring in a copy of whatever is in Magento!A2:A, exchanging any zeros for nulls. If that is the case:
If that isn't what you had in mind, please share a direct link to your sheet (or a copy of it), using File > Share.
Addendum (after comment clarification)
You just needed this:

Using CONCATENATE with Google forms and sheets

I have a survey going out with Google Forms, but to analyse the results, I would need to concatenate some cells. However, due to the nature of Google Forms, whenever a new response is recorded, a new row is added. I've read around, looking at different forums and tutorials, but can't seem to find anything that works.
Some of the places I've looked are:
concatenate column values for each row that gets added after google form submission!topic/docs/0Os52U-0i1k
So what I would need help with is if it's possible to concatenate results from a Google Form without having to manually copy the formula in the cells whenever there are new responses. I've tried ArrayFormula, but I can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be much appreciated!
ArrayFormula(A2:A & B2:B) should do the trick.
Note that the formula will persist even if you put it directly at the end of the form and then add a new field.
It will just be shifted to the right, so you don't need to worry about taking care of that when you modify your form.
The CONCATENATE function is a Google spreadsheet function that combines two or more text strings into a single string. It appears in the dropdown menu for functions above cell A1, and when you select it, it places an =CONCATENATE()= formula in the selected cell.
Note that you may need to replace spaces with "&" if your text has spaces.
In order to perform this operation on Google Forms though, you will need to set up Form Embeds by making sure you have the input type of "google form embed." When embedded forms are enabled, there is no need for individual cells within a google sheet workbook with custom formulas next to each question result button as they're all being calculated.
You can find more info on CONCATENATE by referring to this.

Print Not Adjacent in Google Sheet

I'm having issues printing not-adjacent columns in Google Sheets. I've upgraded to Google Sheet so the Ctrl Click works, and print -> selection, but these are the results.Why yes, I do love triple monitor, and credits to dropbox for easy screenshot tool. Anyway, these are the results I get every time. I'd rather not have to move back to Excel because of the ease of use, and just all right wherever I need it ease of Google Drive, but if I have to, I will. Also, just tested, I get the same results from Excel. Any ideas other than new sheet to pull columns over? Trying to make it so a non-technical can do it.
Although I don't know the exact and pure answer for this, I can suggest a workaround:
Hide those columns that you won't need (in this case - Select Column D/Right Clik/Hide Column), and then select everything from A to E column. (Of course D will remain hidden).
If you do it this way you will only get the "visible" part printed.
I admit that it's not that convenient, but anyway hope it helped.
