How to resolve Appstore business information metadata rejection - ios

My app was rejected by the appstore review board, and they are requesting some additional information:
Who is the target audience?
Is the app to be used by users within one single company?
Identify the countries or regions where you plan to distribute your app.
What features in the app are intended for use by general App Store users?
How do users obtain an account?
But the problem is that I've searched everywhere on appstore connect, but couldn't find anywhere to fill in the requested information.
Has anyone had to deal with this, your input would be greatly appreciated.

hope you are doing great!
I had a similar situation where the Apple review team asked me for some details about the app. Just provide them as detailed answers as possible and make sure to include some links to your app metadata like the website so that it is easy for them to review/verify your claims.


IOS app review meta data rejected. Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

I don't know where to answer these questions. I uploaded the answers in app review information note section but didn't work. What should I do?
The review message is attached below.
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We’re looking forward to continuing our review, but we need a bit more information about your business model and your users to help find the best distribution option for your app. Our preliminary review of your app suggests that your app may be a good fit for our Apple Business Manager program, which is designed specifically for business apps.
Next Steps
Please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information as you can for each question.
Please describe which kinds of users you expect will use your app. Some common kinds of users are:
Users who are part of a single company (including its partners, employees and contractors)
A limited number of companies which are clients of the developer
The general public
Identify the specific countries or regions where you plan to distribute your app.
What features in the app are intended for use by general App Store users?
How do users obtain an account?
If there are any paid aspects of the app, such as for opening an account or using certain features in the app, please explain how users access the paid content.
Who pays for the paid content?
Since your App Store Connect status is Metadata Rejected, we do NOT require a new binary. To revise the metadata, visit App Store Connect to select your app and revise the desired metadata values. Once you’ve completed all changes, reply to this message in Resolution Center and we will continue the review.
You need to navigate to the app in Appstore Connect, click on "Version History" and then click on "Resolution Center". On that screen is a form where you can reply to the inquiry from Apple. It took me longer than expected to find it.

Need information about storefront in ios developer

i have published my ios app in appstore and app is still in review today i got email from apple that your app has been rejected. This is the issue they listed down below but i dont understand what is the issue.
We found that your app is not appropriate for the World storefront because it is a custom app designed specifically for Kulsum International Hospital, whose users are in Pakistan.
At this time, Pakistan is not part of the Volume Purchase Program.
Please revise your app to set the storefront to Pakistan.
can anyone help to get rid of this issue please. Thanks
The message clearly states that you need to limit your app to Pakistan's storefront.
To do so : Go to the Pricing tab of your app and you will find a link to select the stores where to publish your app.
More details on this answer : Limit App to specific countries
On the other hand and if you app should not be restricted to Pakistan, you can reply to the rejection with proofs that the users might come from abroad.

Using itms-services links in an app on the App Store

I've been working on a simplified, web-based ad-hoc build management service for a while now, and I'm going over the possibilities to my make clients life easier.
While one possibility is to simply create a web app optimized for iOS, I'd rather have a native app instead.
Now, I haven't found any clear advice on whether or not Apple is okay with apps using itms-services links, which would then install 3rd party non-App Store apps, as long as they were signed ad-hoc/Enterprise builds.
In my case, the apps in question would be tied to a specific user/group, and would be behind a login/signup.
Currently all I'm doing is:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:_appInstallUrl];
Also, if Apple would be okay with an app like this on the App Store, how would they feel about forcefully suspending apps?
I'm currently doing this right after installing the app:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] performSelector:#selector(suspend)];
This could be a violation to the App Store Review Guidelines:
2.8 Apps that install or launch other executable code will be rejected
2.25 Apps that display Apps other than your own for purchase or promotion in a manner similar to or confusing with the App Store will be rejected
But you'll only know if you directly ask Apple, or simply submit it and it goes through.
Posting this as an answer, since it's the official response from Apple.
I first contacted Apple's technical support regarding this, but they couldn't help and instead wanted me to contact the App Store Review Team, remembering to mention that a technician had told me to contact them.
They finally responded with the following:
Thank you for contacting the App Store Review Team.
Please know we are not able to pre-approve proposed application ideas or concepts for developers without reviewing the app itself.
Each application is unique and we would need to look at all its features, and complexity to be able to give you an answer.
Therefore, we recommend that you submit your application for review. We will then contact you if we have any questions.
However, for your questions we do recommend that you review the Functionality and Privacy sections within our iOS guidelines:
2.22: Apps that arbitrarily restrict which users may use the App, such as by location or carrier, may be rejected
17.2: Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and date of birth, in order to function will be rejected
While this technically doesn't answer my question (at all), it would seem like the idea/app could still go through, depending on the reviewer. At least they don't seem to be against the idea.

Is Phonegap app without user registration is Appstore standard?

I see some Phonegap or Native apps in App store which has no user registration inside the app but it has login. Once I had an app rejected stating My app does not have registration and I am having membership payment on the website. So, we included an registration inside the app.
Is there any specific process to have apps in appstore without registration, because I see few without registration and has login. Is is legal as per Apple guidelines.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
This is a difficult question, especifically taking into account your comments.
If your app lets paid users login, Apple could reject it since you are providing digital goods without their having any part on them.
However, it is also normal that you could have a community of users, and it's not necessary you told Apple all about them (e.g. whether they paid or not). You should give them a demo account though. Even if you have guest access, you should give Apple a demo account so you help them in their review process.
After all, the most important thing is they are human reviewers, so they can say yes or no when they are not sure about approving an app.
As an example, it wouldn't help you cite other apps that have been approved and which have the same characteristics. It's better to focus on explaining your app.
Registration may or may not be required inside the app. It depends on the reviewer. Many apps have been approved without in-app registration, but the guidelines encourage the opposite.
If you're not in a hurry about the review process, I suggest you send the app with the aforementioned tips. If you need it to be approved at the first review step, then I would recommend you following he guidelines as strictly as possible: registration inside the app, in-app payment for subscription.

How to get my app download details besides Apple developer account

I know from the Apple developer account we can get how much downloads have done for our particular app. Now our clients asking they want to check the apps downloads without involving developers. Is there any way to find those details besides from the appstore, or else without accessing the developer account
You usually see your download numbers in itunesconnect and therefore you can just invite your clients to look into the data there. There are also a number of web services that use the data from itunesconnect to show more details, for instance app statistics.
If you want more data and even logging, many users integrate additional logging features in their apps like google analytics for instance.
If this is not what you are looking for, please give me some more information on what you are trying to accomplish!
