Need information about storefront in ios developer - ios

i have published my ios app in appstore and app is still in review today i got email from apple that your app has been rejected. This is the issue they listed down below but i dont understand what is the issue.
We found that your app is not appropriate for the World storefront because it is a custom app designed specifically for Kulsum International Hospital, whose users are in Pakistan.
At this time, Pakistan is not part of the Volume Purchase Program.
Please revise your app to set the storefront to Pakistan.
can anyone help to get rid of this issue please. Thanks

The message clearly states that you need to limit your app to Pakistan's storefront.
To do so : Go to the Pricing tab of your app and you will find a link to select the stores where to publish your app.
More details on this answer : Limit App to specific countries
On the other hand and if you app should not be restricted to Pakistan, you can reply to the rejection with proofs that the users might come from abroad.


How to make iOS (Xcode) app available to either Canada or US users

I have an iOS app that needs to be installed by users who have either a Canada or US based Apple ID.
The app is published to the App Store under my US Apple ID and apparently users with Canadian info (address / credit card?) can't download it unless they also create and use a US Apple ID.
Any way to publish the app so there isn't this limitation?
Is there any Apple documentation someone can point me to that details this?
Thanks in advance.
Any way to publish the app so there isn't this limitation?
Yes, there are App Store territories that include many if not most countries, and Canada is absolutely one of them. In general, you set the availability under the Pricing and Availability tab in App Store Connect, but you may need to take some other steps such as setting a price and perhaps adding export compliance information before you're able to change your app's availability.
Everything you need to know (and more) is detailed in App Store Connect Help.

IOS app review meta data rejected. Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

I don't know where to answer these questions. I uploaded the answers in app review information note section but didn't work. What should I do?
The review message is attached below.
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We’re looking forward to continuing our review, but we need a bit more information about your business model and your users to help find the best distribution option for your app. Our preliminary review of your app suggests that your app may be a good fit for our Apple Business Manager program, which is designed specifically for business apps.
Next Steps
Please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information as you can for each question.
Please describe which kinds of users you expect will use your app. Some common kinds of users are:
Users who are part of a single company (including its partners, employees and contractors)
A limited number of companies which are clients of the developer
The general public
Identify the specific countries or regions where you plan to distribute your app.
What features in the app are intended for use by general App Store users?
How do users obtain an account?
If there are any paid aspects of the app, such as for opening an account or using certain features in the app, please explain how users access the paid content.
Who pays for the paid content?
Since your App Store Connect status is Metadata Rejected, we do NOT require a new binary. To revise the metadata, visit App Store Connect to select your app and revise the desired metadata values. Once you’ve completed all changes, reply to this message in Resolution Center and we will continue the review.
You need to navigate to the app in Appstore Connect, click on "Version History" and then click on "Resolution Center". On that screen is a form where you can reply to the inquiry from Apple. It took me longer than expected to find it.

How to resolve Appstore business information metadata rejection

My app was rejected by the appstore review board, and they are requesting some additional information:
Who is the target audience?
Is the app to be used by users within one single company?
Identify the countries or regions where you plan to distribute your app.
What features in the app are intended for use by general App Store users?
How do users obtain an account?
But the problem is that I've searched everywhere on appstore connect, but couldn't find anywhere to fill in the requested information.
Has anyone had to deal with this, your input would be greatly appreciated.
hope you are doing great!
I had a similar situation where the Apple review team asked me for some details about the app. Just provide them as detailed answers as possible and make sure to include some links to your app metadata like the website so that it is easy for them to review/verify your claims.

Concept: Trial & Full version in IOS today. (separate Apps, inapp purchases, Applestore rejection)

Concept on howto maintain a trial and purchasable full version of an IOS-app today:
There are lots of dicussions on this topic, but I would like to look at this for my case and how it would be designed TODAY (2015), with actual Apple restrictions.
I have an app which initially loads data from the internet to be displayed. (Trial-Content -> 80MB, 20%, Full-Content -> 400MB, 100%)
I would like to offer the Users to try the app with limited content first.
With limited content: 20% works as like the fullversion. 80% are marked with a question mark. If the users clicks on the question mark I would like to guide the user to the fullversion.
I prefere to have 2 apps (2 builts), because of having 2 separate rankings. Users, which buy an app are rating better, because they are really interrested in the app and will only buy, when they are pleased with the trial app. So an app with inapp purchase has a lower ranking in avarage then a isolated full version (built). But I guess this concept would be rejected by apple, because you have to mention the fullversion in the trialversion and you have to name the trial version as "trial" ? (Sorry for the bad english)
How will this be designed with IOS apps ? Howto guide the User to the fullversion, without beeing rejected by Apple ? (I read popups like "Would you like to purchase the fullversion?" will be rejected. )
In Android I did the following:
I created one app with the full functionality, which is at the same time the trial-version.
I created one purchasable app, which is only an unlocker app.
The trialversion app checks if the unlocker is installed. That way I can differentiate between trial and full and will load the corresponding content.
When clicking on the question mark, I will show a popup saying "Would you like to purchase the full version?".
This is quite a common pattern, you just can't call your "trial" version "trial". Quite often such versions are called "light".
To send the user to the app store to buy the full version you can use the SKStoreProductViewController to display the app store page for your full version directly in your app. This should be OK with Apple.
Your Android solution with the paid "unlocker" app would be possible too. Your apps need to expose an URL scheme and using that you can check if the other app is available. They also could use an app group to communicate. But this will most likely not pass review as apps must do something useful by themselves. They will probably test your unlocker on a device that doesn't have your other app installed and immediately reject it.
I would strongly suggest to reconsider an IAP for this. That's basically the ideal use case for it. You must not be afraid of bad reviews for offering purchases. Trying to send the user to buy another app will probably give as many bad reviews if not more. The IAP flow is much more user-friendly.
As #Sven suggested IAP is recommended in your case.
If you want to maintain two different apps for trial and full version, you can give your trial app name as "APP NAME FREE", I think Apple will not reject the app with name "Free" in App name (I successfully uploaded free and paid versions of same app with this trick).

iOS app for a Cloud Storage Service rejected (for not providing In App Purchase for subscription)

We are a startup that provides cloud storage ( Our iOS app was rejected, and the reason given was the clauses 11.12 of the App Store Review Guidelines, which specifically says:
"Apps offering subscriptions must do so using IAP, Apple will share the
same 70/30 revenue split with developers for these purchases, as set
forth in the Developer Program License Agreement."
Please note that we are not offering any subscription from within the App. We do not have any links or buttons in the App that take the user to any external website, whatsoever. It is a very basic app, that lets the users view their files stored in "ZapDrive". To see what the app looks like, you can see it in the Google Play Store
One thing that we see could be close to a violation of the above rule is, on the first page of the App (which is the login screen), we have a text that says:
"Don't have a ZapDrive Account? Go to to sign up for a FREE account"
However, the above-mentioned line is just plain text, and does not "link" to the actuak website.
Also, the rejection notice says:
While your app maybe be intended to enhance the experience of your
existing subscribers, with the exception of the content specified in
Guideline 11.14, if the subscribed product is used within the app, the
subscription must be offered in the app using IAP.
Please not that we are not selling any content, or offering a subscription to any content. The users already own the content, and they copy it into their "ZapDrive". The app lets them view/stream the said content.
Although, Apple says that just because other apps are doing this, doesn't mean you can do it too. Still, a lot of other apps (DropBox, Google Drive, Box etc) offer subscriptions, but do not offer IAP.
Can someone please tell us, how are we violating the App Store Guidelines? And what can we do to make it compatible? Is it the text on the login screen that's causing this violation?
My guess is the link. Does the kindle app have a link in their app? Does Dropbox? I don't think so... Take out the link and resubmit and see what happens. Or you can ask apple for more details.
Your question is not a programming one; there's no better place to ask this than Apple themselves. All iTunesConnect rejections have a corresponding textbox you can communicate with them specifically about that rejection ticket.
