How to connect Jira Webhook to Azure service bus - jira

I am trying to connect the Jira webhooks to Azure Bus services to send my payload from Jira to Azure. When I tried using requestbin, I can able to receive the json payload from Jira webhook. But, when i tried with azure service bus URL in Jira , i am not receiving any messages. The Active message count is zero. Please help me in this case

Service Bus by itself will not push anything anywhere. You may try Service Bus Queue or Event Hub in combination with a Function App. The Function could be created with the trigger template for Queue or Event Hub. The Function could then call your WebHook or do any other things as per your requirement.
Relevant Links :
Or, you can check the Azure Service Bus to Event Grid integration


How to query Jira webhooks defined in descriptor of Atlassian Connect app?

I have a Jira connect app that specifies a number of static webhooks in the app descriptor. The webhooks aren't being fired for some (non-admin) users, which I'm trying to debug. In the docs, there's a way to query REST (dynamic) webhooks, using the but this returns an empty list for our app (presumably since the webhooks were declared as a connect module).I've tried this by GETting the /webhook/failed and the /webhook endpoints.
The app has ADMIN scope, and we have webhooks for a number of events including jira:issue_created, although for some users these are never firing.
My question is how can you query webhooks specified by an add-on in a connect descriptor? Is there a way to see failed deliveries or other metadata for webhooks that might have fired?
Thank you!

Listen to MS Teams Chat New Message

I'm trying to build a chatbot system which can interact with our organization's Microsoft Teams channel. The Chatbot will be deployed on GCP VM. I was wondering how to listen to new messages from Microsoft Teams so that the chatbot can reply Teams user correspondingly in real time.
I know we can use Graph API to get messages from Teams but it doesn't seem realistic to send API request every second to get messages from all Teams users. Is there any other approach?
(We cannot use Azure Bot Service in our organization)
You can Subscribe to chat message and once the message is sent, it will automatically notify to the configured endpoint.
Reference doc:

Twilio - Messaging Service Inbound Setting to Twilio Function instead of Webhook

I have a phone number that I configured the inbound messaging to run a Twilio function sends the message to the AWS SQS service.
But due to outbound traffic and other limitations, I setup a Messaging Service and I'm using the Passthrough API for bulk outbound. But for the inbound configurations for the Messaging Service, we are only limited to dumping the message, executing a webhook, or starting a conversation. I don't have the ability to run a Twilio function.
If I go back to the phone number configuration I can't have it both ways... it's either the Function or the Messaging Service.
Is there a way I can run a Twilio function on inbound messages to the Messaging Service or do I need to do this all in the webhook?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you choose Function in the inbound configuration for a number, it is just setting up the number to point to the Function's webhook URL.
So, you can enter the Function URL as the webhook URL for your messaging service and you shouldn't need to change anything else.

Twilio webhook backup solutions

I want to implement a Twilio webhook to receive sms responses for my initial sms message. However, instead of implementing the secondary "failover" webhook URL, is there a way to call a Twilio REST service to find out which webhook callback from Twilio to my service failed so my application can retrieve the failed message from the failed webhook call?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I definitely recommend implementing a fallback webhook so that you can at least record failures and know whether to call this other service.
However, you can call the Twilio Monitor API to find out about Alerts. This is a service that will give you information on all webhooks and REST API calls that your application has made that failed or produced a warning of some sort.
Let me know if that helps at all.

How to save twilio ip message to a database?

I'm discovering twilio ip messaging and i want to make a simple basic chat application. It's not so difficult but i want every sent messages to be stored in a database.
I was seeking some solutions into the twilio user interface but no such things to help me to solve this issue.
I am using amazon dynamodb. How could i process it so that each time I relogin to the chat i could see messages from the last session ?
Twilio evangelist here.
I think you are looking for the onMessageSend webhook:
You can configure for IP Messaging Service instance with a URL for this webhook either in the account portal or via the rest API. Twilio will request that URL whenever a client sends a message to the channel. The webhook will include the sender id, channel id and message which you can save to your database.
Hope that helps.
