How to query Jira webhooks defined in descriptor of Atlassian Connect app? - jira

I have a Jira connect app that specifies a number of static webhooks in the app descriptor. The webhooks aren't being fired for some (non-admin) users, which I'm trying to debug. In the docs, there's a way to query REST (dynamic) webhooks, using the but this returns an empty list for our app (presumably since the webhooks were declared as a connect module).I've tried this by GETting the /webhook/failed and the /webhook endpoints.
The app has ADMIN scope, and we have webhooks for a number of events including jira:issue_created, although for some users these are never firing.
My question is how can you query webhooks specified by an add-on in a connect descriptor? Is there a way to see failed deliveries or other metadata for webhooks that might have fired?
Thank you!


Need help pushing Zapier Webhook url to Go High Level

My problem is I don't know steps to create webhook.
What are specific steps to create a Zapier webhook (url) for me to push lead data from private crm to go high level?
If you're on a free account on Zapier, webhooks aren't supported. If you're looking for an alternatives that doesn't limit your abilities to receive webhooks for free, I created this open source app:

Testing twilio webhooks in dev environment

I have a web app in production using Twilio which makes use of the programmable video API and various webhook call backs. When certain events happen, Twilio lets my API know via the webhook so the appropriate actions are then triggered.
From what I can tell, there is no development (ie: sandbox) environment for Twilio. This is very strange. I would expect there to be a sandbox environment so that we can do complete local development without needing to create fake responses from Twilio for webhooks and the likes.
It appears that Twilio's recommendation is to use ngrok or similar for development. But this is not possible when you already have a production application running and Twilio has no sandbox. I can't simply change my webhook endpoint in my Twilio account to point to my local ngrok end point. That would mean that my production end point is not live during that time.
The other suggestion by Twilio is that we create fake responses which we expect to receive by using curl or similar. This seems incredibly impractical having to trigger fake responses at dozens of different points in time throughout the flow of an app rather than simply receiving them from a sandbox/dev environment with Twilio.
What is the recommended method to do local Twilio related development which incorporates webhook callbacks when you already have a production app running?
I'm not familiar with Twillio specifically but generally speaking, you can add multiple webhook URLs. The idea would be to have one URL pointing to your production server and another pointing to the Ngrok endpoint.
Alternatively, you could use (disclaimer: I'm the founder) to send the same webhook to multiple URLs. We call this webhook fan-out, you could set up both your production URL and Ngrok as destinations and provide a single endpoint (provided by Hookdeck) to Twilio.
It would look something like this:

How to connect Jira Webhook to Azure service bus

I am trying to connect the Jira webhooks to Azure Bus services to send my payload from Jira to Azure. When I tried using requestbin, I can able to receive the json payload from Jira webhook. But, when i tried with azure service bus URL in Jira , i am not receiving any messages. The Active message count is zero. Please help me in this case
Service Bus by itself will not push anything anywhere. You may try Service Bus Queue or Event Hub in combination with a Function App. The Function could be created with the trigger template for Queue or Event Hub. The Function could then call your WebHook or do any other things as per your requirement.
Relevant Links :
Or, you can check the Azure Service Bus to Event Grid integration

Microsoft Graph API callRecords Subscription not receiving notifications

I am currently evaluating Microsoft Teams Graph API endpoints for us and our customers. Our goal would be to compile a list of past callRecords for a specific user.
Since the API does not (currently) offer an endpoint to just fetch a list of past/done callRecords we need to subscribe to the /communications/callRecords notifications.
Using the example project specified in the documentation ( we successfully created subscriptions and were also able to update these subscriptions (not part of the example project).
I am running the example project on my local machine using ngrok as suggested.
So far everything works, but we do not get any notification. I made various calls with the Teams Desktop App using the same user that gave admin consent for accessing callRecords but I never received a notification on any test subscription.
The current active subscription in question is "07b23247-66d9-46b9-ac67-a72d5d702628" and was created around 2020-09-09T09:20:00.000Z (I do not have the precise minute/seconds). It since then has also been successfully renewed.
Here is an extract of the subscription creation response:
'#odata.context': '$metadata#subscriptions/$entity',
id: '07b23247-66d9-46b9-ac67-a72d5d702628',
resource: '/communications/callRecords',
changeType: 'created',
expirationDateTime: '2020-09-12T07:20:09.036Z'
I do monitor all incoming traffic using ngroks endpoint and so far I only received the validationToken requests. That tells me that the endpoint does indeed receive requests.
I am currently at a loss as where to look further for an error on my side.
I opened this stack overflow is as it is the requested action to take according to the troubleshoot section of the example project (

Can list messages but cant create subscription

I have an app that creates subscriptions for office365 users and does something whenever it gets a notification.
For 99% of users it works fine.
There's one user that I can't create subscription for even though he has an enabled exchange plan.
When I try to create subscription for him I get status code 404 and message: REST API is not yet supported for this mailbox.
However, I can list the user messages (i.e. mails) with API (GET request to{user_id}/messages)
Is it normal behavior? That user have no rest services enables for his mailbox (and therefore cant create subscription) but other rest services such as listing messages works just fine?
You are most likely getting this error because the organization has an hybrid deployment (Exchange on prem "linked" to the organization) and the mailbox that's failing is located on premises, not in the cloud.
Your application should handle the error and/or let the administrators know that this mailbox is failing, but there isn't much that can be done besides migrating the mailbox. For reference
