I am recreating the LightGBM binary log loss function using first and second-order derivatives calculated from https://www.derivative-calculator.net.
But my plots are different from the actual plots of the original definition as found in LightGBM
Why the difference in the plots? Am I calculating derivatives in the wrong way?
As we know,
loss = -y_true log(y_pred) - (1-y_true) log(1-y_pred) where y_pred = sigmoid(logits)
Here is what calculator finds for,
-y log(1/(1+e^-x)) - (1-y) log(1-1/(1+e^-x))
When I plot above using code,
def custom_odds_loss(y_true, y_pred):
y = y_true
# ======================
# Inverse sigmoid
# ======================
epsilon_ = 1e-7
y_pred = np.clip(y_pred, epsilon_, 1 - epsilon_)
y_pred = np.log(y_pred/(1-y_pred))
# ======================
grad = -((y-1)*np.exp(y_pred)+y)/(np.exp(y_pred)+1)
hess = np.exp(y_pred)/(np.exp(y_pred)+1)**2
return grad, hess
# Penalty chart for True 1s all the time
y_true_k = np.ones((1000, 1))
y_pred_k = np.expand_dims(np.linspace(0, 1, 1000), axis=1)
grad, hess = custom_odds_loss(y_true_k, y_pred_k)
data_ = {
'Payoff#grad': grad.flatten(),
pd.DataFrame(data_).plot(title='Target=1(G)|Penalty(y-axis) vs Probability/1000. (x-axis)');
data_ = {
'Payoff#hess': hess.flatten(),
pd.DataFrame(data_).plot(title='Target=1(H)|Penalty(y-axis) vs Probability/1000. (x-axis)');
Now, actual plot of LightGBM,
def custom_odds_loss(y_true, y_pred):
# ======================
# Inverse sigmoid
# ======================
epsilon_ = 1e-7
y_pred = np.clip(y_pred, epsilon_, 1 - epsilon_)
y_pred = np.log(y_pred/(1-y_pred))
# ======================
grad = y_pred - y_true
hess = y_pred * (1. - y_pred)
return grad, hess
# Penalty chart for True 1s all the time
y_true_k = np.ones((1000, 1))
y_pred_k = np.expand_dims(np.linspace(0, 1, 1000), axis=1)
grad, hess = custom_odds_loss(y_true_k, y_pred_k)
data_ = {
'Payoff#grad': grad.flatten(),
pd.DataFrame(data_).plot(title='Target=1(G)|Penalty(y-axis) vs Probability/1000. (x-axis)');
data_ = {
'Payoff#hess': hess.flatten(),
pd.DataFrame(data_).plot(title='Target=1(H)|Penalty(y-axis) vs Probability/1000. (x-axis)');
In the second function, you don't need to invert the sigmoid.
You see, the derivatives you found can be simplified as follows:
This simplification allows us not to invert anything and find the gradient and second derivative simply like this:
def custom_odds_loss(y_true, y_pred):
grad = y_pred - y_true
hess = y_pred * (1. - y_pred)
return grad, hess
I tried to implement a simple demo that gets a polynomial regression, but the linear model's loss fails to decrease.
I am confused about where I went wrong.
If I trained the model one sample(batch size = 1) each time, it works fine. but when I feed the model with many samples a time, the loss increase and get inf.
import numpy as np
import torch
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def rand_series(size):
x = np.linspace(-100, 100, size)
base_y = 20 * np.sin(2 * math.pi / 200 * x)
y = base_y + 10 * np.random.rand(size)
return x, y
def rescale_vec(vector):
vec_as_tensor = torch.tensor(vector, dtype=torch.float32)
max_in_vec = torch.max(vec_as_tensor)
min_in_vec = torch.min(vec_as_tensor)
if max_in_vec - min_in_vec == 0:
return torch.ones(vec_as_tensor.size(), dtype=torch.float32)
return (vec_as_tensor - min_in_vec) / (max_in_vec - min_in_vec)
def rescale(vectors):
if len(vectors.shape) == 1:
return rescale_vec(vectors)
nor_vecs = torch.empty(vectors.shape)
for i in range(vectors.shape[0]):
nor_vecs[i] = rescale_vec(vectors[i])
return nor_vecs
class LinearRegression (torch.nn.Module):
def __init__ (self, power=4):
self.layer = torch.nn.Linear(power, 1)
def forward(self, x):
return self.layer(x)
def regression(x_, y_, learning_rate):
x = torch.t(torch.tensor(x_, dtype=torch.float32))
y = torch.tensor(y_, dtype=torch.float32)
dim_size = x.size()[1]
print(dim_size, x.size())
model = LinearRegression(dim_size)
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
loss_func = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction='sum')
batch_size = 400
for round in range(50):
sample_indices = torch.randint(0, len(x), (batch_size, ))
x_samples = torch.index_select(x, 0, sample_indices)
y_samples = torch.index_select(y, 0, sample_indices)
y_hat = model(x_samples.view(-1, dim_size))
loss = loss_func(y_hat, y_samples)
return model
x_one, y = rand_series(1000)
b = np.ones(len(x_one))
x = np.array([b, x_one, x_one ** 2, x_one ** 3, x_one ** 4, x_one ** 5])
model = regression(rescale(x), torch.tensor(y, dtype=torch.float32), 0.002)
nor_x = rescale(x)
y_hat = model(torch.t(torch.tensor(x, dtype=torch.float32)))
plt.scatter(x_one, y)
plt.scatter(x_one, y_hat.data, c='red')
the loss:
You need to use loss_func = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction='mean') to solve the NaN problem. A batch of one or two seems to work because the loss was small enough. By adding more epochs, you should see that your loss tend exponentially to infinity.
Hey i am pretty new to tensorflow. I am building a classification model basically classifying into 0/1. Is there a way to predict probability of output being 1. Can predict_proba be used over here? Its been widely used in tflearn.dnn but can't find any reference to do it in my case.
def main():
train_x,test_x,train_y,test_y = load_csv_data()
x_size = train_x.shape[1]
y_size = train_y.shape[1]
# variables
X = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, x_size])
y = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None, y_size])
weights_1 = initialize_weights((x_size, h_size))
weights_2 = initialize_weights((h_size, y_size))
# Forward propagation
y_pred = forward_propagation(X, weights_1, weights_2)
predict = tf.argmax(y_pred, dimension=1)
# Backward propagation
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y, logits=y_pred))
updates_sgd = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(sgd_step).minimize(cost)
# Start tensorflow session
with tf.Session() as sess:
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
steps = 1
x = np.arange(steps)
test_acc = []
train_acc = []
print("Step, train accuracy, test accuracy")
for step in range(steps):
# Train with each example
batch_size = len(train_x)
avg_cost = 0
for i in range(len(train_x)):
_, c = sess.run([updates_sgd,cost], feed_dict={X: train_x[i: i + 1], y: train_y[i: i + 1]})
avg_cost += c/batch_size
train_accuracy = np.mean(np.argmax(train_y, axis=1) ==
sess.run(predict, feed_dict={X: train_x, y: train_y}))
test_accuracy = np.mean(np.argmax(test_y, axis=1) ==
sess.run(predict, feed_dict={X: test_x, y: test_y}))
print("%d, %.2f%%, %.2f%%"
% (step + 1, 100. * train_accuracy, 100. * test_accuracy))
test_acc.append(100. * test_accuracy)
train_acc.append(100. * train_accuracy)
predict = tf.argmax(y_pred,1)
test_data = load_test_data( )
pred = predict.eval(feed_dict={X:test_data})
for x in range(0,100):
Here you take argmax of probabilities:
predict = tf.argmax(y_pred, dimension=1)
If you return simply "y_pred" you should get probabilities.
Is there an example of sparse autoencoders in tensorflow? I was to able to run and understand the normal one from here https://github.com/aymericdamien/TensorFlow-Examples/blob/master/examples/3_NeuralNetworks/autoencoder.py
For sparse, do I just need to modify the cost function?
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import scipy.fftpack
import pdb, random
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from read_audio import read_audio
start,end= 3050,5723
def overlapping_chunks(l, sub_array_size, overlap_size):
return [l[i:i+sub_array_size] for i in range(0, len(l)-overlap_size, overlap_size)]
def conv_frq_domain(signal):
return top_100
for sample in samples:
print("Number of samples", str(len(examples)))
# Parameters
learning_rate = 0.001
training_epochs = 2000
batch_size = 2
display_step = 100
# Network Parameters
n_hidden_1 = 1000 # 1st layer num features
n_hidden_2 = 650 # 2nd layer num features
n_input = sample_len
# tf Graph input (only pictures)
X = tf.placeholder("float", [None, n_input])
weights = {
'encoder_h1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_input, n_hidden_1])),
'encoder_h2': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_1, n_hidden_2])),
'decoder_h1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_2, n_hidden_1])),
'decoder_h2': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_1, n_input])),
biases = {
'encoder_b1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_1])),
'encoder_b2': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_2])),
'decoder_b1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_1])),
'decoder_b2': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_input])),
# Building the encoder
def encoder(x):
# Encoder Hidden layer with sigmoid activation #1
layer_1 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.add(tf.matmul(x, weights['encoder_h1']),
# Decoder Hidden layer with sigmoid activation #2
layer_2 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.add(tf.matmul(layer_1, weights['encoder_h2']),
return layer_1,layer_2
# Building the decoder
def decoder(x):
# Encoder Hidden layer with sigmoid activation #1
layer_1 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.add(tf.matmul(x, weights['decoder_h1']),
# Decoder Hidden layer with sigmoid activation #2
layer_2 = tf.add(tf.matmul(layer_1, weights['decoder_h2']),
return layer_2
def kl_divergence(p_1, p_hat):
term1 = p_1 * tf.log(p_1)
term2 = p_1 * tf.log(p_hat)
term3 = tf.sub(tf.ones(num_len),p_1) * tf.log(tf.sub(tf.ones(num_len),p_1))
term4 = tf.sub(tf.ones(num_len),p_1) * tf.log(tf.sub(tf.ones(num_len) ,p_hat))
return tf.sub(tf.add(term1,term3),tf.add(term2,term4))
def sparsity_penalty(hidden_layer_acts, sparsity_level=0.05, sparse_reg=1e-3, batch_size=-1):
# = T.extra_ops.repeat(sparsity_level, self.nhid)
sparsity_penalty = 0
avg_act = Mean = tf.reduce_mean(hidden_layer_acts,1)
kl_div = kl_divergence(sparsity_level_vec, avg_act)
sparsity_penalty = sparse_reg * tf.reduce_sum(kl_div,0)
return sparsity_penalty
# Construct model
encoder_op1, encoder_op2 = encoder(X)
decoder_op = decoder(encoder_op2)
# Prediction
y_pred = decoder_op
# Targets (Labels) are the input data.
y_true = X
# Define loss and optimizer, minimize the squared error
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.pow(y_true - y_pred, 2)+sparsity_penalty(encoder_op2))
optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost)
# Initializing the variables
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
# Launch the graph
with tf.Session() as sess:
total_batch = int(len(examples)/batch_size)
# Training cycle
for epoch in range(training_epochs):
# Loop over all batches
for i in range(total_batch):
# Run optimization op (backprop) and cost op (to get loss value)
_, c = sess.run([optimizer, cost], feed_dict={X: batch_xs})
if epoch ==2500:
encode_decode = sess.run(y_pred, feed_dict={X: batch_xs})
# Display logs per epoch step
if epoch % display_step == 0:
print("Epoch:", '%04d' % (epoch+1),"cost=", "{:.9f}".format(c))
print("Optimization Finished!")
I was reading the original paper on BN and the stack overflow question on How could I use Batch Normalization in TensorFlow? which provides a very useful piece of code to insert a batch normalization block to a Neural Network but does not provides enough guidance on how to actually use it during training, inference and when evaluating models.
For example, I would like to track the train error during training and test error to make sure I don't overfit. Its clear that the batch normalization block should be off during test, but when evaluating the error on the training set, should the batch normalization block be turned off too? My main questions are:
During inference and error evaluation, should the batch normalization block be turned off regardless of the data set?
Does that mean that the batch normalization block should only be on during the training step then?
To make it very clear, I will provide an extract (of simplified) code I have been using to run batch normalization with Tensor flow according to what is my understanding of what is the right thing to do:
if phase_train is not None:
feed_dict_train = {x:X_train, y_:Y_train, phase_train: False}
feed_dict_cv = {x:X_cv, y_:Y_cv, phase_train: False}
feed_dict_test = {x:X_test, y_:Y_test, phase_train: False}
#Don't do BN
feed_dict_train = {x:X_train, y_:Y_train}
feed_dict_cv = {x:X_cv, y_:Y_cv}
feed_dict_test = {x:X_test, y_:Y_test}
def get_batch_feed(X, Y, M, phase_train):
mini_batch_indices = np.random.randint(M,size=M)
Xminibatch = X[mini_batch_indices,:] # ( M x D^(0) )
Yminibatch = Y[mini_batch_indices,:] # ( M x D^(L) )
if phase_train is not None:
feed_dict = {x: Xminibatch, y_: Yminibatch, phase_train: True}
#Don't do BN
feed_dict = {x: Xminibatch, y_: Yminibatch}
return feed_dict
with tf.Session() as sess:
sess.run( tf.initialize_all_variables() )
for iter_step in xrange(steps):
feed_dict_batch = get_batch_feed(X_train, Y_train, M, phase_train)
# Collect model statistics
if iter_step%report_error_freq == 0:
train_error = sess.run(fetches=l2_loss, feed_dict=feed_dict_train)
cv_error = sess.run(fetches=l2_loss, feed_dict=feed_dict_cv)
test_error = sess.run(fetches=l2_loss, feed_dict=feed_dict_test)
do_stuff_with_errors(train_error, cv_error, test_error)
# Run Train Step
sess.run(fetches=train_step, feed_dict=feed_dict_batch)
and the code I am using to produce batch normalization blocks is:
def standard_batch_norm(l, x, n_out, phase_train, scope='BN'):
Batch normalization on feedforward maps.
x: Vector
n_out: integer, depth of input maps
phase_train: boolean tf.Varialbe, true indicates training phase
scope: string, variable scope
normed: batch-normalized maps
with tf.variable_scope(scope+l):
#beta = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.0, shape=[n_out], dtype=tf.float64 ), name='beta', trainable=True, dtype=tf.float64 )
#gamma = tf.Variable(tf.constant(1.0, shape=[n_out],dtype=tf.float64 ), name='gamma', trainable=True, dtype=tf.float64 )
init_beta = tf.constant(0.0, shape=[n_out], dtype=tf.float64)
init_gamma = tf.constant(1.0, shape=[n_out],dtype=tf.float64)
beta = tf.get_variable(name='beta'+l, dtype=tf.float64, initializer=init_beta, regularizer=None, trainable=True)
gamma = tf.get_variable(name='gamma'+l, dtype=tf.float64, initializer=init_gamma, regularizer=None, trainable=True)
batch_mean, batch_var = tf.nn.moments(x, [0], name='moments')
ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay=0.5)
def mean_var_with_update():
ema_apply_op = ema.apply([batch_mean, batch_var])
with tf.control_dependencies([ema_apply_op]):
return tf.identity(batch_mean), tf.identity(batch_var)
mean, var = tf.cond(phase_train, mean_var_with_update, lambda: (ema.average(batch_mean), ema.average(batch_var)))
normed = tf.nn.batch_normalization(x, mean, var, beta, gamma, 1e-3)
return normed
I found that there is 'official' batch_norm layer in tensorflow. Try it out:
Most likely it is not mentioned in docs since it included in some RC or 'beta' version only.
I haven't inspected deep into this matter yet, but as far as I see from documentation you just use binary parameter is_training in this batch_norm layer, and set it to true only for training phase. Try it out.
UPDATE: Below is the code to load data, build a network with one hidden ReLU layer and L2 normalization and introduce batch normalization for both hidden and out layer. This runs fine and trains fine.
# These are all the modules we'll be using later. Make sure you can import them
# before proceeding further.
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from six.moves import cPickle as pickle
pickle_file = '/home/maxkhk/Documents/Udacity/DeepLearningCourse/SourceCode/tensorflow/examples/udacity/notMNIST.pickle'
with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as f:
save = pickle.load(f)
train_dataset = save['train_dataset']
train_labels = save['train_labels']
valid_dataset = save['valid_dataset']
valid_labels = save['valid_labels']
test_dataset = save['test_dataset']
test_labels = save['test_labels']
del save # hint to help gc free up memory
print('Training set', train_dataset.shape, train_labels.shape)
print('Validation set', valid_dataset.shape, valid_labels.shape)
print('Test set', test_dataset.shape, test_labels.shape)
image_size = 28
num_labels = 10
def reformat(dataset, labels):
dataset = dataset.reshape((-1, image_size * image_size)).astype(np.float32)
# Map 2 to [0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ...], 3 to [0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ...]
labels = (np.arange(num_labels) == labels[:,None]).astype(np.float32)
return dataset, labels
train_dataset, train_labels = reformat(train_dataset, train_labels)
valid_dataset, valid_labels = reformat(valid_dataset, valid_labels)
test_dataset, test_labels = reformat(test_dataset, test_labels)
print('Training set', train_dataset.shape, train_labels.shape)
print('Validation set', valid_dataset.shape, valid_labels.shape)
print('Test set', test_dataset.shape, test_labels.shape)
def accuracy(predictions, labels):
return (100.0 * np.sum(np.argmax(predictions, 1) == np.argmax(labels, 1))
/ predictions.shape[0])
#for NeuralNetwork model code is below
#We will use SGD for training to save our time. Code is from Assignment 2
#beta is the new parameter - controls level of regularization.
#Feel free to play with it - the best one I found is 0.001
#notice, we introduce L2 for both biases and weights of all layers
batch_size = 128
beta = 0.001
#building tensorflow graph
graph = tf.Graph()
with graph.as_default():
# Input data. For the training data, we use a placeholder that will be fed
# at run time with a training minibatch.
tf_train_dataset = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
shape=(batch_size, image_size * image_size))
tf_train_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(batch_size, num_labels))
tf_valid_dataset = tf.constant(valid_dataset)
tf_test_dataset = tf.constant(test_dataset)
#introduce batchnorm
tf_train_dataset_bn = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(tf_train_dataset)
#now let's build our new hidden layer
#that's how many hidden neurons we want
num_hidden_neurons = 1024
#its weights
hidden_weights = tf.Variable(
tf.truncated_normal([image_size * image_size, num_hidden_neurons]))
hidden_biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([num_hidden_neurons]))
#now the layer itself. It multiplies data by weights, adds biases
#and takes ReLU over result
hidden_layer = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(tf_train_dataset_bn, hidden_weights) + hidden_biases)
#adding the batch normalization layerhi()
hidden_layer_bn = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(hidden_layer)
#time to go for output linear layer
#out weights connect hidden neurons to output labels
#biases are added to output labels
out_weights = tf.Variable(
tf.truncated_normal([num_hidden_neurons, num_labels]))
out_biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([num_labels]))
#compute output
out_layer = tf.matmul(hidden_layer_bn,out_weights) + out_biases
#our real output is a softmax of prior result
#and we also compute its cross-entropy to get our loss
#Notice - we introduce our L2 here
loss = (tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
out_layer, tf_train_labels) +
beta*tf.nn.l2_loss(hidden_weights) +
beta*tf.nn.l2_loss(hidden_biases) +
beta*tf.nn.l2_loss(out_weights) +
#now we just minimize this loss to actually train the network
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.5).minimize(loss)
#nice, now let's calculate the predictions on each dataset for evaluating the
#performance so far
# Predictions for the training, validation, and test data.
train_prediction = tf.nn.softmax(out_layer)
valid_relu = tf.nn.relu( tf.matmul(tf_valid_dataset, hidden_weights) + hidden_biases)
valid_prediction = tf.nn.softmax( tf.matmul(valid_relu, out_weights) + out_biases)
test_relu = tf.nn.relu( tf.matmul( tf_test_dataset, hidden_weights) + hidden_biases)
test_prediction = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(test_relu, out_weights) + out_biases)
#now is the actual training on the ANN we built
#we will run it for some number of steps and evaluate the progress after
#every 500 steps
#number of steps we will train our ANN
num_steps = 3001
#actual training
with tf.Session(graph=graph) as session:
for step in range(num_steps):
# Pick an offset within the training data, which has been randomized.
# Note: we could use better randomization across epochs.
offset = (step * batch_size) % (train_labels.shape[0] - batch_size)
# Generate a minibatch.
batch_data = train_dataset[offset:(offset + batch_size), :]
batch_labels = train_labels[offset:(offset + batch_size), :]
# Prepare a dictionary telling the session where to feed the minibatch.
# The key of the dictionary is the placeholder node of the graph to be fed,
# and the value is the numpy array to feed to it.
feed_dict = {tf_train_dataset : batch_data, tf_train_labels : batch_labels}
_, l, predictions = session.run(
[optimizer, loss, train_prediction], feed_dict=feed_dict)
if (step % 500 == 0):
print("Minibatch loss at step %d: %f" % (step, l))
print("Minibatch accuracy: %.1f%%" % accuracy(predictions, batch_labels))
print("Validation accuracy: %.1f%%" % accuracy(
valid_prediction.eval(), valid_labels))
print("Test accuracy: %.1f%%" % accuracy(test_prediction.eval(), test_labels))
I want to implement the MLP model taught in https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning, using tensorflow. Here's implementation.
# one hidden layer MLP
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 784])
y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 10])
W_h1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([784, 512]))
h1 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(x, W_h1))
W_out = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([512, 10]))
y_ = tf.matmul(h1, W_out)
# cross_entropy = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(y_, y)
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_sum(- y * tf.log(y_) - (1 - y) * tf.log(1 - y_), 1)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy)
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.05).minimize(loss)
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y, 1), tf.argmax(y_, 1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
# train
with tf.Session() as s:
for i in range(10000):
batch_x, batch_y = mnist.train.next_batch(100)
s.run(train_step, feed_dict={x: batch_x, y: batch_y})
if i % 100 == 0:
train_accuracy = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={x: batch_x, y: batch_y})
print('step {0}, training accuracy {1}'.format(i, train_accuracy))
However, it does not work. I think the definition for the layers are correct, but the problem is in the cross_entropy. If I use the first one, the one got commented out, the model converges quickly; but if I use the 2nd one, which I think/hope is the translation of the previous equation, the model won't converge.
If you want to take a look at the cost equation, you can find it at here.
I have implemented this same MLP model using numpy and scipy, and it works.
In the tensorflow code, I added a print line in the training loop, and I found out that all the elements in y_ are nan...I think it is caused by arithmetic overflow or something alike.
It is likely 0*log(0) issue.
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_sum(- y * tf.log(y_) - (1 - y) * tf.log(1 - y_), 1)
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_sum(- y * tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(y_, 1e-10, 1.0)) - (1 - y) * tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(1 - y_, 1e-10, 1.0)), 1)
Please see Tensorflow NaN bug?.
The problem I think is that nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits expects unormalized results, where as the function you replace it with cross_entropy = tf.reduce_sum(- y * tf.log(y_) - (1 - y) * tf.log(1 - y_), 1)
Expects y_ to be normalized (by the sigmoid) between 0 and 1
try replacing
y_ = tf.matmul(h1, W_out)
y_ = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(h1, W_out))