We are trying an alteration optimization strategy to solve Lyapunov problems.
We break down our decision variables into two sets, Set 1 and Set 2.
We were perplexed how it was possible that, after getting a solution to Set 1, and plugging in those solved variables into the optimization over Set 2, the transferred variables would not be feasible.
The constraints that fail are those due to the SOS coefficient matching equality constraints.
Here, we print in each row the constraint that failed, and the value of our Initial Guess. We can see that the Initial Guess is off only a very small amount compared to the constraints.
(2 * Symmetric(97,40) + 2 * Symmetric(96,41)) == 9.50028
(2 * Symmetric(97,47) + 2 * Symmetric(96,48)) == 234.465
(2 * Symmetric(97,54) + 2 * Symmetric(96,55)) == -234.463
(2 * Symmetric(97,61) + 2 * Symmetric(96,62)) == 12.7962
(2 * Symmetric(97,68) + 2 * Symmetric(96,69)) == -12.7964
(2 * Symmetric(97,75) + 2 * Symmetric(96,76)) == -51.4061
(2 * Symmetric(97,81) + 2 * Symmetric(96,82)) == 51.406
(2 * Symmetric(97,86) + 2 * Symmetric(96,87)) == 192.794
(2 * Symmetric(97,90) + 2 * Symmetric(96,91)) == -141.924
(2 * Symmetric(97,93) + 2 * Symmetric(96,94)) == -37.6674
InitialGuess V_sos and
Our guess for what's happening is:
When you extract the solution from one optimization using result.GetSolution(var), you lose some precision.
Or, when you set the previous solution using prog.SetInitialGuess(np_array) you lose some precision.
What's the solution here? Should we just keep feeding the solution back in even though it says infeasible?
This is a partial cookbook when I debug SOS problem, especially when working with Lyapunov problems:
Choose the right monomial basis
The main idea is to remove the 0-th order monomial 1 from the monomial basis of the sos polynomial. Here is a quick explanation:
The mathematical problem is
Find λ(x)
−Vdot − λ(x) * (ρ − V) is sos
λ(x) is sos
Namely you want to prove that V≤ρ ⇒ Vdot ≤ 0
So first I would suggest to re-write your dynamics to make sure that 0 is the goal state (you can always shift your state).
Second you can see that since x=0 is the equilibrium point, then both V(0) = 0 and Vdot(0) = 0 (Because x=0 is the global minimal of V(x), hence ∂V/∂x=0 at x=0, indicating Vdot(0) = 0), now your sos polynomial p(x) = −Vdot − λ(x) * (ρ − V) must satisfy p(0) = -λ(0) * ρ. But λ(x) >= 0 and ρ > 0, so we know λ(0) = 0.
If a sos polynomial s(x) satisfies s(0) = 0, then its monomial basis cannot contain the 0-th order monomial (namely 1).
Remember that s(x) is a sos polynomial, namely
s(x) = m(x)ᵀQm(x)
where m(x) contains the monomial basis, and Q is a psd matrix. Now let's decompose the monomial basis m(x) into two parts, the 0-th order monomial 1 and the remaining monomials mbar(x). For example, if m(x) = [x1, x2, 1], then mbar(x) = [x1, x2]. We also decompose the psd matrix Q accordingly
s(x) = [mbar(x)]ᵀ [Q11 Q10] [mbar(x)]
[ 1] [Q10 Q00] [ 1]
Since s(0) = Q00 = 0, we also know that Q10 = 0, so now we can use a smaller psd matrix Q11 rather than Q. Equivalently we write s(x) = mbar(x)ᵀ * Q11 * mbar(x), where mbar(x) is the monomial basis that doesn't contain the 0-th order monomial, QED.
So why removing the 0-th order monomial from the monomial basis and use the smaller psd matrix Q11 is a good idea when your sos polynomial s(x) satisfies s(0) = 0? The reason is that if the monomial basis contains 1, then your psd matrix Q has to be on the boundary of the psd cone, namely your SDP problem doesn't have a strict interior. This could leads to violation of Slater's condition, which also breaks the strong duality. One example is that if your s(x) = x², by including the 0'th order monomial, it is written as
x² = [x] [1 0] [x]
[1] [0 0] [1]
And you see that the Gram matrix [[1 0], [0, 0]] is on the boundary of the psd cone (with one eigen value equal to 0). But if you remove 1 from the monomial basis, then its Gram matrix is just Q11=1, strictly in the interior of the psd cone.
In Drake, after removing 1 from the monomial basis, you can create your sos polynomial λ(x) as
lambda_poly, lambda_gram = prog.NewSosPolynomial(monomial_basis)
whee monomial_basis doesn't contain the 0-th order monomial.
Backoff during bilinear alternation
This is a typical problem in bilinear alternation. The issue is that when you solve a conic optimization problem with an objective function, the optimal solution always occurs at the boundary of the cone, namely it is very close to being infeasible. Then when you fix some variables to this solution at the cone boundary, in the next iteration the problem is very likely infeasible due to numerical roundoff error.
A typical solution is that after solving the optimization problem on variable Set 1 with an objective, now "backoff" a little bit by solving a feasibility problem on variable Set 1. This new solution is often strictly feasible (namely it is inside the strict interior of the cone), now pass this strictly feasible solution Set 1 to the next iteration and search for Set 2.
More concretely, suppose at one iteration you solve the following optimization problem
min c'*x
s.t constraint_on_x
and denote the optimal cost as p. Now solve a new feasibility problem
find x
s.t c'*x <= p + epsilon
where epsilon can be a small positive number. This new solution will be used in the next iteration to search for a different set of variables.
You can check if your solution is on the boundary of the positive semidefinite cone by checking the Eigen value of your psd matrix. Here is the pseudo-code
for binding : prog.positive_semidefinite_constraints():
psd_sol = result.GetSolution(binding.variables())
psd_sol.reshape((binding.evaluator().matrix_rows(), binding.evaluator().matrix_rows()))
print(f"minimal eigenvalue {np.linalg.eig(psd_sol)[0].min()}")
You should see that before doing this "backoff" some of the minimal eigen value is almost 0. After "backoff" the minimal eigen value gets larger.
Given a graph (say fully-connected), and a list of distances between all the points, is there an available way to calculate the number of dimensions required to instantiate the graph?
E.g. by construction, say we have graph G with points A, B, C and distances AB=BC=CA=1. Starting from A (0 dimensions) we add B at distance 1 (1 dimension), now we find that a 2nd dimension is needed to add C and satisfy the constraints. Does code exist to do this and spit out (in this case) dim(G) = 2?
E.g. if the points are photos, and the distances between them calculated by the Gist algorithm (, I would expect the derived dimension to match the number image parameters considered by Gist.
Added: here is a 5-d python demo based on the suggestion - seemingly perfect!
'similarities' is the distance matrix.
import numpy as np
from sklearn import manifold
similarities = [[0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
[1., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
[1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 1.],
[1., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1.],
[1., 1., 1., 1., 0., 1.],
[1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0]]
seed = np.random.RandomState(seed=3)
for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
mds = manifold.MDS(n_components=i, max_iter=3000, eps=1e-9, random_state=seed,
dissimilarity="precomputed", n_jobs=1)
print("%d %f" % (i,
1 3.333333
2 1.071797
3 0.343146
4 0.151531
5 0.000000
I find that when I apply this method to a subset of my data (distances between 329 pictures with '11' in the file name, using two different metrics), the stress doesn't decrease to 0 as linearly I'd expect from the above - it levels off after about 5 dimensions. (On the SURF results I tried doubling max_iter, and varying eps by an order of magnitude each way without changing results in the first four digits.)
It turns out the distances do not satisfy the triangle inequality in ~0.02% of the triangles, with the average violation roughly equal to 8% the average distance, for one metric examined.
Overall I prefer the fractal dimension of the sorted distances since it is doesn't require picking a cutoff. I'm marking the MDS response as an answer because it works for the consistent case. My results for the fractal dimension and the MDS case are below.
Another descriptive statistic turns out to be the triangle violations. Results for this further below. If anyone could generalize to higher dimensions, that would be very interesting (results and learning python :-).
MDS results, ignoring the triangle inequality issue:
N_dim stress_
SURF_match GIST_match
1 83859853704.027344 913512153794.477295
2 24402474549.902721 238300303503.782837
3 14335187473.611954 107098797170.304825
4 10714833228.199451 67612051749.697998
5 9451321873.828577 49802989323.714806
6 8984077614.154467 40987031663.725784
7 8748071137.806602 35715876839.391762
8 8623980894.453981 32780605791.135693
9 8580736361.368249 31323719065.684353
10 8558536956.142039 30372127335.209297
100 8544120093.395177 28786825401.178596
1000 8544192695.435946 28786840008.666389
Forging ahead with that to devise a metric to compare the dimensionality of the two results, an ad hoc choice is to set the criterion to
1.1 * stress_at_dim=100
resulting in the proposition that the SURF_match has a quasi-dimension in 5..6, while GIST_match has a quasi-dimension in 8..9. I'm curious if anyone thinks that means anything :-). Another question is whether there is any meaningful interpretation for the relative magnitudes of stress at any dimension for the two metrics. Here are some results to put it in perspective. Frac_d is the fractal dimension of the sorted distances, calculated according to Higuchi's method using code from IQM, Dim is the dimension as described above.
Method Frac_d Dim stress(100) stress(1)
Lab_CIE94 1.1458 3 2114107376961504.750000 33238672000252052.000000
Greyscale 1.0490 8 42238951082.465477 1454262245593.781250
HS_12x12 1.0889 19 33661589105.972816 3616806311396.510254
HS_24x24 1.1298 35 16070009781.315575 4349496176228.410645
HS_48x48 1.1854 64 7231079366.861403 4836919775090.241211
GIST 1.2312 9 28786830336.332951 997666139720.167114
HOG_250_words 1.3114 10 10120761644.659481 150327274044.045624
HOG_500_words 1.3543 13 4740814068.779779 70999988871.696045
HOG_1k_words 1.3805 15 2364984044.641845 38619752999.224922
SIFT_1k_words 1.5706 11 1930289338.112194 18095265606.237080
SURFFAST_200w 1.3829 8 2778256463.307569 40011821579.313110
SRFFAST_250_w 1.3754 8 2591204993.421285 35829689692.319153
SRFFAST_500_w 1.4551 10 1620830296.777577 21609765416.960484
SURFFAST_1k_w 1.5023 14 949543059.290031 13039001089.887533
SURFFAST_4k_w 1.5690 19 582893432.960562 5016304129.389058
Looking at the Pearson correlation between columns of the table:
Pearson correlation 2-tailed p-value
FracDim, Dim: (-0.23333296587402277, 0.40262625206429864)
Dim, Stress(100): (-0.24513480360257348, 0.37854224076180676)
Dim, Stress(1): (-0.24497740363489209, 0.37885820835053186)
Stress(100),S(1): ( 0.99999998200931084, 8.9357374620135412e-50)
FracDim, S(100): (-0.27516440489210137, 0.32091019789264791)
FracDim, S(1): (-0.27528621200454373, 0.32068731053608879)
I naively wonder how all correlations but one can be negative, and what conclusions can be drawn. Using this code:
import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr
file = sys.argv[1]
col1 = int(sys.argv[2])
col2 = int(sys.argv[3])
arr1 = []
arr2 = []
with open(file, "r") as ins:
for line in ins:
words = line.split()
narr1 = np.array(arr1)
narr2 = np.array(arr2)
# normalize
narr1 -= narr1.mean(0)
narr2 -= narr2.mean(0)
# standardize
narr1 /= narr1.std(0)
narr2 /= narr2.std(0)
print pearsonr(narr1, narr2)
On to the number of violations of the triangle inequality by the various metrics, all for the 329 pics with '11' in their sequence:
(1) n_violations/triangles
(2) avg violation
(3) avg distance
(4) avg violation / avg distance
n_vio (1) (2) (3) (4)
lab 186402 0.031986 157120.407286 795782.437570 0.197441
grey 126902 0.021776 1323.551315 5036.899585 0.262771
600px 120566 0.020689 1339.299040 5106.055953 0.262296
Gist 69269 0.011886 1252.289855 4240.768117 0.295298
12^3 25323 0.004345 791.203886 7305.977862 0.108295
24^3 7398 0.001269 525.981752 8538.276549 0.061603
32^3 5404 0.000927 446.044597 8827.910112 0.050527
48^3 5026 0.000862 640.310784 9095.378790 0.070400
64^3 3994 0.000685 614.752879 9270.282684 0.066314
98^3 3451 0.000592 576.815995 9409.094095 0.061304
128^3 1923 0.000330 531.054082 9549.109033 0.055613
12^3 25190 0.004323 790.258158 7313.379003 0.108057
24^3 7531 0.001292 526.027221 8560.853557 0.061446
32^3 5463 0.000937 449.759107 8847.079639 0.050837
48^3 5327 0.000914 645.766473 9106.240103 0.070915
64^3 4382 0.000752 634.000685 9272.151040 0.068377
128^3 2156 0.000370 544.644712 9515.696642 0.057236
12x12 7882 0.001353 950.321873 7555.464323 0.125779
24x24 1740 0.000299 900.577586 8227.559169 0.109459
48x48 1137 0.000195 661.389622 8653.085004 0.076434
64x64 1134 0.000195 697.298942 8776.086144 0.079454
12x12 6898 0.001184 943.319078 7564.309456 0.124707
24x24 1790 0.000307 908.031844 8237.927256 0.110226
48x48 1267 0.000217 693.607735 8647.060308 0.080213
64x64 1289 0.000221 682.567106 8761.325172 0.077907
250 53782 0.009229 675.056004 1968.357004 0.342954
500 18680 0.003205 559.354979 1431.803914 0.390665
1k 9330 0.001601 771.307074 970.307130 0.794910
4k 5587 0.000959 993.062824 650.037429 1.527701
500 26466 0.004542 1267.833182 1073.692611 1.180816
1k 16489 0.002829 1598.830736 824.586293 1.938949
4k 10528 0.001807 1918.068294 533.492373 3.595306
250 38162 0.006549 630.098999 1006.401837 0.626091
500 19853 0.003407 901.724525 830.596690 1.085635
1k 10659 0.001829 1310.348063 648.191424 2.021545
4k 8988 0.001542 1488.200156 419.794008 3.545072
Anyone capable of generalizing to higher dimensions? Here is my first-timer code:
import sys
import time
import math
import numpy as np
import sortedcontainers
from sortedcontainers import SortedSet
from sklearn import manifold
seed = np.random.RandomState(seed=3)
pairs = sys.argv[1]
ss = SortedSet()
print time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), "counting/indexing"
with open(pairs, "r") as ins:
for line in ins:
words = line.split()
N = len(ss)
print time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), "size ", N
sim = np.diag(np.zeros(N))
dtot = 0.0
with open(pairs, "r") as ins:
for line in ins:
words = line.split()
i = ss.index(words[0])
j = ss.index(words[1])
#val = math.log(float(words[2]))
#val = math.sqrt(float(words[2]))
val = float(words[2])
sim[i][j] = val
sim[j][i] = val
dtot += val
avgd = dtot / (N * (N-1))
ntri = 0
nvio = 0
vio = 0.0
for i in xrange(1, N):
for j in xrange(i+1, N):
d1 = sim[i][j]
for k in xrange(j+1, N):
ntri += 1
d2 = sim[i][k]
d3 = sim[j][k]
dd = d1 + d2
diff = d3 - dd
if (diff > 0.0):
nvio += 1
vio += diff
avgvio = 0.0
if (nvio > 0):
avgvio = vio / nvio
print("tot: %d %f %f %f %f" % (nvio, (float(nvio)/ntri), avgvio, avgd, (avgvio/avgd)))
Here is how I tried sklearn's Isomap:
for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
# nbrs < points
iso = manifold.Isomap(n_neighbors=nbrs, n_components=i,
eigen_solver="auto", tol=1e-9, max_iter=3000,
path_method="auto", neighbors_algorithm="auto")
dis = euclidean_distances(
stress = ((dis.ravel() - sim.ravel()) ** 2).sum() / 2
Given a graph (say fully-connected), and a list of distances between all the points, is there an available way to calculate the number of dimensions required to instantiate the graph?
Yes. The more general topic this problem would be part of, in terms of graph theory, is called "Graph Embedding".
E.g. by construction, say we have graph G with points A, B, C and distances AB=BC=CA=1. Starting from A (0 dimensions) we add B at distance 1 (1 dimension), now we find that a 2nd dimension is needed to add C and satisfy the constraints. Does code exist to do this and spit out (in this case) dim(G) = 2?
This is almost exactly the way that Multidimensional Scaling works.
Multidimensional scaling (MDS) would not exactly answer the question of "How many dimensions would I need to represent this point cloud / graph?" with a number but it returns enough information to approximate it.
Multidimensional Scaling methods will attempt to find a "good mapping" to reduce the number of dimensions, say from 120 (in the original space) down to 4 (in another space). So, in a way, you can iteratively try different embeddings for increasing number of dimensions and look at the "stress" (or error) of each embedding. The number of dimensions you are after is the first number for which there is an abrupt minimisation of the error.
Due to the way it works, Classical MDS, can return a vector of eigenvalues for the new mapping. By examining this vector of eigenvalues you can determine how many of its entries you would need to retain to achieve a (good enough, or low error) representation of the original dataset.
The key concept here is the "similarity" matrix which is a fancy name for a graph's distance matrix (which you already seem to have), irrespectively of its semantics.
Embedding algorithms, in general, are trying to find an embedding that may look different but at the end of the day, the point cloud in the new space will end up having a similar (depending on how much error we can afford) distance matrix.
In terms of code, I am sure that there is something available in all major scientific computing packages but off the top of my head I can point you towards Python and MATLAB code examples.
E.g. if the points are photos, and the distances between them calculated by the Gist algorithm (, I would expect the derived dimension to match the number image parameters considered by Gist
Not exactly. This is a very good use case though. In this case, what MDS would return, or what you would be probing with dimensionality reduction in general would be to check how many of these features seem to be required to represent your dataset. Therefore, depending on the scenes, or, depending on the dataset, you might realise that not all of these features are necessary for a good enough representation of the whole dataset. (In addition, you might want to have a look at this link as well).
Hope this helps.
First, you can assume that any dataset has a dimensionality of at most 4 or 5. To get more relevant dimensions, you would need one million elements (or something like that).
Apparently, you already computed a distance. Are you sure it is actually a relavnt metric? Is it efficient for images that are quite distant? Perhaps you can try Isomap (geodesic distance, starting for only close neighbors) and see if your embedded space may not actually be Euclidian.
Someone will answer a series of questions and will mark each important (I), very important (V), or extremely important (E). I'll then match their answers with answers given by everyone else, compute the percent of the answers in each bucket that are the same, then combine the percentages to get a final score.
For example, I answer 10 questions, marking 3 as extremely important, 5 as very important, and 2 as important. I then match my answers with someone else's, and they answer the same to 2/3 extremely important questions, 4/5 very important questions, and 2/2 important questions. This results in percentages of 66.66 (extremely important), 80.00 (very important), and 100.00 (important). I then combine these 3 percentages to get a final score, but I first weigh each percentage to reflect the importance of each bucket. So the result would be something like: score = E * 66.66 + V * 80.00 + I * 100.00. The values of E, V, and I (the weights) are what I'm trying to figure out how to calculate.
The following are the constraints present:
1 + X + X^2 = X^3
E >= X * V >= X^2 * I > 0
E + V + I = 1
E + 0.9 * V >= 0.9
0.9 > 0.9 * E + 0.75 * V >= 0.75
E + I < 0.75
When combining the percentages, I could give important a weight of 0.0749, very important a weight of .2501, and extremely important a weight of 0.675, but this seems arbitrary, so I'm wondering how to go about calculating the optimal value for each weight. Also, how do I calculate the optimal weights if I ignore all constraints?
As far as what I mean by optimal: while adhering to the last 4 constraints, I want the weight of each bucket to be the maximum possible value, while having the weights be as far apart as possible (extremely important questions weighted maximally more than very important questions, and very important questions weighted maximally more than important questions).
I am using the Kalman Filter opencv library to use the Kalman estimator capabilities.
My program does not enforce real time recursion. My question is, when the transition matrix has elements dependent on the time step, do I have to update the transition matrix every time use it (in predict or correct) to reflect the time passed since last recursion?
Edit: The reason I ask this is because the filter works well with no corrections on the transition matrix but it does not when I update the time steps.
Many descriptions of the Kalman Filter write the transition matrix as F as if it's a constant. As you have discovered, you have to update it (along with Q) on each update in some cases, such as with a variable timestep.
Consider a simple system of position and velocity, with
F = [ 1 1 ] [ x ]
[ 0 1 ] [ v ]
So at each step x = x + v (position updates according to velocity) and v = v (no change in velocity).
This is fine, as long as your velocity is in units of length / timestep. If your timestep varies, or if you express your velocity in a more typical unit like length / s, you will need to write F like this:
F = [ 1 dt ] [ x ]
[ 0 1 ] [ v ]
This means you must compute a new value for F whenever your timestep changes (or every time, if there is no set schedule).
Keep in mind that you are also adding in the process noise Q on each update, so it likely needs to be scaled by time as well.
I want to find the standard deviation:
Minimum = 5
Mean = 24
Maximum = 84
Overall score = 90
I just want to find out my grade by using the standard deviation
A standard deviation cannot in general be computed from just the min, max, and mean. This can be demonstrated with two sets of scores that have the same min, and max, and mean but different standard deviations:
1 2 4 5 : min=1 max=5 mean=3 stdev≈1.5811
1 3 3 5 : min=1 max=5 mean=3 stdev≈0.7071
Also, what does an 'overall score' of 90 mean if the maximum is 84?
I actually did a quick-and-dirty calculation of the type M Rad mentions. It involves assuming that the distribution is Gaussian or "normal." This does not apply to your situation but might help others asking the same question. (You can tell your distribution is not normal because the distance from mean to max and mean to min is not close). Even if it were normal, you would need something you don't mention: the number of samples (number of tests taken in your case).
Those readers who DO have a normal population can use the table below to give a rough estimate by dividing the difference of your measured minimum and your calculated mean by the expected value for your sample size. On average, it will be off by the given number of standard deviations. (I have no idea whether it is biased - change the code below and calculate the error without the abs to get a guess.)
Num Samples Expected distance Expected error
10 1.55 0.25
20 1.88 0.20
30 2.05 0.18
40 2.16 0.17
50 2.26 0.15
60 2.33 0.15
70 2.38 0.14
80 2.43 0.14
90 2.47 0.13
100 2.52 0.13
This experiment shows that the "rule of thumb" of dividing the range by 4 to get the standard deviation is in general incorrect -- even for normal populations. In my experiment it only holds for sample sizes between 20 and 40 (and then loosely). This rule may have been what the OP was thinking about.
You can modify the following python code to generate the table for different values (change max_sample_size) or more accuracy (change num_simulations) or get rid of the limitation to multiples of 10 (change the parameters to xrange in the for loop for idx)
import random
# Return the distance of the minimum of samples from its mean
# Samples must have at least one entry
def min_dist_from_estd_mean(samples):
total = 0
sample_min = samples[0]
for sample in samples:
total += sample
sample_min = min(sample, sample_min)
estd_mean = total / len(samples)
return estd_mean - sample_min # Pos bec min cannot be greater than mean
num_simulations = 4095
max_sample_size = 100
# Calculate expected distances
sum_of_dists=[0]*(max_sample_size+1) # +1 so can index by sample size
for iternum in xrange(num_simulations):
while len(samples) <= max_sample_size:
sum_of_dists[len(samples)] += min_dist_from_estd_mean(samples)
expected_dist = [total/num_simulations for total in sum_of_dists]
# Calculate average error using that distance
for iternum in xrange(num_simulations):
while len(samples) <= max_sample_size:
ave_dist = expected_dist[len(samples)]
if ave_dist > 0:
sum_of_errors[len(samples)] += \
abs(1 - (min_dist_from_estd_mean(samples)/ave_dist))
expected_error = [total/num_simulations for total in sum_of_errors]
cols=" {0:>15}{1:>20}{2:>20}"
print(cols.format("Num Samples","Expected distance","Expected error"))
cols=" {0:>15}{1:>20.2f}{2:>20.2f}"
for idx in xrange(10,len(expected_dist),10):
print(cols.format(idx, expected_dist[idx], expected_error[idx]))
Yo can obtain an estimate of the geometric mean, sometimes called the geometric mean of the extremes or GME, using the Min and the Max by calculating the GME= $\sqrt{ Min*Max }$. The SD can be then calculated using your arithmetic mean (AM) and the GME as:
SD= $$\frac{AM}{GME} * \sqrt{(AM)^2-(GME)^2 }$$
This approach works well for log-normal distributions or as long as the GME, GM or Median is smaller than the AM.
In principle you can make an estimate of standard deviation from the mean/min/max and the number of elements in the sample. The min and max of a sample are, if you assume normality, random variables whose statistics follow from mean/stddev/number of samples. So given the latter, one can compute (after slogging through the math or running a bunch of monte carlo scripts) a confidence interval for the former (like it is 80% probable that the stddev is between 20 and 40 or something like that).
That said, it probably isn't worth doing except in extreme situations.