Difference between azure key vault and azure web token - azure-keyvault

What is the difference between azure key vault and azure json web token. When we should use Azure key vault and when we should use JWT.

You use the Azure Key Vault service to store secrets/config, crypto keys and certificates. Azure Key Vault is part of the Azure cloud offering.
Json web Tokens (JWT) is a JSON based format for passing tokens and access/user information between services, often used as part of OpenID Connect to handle authentication of users in a secure way between systems.


Search secret in Azure key vault

Thousands of secrets are there in my azure key vault.
So whenever I need to check/see the secret value at the Azure portal, I will need to scroll up to the end after loading all the secrets multiple times.
Is there any shortcut apart from API, available to see the same?
For now, the search text box in keyvault to search for a secret is not supported. You can vote up this feedback to promote it to be achieved.
However, you can access Azure Key Vault Secret through Azure Key Vault REST API.
We will start by registering an app in Azure AD and then add that app in the access policies of the key vault.
Then create a new request in Postman to get the access token.
After that we will send a couple of http requests to get access token and to get a secret’s value.
Try the Azure CLI:
az keyvault secret show --name "secret-name" --vault-name "keyvault-name" --query "value"
Microsoft docs
You can also use the KeyVaultScannerUtility to perform required search and update operations on Azure KeyVault. Do check it out and let us know if its useful.

What is the usage of client secret in azure active directory b2c?

What is the usage of client secret in Azure AD B2C? The Microsoft doc only said
If your application exchanges a code for a token, you need to create
an application secret..
Will the azure ad b2c encrypt the token by the client secret, or if a native app requests a token need to send the client secret to the azure ad b2c endpoint?
And, does the client secret can be used to make only my trust native app can get the jwt then to visit my server, third part untrust app can't get the token from the b2c to visit my server?
and what is the usage of application id uri?
It has nothing to do with whether you are using Azure AD or Azure AD B2C.
client_secret is required for web apps rather than native apps because client_secrets can't be reliably stored on devices.
It's required for web apps and web APIs, which have the ability to store the client_secret securely on the server side.
The official document: Add a native client application to your Azure Active Directory B2C tenant also doesn't mention that you need to add a client secret.
What you have seen in Microsoft doc is for web apps.
and what is the usage of application id uri?
Application ID URI is the unique URI that is used to identify your API. When requesting an access token for this API, the whole URI should be added as the prefix for each scope.
If you have a web API protected and use another client app to access this API, you can enter the identifier used for your web API. See details here.

Should a JWKS URL be hosted by the Service Provider or the OpenID Provider?

I am wondering if it's a good idea to have the JWKS URI be hosted by service Provider (Pingfederate Server in SP Mode) instead of the authentication OpenId Server. I currently have a static public JWK available through a URL hosted by my own client web application. the JWKS URL and it's key is publicly open.
The OAuth server should host the keys used to sign the tokens it issues (i.e., "mints"). The keys of the OAuth server need to be available to clients (the service providers), so it should provide a JWKS endpoint. If the client already has the keys, it can validate the tokens it receives from the OAuth server, and a JWKS endpoint at the server isn't needed per se.

Using Hashicorp Vault for storage of client id and secret in OAuth2 Password Flow

I am new to Hashicorp Vault. I was hoping to secure my client id and secret for an OAuth2 Password Flow using Hashicorp Vault. Each time my backend REST API is called, it requires the client id and secret, as well as the user credentials of username and password. How would I do this in a secure way and only let my app pass this without disclosing this in my javascript client?
If I read your question correctly, you have a Javascript application that calls your own (REST) backend service. That call is secured using a client id, client secret, username ánd password. That raises a couple of issues:
client id and secret, as well as the user credentials of username and password
That seems like the wrong approach to take: an OAuth-secured resource (your REST backend service) should not require a username and password. Logging in the user is done in the authorization server.
Try starting with reading the OAuth2-spec (RFC 6749) or the DigitalOcean tutorial for a comprehensive overview.
How would I do this in a secure way and only let my app pass this without disclosing this in my javascript client?
You can't: client secrets cannot be protected in a client-controlled application because an evil client can reverse-engineer your application (or read your javascript). What you have is called a "public client", i.e. a client that cannot keep its secret confidential. In this case, you don't use client secrets. Try starting with this question or the introduction to oauth2 client types.

how to get consumer key and secret with application token using oAuth?

I am using oAuth to call Intuit Quickbook Onlinde data API.
Is there any method to get comsumerKey and Secret ussing App Token value in oAuth ?
You can use this - https://appcenter.intuit.com/Playground/OAuth
Connect to QB Ref (3 legged Oauth) Ref - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0025_quickbooksapi/0010_getting_started/0020_connect/0010_from_within_your_app
You can refer the sample JAVA/.Net app as well to generated accessKey, accessSecret against your QBO account(relam).
As the official document says:
Both Consumer Key and Secret are assigned to your app by Intuit and displayed in the app profile on the IPP developer site.
consumer key
An OAuth value, used by the app to identify itself to the Intuit OAuth provider service. The consumer key is generated when you create the app on the IPP developer site and is displayed on the Manage App tab. The Development and Production instances of an app have different consumer key values. A consumer key is required in the header of an HTTP request to Data Services for QuickBooks or the QuickBooks API.
consumer secret
An OAuth consumer secret. A secret used by the app to establish ownership of the consumer key. The consumer secret is generated when you create the app on the IPP developer site and is displayed on the Manage App tab. The Development and Production instances of an app have different consumer secret values. A consumer secret is required in the header of an HTTP request to Data Services for QuickBooks or the QuickBooks API.
And here is a tutorial of Implement OAuth in Your App.
