ImageJ: Ask input n times using Script Parameters? - imagej

I am trying to write a Macro in IJ1 which would ask the user:
the number of event they want to record
to name those events
I started using Script Parameters as follow:
// # Integer (label="How many events do you want to record ?", min=1, max=50, value=1, persist=false) events
for (event=1; event<=events; event++) {
mLabel = "Name event number " + event + ":";
varname = "event" + event;
// # String (label="mLabel") varname
This doesn't work as it doesn't ask for the String. And even if it does, I guess it won't be very elegant as it would pop up a window to ask a Name n times (if 50, it'll be a nightmare...)
Ultimately, I want:
Box ask Number of Event
Answer is 3
Box ask Name of Event1, Event2, Event3
I would be really glad to have any help ! Thank you in advance !

When writing macros it is very useful to have the list of macros functions open
This should do the trick:
events=getNumber("How many events shall be run", 0);
for (event=1; event<=events; event++) {
eventname=getString("Please define name of event "+event+":", defaultname+event);


How to identify text within an object's string

I want to find specified text within a string in a given column, and count how many times that string is repeated throughout the entire column.
For example, Find "XX" within a string in a column and print to dialogue box the number of times that text was found.
Module m = current
Object o
string s
string x
int offset = null
int len = null
int c
for o in m do
string s = probeAttr_(o, "AttributeA")
x = o."Object Text" ""
if(findPlainText(s, "XX", offset, len, false)){
print "Success "
} else {
print "Failed to match"
I have tried to use command findPlainText but I am inadvertently passing every object as true.
As well I placed the output to print 'success' or 'Failed to match' so I can at least get a number count of what is being passed. Unfortunately it seems like everything is being passed!
My understanding is that 'probeAttr_(o, "AttributeA")' allows me to specify and enter what column to search. As well o."Object Text" "" now allows me to look within any object and search for any text contained. I also realize that variable x is not being used but assume it has some way of being used to solve this issue.
I only use DOORS at a surface level but having this ability will save other staff tons of time. I realize this may be accomplished using the DOORS advanced filtering capability but I'd be able to compound this code with other simple commands to save time.
Thank you in advance for your help!!
If you want to count every occurence of a specified string in a text in an attribute for all objects, I think Mike's proposal is the correct answer. If you are only interested, if the specified string occurs once in that object's attribute, I suggest using Regexp, as I find it very fast, quite powerful and nevertheless easy to use, e.g.:
Regexp reSearch = regexp2 "XX"
int iCounter = 0
string strOT = ""
for o in m do {
strOT = o."Object Text" ""
if (reSearch strOT) {
print "Counted: '" iCounter "'\n"
Most of this has been answered in (DXL/Doors) How to find and count a text in a string?
You can easily exchange the "print" with a counter.

How to get dxl scripts to run faster

I have created a DXL script that goes through every row of a couple modules. I am printing out certain rows and its information. I am doing this by having a for loop that goes through the rows and if it hits a row that I am interested in, I save the elements in the columns of this row to different string variables and print those string variables. The script does not take too long to run if the module does not have a lot of rows I am interested in but if I want to run multiple modules at the same time or if a module has a lot of rows I am interested in, the script can take hours. I can show the code that I have if this is not enough to come up with solutions. Any help would be appreciated!
I have tried using a skip list to store the print statements in that and then tried going through the skip list to print each value but that did not make the script run any faster.
string sep=","
for o in m do
string ver1= o."column1"
if (checkIf(o) && (!(isDeleted(o))))
string ver2= o."column2"
string onum=number(o)
string otext = o."Object Text"
print ver1 sep ver2 sep onum
Initial optimization:
for o in m do
if (checkIf(o) && (!(isDeleted(o)))) {
//This doesn't appear to be used?
//string otext = o."Object Text"
print o."column1" "," o."column2" "," number(o) "\n"
Reasoning: DOORS has a system in place called the string table that holds declared strings in memory- and doesn't necessarily do the best at clearing it out when appropriate. By constantly declaring strings in your loop, you might be bumping into the memory limits of that system.
Problem with this is that the results all end up in that 'DXL editor' little window, and then have to be copy and pasted somewhere else to actually use it.
Secondary optimization:
// Turn off runlimit for timing
pragma runLim , 0
// Set file location - CHANGE FOR YOUR COMPUTER
string csv_location = "C:/Users/Username/Desktop/Info_Collection.csv"
// Open stream
Stream out = append csv_location
// Set headers
out << "Module,Column 1,Column 2,Object Number" "\n"
// Define your loop constraints
Module m = current
Object o
// Run your loop
for o in m do
if (checkIf(o) && (!(isDeleted(o)))) {
//This doesn't appear to be used?
//string otext = o."Object Text"
out << fullName(m)","o."column1" "," o."column2" "," number(o) "\n"
close out
This will let you run the same script in different modules, all outputting to the same CSV file, which you can then load into Excel or your data manipulation engine of choice.
This keeps the data collection happening outside of DOORS, so if something goes awry, you can track down where it occurred.
My third optimization would be to use a list of modules in, say, excel as an input and do this analysis, but that might be going too far.
If this doesn't help, then we can start examining other issues.
Note- I still would like to know what 'checkIf' is/does.
If your objective is to speed up the execution of the script, since most of the objects are of no interest to you, the most effective way I know of is to filter out most of the objects that are not interesting, e.g., a filter which is obj."Object Text" != "" would filter out Headings, if you are just interested in requirements, obj."Object Text" contains "[Ss]hall" etc. Save as a view for later use.
for o in m do { respects the display set, so if you don't touch most of the objects it will speed it up a lot!
Hope this helps.

find Variables in a module

I'm new to DXL and I want to extract the variables containing
_I_,_O_ and _IO_
from a module and export then to csv file. Please help me with this
ADCD_WE_I_DFGJDGFJ_12_QWE and CVFDFH_AWEQ_I_EHH[X] is set to some value
This question has two parts.
You want to find variables that contain those parts in their name
You want to export to a .csv file
Another person may be able to expand on a better way, but the only way coming to mind right now for 1. is this:
Loop over the attributes in the module (for ad in m do {}) and get the string of the attribute names.
I am assuming that your attributes are valued at _I_, _O_ or _OI_? Like alpha = "_I_"? Are these enumerate values?
If they are, then you only need to check the value of each object's attribute. If one of those are the attribute values, then add it to something like a skip list. Having a counter here would be useful, maybe one for each attribute, like countI, countO, countOI, you can then use the counters as keys for the put() function for the skip list.
Once you have found all the attributes then you can move on to writing to csv
Stream out = write("filepathname/filename.csv") // to declare the stream
out << "_I_, _O_, _OI_\n"
Then you could loop over your Skip lists at the same time
int ijk = 0; bool finito = false
while(!finito) do {
if(ijk<countI) {
at = get(skipListI, ijk)
out << ","
else out << ","
if(ijk<countO) {
at = get(skipListO, ijk)
out << ","
else out << ","
if(ijk<countOI) {
at = get(skipListOI, ijk)
out << "\n"
else out << "\n"
// check if the next iteration would be outside of bounds on all lists
if(ijk >= countI && ijk >= countO && ijk >= countIO) finito = true
Or instead of, you could print out whatever part of the attribute you wanted. The name, the value, "name:value" or whatever.
I have not run this, so you will be left to do any troubleshooting.
I hope this idea gets you started, write out what you want on paper first and then follow that plan. The key things I have mentioned that would be useful here are Skip lists, and Stream write (or append, if you want to keep adding).
In the future, please consider making your question more clear. Are you looking for those search terms in the name of the attribute, or in the value of the attribute. Are you looking to print out the names or the values, or the what? What kind of format for the .csv are you going to have? Any information will help your question be answered.

Elder Scroll Online Addon

This is my first time working with Lua, but not with programming. I have experience in Java, Action Script, and HTML. I am trying to create an addon for Elder Scroll Online. I managed to find the ESO API at the following link:
I am trying to make a function that returns a count of how many items each guild member has deposited in the bank. The code I have so far is as follows
function members()
for i=0, GetNumGuildEvents(3, GUILD_EVENT_BANKITEM_ADDED)
I am having trouble referencing the character making the specific deposit. Once I am able to do that I foresee making a linked list storing character names and an integer/double counter for the number of items deposited. If anyone has an idea of how to reference the character for a given deposit it would be much appreciated.
I don't have the game to test and the API documentation is sparse, so what follows are educated guesses/tips/hints (I know Lua well and programmed WoW for years).
Lua supports multiple assignment and functions can return multiple values:
function foo()
return 1, "two", print
local a, b, c = foo()
c(a,b) -- output: 1, "two"
GetGuildEventInfo says it returns the following:
eventType, secsSinceEvent, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5
Given that this function applies to multiple guild event types, I would expect param1 through param5 are specific to the particular event you're querying. Just print them out and see what you get. If you have a print function available that works something like Lua's standard print function (i.e. accepts multiple arguments and prints them all), you can simple write:
To print all its return values.
If you don't have a print, you should write one. I see the function LogChatText which looks suspiciously like something that would write text to your chat window. If so, you can write a Lua-esque print function like this:
function print(...)
LogChatText(table.concat({...}, ' '))
If you find from your experimentation that, say, param1 is the name of the player making the deposit, you can write:
local eventType, secsSinceEvent, playerName = GetGuildEventInfo(3,GUILD_EVENT_BANKITEM_ADDED, i)
I foresee making a linked list storing character names and an integer/double counter for the number of items deposited.
You wouldn't want to do that with a linked list (not in Lua, Java nor ActionScript). Lua is practically built on hashtables (aka 'tables'), which in Lua are very powerful and generalized, capable of using any type as either key or value.
local playerEvents = {} -- this creates a table
playerEvents["The Dude"] = 0 -- this associates the string "The Dude" with the value 0
print(playerEvents["The Dude"]) -- retrieve the value associated with the string "The Dude"
playerEvents["The Dude"] = playerEvents["The Dude"] + 1 -- this adds 1 to whatever was previous associated with The Dude
If you index a table with a key which hasn't been written to, you'll get back nil. You can use this to determine if you've created an entry for a player yet.
We're going to pretend that param1 contains the player name. Fix this when you find out where it's actually located:
local itemsAdded = {}
function members()
for i=0, GetNumGuildEvents(3, GUILD_EVENT_BANKITEM_ADDED ) do
local eventType, secsSinceEvent, playerName = GetGuildEventInfo(3, GUILD_EVENT_BANKITEM_ADDED, i)
itemsAdded[playerName] = (itemsAdded[playerName] or 0) + 1
itemsAdded now contains the number of items added by each player. To print them out:
for name, count in pairs(itemsAdded) do
print(string.format("Player %s has added %d items to the bank.", name, count))

Number sequence AX 2012

I have gone through msdn article, read whitepaper on number sequences and made number sequences a lot many times. But in this scenario I need some help.
Scenario is; I want to get next sequence number through x++ code using just number sequence code and no reference etc.
I have tried following (and many others but this is nearest solution) ;
static void myTestJob(Args _args)
NumberSeq num;
num = NumberSeq::newGetNumFromCode('SAO-Y');
info(num.num()) ;
It generates number sequence against some number sequence codes, but for other it throws error that;
"Number sequence does not exist."
I have tried many other options mentioned on many other blogs and tried to explore AX as well, but now need some assistance.
P.S. I'm not creating number sequence using x++ code but from front end (organization administration).
I am able to suppress the exception by using following;
num = NumberSeq::newGetNumFromCode(<<someNumberSequenceCode>>, NumberSeqScopeFactory::createDefaultScope(), true, true);
As, fourth optional parameter of NumberSeq::newGetNumFromCode(,,,true); says not to throw exception on missing reference.
boolean _dontThrowOnMissingRefSetUp = false,
As I said earlier, I have created number sequence from organization administration without writing any code (EDT, class, parameters table etc. stuff) so no reference was generated and I think I was getting exception due to this.
Please have a look at your number sequence that you have set up. I recon it has something to do with the numbersequence scope.
Make sure the scope of the number sequence is valid within the company you are calling this.
It's work, but not raice result: Voucher not generated.
Working way:
num = NumberSeq::newGetNumFromCode(<<someNumberSequenceCode>>,
NumberSeqScopeFactory::createDefaultScope(), **false**, true);
When my Number Sequence - Scope is setup as Shared I can use this code:
numSequence = NumberSeq::newGetNumFromCode(<<someNumberSequenceCode>>, NumberSeqScopeFactory::createDataAreaScope(curext()), true, true);
When my Number Sequence - Scope is setup as Company I can use this code:
numSequence = NumberSeq::newGetNumFromCode(<<someNumberSequenceCode>>);
