Parens in BNF, EBNF - parsing

I could capture a parenthetical group using something like:
expr ::= "(" <something> ")"
However, sometimes it's useful to use multiple levels of nesting, and so it's (theoretically) possible to have more than one parens as long as they match. For example:
>>> (1)+1
>>> (((((-1)))))+2
>>> ((2+2)+(1+1))
>>> (2+2))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Is there a way to specify a "matching-ness" in EBNF, or how is parenthetical-matching handled by most parsers?

In order to be able to match an arbitrary amount of anything (be it parentheses, operators, list items etc.) you need recursion (EBNF also features repetition operators that can be used instead of recursion in some cases, but not for constructs that need to be matched like parentheses).
For well-matched parentheses, the proper production is simply:
expr ::= "(" expr ")"
That's in addition to productions for other types of expressions, of course, so a complete grammar might look like this:
expr ::= "(" expr ")"
expr ::= NUMBER
expr ::= expr "+" expr
expr ::= expr "-" expr
expr ::= expr "*" expr
expr ::= expr "/" expr
Or for an unambiguous grammar:
expr ::= expr "+" multExpr
expr ::= expr "-" multExpr
multExpr ::= multExpr "*" primaryExpr
multExpr ::= multExpr "/" primaryExpr
primaryExpr ::= "(" expr ")"
primaryExpr ::= NUMBER
Also, how do you usually go about 'testing' that it is correct -- is there an online tool or something that can validate a syntax?
There are many parser generators that can accept some form of BNF- or EBNF-like notation and generate a parser from it. You can use one of those and then test whether the generated parser parses what you want it to. They're usually not available as online tools though. Also note that parser generators generally need the grammar to be unambiguous or you to add precedence declarations to disambiguate it.
also wouldn't infinite loop?
No. The exact mechanics depend on the parsing algorithm used of course, but if the character at the current input position is not an opening parenthesis, then clearly this isn't the right production to use and another one needs to be applied (or a syntax error raised if none of the productions apply).
Left recursion can cause infinite recursion when using top-down parsing algorithms (though in case of parser generators it's more likely that the grammar will either be rejected or in some cases automatically rewritten than that you get an actual infinite recursion or loop), but non-left recursion doesn't cause that kind of problem with any algorithm.


Remove ambiguity in grammar for expression casting

I'm working on a small translator in JISON, but I've run into a problem when trying to implement the cast of expressions, since it generates an ambiguity in the grammar when trying to add the production of cast. I need to add the productions to the cast option, so in principle I should have something like this:
expr: OPEN_PAREN type CLOSE_PAREN expr
However, since in my grammar I must be able to have expressions in parentheses, I already have the following production, so the grammar is now ambiguous:
expr: '(' expr ')'
Initially I had the following grammar for expressions:
expr : expr PLUS expr
| expr MINUS expr
| expr TIMESexpr
| expr DIV expr
| expr MOD expr
| expr POWER expr
| MINUS expr %prec UMINUS
| expr LESS_THAN expr
| expr GREATER_THAN expr
| expr LESS_OR_EQUAL expr
| expr GREATER_OR_EQUAL expr
| expr EQUALS expr
| expr DIFFERENT expr
| expr OR expr
| expr AND expr
| NOT expr
| ID;
Ambiguity was handled by applying the following precedence and associativity rules:
%left 'OR'
%left 'AND'
%left 'XOR'
%left 'PLUS', 'MINUS'
%left 'TIMES', 'DIV', 'MOD'
%right 'POWER'
%right 'UMINUS', 'NOT'
I can't find a way to write a production that allows me to add the cast without falling into an ambiguity. Is there a way to modify this grammar without having to write an unambiguous grammar? Is there a way I can resolve this issue using JISON, which I may not have been able to see?
Any ideas are welcome.
This is what I was trying, however it's still ambiguous:
expr: OPEN_PAREN type CLOSE_PAREN expr
The problem is that you don't specify the precedence of the cast operator, which is effectively a unary operator whose precedence should be the same as any other unary operator, such as NOT. (See below for a discussion of UMINUS.)
The parsing conflicts you received are not related to the fact that expr: '(' expr ')' is also a production. That would prevent LL(1) parsing, because the two productions start with the same sequence, but that's not an ambiguity. It doesn't affect bottom-up parsing in any way; the two productions are unambiguously recognisable.
Rather, the conflicts are the result of the parser not knowing whether (type)a+b means ((type)a+b or (type)(a+b), which is no different from the ambiguity of unary minus (should -a/b be parsed as (-a)/b or -(a/b)?), which is resolved by putting UMINUS at the end of the precedence list.
In the case of casts, you don't need to use a %prec declaration with a pseudo-token; that's only necessary for - because - could also be a binary operator, with a different (reduction) precedence. The precedence of the production:
expr: '(' type ')' expr
is ) (at least in yacc/bison), because that's the last terminal in the production. There's no need to give ) a shift precedence, because the grammar requires it to always be shifted.
Three notes:
Assignment is right-associative. a = b = 3 means a = (b = 3), not (a = b) = 3.
In the particular case of unary minus (and, by extension, unary plus if you feel like implementing it), there's a good argument for putting it ahead of exponentiation, so that -a**b is parsed as -(a**b). But that doesn't mean you should move other unary operators up from the end; (type)a**b should be parsed as ((type)a)**b. Nothing says that all unary operators have to have the same precedence.
When you add postfix operators -- notably function calls and array subscripts -- you will want to put them after the unary prefix operators. -a[3] most certainly does not mean (-a)[3]. These postfix operators are, in a way, duals of the prefix operators. As noted above, expr: '(' type ')' expr has precedence ')', which is only used as a reduction precedence. Conversely, expr: expr '(' expr-list ')' does not require a reduction precedence; the relevant token whose shift precedence needs to be declared is (.
So, according to all the above, your precedence declarations might be:
%left OR
%left AND
%left XOR
%right UMINUS
%right POWER
I listed all the unary operators using right associativity, which is somewhat arbitrary; either %left or %right would have the same effect, since it is impossible for a unary operator to compete with another instance of the same operator for the same operand; for unary operators, only the precedence level makes any difference. But it's customary to mark unary operators with %right.
Bison allows the use of %precedence to declare precedence levels for operators which have no associativity, but Jison doesn't have that feature. Both Bison and Jison do allow the use of %nonassoc, but that's very different: it says that it is a syntax error if either operand to the operator is an application of the same operator. That restriction is, for example, sometimes applied to comparison operators, in order to make a < b < c a syntax error.
Usually the way this problem is handled is by having type names as distinct keywords that can't be expressions by themselves. That way, after seeing an (, the next token being a type means it is a cast and the next token being an identifier means it is an expression, so there is no ambiguity.
However, your grammar appears to allow type names (INT, DOUBLE, etc) as expressions. This doesn't make a lot of sense, and causes your parsing problem, as differentiating between a cast and a parenthesized expression will require more lookahead.
The easiest fix would be to remove these productions (though you should still have something like expr : CONSTANT_LITERAL for literal constants)

When does order of alternation matter in antlr?

In the following example, the order matters in terms of precedence:
grammar Precedence;
root: expr EOF;
: expr ('+'|'-') expr
| expr ('*' | '/') expr
| Atom
Atom: [0-9]+;
WHITESPACE: [ \t\r\n] -> skip;
For example, on the expression 1+1*2 the above would produce the following parse tree which would evaluate to (1+1)*2=4:
Whereas if I changed the first and second alternations in the expr I would then get the following parse tree which would evaluate to 1+(1*2)=3:
What are the 'rules' then for when it actually matters where the ordering in an alternation occurs? Is this only relevant if it one of the 'edges' of the alternation recursively calls the expr? For example, something like ~ expr or expr + expr would matter, but something like func_call '(' expr ')' or Atom would not. Or, when is it important to order things for precedence?
If ANTLR did not have the rule to give precedence to the first alternative that could match, then either of those trees would be valid interpretations of your input (and means the grammar is technically ambiguous).
However, when there are two alternatives that could be used to match your input, then ANTLR will use the first alternative to resolve the ambiguity, in this case establishing operator precedence, so typically you would put the multiplication/division operator before the addition/subtraction, since that would be the traditional order of operations:
grammar Precedence;
root: expr EOF;
: expr ('+'|'-') expr
| expr ('*' | '/') expr
| Atom
Atom: [0-9]+;
WHITESPACE: [ \t\r\n] -> skip;
Most grammar authors will just put them in precedence order, but things like Atoms or parenthesized exprs won’t really care about the order since there’s only a single alternative that could be used.

Solving shift/reduce conflict in expression grammar

I am new to bison and I am trying to make a grammar parsing expressions.
I am facing a shift/reduce conflight right now I am not able to solve.
The grammar is the following:
%left "[" "("
%left "+"
expression_list : expression_list "," expression
| expression
| /*empty*/
expression : "(" expression ")"
| expression "(" expression_list ")" /*function call*/
| expression "[" expression "]" /*index access*/
| expression "+" expression
This is my grammar, but I am facing a shift/reduce conflict with those two rules "(" expression ")" and expression "(" expression_list ")".
How can I resolve this conflict?
EDIT: I know I could solve this using precedence climbing, but I would like to not do so, because this is only a small part of the expression grammar, and the size of the expression grammar would explode using precedence climbing.
There is no shift-reduce conflict in the grammar as presented, so I suppose that it is just an excerpt of the full grammar. In particular, there will be precisely the shift/reduce conflict mentioned if the real grammar includes:
%start program
program: %empty
| program expression
In that case, you will run into an ambiguity because given, for example, a(b), the parser cannot tell whether it is a single call-expression or two consecutive expressions, first a single variable, and second a parenthesized expression. To avoid this problem you need to have some token which separates expression (statements).
There are some other issues:
expression_list : expression_list "," expression
| expression
| /*empty*/
That allows an expression list to be ,foo (as in f(,foo)), which is likely not desirable. Better would be
arguments: %empty
| expr_list
expr_list: expr
| expr_list ',' expr
And the precedences are probably backwards. Usually one wants postfix operators like call and index to bind more tightly than arithmetic operators, so they should come at the end. Otherwise a+b(7) is (a+b)(7), which is unconventional.

BNFC parser and bracket Mathematica like syntax

I played a bit with the BNF Converter and tried to re-engineer parts of the Mathematica language. My BNF had already about 150 lines and worked OK, until I noticed a very basic bug. Brackets [] in Mathematica are used for two different things
expr[arg] to call a function
list[[spec]] to access elements of an expression, e.g. a List
Let's assume I want to create the parser for a language which consists only of identifiers, function calls, element access and sequence of expressions as arguments. These forms would be valid
A direct, but obviously wrong input-file for BNFC could look like
entrypoints Expr ;
TSymbol. Expr1 ::= Ident ;
FunctionCall. Expr ::= Expr "[" [Sequence] "]" ;
Part. Expr ::= Expr "[[" [Sequence] "]]" ;
coercions Expr 1 ;
separator Sequence "," ;
SequenceExpr. Sequence ::= Expr ;
This BNF does not work for the last two examples of the first code-block.
The problem seems to be located in the created Yylex lexer file, which matches ] and ]] separately. This is wrong, because as can be seen in the last to examples, whether or not it's a closing ] or ]] depends on the context. So either you have to create a stack of braces to ensure the right matching or you leave that to the parser.
Can someone enlighten me whether it's possible to realize this with BNFC?
(Btw, other hints would be gratefully taken too)
Your problem is the token "]]". If the lexer collects this without having
any memory of its past, it might be mistaken. So just don't do that!
The parser by definition remembers its left context, so you can get
it to do the bracket matching correctly.
I would define your grammar this way:
FunctionCall. Expr ::= Expr "[" [Sequence] "]" ;
Part. Expr ::= Expr "[" "[" [Sequence] "]" "]" ;
with the lexer detecting only single "[" "]" as tokens.
An odd variant:
FunctionCall. Expr ::= Expr "[" [Sequence] "]" ;
Part. Expr ::= Expr "[[" [Sequence] "]" "]" ;
with the lexer also detecting "[[" as a token, since it can't be mistaken.

Shift/reduce conflict with expression call

When I'm trying to compile this simple parser using Lemon, I get a conflict but I can't see which rule is wrong. The conflict disappear if I remove the binaryexpression or the callexpression.
%left Add.
program ::= expression.
expression ::= binaryexpression.
expression ::= callexpression.
binaryexpression ::= expression Add expression.
callexpression ::= expression arguments.
arguments ::= LParenthesis argumentlist RParenthesis.
arguments ::= LParenthesis RParenthesis.
argumentlist ::= expression argumentlist.
argumentlist ::= expression.
[edit] Adding a left-side associativity to LParenthesis has solved the conflict.
However, I'm willing to know if it's the correct thing to do : I've seen that some grammars (f.e. C++) have a different precedence for the construction-operator '()' and the call-operator '()'. So I'm not sure about the right thing to do.
The problem is that the grammar is ambiguous. It is not possible to decide between reducing to binaryexpression or callexpression without looking at all the input sequence. The ambiguity is because of the left recursion over expression, which cannot be ended because expression cannot derive a terminal.
