Overhead of no-op Forth words - forth

When writing compliant standard Forth, words like CHARS need to be used a lot, which have no actual effect in my Forth environment. Will no-ops like this add overhead to the Forth dictionary, or my colon definitions?

No-op words for standards compliance or to annotate code have no significant overhead in colon definitions when they are defined as IMMEDIATE. This is because IMMEDIATE causes the word to execute, rather than be compiled, while compiling a word. Therefore, nothing is added to the compiled code at all.
As an example:
\ Potential implementation of CHARS for a Forth environment
: test CHARS ;
SEE test \ prints : test ;
This is how, for example, gforth implements CHARS.
However, not all Forths will use this optimisation. If not, then a redundant call to the function will be compiled into the code. If this is a problem for you, Forth allows you to redefine CHARS etc. with the above colon definition to apply the optimisation anyway.


How would you re-write the production rules for an existing grammar so that semi-colons were optional?

Suppose that there was a programming language Mod(C) just like C++ except that it was white-space sensitive.
That is, parsers and compilers written for Mod(C) did not ignore line-feeds, spaces, etc...
Also suppose that someone had already written down the production rules for describing a formal grammar for this modified version of C++
My question is, how would you modify the production rules so that semi-colons were optional in the event that the semi-colon was followed by a line-break?
Actually, the semi-colon would optional if some <optional_semi_colon> token is followed by:
one or more spaces and tabs
zero or one line-comments
a line-break (\n\r or \r\n or \n or \r)
The following piece of code would compile just fine:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
cout << i << " "; // there is a semi-colon here. that's okay
return 0 // no semi-colon on this line
It's not at all clear what you mean by "white-space sensitive" and your example doesn't show any white-space sensitivity other than the possible optionality of semicolons at the end of a line. That is, you don't seem to be looking for an implementation of the off-side rule, as with Python or Haskell, where indentation indicates block structure. [Note 1]
Presumably, you are not just asking how to turn any newline into a semicolon, since that would be trivial. So I assume that you want something like JavaScript's automatic semicolon insertion (ASI), which automatically inserts a semicolon at the end of a line if:
the line doesn't already end with a newline, and
the current parse cannot be extended with the first token of the next line, either because
2.1. there is no item in the current state's itemset which would allow the next token to be shifted, or
2.2. the items which might allow a shift have been marked as not allowing a newline.
[Note 2]
Provision 2.1 prevents the incorrect semicolon insertion in:
let x = a
+ b
On the other hand, there are cases when you really want the newline to end the statement, in order to avoid silent bugs, such as:
/* The above yield always produces undefined. */
console.log("We've been resumed");
yield -- and other statements with optional operands -- are annotated in the grammar with [No LineTerminator here], which triggers provision 2.2 and thus allows ASI even though the next token (console in the above example) could otherwise have extended the parse. Another context where newlines are banned is between a value and the postfix ++ operator, so that
let v = 2 * a
is accepted with the (presumably) intended meaning. (Without ASI, there would be a syntax error after the ++, where ASI is not allowed because there's no newline character.)
JavaScript is not the only language with optional command terminators, but it's probably the language with the most elaborate set of rules controlling the parse. Other languages include:
Python, which in addition to the off-side rule, ignores semicolons inside parentheses, braces and brackets;
Awk, which treats newlines as statement terminators unless the newline follows one of the tokens ,, {, ?, :, ||, &&, do, or else. [Note 3]
Bash, in which a newline is a command terminator except in specific contexts, such as after a |, || or && operator or a keyword like do, then and else, and inside an array literal or an arithmetic expansion. [Note 4]
Kotlin, whose rules I don't know. And undoubtedly other languages as well.
JavaScript (and, I believe, Kotlin) suffer from an ambiguity with function calls, because
let a = b
is parsed as calling b with the argument (x)=>console.log(x) and then calling the result with the argument 42. (Which is a runtime error, because the result of console.log is undefined, which cannot be called.)
There are also languages like Lua, in which semicolons are always optional, even if you run statements together on a single line (a = 3 b = 4), and which therefore also suffers from the misinterpretation of function call expressions. However, unlike JavaScript, Lua requires that the ( be on the same line as the function expression, and therefore flags the equivalent of the above example as a syntax error. (The check is not part of the grammar, for what it's worth: After the function call is parsed, a semantic check is performed to verify that the line number of the ( token is the same as the line number of the last token in the function expression.)
I went to the trouble of enumerating all of the above examples by way of illustrating the fact that optional semicolons are not a simple grammatical transformation, and that there is no simple rule which can determine the precise circumstances in which a newline is an implicit statement terminator. Realistic implementations of the feature are non-trivial, and differ in their details; the algorithm chosen needs to be tested against a variety of realistic code samples, and it needs to be carefully documented so that programmers using the language don't find themselves surprised by the results. If you get it wrong, but your language nonetheless becomes popular, you'll find projects with style guides which require semicolons even in context in which they were optional. None of that is intended to imply that you shouldn't pursue the idea; only that it is perhaps more complicated than it looks at first glance.
Having said all that, I don't believe that any of the above examples require a context-sensitive grammar (unless you want to implement the off-side rule). Even in the case of JavaScript, possibly with some minor exceptions, a parser can be created by starting with an LALR automaton and then adjusting the transition rules, state by state, in order to either ignore a newline token or reduce it to a statement terminator (as well as implementing the lookahead restrictions in certain rules). Most of these modifications will effectively be simply the deletion of one conflicting parser actions, similar to the operator-precedence-based resolution of ambiguous expression grammars. (And it's worth noting that most parser generators make no attempt to rewrite the original grammar after processing of the precedence declarations.)
However, while the existence of a PDA demonstrates the existence of a context-free grammar (at least for a context-free superset of the target language [Note 5]), it does not demonstrate the existence of a simple or elegant grammar. It seems to me likely that recreating a grammar from the modified PDA will produce a bloated monster without much value as a discursive tool. The modified PDA itself is sufficient to perform the parse, so reconstructing a grammar is not of much practical value.
That's perhaps just as well, because the off-side rule is not context-free, and thus cannot be implemented with a context free grammar. Although there are well-known techniques for implementing in a lexical scanner.
That's a slight oversimplification of the ASI rules. In some cases, JavaScript also allows a semicolon to be inserted before a }, even if there is no newline at that point. But that's not a significant complication.
? and : are a Gnu AWK extension.
That's not a complete list, by any means. See the Posix shell grammar and the bash manual for more details.
While the published grammars for the languages mentioned above, like the grammars for C and C++, are nominally context-free grammars, they do not actually encompass the entirety of the well-formedness rules in the respective language standards and/or manuals, which include constraints (or "early errors", in the terms of ECMA-262), "that can be detected and reported prior to the evaluation of any construct". Many of these rules are clearly context-sensitive (such as prohibitions on multiple definitions of the same name in a lexical scope).
Context-sensitive parsing is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it's a lot simpler than trying to achieve the same result with a context-free grammar (as in the case of Lua function calls mentioned above). But it's certainly convenient to parse as much as possible using a generated parser, since such a parser can more easily be repurposed for other applications, such as linters, code browsers, syntax highlighters, and so on, not all of which need to be as precise as a compiler.

How to declare and reuse a character class in flex lexer?

Normally, when you want to reuse a regular expression, you can declare it in flex in declaration section. They will get enclosed by parenthesis by default. Eg:
num_seq [0-9]+
{num_seq} return INT; // will become ([0-9]+)
{num_seq}\.{num_seq} return FLOAT; // will become ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)
But, I wanted to reuse some character classes. Can I define custom classes like [:alpha:], [:alnum:] etc. A toy Eg:
chars [a-zA-Z]
// will become (([a-zA-Z]){-}[aeiouAEIOU])+ // ill-formed
// desired ([a-zA-Z]{-}[aeiouAEIOU])+ // correct
({chars}{-}[aeiouAEIOU])+ return ONLY_CONS;
({chars}{-}[a-z])+ return ONLY_UPPER;
({chars}{-}[A-Z])+ return ONLY_LOWER;
But currently, this will fail to compile because of the parenthesis added around them. Is there a proper way or at-least a workaround to achieve this?
This might be useful from time to time, but unfortunately it has never been implemented in flex. You could suppress the automatic parentheses around macro substitution by running flex in lex compatibility mode, but that has other probably undesirable effects.
Posix requires that regular expression bracket syntax includes, in addition to the predefined character classes,
…character class expressions of the form: [:name:] … in those locales where the name keyword has been given a charclass definition in the LC_CTYPE category.
Unfortunately, flex does not implement this requirement. It is not too difficult to patch flex to do this, but since there is no portable mechanism to allow the user to add charclasses to their locale --and, indeed, many standard C library implementations lack proper locale support-- there is little incentive to make this change.
Having looked at all these options, I eventually convinced myself that the simplest portable solution is to preprocess the flex input file to replace [:name:] with a set of characters based on name. Since that sequence of characters is unlikely to be present in a flex input file, a simple-minded search and replace using sed or python is adequate; correctly parsing the flex input file seems to me to be more trouble than it was worth.

Why is the following piece of Lua code, completely valid?

From my Lua knowledge (and according to what I have read in Lua manuals), I've always been under impression that an identifier in Lua is only limited to A-Z & a-z & _ & digits (and can not start using a digit nor be a reserved keyword i.e. local local = 123).
And now I have run into some (obfuscated) Lua program which uses all kind of weird characters for an identifier:
-- Most likely, copy+paste won't work. Download the file from https://tknk.io/7HHZ
print(_VERSION .. " " .. (jit and "JIT" or "non-JIT"))
local T = {}
T.math = T.math or {}
T.math.​â®â€‹âŞâ®â€‹­ď»żâ€Śâ€­âŽ­ = math.sin
T.math.â¬â€‹â­â¬â­â«â®â€­â€¬ = math.cos
for k, v in pairs(T.math) do print(k, v) end
Lua 5.1 JIT
â¬â€‹â­â¬â­â«â®â€­â€¬ function: builtin#45
​â®â€‹âŞâ®â€‹­ď»żâ€Śâ€­âŽ­ function: builtin#44
It is unclear to me, why is this set of characters allowed for an identifier?
In other words, why is it a completely valid Lua program?
Unlike some languages, Lua is not really defined by a formal specification, one which covers every contingency and entirely explains all of Lua's behavior. Something as simple as "what character set is a Lua file encoded in" isn't really explain in Lua's documentation.
All the docs say about identifiers is:
Names (also called identifiers) in Lua can be any string of letters, digits, and underscores, not beginning with a digit and not being a reserved word.
But nothing ever really says what a "letter" is. There isn't even a definition for what character set Lua uses. As such, it's essentially implementation-dependent. A "letter" is... whatever the implementation wants it to be.
So, let's say you're writing a Lua implementation. And you want users to be able to provide Unicode-encoded strings (that is, strings within the Lua text). Lua 5.3 requires this. But you also don't want them to have to use UTF-16 encoding for their files (also because lua_load gets sequences of bytes, not shorts). So your Lua implementation assumes the byte sequence it gets in lua_load is encoded in UTF-8, so that users can write strings that use Unicode characters.
When it comes to writing the lexer/parser part of this implementation, how do you handle this? The simplest, easiest way to handle UTF-8 is to... not handle UTF-8. Indeed, that's the whole point of that encoding. Since everything that Lua defines with specific symbols are encoded in ASCII, and ASCII text is also UTF-8 text with the same meaning, you can basically treat a UTF-8 string like an ASCII string. For in-Lua strings, you just copy the sequence of bytes between the start and end characters of the string.
So how do you go about lexing identifiers? Well, you could ask the question above. Or you could ask a much simpler question: is the character a space, control character, digit, or symbol? A "letter" is merely something that isn't one of those.
Lua defines what things it considers to be "symbols". ASCII can tell you what is a control character, space, and a digit. In such an implementation, any UTF-8 code unit with a value outside of ASCII is a letter. Even if technically, those code units decode into something Unicode thinks of as a "symbol", your lexer just threats it as a letter.
This simple form of UTF-8 lexing gives you fast performance and low memory overhead. You don't have to decode UTF-8 into Unicode codepoints, and you don't need a giant Unicode table to tell you whether a codepoint is a "symbol" or "space" or whatever. And of course, it's also something that would naturally fall out of many ASCII-based Lua implementations.
So most Lua implementations will do it this way, if only by accident. Doing something more would require deliberate effort.
It also allows a user to use Unicode character sequences as identifiers. That means that someone can easily write code in their native language (outside of keywords).
But it also means that obfuscators have lots of ways to create "identifiers" that are just strings of nonsensical bytes. Indeed, because there are multiple ways in Unicode to "spell" the same apparent Unicode string (unless you examine the bytes directly), obfuscators can rig up identifiers that appear when rendered in a text editor to all be the same text, while actually being different strings.
To clarify there is only one identifier T
T.math is sugar syntax for T["math"] this also extends to the obfuscate strings. It is perfectly valid to have a key contain any characters or even start with a number.
Now being able to use the . rather then [ ] does not work with a string that don't conform to the identifier's limitations. See Nicol Bolas' answer for a great break down of those limitations.

Is parsing a language with an ending delimiter (e.g. ';') more efficient than having none?

I am wondering about the effect of having an ending delimiter about performance (if it's a scripting language) and ease to parse languages.
Is it easier to parse a language that has one?
If it is and the language is a scripting language, does it make the language run commands faster?
Any difference is going to be trivial.
This is because a language that doesn't use such end delimiters, do infact have them in the form of newline characters!! These will then use special characters to mark that teh statement continues on to the next line.
A few do neither, but there, the end of the statement is implicit in the definition - eg. the close ')' at the end of a parameter list. If there's a comma (or nothing) then more parameters or a closed ')' will be expected on the next line.
In the big scheme of things, these small differences have a negligible effect on processing time. For script languages, you're going to have much bigger differences according to whether (or how much) a particular statement construct can be internally optimized.
Performance-wise It doesn't matter.
If you think about it, there's always a delimiter, if it's not the ; then it's EndOfLine (\n)
So you're still parsing the code script the same way. The parser won't mind if it's a delimiter that's a visible character or invisible one.
The only thing that a visible delimiter is good for, is enabling the programmer to write multi-line script lines, which can be useful. Multi-lined script lines enable the programmer to write more coherent code in some cases. (Just parse the EndOfLine as a white space)
All languages I'm aware of that don't require an explicit typed-out statement delimiter or terminator use line breaks instead - in a few cases, with the exception that line breaks inside parens, braces, brackets, etc. are ignored (implicit line continuation). A small difference, and its effect on parsing speed will heavily depend on the parser (or parser generator). It may be slightly harder to write a parser for if you allow implicit line continuations (because you have to distinguish between newlines and statement seperators - but this can be sorted out relatively early in the parsing process unless you invent incredibly complex rules for it).
But: Even if there was a huge difference, it wouldn't affect runtime performance. Unless for programs where it doesn't matter anyway since they're rather short and/or I/O-bound (or especially stupid implementations that refuse to build any IR and instead interpret from source as they go, using a poorly-written parser), parsing takes place at most once at startup (today's "scripting" languages mostly compile to bytecode and mostly cache that bytecode between runs) and is then shadowed by the time the program spends doing its actual pass. Don't make tradeoffs at language design for speed; or if so, do it properly as e.g. C.
A more interesting issue is explicit block delimiters vs. offside rule. The tokenizer can already solve this, but most parsing generators/libraries don't (easily) give you such a parser. A few do, and in that case the difference is negible, but it's not as widely supported as "free-form" langauges.

Tex command which affects the next complete word

Is it possible to have a TeX command which will take the whole next word (or the next letters up to but not including the next punctuation symbol) as an argument and not only the next letter or {} group?
I’d like to have a \caps command on certain acronyms but don’t want to type curly brackets over and over.
First of all create your command, for example
\def\capsimpl#1{{\sc #1}}% Your main macro
The solution to catch a space or punctuation:
\def\addtopunct#1{\expandafter\let\csname punct#\meaning#1\endcsname\let}
\addtopunct{ }
\addtopunct{.} \addtopunct{,} \addtopunct{?}
\addtopunct{!} \addtopunct{;} \addtopunct{:}
\def\capsx{\expandafter\ifx\csname punct#\meaning\punctlet\endcsname\let
\else \expandafter\continuecaps\fi}
#Debilski - I wrote something similar to your active * code for the acronyms in my thesis. I activated < and then \def<#1> to print the acronym, as well as the expansion if it's the first time it's encountered. I also went a bit off the deep end by allowing defining the expansions in-line and using the .aux files to send the expansions "back in time" if they're used before they're declared, or to report errors if an acronym is never declared.
Overall, it seemed like it would be a good idea at the time - I rarely needed < to be catcode 12 in my actual text (since all my macros were in a separate .sty file), and I made it behave in math mode, so I couldn't foresee any difficulties. But boy was it brittle... I don't know how many times I accidentally broke my build by changing something seemingly unrelated. So all that to say, be very careful activating characters that are even remotely commonly-used.
On the other hand, with XeTeX and higher unicode characters, it's probably a lot safer, and there are generally easy ways to type these extra characters, such as making a multi (or compose) key (I usually map either numlock or one of the windows keys to this), so that e.g. multi-!-! produces ¡). Or if you're running in emacs, you can use C-\ to switch into TeX input mode briefly to insert unicode by typing the TeX command for it (though this is a pain for actually typing TeX documents, since it intercepts your actual \'s, and please please don't try defining your own escape character!)
Regarding whitespace after commands: see package xspace, and TeX FAQ item Commands gobble following space.
Now why this is very difficult: as you noted yourself, things like that can only be done by changing catcodes, it seems. Catcodes are assigned to characters when TeX reads them, and TeX reads one line at a time, so you can not do anything with other spaces on the same line, IMHO. There might be a way around this, but I do not see it.
Dangerous code below!
This code will do what you want only at the end of the line, so if what you want is more "fluent" typing without brackets, but you are willing to hit 'return' after each acronym (and not run any auto-indent later), you can use this:
\def\caps{\begingroup\catcode`^^20 =11\mcaps}
\def\mcaps#1{\def\next##1 {\sc #1##1\catcode`^^20 =10\endgroup\ }\next}
One solution might be setting another character as active and using this one for escaping. This does not remove the need for a closing character but avoids typing the \caps macro, thus making it overall easier to type.
Therefore under very special circumstances, the following works.
Now follows an *Acronym*.
Unfortunately, this makes uses of \section*{} impossible without additional macro definitions.
In Xetex, it seems to be possible to exploit unicode characters for this, so one could define
Now follows an •Acronym•.
Which should reduce the effects on other commands but of course needs to have the character ‘•’ mapped to the keyboard somewhere to be of use.
