I have POST request for Yii2
I need to get values (array) from physiologist_feasters field
$post = Yii::$app->request->post();
$physiologist_feasters = $post["physiologist_feasters"];
foreach ($physiologist_feasters as $feaster) {
$phychologistFeature = PsyhologistFeatures::find()->where(['id' => intval($feaster)])->one();
I get "invalid argument supplied for foreach()", and in var_dump only last value.
I'm using swagger akka-http wrapper, Currently for my get request swagger is adding additional body parameter in swagger spec of type string
#ApiOperation(httpMethod = "GET", response = classOf[JobStatus], value = "Returns Job status")
new ApiImplicitParam(name = "id", required = true, dataType = "integer", paramType = "path", value = "Job id for which status be fetched")))
new ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK", response = classOf[JobStatus]),
new ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Job not found")))
def getStatus(id: String): Route =
get {
I'm wondering this is because of getStatus method taking parameter "id", Do any one have any suggestion
The generated docs are based on the both the function parameters and the implicit parameters (ie the union of the 2 parameter sets).
I would suggest that you remove the ApiImplicitParam annotation and add an ApiModelProperty annotation to the id field in the function parameter list if you need to override its declared type of String.
Example use of ApiModelProperty annotation:
i want to convert my excel hyperlink's path to open links with PHPExcel.
$links = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getHyperlinkCollection();
This method will return an array of hyperlink objects, indexed by cell address; and you could then use array_filter() with an appropriate callback and the ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY flag set to extract those within a specific range.
my var_dump($links); output :
But i dont know how to loop the array of objects with array_filter() function..
I try :
$test = str_replace($links, "file", "mnt");
and i got the error above.. Any ideas please ?
The collection is an array of objects, indexed by cell address; and the PHPExcel_Cell_Hyperlink object has a set of documented methods for accessing and setting its data:
foreach($links as $cellAddress => $link) {
// get the URL from the PHPExcel_Cell_Hyperlink object
$url = $link->getUrl();
// change the URL however you want here
$url = str_replace($url, "file", "mnt");
// Set the new value for the link
If you want to modify just those URLs for cells in column N, then you can wrap them in an if test:
foreach($links as $cellAddress => $link) {
// Test for column N
sscanf($cellAddress, '%[A-Z]%d', $column, $row);
if ($column == 'N') {
// get the URL from the PHPExcel_Cell_Hyperlink object
$url = $link->getUrl();
// change the URL however you want here
$url = str_replace($url, "file", "mnt");
// Set the new value for the link
I have the following code which groupBY my table and select the count based on the model name:-
var IT360Counts = entities.Resources.Where(a => String.IsNullOrEmpty(a.ASSETTAG) && (a.SystemInfo.ISSERVER == true))
.GroupBy(a => a.SystemInfo.MODEL.ToLower())
.Select(g => new
Action = g.Key.ToLower(),
ItemCount = g.Count()
}).ToLookup(a => a.Action);
Then i will referecne the var content such as :-
IT360RouterNo = IT360Counts["router"] == null ? 0 : IT360Counts["router"].SingleOrDefault().ItemCount,
The above will work well, unless when the first query does not have any router, then the second statement will always return null exception. so my question is weather there is a way to catch if IT360Counts["router"] exists sor not ?
This will happen when IT360Counts["router"] is not null but an empty list. In that case IT360Counts["router"].SingleOrDefault() will return null, so when accessing its ItemCount property you will get a null exception.
This happens because the indexer in the Lookup returns an empty list when the key is not found. See remarks section in msdn. Try checking if the lookup contains the key, IT360Counts.Contains("router"). This way you can do:
IT360RouterNo = IT360Counts.Contains("router") ? IT360Counts["router"].SingleOrDefault().ItemCount : 0,
As a side note, have you also considered using ToDictionary instead of ToLookup? The dictionary key would be your Action and the value the ItemCount, so when retrieving the values you just get the value in the dictionary for a key like "router". If you are you always doing .SingleOrDefault().ItemCount and never expect more than one item with the same Action, you may be better using a dictionary.
For the sake of completion this idea would be:
var IT360Counts = entities.Resources.Where(a => String.IsNullOrEmpty(a.ASSETTAG) &&(a.SystemInfo.ISSERVER == true))
.GroupBy(a => a.SystemInfo.MODEL.ToLower())
.Select(g => new
Action = g.Key.ToLower(),
ItemCount = g.Count()
}).ToDictionary(a => a.Action, a => a.ItemCount);
IT360RouterNo = IT360Counts.ContainsKey("router") ? IT360Counts["router"] : 0,
Hope it helps!
I'm using XMLSlurper. My code is below (but does not work). The problem is that it fails when it hits a node that does not have the attribute "id". How do I account for this?
//Parse XML
def page = new XmlSlurper(false,false).parseText(xml)
//Now save the value of the proper node to a property (this fails)
properties[ "finalValue" ] = page.find {
it.attributes().find { it.key.equalsIgnoreCase( 'id' ) }.value == "myNode"
I just need to account for nodes without "id" attribute so it doesn't fail. How do I do that?
You could alternatively use the GPath notation, and check if "#id" is empty first.
The following code snippet finds the last element (since the id attribute is "B" and the value is also "bizz", it prints out "bizz" and "B").
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText("<foo><bar>bizz</bar><bar id='A'>bazz</bar><bar id='B'>bizz</bar></foo>")
def x = xml.children().find{!it.#id.isEmpty() && it.text()=="bizz"}
println x
println x.#id
Apprently I can get it to work when I simply use depthFirst. So:
properties[ "finalValue" ] = page.depthFirst().find {
it.attributes().find { it.key.equalsIgnoreCase( 'id' ) }.value == "myNode"
I have URL: http://site.com/page.aspx?update
how do I check if that update value is present?
HttpValueCollection treats that as an entity with null key. I have tried:
var noKeyValues = Request.QueryString.GetValues(null);
if (noKeyValues != null && noKeyValues.Any(v=>v==update)) ...
but it gives me a frowny line, because GetValues' argument is decorated with [NotNull].
so I end up doing:
var queryValuesWithNoKey =
Request.QueryString.AllKeys.Select((key, index) => new { key, value = Request.QueryString.GetValues(index) }).Where(
item => item.key == null).Select(item => item.value).SingleOrDefault();
if (queryValuesWithNoKey != null && queryValuesWithNoKey.Any(v => v.ToLower() == "update")) live = true;
not the most elegant workaround. Is there a better way to get key-less value from query string?
You can use
to retrieve a comma separated list of keys with no values. For instance, if your url is:
then the above will return
In your case, you could just do something like:
if(Request.QueryString[null] == "update")
// it's an update
if that's the only key you would use
Request.QueryString.ToString() to get the "update" value
I know I'm late to the party, but this a function that I use for this kind of task.
internal static bool HasQueryStringKey(HttpRequestBase request, string key)
// If there isn't a value, ASP will not recognize variable / key names.
string[] qsParts = request.QueryString.ToString().Split('&');
int qsLen = qsParts.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < qsLen; i++)
string[] bits = qsParts[i].Split('=');
if (bits[0].Equals(key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return true;
return false;
You may need to update it so that it is case sensitive, or uses different arguments depending on your purposes, but this has always worked well for me.