Is there a way to programmatically access the iOS image describer? - ios

When VoiceOver is enabled, iOS can describe images. If the Image Description option is turned on, this will even create a detailed natural language description of the image.
Is there a way to get this description programmatically? My use case is implementing a thumbnail list, where the image describer only has a tiny image to work with, sometimes with overlaid text, which limits its usefulness. I'd like to give it a slightly larger version of the image and get the description directly so I can set up the accessibilityLabel accordingly.
I just can not find this documented or discussed anywhere, however.

If so, it would be part of the Vision Framework, and is not currently available. I do not see a image description model in Apple's Model Zoo either.
A quick search shows many tutorials on the subject.

It was confirmed by an Apple engineer that there is no public API for this as of iOS 14.


Creating a Note Editor with Apple Pencil functionality?

Does anyone know how to make Apple Pencil work well in the context of a UITextView? For example, using the Apple Pencil with TextKit to create a 'drawing space' that expands as the user draws more within the UITextView. Just like in the Notes app.
I thought PencilKit (announced at wwdc) would handle this but it looks intended more for situations where only apple pencil interactions occur - correct me if I am wrong. I want to do exactly what is done in the Notes app. I don't think PKCanvasViews would work, as the user could create many of them in a single UITextView. PKCanvasView also inherits from UIScrollView, which suggests that it was not intended for this. I would like the user to still have access to the toolkit that docks to the sides of the screen though..
I have never worked with Apple Pencil before but I expected there to be some sort of sample project for this exact scenario, a note editor with pencil functionality. I haven't found one though.
Sorry for not providing any code, but I guess my question boils down to: What is the 'best' way (using Apple's latest APIs) to implement this functionality?

How to automatically adjust a photo (ie. brighten, contrast) on iOS?

My iOS app (objective-C) handles photos. I'd like it to be able offer the user a way to automatically "adjust" an image, like how iOS itself does in the Photos app (little magic-wand icon), or how facebook does it. This basically means auto-brightness and auto-contrast adjustment.
So far i've found "filtrr" (more concerned with adding color it seems), and OpenCV (uhh, feels like using a nuclear missile to swat a fly with). Any other hints? Is there some library or a way of even doing this natively in iOS?
Look into Core Image for info on filters and how to apply them. Apple's programming guide is a good place to start.
Once you're up and running with Core Image, see the autoAdjustmentFilters method for getting a set of filters that's preconfigured for "one touch enhance" kinds of usage.

Using built in bar button icons

In reading Apple's guide on BarButtonItems, I see that several bar button icons exist which are not choosable from the Attributes inspector in Xcode (in particular the large "chevron" which appears in 4 orientations.
I've searched for a way to access them, but cannot find one. Does this mean that they are internal and only accessible to Apple's own application and I'm not permitted to use them in my own application?
This are examples for the iOS Human Interface Guidelines. So they are on this page, to show
the similarities in size, detail, and weight produce a sense of
harmonious unity
Not saying, that they are available for the devs. If you want to use them anyway, you have to get and add the image files manually.
Especially the requested "chevron"s should be easily drawable.
You can extract UIKit artwork using the following GitHub project, which works beautifully.

Ios default icon for open view from list

In every ios app you can have a list that contains elements with subelements.
Tapping on the element will open a new page and you can usually press back to return.
This is indicated with a grey ">" symbol on the right.
Is this symbol downloadable somewhere? I know i can just type a > but it doesn't look exactly like the default icon used by ios.
I'm using Xamarin dialog and a standard RootElement embedded as a list item looks exactly like the default ios but i need to customize it with an icon placed left of the text(which is no problem except that i now lose the default > icon).
Googling for ios system icons, ios default icons and ios sdk did not yield the wanted result. I'm hoping that these icons are somewhere embedded on the device.
I hope you guys can help me out, thanks !
As far as I know there is no way to access a UIImage instance of the chevron during run time. Most likely there is private API for this, but I am not aware of it, and since it's private you are not allowed to use it anyway.
You could probably instantiate a cell that has the disclosure indicator as accessoryType and walk the view hierarchy to find it. But that will break easily, so don't do it.
The best way is to add an image and update it with every new iOS release.
There's the iOS Artwork Extractor which basically gets you every piece of artwork that is used in iOS.
The artwork you are looking for should be named UITableNext. (at least that's the name in iOS6, I don't have an extracted archive of iOS7 yet)
Strictly speaking you are violating Apples rules and their copyright if you use their artwork without Apples written consent.
As far as I know this has never been enforced, and lots of people do it, but it's good to keep it in mind.

iOS iTunes Album Cover type (or similar) Image Display

Is there any tutorials that show how to make a Image display similar to the Album Art diaply in iTunes? Or anything similar. I followed code posted here, but I just cannot seem to get it working in the new XCode. Opening his project works fine, but using it in my own, the UIImageView renders the images beyond it's borders, making them appear over each other.
Any help would be appreciated.
I assume you're talking about CoverFlow?
I wrote a free, very easy to use CoverFlow library. It's modelled on the way that UITableView works, so if you can use that, you can use this. You can get it from here:
