F# seq behavior - f#

I'm a little baffled about the inner work of the sequence expression in F#.
Normally if we make a sequential file reader with seq with no intentional caching of data
seq {
let mutable current = file.Read()
while current <> -1 do
yield current
We will end up with some weird behavior if we try to do some re-iterate or backtracking, My Idea of this was, since Read() is a function calling some mutable value we can't expect the output to be correct if we re-iterate. But then this behaves nicely even on boundary reading?
let Read path =
seq {
use fp = System.IO.File.OpenRead path
let buf = [| for _ in 0 .. 1024 -> 0uy |]
let mutable pos = 1
let mutable current = 0
while pos <> 0 do
if current = 0 then
pos <- fp.Read(buf, 0, 1024)
if pos > 0 && current < pos then
yield buf.[current]
current <- (current + 1) % 1024
let content = Read "some path"
We clearly use the same buffer to enhance performance, but assuming that we read the 1025 byte, it will trigger an update to the buffer, if we then try to read any byte with position < 1025 after we still get the correct output. How can that be and what are the difference?

Your question is a bit unclear, so I'll try to guess.
When you create a seq { }, you're essentially creating a state machine which will run only as far as it needs to. When you request the very first element from it, it'll start at the top and run until your first yield instruction. Then, when you request another value, it'll run from that point until the next yield, and so on.
Keep in mind that a seq { } produces an IEnumerable<'T>, which is like a "plan of execution". Each time you start to iterate the sequence (for example by calling Seq.head), a call to GetEnumerator is made behind the scenes, which causes a new IEnumerator<'T> to be created. It is the IEnumerator which does the actual providing of values. You can think of it in more classical terms as having an array over which you can iterate (an iterable or enumerable) and many pointers over that array, each of which are at different points in the array (many iterators or enumerators).
In your first code, file is most likely external to the seq block. This means that the file you are reading from is baked into the plan of execution; no matter how many times you start to iterate the sequence, you'll always be reading from the same file. This is obviously going to cause unpredictable behaviour.
However, in your second code, the file is opened as part of the seq block's definition. This means that you'll get a new file handle each time you iterate the sequence or, essentially, a new file handle per enumerator. The reason this code works is that you can't reverse an enumerator or iterate over it multiple times, not with a single thread at least.
(Now, if you were to manually get an enumerator and advance it over multiple threads, you'd probably run into problems very quickly. But that is a different topic.)


Creating an 'add' computation expression

I'd like the example computation expression and values below to return 6. For some the numbers aren't yielding like I'd expect. What's the step I'm missing to get my result? Thanks!
type AddBuilder() =
let mutable x = 0
member _.Yield i = x <- x + i
member _.Zero() = 0
member _.Return() = x
let add = AddBuilder()
(* Compiler tells me that each of the numbers in add don't do anything
and suggests putting '|> ignore' in front of each *)
let result = add { 1; 2; 3 }
(* Currently the result is 0 *)
printfn "%i should be 6" result
Note: This is just for creating my own computation expression to expand my learning. Seq.sum would be a better approach. I'm open to the idea that this example completely misses the value of computation expressions and is no good for learning.
There is a lot wrong here.
First, let's start with mere mechanics.
In order for the Yield method to be called, the code inside the curly braces must use the yield keyword:
let result = add { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3 }
But now the compiler will complain that you also need a Combine method. See, the semantics of yield is that each of them produces a finished computation, a resulting value. And therefore, if you want to have more than one, you need some way to "glue" them together. This is what the Combine method does.
Since your computation builder doesn't actually produce any results, but instead mutates its internal variable, the ultimate result of the computation should be the value of that internal variable. So that's what Combine needs to return:
member _.Combine(a, b) = x
But now the compiler complains again: you need a Delay method. Delay is not strictly necessary, but it's required in order to mitigate performance pitfalls. When the computation consists of many "parts" (like in the case of multiple yields), it's often the case that some of them should be discarded. In these situation, it would be inefficient to evaluate all of them and then discard some. So the compiler inserts a call to Delay: it receives a function, which, when called, would evaluate a "part" of the computation, and Delay has the opportunity to put this function in some sort of deferred container, so that later Combine can decide which of those containers to discard and which to evaluate.
In your case, however, since the result of the computation doesn't matter (remember: you're not returning any results, you're just mutating the internal variable), Delay can just execute the function it receives to have it produce the side effects (which are - mutating the variable):
member _.Delay(f) = f ()
And now the computation finally compiles, and behold: its result is 6. This result comes from whatever Combine is returning. Try modifying it like this:
member _.Combine(a, b) = "foo"
Now suddenly the result of your computation becomes "foo".
And now, let's move on to semantics.
The above modifications will let your program compile and even produce expected result. However, I think you misunderstood the whole idea of the computation expressions in the first place.
The builder isn't supposed to have any internal state. Instead, its methods are supposed to manipulate complex values of some sort, some methods creating new values, some modifying existing ones. For example, the seq builder1 manipulates sequences. That's the type of values it handles. Different methods create new sequences (Yield) or transform them in some way (e.g. Combine), and the ultimate result is also a sequence.
In your case, it looks like the values that your builder needs to manipulate are numbers. And the ultimate result would also be a number.
So let's look at the methods' semantics.
The Yield method is supposed to create one of those values that you're manipulating. Since your values are numbers, that's what Yield should return:
member _.Yield x = x
The Combine method, as explained above, is supposed to combine two of such values that got created by different parts of the expression. In your case, since you want the ultimate result to be a sum, that's what Combine should do:
member _.Combine(a, b) = a + b
Finally, the Delay method should just execute the provided function. In your case, since your values are numbers, it doesn't make sense to discard any of them:
member _.Delay(f) = f()
And that's it! With these three methods, you can add numbers:
type AddBuilder() =
member _.Yield x = x
member _.Combine(a, b) = a + b
member _.Delay(f) = f ()
let add = AddBuilder()
let result = add { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3 }
I think numbers are not a very good example for learning about computation expressions, because numbers lack the inner structure that computation expressions are supposed to handle. Try instead creating a maybe builder to manipulate Option<'a> values.
Added bonus - there are already implementations you can find online and use for reference.
1 seq is not actually a computation expression. It predates computation expressions and is treated in a special way by the compiler. But good enough for examples and comparisons.

This expression was expected to have type bool but here has type unit error

getting an error when I try to run this line of code and I can't figure out why
let validCol column value : bool =
for i in 0..8 do
if sudokuBoard.[i,column] = value then
else true
As Tyler Hartwig says a for loop cannot return a value except unit.
On the other hand, inside a list comprehension or a seq Computation Expression you can use for to yield the values and then test if the one you are looking for exists:
let validCol column value : bool =
seq { for i in 0..8 do yield sudokuBoard.[i,column] }
|> Seq.exists value
|> not
In F#, the last call made is what is returned, you have explicitly declared you are returning a bool.
The for loop is unable to return or aggregate multiple values, bun instead, returns unit.
let validCol column value : bool =
for i in 0..8 do
if sudokuBoard.[i,column] = value then
Here, you'll need to figure out how to aggregate all the bool to get your final result. I'm not quite sure what this is supposed to return, or I'd give an example.
It looks like you are looking for a short-cut out of the loop like in C# you can use continue, break or return to exit a loop.
In F# the way to accomplish that with performance is to use tail-recursion. You could achieve it with while loops but that requires mutable variables which tail-recursion doesn't need (although we sometimes uses it).
A tail-recursive function is one that calls itself at the very end and doesn't look at the result:
So this is tail-recursive
let rec loop acc i = if i > 0 then loop (acc + i) (i - 1) else acc
Where this isn't
let rec loop fib i = if i < 1 then 1 else fib (i - 1) + fib (i - 2)
If F# compiler determines a function is tail-recursive the compiler applies tail-recursion optimization (TCO) on the function, basically it unrolls it into an efficient for loop that looks a lot like the loop would like in C#.
So here is one way to write validCol using tail-recursion:
let validCol column value : bool =
// loops is tail-recursive
let rec loop column value i =
if i < 9 then
if sudokuBoard.[i,column] = value then
false // The value already exists in the column, not valid
loop column value (i + 1) // Check next row.
true // Reach the end, the value is valid
loop column value 0
Unfortunately; F# compiler doesn't have an attribute to force TCO (like Scala or kotlin does) and therefore if you make a slight mistake you might end up with a function that isn't TCO. I think I saw GitHub issue about adding such an attribute.
PS. seq comprehensions are nice in many cases but for a sudoku solver I assume you are looking for something that is as fast as possible. seq comprehensions (and LINQ) I think adds too much overhead for a sudoku solver whereas tail-recursion is about as quick as you can get in F#.
PS. In .NET 2D arrays are slower than 1D arrays, just FYI. Unsure if it has improved with dotnet core.

Initialising hist function in Julia for use in a loop

When I use a loop, to access the variables outside of the loop they need to be initialised before you enter the loop. For example:
Y = Array{Int}()
for i = 1:end
Y = i
Since I have initialised Y before entering the loop, I can access it later by typing
If I had not initialised it before entering the loop, typing Y would not have returned anything.
I want to extend this functionality to the output of the 'hist' function. I don't know how to set up the empty hist output before the loop. The only work around I have found is below.
yHistData = [hist(DataSet[1],Bins)]
for j = 2:NumberOfLayers
yHistData = [yHistData;hist(DataSet[j],Bins)]
Now when I access this later on by simply typing
I get the correct values returned to me.
How can I initialise this hist data before entering the loop without defining it using the first value of the list I'm iterating over?
This can be done with a loop like follows:
yHistData = []
for j = 1:NumberOfLayers
push!(yHistData, hist(DataSet[j], Bins))
push! modifies the array by adding the specified element to the end. This increases code speed because we do not need to create copies of the array all the time. This code is nice and simple, and runs faster than yours. The return type, however, is now Array{Any, 1}, which can be improved.
Here I have typed the array so that the performance when using this array in the future is better. Without typing the array, the performance is sometimes better and sometimes worse than your code, depending on NumberOfLayers.
yHistData = Tuple{FloatRange{Float64},Array{Int64,1}}[]
for j = 1:NumberOfLayers
push!(yHistData, hist(DataSet[j], Bins))
Assuming length(DataSet) == NumberOfLayers, we can use anonymous functions to simplify the code even further:
yHistData = map(data -> hist(data, Bins), DataSet)
This solution is short, easy to read, and very fast on Julia 0.5. However, this version is not yet released. On 0.4, the currently released version, the performance of this version will be slower.

F# ref-mutable vars vs object fields

I'm writing a parser in F#, and it needs to be as fast as possible (I'm hoping to parse a 100 MB file in less than a minute). As normal, it uses mutable variables to store the next available character and the next available token (i.e. both the lexer and the parser proper use one unit of lookahead).
My current partial implementation uses local variables for these. Since closure variables can't be mutable (anyone know the reason for this?) I've declared them as ref:
let rec read file includepath =
let c = ref ' '
let k = ref NONE
let sb = new StringBuilder()
use stream = File.OpenText file
let readc() =
c := stream.Read() |> char
// etc
I assume this has some overhead (not much, I know, but I'm trying for maximum speed here), and it's a little inelegant. The most obvious alternative would be to create a parser class object and have the mutable variables be fields in it. Does anyone know which is likely to be faster? Is there any consensus on which is considered better/more idiomatic style? Is there another option I'm missing?
You mentioned that local mutable values cannot be captured by a closure, so you need to use ref instead. The reason for this is that mutable values captured in the closure need to be allocated on the heap (because closure is allocated on the heap).
F# forces you to write this explicitly (using ref). In C# you can "capture mutable variable", but the compiler translates it to a field in a heap-allocated object behind the scene, so it will be on the heap anyway.
Summary is: If you want to use closures, mutable variables need to be allocated on the heap.
Now, regarding your code - your implementation uses ref, which creates a small object for every mutable variable that you're using. An alternative would be to create a single object with multiple mutable fields. Using records, you could write:
type ReadClosure = {
mutable c : char
mutable k : SomeType } // whatever type you use here
let rec read file includepath =
let state = { c = ' '; k = NONE }
// ...
let readc() =
state.c <- stream.Read() |> char
// etc...
This may be a bit more efficient, because you're allocating a single object instead of a few objects, but I don't expect the difference will be noticeable.
There is also one confusing thing about your code - the stream value will be disposed after the function read returns, so the call to stream.Read may be invalid (if you call readc after read completes).
let rec read file includepath =
let c = ref ' '
use stream = File.OpenText file
let readc() =
c := stream.Read() |> char
let f = read a1 a2
f() // This would fail!
I'm not quite sure how you're actually using readc, but this may be a problem to think about. Also, if you're declaring it only as a helper closure, you could probably rewrite the code without closure (or write it explicitly using tail-recursion, which is translated to imperative loop with mutable variables) to avoid any allocations.
I did the following profiling:
let test() =
let mutable a = 0.0
for i=1 to 10 do
for j=1 to 10000000 do
a <- a + float j
let test2() =
let a = ref 0.0
for i=1 to 10 do
for j=1 to 10000000 do
a := !a + float j
the average for mutable is 50ms, while ref 600ms. The performance difference is due to that mutable variables are in stack, while ref variables are in managed heap.
The relative difference is big. However, 10^8 times of access is a big number. And the total time is acceptable. So don't worry too much about the performance of ref variables. And remember:
Premature optimization is the root of
all evil.
My advice is you first finish your parser, then consider optimizing it. You won't know where the bottomneck is until you actually run the program. One good thing about F# is that its terse syntax and functional style well support code refactoring. Once the code is done, optimizing it would be convenient. Here's an profiling example.
Just another example, we use .net arrays everyday, which is also in managed heap:
let test3() =
let a = Array.create 1 0.0
for i=1 to 10 do
for j=1 to 10000000 do
a.[0] <- a.[0] + float j
test3() runs about the same as ref's. If you worry too much of variables in managed heap, then you won't use array anymore.

Erlang: erl shell hangs after building a large data structure

As suggested in answers to a previous question, I tried using Erlang proplists to implement a prefix trie.
The code seems to work decently well... But, for some reason, it doesn't play well with the interactive shell. When I try to run it, the shell hangs:
> Trie = trie:from_dict(). % Creates a trie from a dictionary
% ... the trie is printed ...
% Then nothing happens
I see the new trie printed to the screen (ie, the call to trie:from_dict() has returned), then the shell just hangs. No new > prompt comes up and ^g doesn't do anything (but ^c will eventually kill it off).
With a very small dictionary (the first 50 lines of /usr/share/dict/words), the hang only lasts a second or two (and the trie is built almost instantly)... But it seems to grow exponentially with the size of the dictionary (100 words takes 5 or 10 seconds, I haven't had the patience to try larger wordlists). Also, as the shell is hanging, I notice that the beam.smp process starts eating up a lot of memory (somewhere between 1 and 2 gigs).
So, is there anything obvious that could be causing this shell hang and incredible memory usage?
Some various comments:
I have a hunch that the garbage collector is at fault, but I don't know how to profile or create an experiment to test that.
I've tried profiling with eprof and nothing obvious showed up.
Here is my "add string to trie" function:
add([], Trie) ->
[ stop | Trie ];
add([Ch|Rest], Trie) ->
SubTrie = proplists:get_value(Ch, Trie, []),
NewSubTrie = add(Rest, SubTrie),
NewTrie = [ { Ch, NewSubTrie } | Trie ],
% Arbitrarily decide to compress key/value list once it gets
% more than 60 pairs.
if length(NewTrie) > 60 ->
true ->
The problem is (amongst others ? -- see my comment) that you are always adding a new {Ch, NewSubTrie} tuple to your proplist Tries, no matter if Ch already existed, or not.
Instead of
NewTrie = [ { Ch, NewSubTrie } | Trie ]
you need something like:
NewTrie = lists:keystore(Ch, 1, Trie, {Ch, NewSubTrie})
You're not really building a trie here. Your end result is effectively a randomly ordered proplist of proplists that requires full scans at each level when walking the list. Tries are typically implied ordering based on position in the array (or list).
Here's an implementation that uses tuples as the storage mechanism. Calling set only rebuilds the root and direct path tuples.
(note: would probably have to make the pair a triple (adding size) make delete work with any efficiency)
I believe erlang tuples are really just arrays (thought I read that somewhere), so lookup should be super fast, and modify is probably straight forward. Maybe this is faster with the array module, but I haven't really played with it much to know.
this version also stores an arbitrary value, so you can do things like:
1> c(trie).
2> trie:get("ab",trie:set("aa",bar,trie:new("ab",foo))).
3> trie:get("abc",trie:set("aa",bar,trie:new("ab",foo))).
code (entire module): note2: assumes lower case non empty string keys
-define(NEW,{ %% 26 pairs, to avoid cost of calculating a new level at runtime
-define(POS(Ch), Ch - $a + 1).
new(Key,V) -> set(Key,V,?NEW).
set([H],V,Trie) ->
Pos = ?POS(H),
{_,SubTrie} = element(Pos,Trie),
set([H|T],V,Trie) ->
Pos = ?POS(H),
{SubKey,SubTrie} = element(Pos,Trie),
case SubTrie of
nodepth -> setelement(Pos,Trie,{SubKey,set(T,V,?NEW)});
SubTrie -> setelement(Pos,Trie,{SubKey,set(T,V,SubTrie)})
get([H],Trie) ->
{Val,_} = element(?POS(H),Trie),
get([H|T],Trie) ->
case element(?POS(H),Trie) of
{_,nodepth} -> undefined;
{_,SubTrie} -> get(T,SubTrie)
