Erlang: erl shell hangs after building a large data structure - erlang

As suggested in answers to a previous question, I tried using Erlang proplists to implement a prefix trie.
The code seems to work decently well... But, for some reason, it doesn't play well with the interactive shell. When I try to run it, the shell hangs:
> Trie = trie:from_dict(). % Creates a trie from a dictionary
% ... the trie is printed ...
% Then nothing happens
I see the new trie printed to the screen (ie, the call to trie:from_dict() has returned), then the shell just hangs. No new > prompt comes up and ^g doesn't do anything (but ^c will eventually kill it off).
With a very small dictionary (the first 50 lines of /usr/share/dict/words), the hang only lasts a second or two (and the trie is built almost instantly)... But it seems to grow exponentially with the size of the dictionary (100 words takes 5 or 10 seconds, I haven't had the patience to try larger wordlists). Also, as the shell is hanging, I notice that the beam.smp process starts eating up a lot of memory (somewhere between 1 and 2 gigs).
So, is there anything obvious that could be causing this shell hang and incredible memory usage?
Some various comments:
I have a hunch that the garbage collector is at fault, but I don't know how to profile or create an experiment to test that.
I've tried profiling with eprof and nothing obvious showed up.
Here is my "add string to trie" function:
add([], Trie) ->
[ stop | Trie ];
add([Ch|Rest], Trie) ->
SubTrie = proplists:get_value(Ch, Trie, []),
NewSubTrie = add(Rest, SubTrie),
NewTrie = [ { Ch, NewSubTrie } | Trie ],
% Arbitrarily decide to compress key/value list once it gets
% more than 60 pairs.
if length(NewTrie) > 60 ->
true ->

The problem is (amongst others ? -- see my comment) that you are always adding a new {Ch, NewSubTrie} tuple to your proplist Tries, no matter if Ch already existed, or not.
Instead of
NewTrie = [ { Ch, NewSubTrie } | Trie ]
you need something like:
NewTrie = lists:keystore(Ch, 1, Trie, {Ch, NewSubTrie})

You're not really building a trie here. Your end result is effectively a randomly ordered proplist of proplists that requires full scans at each level when walking the list. Tries are typically implied ordering based on position in the array (or list).
Here's an implementation that uses tuples as the storage mechanism. Calling set only rebuilds the root and direct path tuples.
(note: would probably have to make the pair a triple (adding size) make delete work with any efficiency)
I believe erlang tuples are really just arrays (thought I read that somewhere), so lookup should be super fast, and modify is probably straight forward. Maybe this is faster with the array module, but I haven't really played with it much to know.
this version also stores an arbitrary value, so you can do things like:
1> c(trie).
2> trie:get("ab",trie:set("aa",bar,trie:new("ab",foo))).
3> trie:get("abc",trie:set("aa",bar,trie:new("ab",foo))).
code (entire module): note2: assumes lower case non empty string keys
-define(NEW,{ %% 26 pairs, to avoid cost of calculating a new level at runtime
-define(POS(Ch), Ch - $a + 1).
new(Key,V) -> set(Key,V,?NEW).
set([H],V,Trie) ->
Pos = ?POS(H),
{_,SubTrie} = element(Pos,Trie),
set([H|T],V,Trie) ->
Pos = ?POS(H),
{SubKey,SubTrie} = element(Pos,Trie),
case SubTrie of
nodepth -> setelement(Pos,Trie,{SubKey,set(T,V,?NEW)});
SubTrie -> setelement(Pos,Trie,{SubKey,set(T,V,SubTrie)})
get([H],Trie) ->
{Val,_} = element(?POS(H),Trie),
get([H|T],Trie) ->
case element(?POS(H),Trie) of
{_,nodepth} -> undefined;
{_,SubTrie} -> get(T,SubTrie)


F# seq behavior

I'm a little baffled about the inner work of the sequence expression in F#.
Normally if we make a sequential file reader with seq with no intentional caching of data
seq {
let mutable current = file.Read()
while current <> -1 do
yield current
We will end up with some weird behavior if we try to do some re-iterate or backtracking, My Idea of this was, since Read() is a function calling some mutable value we can't expect the output to be correct if we re-iterate. But then this behaves nicely even on boundary reading?
let Read path =
seq {
use fp = System.IO.File.OpenRead path
let buf = [| for _ in 0 .. 1024 -> 0uy |]
let mutable pos = 1
let mutable current = 0
while pos <> 0 do
if current = 0 then
pos <- fp.Read(buf, 0, 1024)
if pos > 0 && current < pos then
yield buf.[current]
current <- (current + 1) % 1024
let content = Read "some path"
We clearly use the same buffer to enhance performance, but assuming that we read the 1025 byte, it will trigger an update to the buffer, if we then try to read any byte with position < 1025 after we still get the correct output. How can that be and what are the difference?
Your question is a bit unclear, so I'll try to guess.
When you create a seq { }, you're essentially creating a state machine which will run only as far as it needs to. When you request the very first element from it, it'll start at the top and run until your first yield instruction. Then, when you request another value, it'll run from that point until the next yield, and so on.
Keep in mind that a seq { } produces an IEnumerable<'T>, which is like a "plan of execution". Each time you start to iterate the sequence (for example by calling Seq.head), a call to GetEnumerator is made behind the scenes, which causes a new IEnumerator<'T> to be created. It is the IEnumerator which does the actual providing of values. You can think of it in more classical terms as having an array over which you can iterate (an iterable or enumerable) and many pointers over that array, each of which are at different points in the array (many iterators or enumerators).
In your first code, file is most likely external to the seq block. This means that the file you are reading from is baked into the plan of execution; no matter how many times you start to iterate the sequence, you'll always be reading from the same file. This is obviously going to cause unpredictable behaviour.
However, in your second code, the file is opened as part of the seq block's definition. This means that you'll get a new file handle each time you iterate the sequence or, essentially, a new file handle per enumerator. The reason this code works is that you can't reverse an enumerator or iterate over it multiple times, not with a single thread at least.
(Now, if you were to manually get an enumerator and advance it over multiple threads, you'd probably run into problems very quickly. But that is a different topic.)

Erlang: variable is unbound

Why is the following saying variable unbound?
9> {<<A:Length/binary, Rest/binary>>, Length} = {<<1,2,3,4,5>>, 3}.
* 1: variable 'Length' is unbound
It's pretty clear that Length should be 3.
I am trying to have a function with similar pattern matching, ie.:
parse(<<Body:Length/binary, Rest/binary>>, Length) ->
But if fails with the same reason. How can I achieve the pattern matching I want?
What I am really trying to achieve is parse in incoming tcp stream packets as LTV(Length, Type, Value).
At some point after I parse the the Length and the Type, I want to ready only up to Length number of bytes as the value, as the rest will probably be for the next LTV.
So my parse_value function is like this:
parse_value(Value0, Left, Callback = {Module, Function},
{length, Length, type, Type, value, Value1}) when byte_size(Value0) >= Left ->
<<Value2:Left/binary, Rest/binary>> = Value0,
Module:Function({length, Length, type, Type, value, lists:reverse([Value2 | Value1])}),
Rest =:= <<>> ->
{?MODULE, parse, {}};
true ->
parse(Rest, Callback, {})
parse_value(Value0, Left, _, {length, Length, type, Type, value, Value1}) ->
{?MODULE, parse_value, Left - byte_size(Value0), {length, Length, type, Type, value, [Value0 | Value1]}}.
If I could do the pattern matching, I could break it up to something more pleasant to the eye.
The rules for pattern matching are that if a variable X occurs in two subpatterns, as in {X, X}, or {X, [X]}, or similar, then they have to have the same value in both positions, but the matching of each subpattern is still done in the same input environment - bindings from one side do not carry over to the other. The equality check is conceptually done afterwards, as if you had matched on {X, X2} and added a guard X =:= X2. This means that your Length field in the tuple cannot be used as input to the binary pattern, not even if you make it the leftmost element.
However, within a binary pattern, variables bound in a field can be used in other fields following it, left-to-right. Therefore, the following works (using a leading 32-bit size field in the binary):
1> <<Length:32, A:Length/binary, Rest/binary>> = <<0,0,0,3,1,2,3,4,5>>.
2> A.
3> Rest.
I've run into this before. There is some weirdness between what is happening inside binary syntax and what happens during unification (matching). I suspect that it is just that binary syntax and matching occur at different times in the VM somewhere (we don't know which Length is failing to get assigned -- maybe binary matching is always first in evaluation, so Length is still meaningless). I was once going to dig in and find out, but then I realized that I never really needed to solve this problem -- which might be why it was never "solved".
Fortunately, this won't stop you with whatever you are doing.
Unfortunately, we can't really help further unless you explain the context in which you think this kind of a match is a good idea (you are having an X-Y problem).
In binary parsing you can always force the situation to be one of the following:
Have a fixed-sized header at the beginning of the binary message that tells you the next size element you need (and from there that can continue as a chain of associations endlessly)
Inspect the binary once on entry to determine the size you are looking for, pull that one value, and then begin the real parsing task
Have a set of fields, all of predetermined sizes that conform to some a binary schema standard
Convert the binary to a list and iterate through it with any arbitrary amount of look-ahead and backtracking you might need
Quick Solution
Without knowing anything else about your general problem, a typical solution would look like:
parse(Length, Bin) ->
<<Body:Length/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin,
ok = do_something(Body),
But I smell something funky here.
Having things like this in your code is almost always a sign that a more fundamental aspect of the code structure is not in agreement with the data that you are handling.
But deadlines.
Erlang is all about practical code that satisfies your goals in the real world. With that in mind, I suggest that you do something like the above for now, and then return to this problem domain and rethink it. Then refactor it. This will gain you three benefits:
Something will work right away.
You will later learn something fundamental about parsing in general.
Your code will almost certainly run faster if it fits your data better.
Here is an example in the shell:
1> Parse =
1> fun
1> (Length, Bin) when Length =< byte_size(Bin) ->
1> <<Body:Length/binary, Rest/binary>> = Bin,
1> ok = io:format("Chopped off ~p bytes: ~p~n", [Length, Body]),
1> Rest;
1> (Length, Bin) ->
1> ok = io:format("Binary shorter than ~p~n", [Length]),
1> Bin
1> end.
2> Parse(3, <<1,2,3,4,5>>).
Chopped off 3 bytes: <<1,2,3>>
3> Parse(8, <<1,2,3,4,5>>).
Binary shorter than 8
Note that this version is a little safer, in that we avoid a crash in the case that Length is longer than the binary. This is yet another good reason why maybe we can't do that match in the function head.
Try with below code:
{<<A:Length/binary, Rest/binary>>, _} = {_, Length} = {<<1,2,3,4,5>>, 3}.
This question is mentioned a bit in EEP-52:
Any variables used in the expression must have been previously bound, or become bound in the same binary pattern as the expression. That is, the following example is illegal:
illegal_example2(N, <<X:N,T/binary>>) ->
And explained a bit more in the following e-mail:
Illegal. With one exception, matching is not done in a left-to-right
order, but all variables in the pattern will be bound at the same
time. That means that the variables must be bound before the match
starts. For maps, that means that the variables referenced in key
expressions must be bound before the case (or receive) that matches
the map. In a function head, all map keys must be literals.
The exception to this general rule is that within a binary pattern,
the segments are matched from left to right, and a variable bound in a
previous segment can be used in the size expression for a segment
later in the binary pattern.
Also one of the members of OTP team mentioned that they made a prototype that can do that, but it was never finished
We actually tried to make your example legal. The transformation of
the code that we did was not to rewrite to guards, but to match
arguments or parts of argument in the right order so that variables
that input variables would be bound before being used. (We would do a
topological sort to find the correct order.) For your example, the
transformation would look similar to this:
legal_example(Key, Map) ->
case Map of
#{Key := Value} -> Value;
_ -> error(function_clause, [Key, Map])
In the prototype implementation, the compiler could compile the
following example:
#{ node(Ref) := NodeId, Loop := universal_answer},
[{NodeId, Size} | T],
<<Int:(Size*8+length(T)),Loop>>) when is_reference(Ref) ->
Things started to fall apart when variables are repeated. Repeated
variables in patterns already have a meaning in Erlang (they should be
the same), so it become tricky to understand to distinguish between
variables being bound or variables being used a binary size or map
key. Here is an example that the prototype couldn't handle:
foo(#{K := K}, K) -> ok.
A human can see that it should be transformed similar to this:
foo(Map, K) -> case Map of
{K := V} when K =:= V -> ok end.
Here are few other examples that should work but the prototype would
refuse to compile (often emitting an incomprehensible error message):
bin2(<<Sz:8,X:Sz>>, <<Y:Sz>>) -> {X,Y}.
repeated_vars(#{K := #{K := K}}, K) -> K.
match_map_bs(#{K1 := {bin,<<Int:Sz>>}, K2 := <<Sz:8>>}, {K1,K2}) ->
Another problem was when example was correctly rejected, the error
message would be confusing.
Because much more work would clearly be needed, we have shelved the
idea for now. Personally, I am not sure that the idea is sound in the
first place. But I am sure of one thing: the implementation would be
very complicated.
UPD: latest news from 2020-05-14

Erlang: split binary on every char

I wrote a function that works, to split a binary to every char, but I have a feeling there is an easier way to do it:
my_binary_to_list(<<H,T/binary>>) ->
%slightly modified version of
my_binary_to_list(<<>>) -> [].
> my_binary_to_list(<<"ABC">>).
I think this is probably messy because of the list_to_binary([H]) because H should already be a binary.
I tried using that linked function directly but got "AA" which was not what I wanted. Then I tried just [H] and got ["A","B","C"] which was also not what I wanted.
You can create a binary from a single byte without creating a list and calling list_to_binary like this:
my_binary_to_list(<<H,T/binary>>) ->
You can also use binary comprehensions here to do the same logic as above in a single line:
1> [<<X>> || <<X>> <= <<"ABC">>].
You can also directly extract binaries of size 1 (this is probably not faster than above though):
2> [X || <<X:1/binary>> <= <<"ABC">>].
Edit: a quick bench using timer:tc/1 runs the second code in roughly half the time compared to first, but you should benchmark yourself before using either one for performance reasons. Maybe the second one is sharing the large binary by creating sub binaries?
1> Bin = binary:copy(<<"?">>, 1000000).
2> timer:tc(fun() -> [<<X>> || <<X>> <= Bin] end).
3> timer:tc(fun() -> [X || <<X:1/binary>> <= Bin] end).
You can use a list comprehension with a bit string generator (<= consumes binaries, as opposed to <- which consumes lists):
> [<<A>> || <<A>> <= <<"foo">>].
In your version, list_to_binary([H]) can be replaced by <<H>> - both generate a binary containing one byte. Whether using a list comprehension instead of a recursive function qualifies as "easier" might be a matter of taste.

Sieve of Erastosthenes highest prime factor in erlang

I have edited the program so that it works(with small numbers) however I do not understand how to implement an accumulator as suggested. The reason why is because P changes throughout the process, therefore I do not know in with which granularity I should break up the mother list. The Sieve of Erastosthenes is only efficient for generating smaller primes, so maybe I should have picked a different algorithm to use. Can anybody recommend a decent algorithm for calculating the highest prime factor of 600851475143? Please do not give me code I would prefer a Wikipedia article of something of that nature.
primes(N) -> [2|lists:reverse(primes(lists:seq(2,N),2,[]))].
primes(_,bound_reached,[_|T]) -> T;
primes(L,P,Primes) -> NewList = mark(L,P),
NewP = find(NewList,P),
find([],_) -> bound_reached;
find([H|_],P) when H > P -> H;
find([_|T],P) -> find(T,P).
mark(L,P) -> lists:reverse(mark(L,P,2,[])).
mark([],_,_,NewList) -> NewList;
mark([_|T],P,Counter,NewList) when Counter rem P =:= 0 -> mark(T,P,Counter+1,[P|NewList]);
mark([H|T],P,Counter,NewList) -> mark(T,P,Counter+1,[H|NewList]).
I found writing this very difficult and I know there are a few things about it that are not very elegant, such as the way I have 2 hardcoded as a prime number. So I would appreciate any C&C and also advice about how to attack these kinds of problems. I look at other implementations and I have absoulutely no idea how the authors think in this way but its something I would like to master.
I have worked out that I can forget the list up until the most recent prime number found, however I have no idea how I am supposed to produce an end bound (subtle humour). I think there is probably something I can use like lists:seq(P,something) and the Counter would be able to handle that as I use modulo rather than resetting it to 0 each time. Ive only done AS level maths so I have no idea what this is.
I cant even do that can I? because I will have to remove multiples of 2 from the entirety of the list. Im thinking that this algorithm will not work unless I cache data to the harddrive, so I'm back to looking for a better algorithm.
I'm now considering writing an algorithm that just uses a counter and keeps a list of primes which are numbers that do not divide evenly with the previously generated prime numbers is this a good way to do it?
This is my new algorithm that I wrote I think it should work but I get the following error "sieve2.erl:7: call to local/imported function is_prime/2 is illegal in guard" I think this is just an aspect of erlang that I do not understand. However I've no idea how I could find the material to read about it. [Im purposely not using higher order functions etc as I have only read upto the bit on recursion in]
primes(N) -> primes(2,N,[2]).
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) when Counter =:= Max -> Primes;
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) when is_prime(Counter,Primes) -> primes(Counter+1,Max,[Counter|Primes]);
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) -> primes(Counter+1,Max,Primes).
is_prime(X, []) -> true;
is_prime(X,[H|T]) when X rem H =:= 0 -> false;
is_prime(X,[H|T]) -> prime(X,T).
The 2nd algorithm does not crash but runs too slowly, I'm thinking that I should reimplement the 1st but this time forget the numbers up until the most recently discovered prime, does anybody know what I could use as an end bound? After looking at other solutions it seems people sometimes just set an arbitrary limit i.e 2 million (this is something I do not really want to do. Others used "lazy" implementations which is what I think I am doing.
lists:seq(2,N div 2)
allocates a list, and as the efficiency guide says, a list requires at least two words of memory per element. (A word is 4 or 8 bytes, depending on whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit Erlang virtual machine.) So if N is 600851475143, this would require 48 terabytes of memory if I count correctly. (Unlike Haskell, Erlang doesn't do lazy evaluation.)
So you'd need to implement this using an accumulator, similar to what you did with Counter in the mark function. For the stop condition of the recursive function, you wouldn't check for the list being empty, but for the accumulator reaching the max value.
By the way you don't need to test all numbers up to N/2. It is enough to test up to sqrt(N).
Here I wrote a version that takes 20 seconds to find the answer on my machine. It uses kind of lazy list of primes and folding through them. It was fun because I solved some project-euler problems using Haskell quite a long ago and to use the same approach on Erlang was a bit of strange.
On your update3:
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) when Counter =:= Max -> Primes;
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) when is_prime(Counter,Primes) -> primes(Counter+1,Max,[Counter|Primes]);
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) -> primes(Counter+1,Max,Primes).
You cannot use your own defined functions as guard clauses as in Haskell. You have to rewrite it to use it in a case statement:
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) when Counter =:= Max ->
primes(Counter,Max,Primes) ->
case is_prime(Counter,Primes) of
true ->
_ ->

Querying mnesia Fragmentated Tables using QLC returns wrong results

am josh in Uganda. i created a mnesia fragmented table (64 fragments), and managed to populate it upto 9948723 records. Each fragment was a disc_copies type, with two replicas.
Now, using qlc (query list comprehension), was too slow in searching for a record, and was returning inaccurate results.
I found out that this overhead is that qlc uses the select function of mnesia which traverses the entire table in order to match records. i tried something else below.
-record(person,{name,sex,age,address = #address{}}).
match()-> Z = fun(Spec) -> mnesia:match_object(Spec) end,Z.
Match = match(),
Trying this functionality gave me good results. But i found that i have to dynamically build patterns for every search that may be made in my stored procedures.
i decided to go through the havoc of doing this, so i wrote functions which will dynamically build wild patterns for my records depending on which parameter is to be searched.
%% This below gives me the default pattern for all searches ::= {person,'_','_','_'}
N = length(my_record_info(Record_name)) + 1,
%% this finds the position of the provided value and places it in that
%% position while keeping '_' in the other positions.
%% The caller function can use this function recursively until
%% it has built the full search pattern of interest
N = position(Field,my_record_info(element(1,Pattern_sofar))),
case N of
-1 -> Pattern_sofar;
Int when Int >= 1 -> erlang:setelement(N + 1,Pattern_sofar,Value);
_ -> Pattern_sofar
case Record_name of
staff_dynamic -> record_info(fields,staff_dynamic);
person -> record_info(fields,person);
_ -> []
%% These below,help locate the position of an element in a list
%% returned by "-record_info(fields,person)"
position(_,[]) -> -1;
find(false,_,_,_) -> -1;
find(true,V,[V|_],N)-> N;
find(V,X,N + 1).
find(V,[V|_],N)-> N;
find(V,[_|X],N) -> find(V,X,N + 1).
This was working very well though it was computationally intensive.
It could still work even after changing the record definition since at compile time, it gets the new record info
The problem is that when i initiate even 25 processes on a 3.0 GHz pentium 4 processor running WinXP, It hangs and takes a long time to return results.
If am to use qlc in these fragments, to get accurate results, i have to specify which fragment to search in like this.
select(qlc:q([ X || X <- mnesia:table(Frag), (X#person.address) == Tel])).
case ?transact(fun() -> qlc:e(Q) end) of
{atomic,Val} -> Val;
{aborted,_} = Error -> report_mnesia_event(Error)
Qlc was returning [], when i search for something yet when i use match_object/1 i get accurate results. I found that using match_expressions can help.
where Props is a data structure that defines the match expression, the chunk size of return values e.t.c
I got a problem when i tried building match expressions dynamically.
Function mnesia:read/1 or mnesia:read/2 requires that you have the primary key
Now am asking myself, how can i efficiently use QLC to search for records in a large fragmented table? Please help.
I know that using tuple representation of records makes code hard to upgrade. This is why
i hate using mnesia:select/1, mnesia:match_object/1 and i want to stick to QLC. QLC is giving me wrong results in my queries from a mnesia table of 64 fragments even on the same node.
Has anyone ever used QLC to query a fragmented table?, please help
Do you invoke the qlc in the activity context?
tfn_match(Id) ->
Search = #person{address=#address{tel=Id, _ = '_'}, _ = '_'},
trans(fun() -> mnesia:match_object(Search) end).
tfn_qlc(Id) ->
Q = qlc:q([ X || X <- mnesia:table(person), (X#person.address) == Id]),
trans(fun() -> qlc:e(Q) end).
trans(Fun) ->
try Res = mnesia:activity(transaction, Fun, mnesia_frag),
{atomic, Res}
catch exit:Error ->
{aborted, Error}
