Is there a iOS App URL Scheme for the Camera App - ios

I found this list of the available ios app URl schemes:
The camera app is not in this list. Trying camera:// does give a prompt to open the Camera app, however on accepting us errors with "address is invalid".
What is the correct way to open the Camera App on iOS via such an URL scheme?


Opening 'comgooglemaps://' uri is opening another app. - iOS

While opening google maps in iOS by using scheme comgooglemaps:// , It is opening another app named Pitch Gauge. I also confirm that Google Maps app is installed in my iPhone. Still its not picking the url scheme of Google Maps app and trigerring for Pitch Gauge App.
I am using the code given below with cordovaInAppBrowser. "comgooglemaps://?q=" + address, "_system");
Want to know if there any change in URL scheme in iOS for redirecting to Google Maps. Or there's any need to make change related scheme url in iOS?

Open app with URL Scheme from Facebook

I'm trying to open my iOS app from my Facebook page throught a custom URL Scheme.
I tried to add a custom URL Scheme in my app (and if I type it in Safari my app opens), I tried to add Facebook SDK in my app, configuring info.plist with all parameters like app ID and FacebookUrlScheme, but my app does not open in any case.
I don't have any other ideas and I didn't find any guide or tutorial for this.

Opening iOS Passbook app from iOS Safari

I have a website where I offer to Download a Pass to Passbook.
After clicking on it on an Iphone the pass opens up and lets me save it to Passbook. After I click on add I am again on the previous Safari website.
Is there any chance I can then open the Passbook App programatically from Safari? Some kind of URL scheme?
Similar to this one here?

Open Settings from App (like Twitter to turn on Wi-Fi) - With iOS 7.1

I know that there are a lot of Q&A saying that from iOS 5.1 it is not possible to open Settings from the app, some examples:
Opening the Settings app from another app
is it possible to open Settings App using openURL?
launch settings from alert
But what is really annoying is that Twitter App (version 6.2.1, iPhone 4s, iOS 7.1) is opening Settings from the application.
Check this image:
Clicking on Settings, Twitter is opening Settings and a view with title Wi-Fi. It is true that this view do not have all the Wi-Fi properties. However, it is something into Settings.
How is that possible? How is handling Twitter with that?
Someone have a clue?
That is not the Twitter app showing the alert. That is a standard iOS alert that can appear when an app tries to use location services with no WiFi.
No 3rd party app can directly show that alert. iOS shows it and iOS takes you to the Settings app.
I just verified this with my own app. If the app already has permission to use location services, then if you do something in the app that requires location, this alert will appear when appropriate. I know for a fact that I do nothing in my code to make the alert appear but it does appear.

How to force an iTunes URL to open in Safari on the iPhone?

I have the following URL which links to the product page of a Mac app. I'd like to provide this URL inside my iPhone app. However, it always launches the App Store and subsequently can't display the product because it's not an iOS app. How would I tell it to open in Safari? Is this even possible?
Haven't found an answer, so opted for directing to Appshoper URL instead.
