Opening iOS Passbook app from iOS Safari - ios

I have a website where I offer to Download a Pass to Passbook.
After clicking on it on an Iphone the pass opens up and lets me save it to Passbook. After I click on add I am again on the previous Safari website.
Is there any chance I can then open the Passbook App programatically from Safari? Some kind of URL scheme?
Similar to this one here?


How to force to open app by Universal Link in Swift likes iOS Notes app

I run into an issue with Universal Link that once the Universal Link is opened by Safari, it won't able to open by its app.
Seem iOS does remember the last app used to open the link.
But when I copy the link into iOS Notes app, long-press, select Open in "App Name" and the issue is gone! (Check the screenshot)
Does anybody know how to force to open an app like iOS Notes app?
Or does anybody know how to check whether the URL has been remembered to open by Safari by iOS?
I did try by open(_:options:completionHandler:) & specific options [.universalLinksOnly: true] but it doesn't work
Thanks all 🙏🏿
This article may help.
When a user browses your website in Safari and taps a universal link in the same domain, the system opens that link in Safari, respecting the user’s most likely intent to continue within the browser. If the user taps a universal link in a different domain, the system opens the link in your app.

Open iOS application from universal links

I have implemented universal links in my application by uploading "apple-app-site-association" to my server and enabling "associated domains" in my project(by adding applinks). My app opens whenever I click on my server weblink from Safari browser.
1) Its not working on any other browser
2) I need to open my app from other apps as well, i.e. Instagram, Twitter etc.
How can I achieve the above scenarios using universal links. If not, is there any other way of achieving the same.
Not all apps will open universal links in you app. You can read a little more here:
"Pasting a Universal Link directly into the Safari URL field doesn’t cause the app to open automatically. If you do this, you will have to manually pull the website down so that a prompt will appear at the top asking you to open the respective app.
But, if you paste links in Facebook(app), Twitter(app), Mail(app) or even if you go to Facebook on Safari and then click on a universal link, the app opens directly.
Universal links will not works for all the apps in iOS. If you click on a universal link from any of the “BLACK LISTED” apps, it will not open the app. Go to this link to know more.
As in step one, for the first time you will have to manually pull down the website and click “open” to open the link using the respective app. The iOS will “remember” to open the app instead of opening the safari if the universal link with the registered domains are clicked."

Open in [MyAppName] from WKWebView

Can I achieve the Open in [MyAppName] banner using a WKWebView?
Open in MyAppName
I have submitted an app [written in Swift] which prompts the user to sign in to a google account through Safari and open a .csv file of a report. When the report is opened the user is presented with the Open in [MyAppName] banner. They click it, the app launches with the contents of the URL and it all works perfectly.
Apple have rejected the app saying that navigating the user to Safari is a 'poor user experience' and suggest I use a Safari View Controller. As this is available for iOS9+ and I want to target iOS8+ I am looking to use a WKWebView but I can't seem to get the Open in [MyAppName] banner to appear. I'm not aware that this functionality is even possible with WKWebView.
I've messaged Apple to ask them but I find them so slow to reply.
Thanks in advance

Click on a posted news-feed Facebook will open up my iOS app on iOS 7

I have an app on iPhone, that share a message on Facebook news-feed. It's ok. But when i open the Facebook app on the iPhone, and click on what i have shared in news-feed, it open up to my application !!?? it should open the link i have shared on Browser. My iPhone run iOS 7.0.3. In iOS 6 it's seem ok.
Does anyone deal with this problem?
Take a look at this. section - "Communicating with other apps".
Basically, you would implement a custom url scheme for your app and when a link with your url scheme is invoked, iOS sends a message to your app to invoke itself.
I have found that the "Deep linking" in setting of the Facebook app on my account determines the behaviour when click on the shared link (on iPhone). If i turn off "Deep linking", it will be ok.
But now the problem is the text header of shared item is:
" shared a link via "
while i see some application such as Vine show on news-feed:
(Although Vine only shares a video link, not post video to Facebook).

How to force an iTunes URL to open in Safari on the iPhone?

I have the following URL which links to the product page of a Mac app. I'd like to provide this URL inside my iPhone app. However, it always launches the App Store and subsequently can't display the product because it's not an iOS app. How would I tell it to open in Safari? Is this even possible?
Haven't found an answer, so opted for directing to Appshoper URL instead.
