How can I use Deedle to get every row from some key and below? - f#

I want to return every value up to and including some key.
Whilst I could generate every such key and chuck them all into the Get, I suspect this will inefficiently search for the value of every key.
Inspired by this answer, I have come up with the following
let getAllUpTo key (frame:Frame<'key,'col>) : Frame<'key, 'col> =
let endRng = frame.RowIndex.Locate key
let startRng = frame.RowIndex.KeyRange |> fst |> frame.RowIndex.Locate
let fixedRange = RangeRestriction.Fixed (startRng, endRng)
frame.GetAddressRange fixedRange
Is there a built in method for doing this efficiently?

If you want to access a sub-range of a data frame with a specified starting/ending key, you can do this using the df.Rows.[ ... ] indexer. Say we have some data indexed by (sorted) dates:
let s1 = series [
let rnd = Random()
for d in 0 .. 365 ->
DateTime(2020, 1, 1).AddDays(float d) => rnd.Next() ]
let df = frame [ "S1" => s1 ]
To get a part of the data frame starting/ending on a specific date, you can use:
// Get all rows from 1 June (inclusive)
df.Rows.[DateTime(2020, 6, 1) ..]
// Get all rows until 1 June (inclusive)
df.Rows.[.. DateTime(2020, 6, 1)]
The API you are using is essentially what this does under the cover - but you are using a very low-level operations that you do not typically need to use in user code.


Limiting query for one result where there is 2 values are matching

I am trying to query 2 long columns for agents' name, the issue is the names are repeated on 2 tables, one for the total sum of productivity and the other is for total sum of utilization.
The thing is when I query the columns it returns back the numbers for Productivity and Utilization all together.
How can I make the query to search only for Productivity alone and for Utilization alone?
Link is here:
Apps Script would be a better solution in this case. The code below works as follows:
Gets the names from Column D and Column A.
For each name of Column D, it will compare it with each name of Column A (that's the 2 for loops)
If the names coincide (first if), it will check the background color (second if) of the Column A name to accumulate Total Prod and Total Util.
Once it reaches the end of the Column A, writes the values in Total Prod and Total Util (Columns E and F) for each name in D.
function onOpen() { //Will run every time you open the sheet
//Gets the active Spreadsheet and sheet
let sprsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
let sheet = sprsheet.getActiveSheet();
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var getNames = sheet.getRange(3, 1, lastRow).getValues(); //Names from row 2, col 1, until the last row
var totalNames = sheet.getRange("D4:D5").getValues(); //Change the range for more names
let prodColor = '#f2f4f7'; //hexadecimal codes of the background colors of names in A
let utilColor = '#cfe2f3'; //
for (var i = 0; i < totalNames.length; i++) {
var totalProd = 0, totalUtil = 0; //Starts at 0 for each name in D
for (var j = 0; j < getNames.length; j++) {
if (totalNames[i][0] == getNames[j][0]) {
if (sheet.getRange(j + 3, 1).getBackgroundObject().asRgbColor().asHexString() == prodColor) { //if colors coincide
totalProd += sheet.getRange(j + 3, 2).getValue();
} else if (sheet.getRange(j + 3, 1).getBackgroundObject().asRgbColor().asHexString() == utilColor) {
totalUtil += sheet.getRange(j + 3, 2).getValue();
sheet.getRange(i+4, 5, 1 ,2).setValues([[totalProd, totalUtil]]);
Note: You will have to run the code manually and accept permissions the first time you run it. After that it will run automatically each time you open the Sheet. It might take a few seconds for the code to run and to reflect changes on the Sheet.
To better understand loops and 2D arrays, I recommend you to take a look at this.
Range Class
Get Values
Get BackgroundObject
Set Values
You can learn more about Apps Script and Sheets by following the Quickstart.

Incomplete structured construct

i am new with f# , will be great if some 1 can help , nearly half a day gone solving this problem Thank you
module Certificate =
type T = {
Id: int
IsECert: bool
IsPrintCert: bool
CertifiedBy: string
Categories: Category.T list
let createPending now toZonedDateTime toBeCertifiedByName (job: Models.Job.T) (certificateType: Models.CertificateType.T) (pendingCertificate: Models.PendingCertificate.T) visualization (categories: Category.T list) =
let forCompletion = Models.PendingCertificate.getCertificateForCompletion pendingCertificate
Id = forCompletion.Id |> CertificateId.toInt
IsECert = Models.PendingCertificate.isECertificate pendingCertificate
IsPrintCert = Models.PendingCertificate.isPrintCertificate pendingCertificate
CertifiedBy = toBeCertifiedByName
Categories = categories}
i am getting an error in "Incomplete structured construct at or before this point"
Your formatting is all off. I will assume here that this is just a result of posting to StackOverflow, and your actual code is well indented.
The error comes from the definition of createPending: this function does not have a result. All its body consists of defining a forCompletion value, but there is nothing after it. Here's a simpler example that has the same problem:
let f x =
let y = 5
This function will produce the same error, because it also doesn't have a result. In F#, every function has to return something. The body cannot contain only definitions of helper functions or values. For example, I could fix my broken function above like this:
let f x =
let y = 5
x + y
This function first defines a helper value y, then adds it to its argument x, and returns the result.
> f 2
> 7
> f 0
> 5
How exactly you need to fix your function depends on what exactly you want it to mean. I can't help you here, because you haven't provided that information.

Lua: Creating tables

I'm attempting to use a table as a means to do two things at once. For example:
s = passengers -- user input
t = {[3] = car, [7] = bus, [24] = plane, [45] = train}
for k,v in ipairs t do
if s = k then
z = v * 10 -- cost per person
Now this is extremely basic for what I'm trying to do. I have a list of about 12 items that each have their own number. I want to know if I can do what I did above with the table and provide each of the 12 items with their own key value and then use that ? This key value would represent each items particular, unique number. Also, can I then use that key's value in a later equation, such as above?
If your keys are unique, your data structure. The point of a table key is direct access to the corresponding value.
This has the same effect as your loop:
local v = t[s] -- value for s or nil if s is not a key
if v != nil then
z = v * 10
(Or, more exactly the same: local v = rawget(t,s) to account for cases where t has an __index metamethod.)
If we can assume that v will never be false (which would cause an error at false * 10) then it can be written more naturally (which skips that error):
local v = t[s]
if v then
z = v * 10

Lua return index of a nested table

This is my first attempt to use Lua tables and I'm getting on with it quite well. I'm struggling with one thing though, heres (a small sample of) my table as it currently stands:
objects = {
["1/1/1"] = { tl = 1, startVal = 1, stopVal = 0 },
["1/1/2"] = { tl = 11, startVal = 1, stopVal = 0 },
["1/1/3"] = { tl = 22, startVal = 1, stopVal = 0 },
["1/1/4"] = { tl = 33, startVal = 1, stopVal = 0 },
The typical operation of this is that I use the "1/1/1" values as a lookup to the inner tables and then use those values in various functions. This all works well. Now, I need to go the other way, say I have tl = 22 coming in, I want to return the top value ("1/1/3" in this case).
I think I need to do something with the inpairs I keep seeing on the web but I'm struggling to implement. Any help would be massively appreciated.
You can't use ipairs because your table is an associated array not a sequence, so you have to use pairs. Also, there is no search function builtin to Lua, so you have to loop over all items yourself, looking for the right field value:
function findTL(tbl)
for key, data in pairs(tbl) do
if == tlSearch then
return key
local key = findTL(objects, 22)
If you want something a tad more object-oriented you could do this:
objects.findTL = findTL -- ok because first arg is the table to search
local key = objects:findTL(22)
isn't it better to take the value directly?
I don't know if it will work also with slashes, but if not, you may replace it by 'x' for example. Then it will be:

F# Excel Range.AutoFilter() fails

I'm trying to turn on AutoFilter for the users who will consume the data.
open Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
let xl = ApplicationClass()
let wb = xl.Workbooks.Item(1)
let ws = wb.ActiveSheet :?> Worksheet
let rows = string ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count
// AutoFilter method of Range class failed.
ws.Range("A7:I" + rows).AutoFilter() |> ignore
Thanks for any help you can offer.
According to the documentation, you need to pass 5 parameters to AutoFilter.
Unspecified parameters can be filled by System.Reflection.Missing.Value.
Something like
ws.Range("A7:I" + rows).AutoFilter(1, System.Reflection.Missing.Value,
System.Reflection.Missing.Value, true)
|> ignore
should work.
