Adding Build Target in Atom Editor - latex

I'm using Atom as a latex editor, with packages build, language-latex, and latextools installed. Now when I try and build using Ctrl-Alt-B, the latex file compiles and gives a pdf output, but when I build using f9, an error is thrown that says:
No eligible build target.
No configuration to build this project exists.
Also, when I press f7 to show the build targets, it says "no targets found."
Could someone enlighten me as to what I'm missing in the setup for latex?

The build package is an unopinionated base package that requires the installation of separate service providers. In the case of LaTeX, you likely want to use build-latex.

you need a base branch or a template theme to include hot keys for your specific thread or template...
I recommend using sphinx


While configuring dot cover in VSTS, Unable to find the TargetArguments path

I have installed Resharper command line in my build server, and I added command line task in my VSTS build profile like below:
Build profile
In my project, we are using xUnit test project, so here my main concern is with target executable path. I tried installing xUnit as it is VS extension. But how can I use xUnit as target executable?
Following is the command line I want to use:
dotcover analyse /TargetExecutable={Path to Xunit}" /TargetArguments= $(Build.SourcesDirectory)+"\xxxxxx.AD.UnitTest\bin\Release\VonExpy.AD.UnitTest.dll" /Output="AppCoverageReport.html" /ReportType="HTML"
Regarding unable to find the TargetArguments path issue, the value of TargetArguments parameter is incorrect, change it to
Regarding xUnit test, based on this thread: Error encountered when running dotcover console runner using xunit as the target executable, you need to use xunit.console.exe in xunit.runner.console package.

Using xbuild on iOS application does not generate ipa

We have implemented Continuous Integration with Jenkins to help perform our builds for faster deployment. We have reviewed the documentation provided through the Xamarin website, and have come to an issue. In the walkthrough it describes how to use various plugins to perform the process, we use build scripts to perform our builds because we have some post-actions that we execute after the build, such as submitting the ipa to the TestFlight. The problem is that for iOS it is has been documented that we need to use xbuild instead of mdtool when building from the terminal/command line.
We followed this portion of the guide to construct our xbuild within the build script. It appears that the xbuild command works and creates the project reference dlls and even generates an exe, but does not generate an ipa file even if we set this /p:BuildIpa=true on the xbuild to ensure the ipa generation. We also have provided a location for the ipa to be generated within to ensure we are not missing the file with this /p:IpaPackageDir=$BUILD_PATH. Here is the whole xbuild command that we are currently using, is there something that is incorrect or we are missing?
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/xbuild $PROJECT_FILE / t:Build /p:BuildIpa=true /p:IpaPackageDir=$BUILD_PATH /p:Configuration=”Release” /p:Platform=”iPhone” /p:OutputPath=$BUILD_PATH
($BUILD_PATH) -- The build path is just “%WORKSPACE%\bin\iPhone\Release\”
I did find this resource as well, which states that xbuild requires the solution file for iOS to build correctly, is that correct?
If this is correct, how do we resolve these errors because I have not been able to find any documentation that explains how to properly define the solution and project files for xbuild deployment, or even how to exclude particular projects during the build:
/Users/developer/.jenkins/workspace/Mobile3_Branch_3.20/ServicePro/iOS/Mobile3.Forms.UWP/Mobile3.Forms.UWP.csproj: warning : Could not find project file /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Microsoft/WindowsXaml/v14.0/Microsoft.Windows.UI.Xaml.CSharp.targets, to import. Ignoring.
/Users/developer/.jenkins/workspace/Mobile3_Branch_3.20/ServicePro/iOS/Mobile3.ServicePro.UWP/Mobile3.ServicePro.UWP.csproj: warning : Could not find project file /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Microsoft/WindowsXaml/v14.0/Microsoft.Windows.UI.Xaml.CSharp.targets, to import. Ignoring.
Project "/Users/developer/.jenkins/workspace/Mobile3_Branch_3.20/ServicePro/iOS/Mobile3.sln" (Mobile3.ServicePro.iOS target(s)):
Target ValidateSolutionConfiguration:
/Users/developer/.jenkins/workspace/Mobile3_Branch_3.20/ServicePro/iOS/Mobile3.sln: error : Invalid solution configuration and platform: "“Release”|“iPhone”".
Task "Error" execution -- FAILED
Done building target "ValidateSolutionConfiguration" in project "/Users/developer/.jenkins/workspace/Mobile3_Branch_3.20/ServicePro/iOS/Mobile3.sln".-- FAILED
Done building project "/Users/developer/.jenkins/workspace/Mobile3_Branch_3.20/ServicePro/iOS/Mobile3.sln".-- FAILED
Here is the xbuild command we used to build the solution:
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/xbuild /p:Configuration=”Release” /p:Platform=”iPhone” /p:OutputPath=$BUILD_PATH /p:BuildIpa=true /p:IpaPackageDir=$BUILD_PATH /t:Build $SOLUTION_FILE
We are not concerned with building the UWP projects when building the iOS project because we have a separate build script that generates the appxbundle file correctly.
You can build an "individual project/app" by setting the SolutionDir and building a .csproj, all the referenced projects will be built and an .ipa created, something like:
Note: This assumes your provisioning profiles are setup on this Mac.

Build iOS app using Terminal

Is there a way to create a iOS without the Xcode IDE, and instead using Terminal and a Text Editor (like Atom)?
With Linux, i can accomplish this to build an Android app using Maven to create the minimum directory structure, compile the files after add them (in the Atom editor), create the APK and upload the package to the device.
Is there any command-line utility to accomplish some of this tasks in MacOSX?
You can use the xcodebuild command line tool to build, but there is no apple-provided tool to generate the project files other than Xcode. Google does have a tool called gyp which can generate the project files, though I'm not certain your use case is what it was designed for.
Other than that you pretty much have to hold your nose and use Xcode to setup your project, add files, change build settings, etc, and use whatever editor you want to actually edit the code.

Unable to compile / run run book-examples in eclipse

I am trying to run sample code "MyHierarchicalUI" from section 4.2 from "book of vaadin" and this code refers to TreeExample and TableExample classes which can be found at
I downloaded the book example code from mentioned svn link and imported it as existing eclipse project,however when I try to compile / run this project in eclipse I get the following error.
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Integrated External Tool Builder' on project 'book-examples'.
The file does not exist for the external tool named Copy sources.
The file does not exist for the external tool named Copy sources.
book-examples project is not valid vaadin project so can not be imported directly, we can not build it directly as vaadin project due to missing artifacts like ivy.xml and ivysettings.xml.
To use any code from book-examples project you will have to bring the code to your project manually (copy/paste), however a support ticker to make book-example project import-able / build-able and run-able has been created and can be tracked using this link Ticket # 13078.

devenv command line option for macros and lib file

I am trying to make build using devenv.exe command line and have some preprocessor definitions and lib file to be given with command line.
as such one way is to set in proj file
c/c++ ---> proprocessor --> preposessor defintions
i want to give macro name in command line with devenv.exe
similarly i have one additional linker library dependency
linker - input - additional dependencies
which i want to supply with devenv
any help will be really appreciated.
also i need the answer to solve the same question.
i have the same project source code, but different binary version will be built out with different building macros. now i try two ways to build the project. one is described as sachinc's; another is to replace the PreprocessorDefinitions in .vcproj by python scripts.
iam also hankeringly to know how to make build using devenv.exe with command line.
