I have a requirement to block a specific app/add-in from Microsoft. So that users will not be able to install the app/add-in in their office products(Office, Teams, Outlook, etc.). I have gone through documentation, but I saw only an option to disable add-ins, this will block all the add-ins for all the users which I don’t want.
I also gone through Microsoft Graph APIs and I found an API to remove appRoleAssignment from users, but user can install again. I want to block the app permanently. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/approleassignment?view=graph-rest-1.0
If there is an option to block an app/add-in permanently please let me know.
Using Conditional Access Policy we can block app(s) for the user(s) to authorize to use the app(s). Here is the documentation ref: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/conditionalaccesspolicy?view=graph-rest-1.0
I am trying to collect all active TIs via the Beta Graph API by following this. But it doesn't return anything. Here is what I use in Postman:
Response (200):
"#odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#security/tiIndicators",
"value": []
A bit of context for the environment I work in.
The tenant has multiple Sentinel workspaces & resource groups.
The application I use has the correct permissions:
It is my current belief that this might be due to the limitations of the Beta API. My reasoning is that accourding to this documentation you need the ThreatIndicators.ReadWrite.OwnedBy permission to access the API. This would suggest that currently you can only view TI's that the resource itself created.
If more info is needed just ask.
According to the documentation, ThreatIndicators.ReadWrite.OwnedBy permission allow you to manage threat indicators your app creates or owns.
If you want to read all the threat indicators for your organization then your app needs ThreatIndicators.Read.All permission.
Although this is not a solution to the question it is a workaround. By using the Log Analytics API you can get the TI via a KQL.
| where ExpirationDateTime > now() and
NetworkIP matches regex #"^(?:(?:25[0-5]|(?:2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9]|)\d)\.?\b){4}$" and
ConfidenceScore > 25
| summarize by NetworkIP
This is probably better as you can also use a watchlist to exclude specific IP addresses with one request.
One thing I struggled with this was Authorization. You must give your Application permission to use the api.loganalytics.io API, and the application needs the Log Analytics Reader role in the Log Analytic workspace you want to use.
This might seem rather basic, it seems like it should be the simplest possible API call to make with any video call provider.
I need to:
Get an API key for my web application.
Create a meeting link with the video call provider using the key.
Share that link with an external user via e-mail (or SMS, or whatever, my app does that bit).
Redirect then internal user to the link (possibly in an <iframe>).
Optionally end the meeting afterwards so the link can't be re-used.
Optionally report on who attended and for how long.
It seems like that should be fairly simple (or at least straightforward), and for every other provider I've looked at it is, but for Teams I have struggled to get started.
For instance, in Skype this is (or used to be) simply a POST to https://api.join.skype.com/v1/meetnow/createjoinlinkguest.
I think the API key needs to be generated in Azure, and then the meeting request needs to be made via Microsoft Graph but it also appears like it is not possible to use this API unless a delegated user - i.e. users would have to sign in via their "work or school account".
I think that would mean switching our entire user model over to Microsoft's, a prohibitively large amount of work just to generate video call links.
Is there a way to generate these links without requiring the user to sign in via Microsoft?
Is this only possible via an Azure application instance and Graph API? It seems a very long way round compared to any other provider?
I'm trying to use the Microsoft Graph explorer to retrieve my own tasks: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/planner
But it's returning: "Failure - Status Code 403. Looks like you may not have the permissions for this call. Please modify your permissions."
How can I fix this without having sitting the administrator physically next to me? Besides that I don't know at this moment who this could be anyway.
Why I need those permissions anyway since I'm only requesting my own tasks?
Indeed, there is no other option than admin consent to Group.Read.All. Finally figured who could to that in the organisation. Still strange you need admin consent for your app to read your own tasks.
I am in the process of switching the LDAP backend that we use to authenticate access to Gerrit.
When a user logs in via LDAP, a local account is created within Gerrit. We are running version 2.15 of Gerrit, and therefore our local user accounts have migrated from the SQL DB into NoteDB.
The changes in our infrastructure, mean that once the LDAP backend has been switched, user logins will appear to Gerrit as new users and therefore a new local account will be generated. As a result we will need perform a number of administrative tasks to the existing local accounts before and after migration.
The REST API exposes some of the functionality that we need, however two key elements appear to be missing:
There appears to be no way to retrieve a list of all local accounts through the API (such that I could then iterate through to perform the administrative tasks I need to complete). The /accounts/ endpoint insists on a query filter being specified, which does not appear to include a way to simply specify 'all' or '*'. Instead I am having to try and think of a search filter that will reliably return all accounts - I haven't succeeded yet.
There appears to be no way to delete an account. Once the migration is complete, I need to remove the old accounts, but nothing is documented for the API or any other method to remove old accounts.
Has anybody found a solution to either of these tasks that they could share?
I came to the conclusion that the answers to my questions were:
('/a/' in the below examples is accessing the administrative endpoint and so basic Auth is required and the user having appropriate permissions)
Retrieving all accounts
There is no way to do this in a single query, however combining the results of:
GET /a/accounts?q=is:active&n=<number larger than the number of users>
GET /a/accounts?q=is:inactive&n=<number larger than the number of users>
will give effectively the same thing.
Deleting an account
Seems that this simply is not supported. The only option appears to be to set an account inactive:
DELETE /a/accounts/<account_id>/active
I assume it has something to do with this:
For me Google one Tap stopped working on all my sites that previously worked. I added API HTTP refer to restriction in console.developer.com, but I still get a warning message "The client origin is not permitted to use this API." any thoughts? If you go to the page https://www.wego.com/ you can see that Google one tap still works...
but Google YOLO stop working for everyone. I use it like many people for login and it just stop work.
My domain are obviously added on console.developers.google.com
Any ETA for fix this? Some information would be great for people who rely on it.
Google YOLO is not disabled. It is open to a small list of Google Partners.
The reason you were able to access it earlier was because it was open for a short period of time but the whitelist is now readded/enabled.
Google YOLO was put on whitelist after a client-side exploit became clear to google.
People could cover the login button of the prompt with something like a cookie consent (which we all know people automatically accept).
Therefor people could easily steal their gmail or other details due to this google decided to put it on whitelist and review the sites that are using this technology in order to ensure that they are using it as they should.
Google retroactively labeled One-Tap as a "closed beta".
The beta test program for this API is currently closed. We are improving the API's cross-browser functionality and will provide updates here in the coming months.
The link for the entire project is currently 404, but the beta statement is visible on the wayback machine.