Apple Shortcuts SSH stop command - ios

I have raspberry pi that is controlling some LEDs strip.
I have python script that is running in loop in order to control the LEDs.
At the moment I can start script by terminal and use CTRL+C command to stop it. When script is stopped all LEDs turn off.
I made Apple Shortcut to send same SSH command to RPi to start the script. When command is send shortcut stays in "active" mode (it shows the square STOP icon), even if I stop the shortcut everthing is running okay, but I can't figure out a way to send CTRL+C command to SSH after leaving application on iOS device.
Can anyone help, give me some idea?
Kind Regards


Suppressing display in docker

I have a docker image with a medical data analysis app installed in it. The app works from both gui and console. Normally, in my linux, I run the app from the terminal as
./dsi_studio --action=trk ...
and it works quite smoothly. If you click on this app, it'll try to open a GUI. While I'm trying to use this inside the docker image, it tries to connect to the display in any case (even if I run as shown in the terminal). And, of course, since I didn't do any setup for showing GUI from docker, I get the following error, stating that it couldn't find a display to connect.
qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
I don't know why the app is trying to open a display while running in terminal, because it doesn't open a GUI in my linux. I just want to suppress this warning somehow, as if there is a fake display. I don't want to connect my display to docker image, because this image is going to run in batch in an HPC.
So, How can I do this?
You should probably export the DISPLAY environment variable to point to your linux terminal.
Just to test, run
xhost +
in your linux terminal and add
-e DISPLAY=:0.0
to your docker command line

Sigcheck from sysinternals not running in windows container Docker

I am facing a problem when trying to run inside an interactive command prompt Sigcheck.exe from Sysinternals.
It starts running and shows the banner info like copyright but it looks like it's blocked, it just stays in running state without going further.
I tried running it on my laptop just to show the help and it works.
However, in docker it stops.
Does anyone know what might be the cause?
Add the /accepteula command line parameter

KeyBoard stop working on RubyMine IDE

KeyBoard stop working on RubyMine IDE, but still can select and navigate with Mouse. It's a frequent problem. My system configuration as following:
RubyMine 7.1.4 running on Ubuntu 14.04 and Open JDK Java 7.
How to get ride of this issues?
Keyboard input sometimes is blocked when IBus is active.
When IDEA is used on a system with IBus is installed and running keyboard input sometimes became blocked by IBus daemon. Event Dispatching Thread is active. All other events are delivered in order - i.e. it is possible to select text or call menu actions by a mouse.
Setting IBUS_ENABLE_SYNC_MODE=1 seem to help. Note that the setting is for IBus, so either set it in shell's profile, or restart IBus daemon with this option exported. Run Following command on terminal to do this.
ibus-daemon -d -r
Works like a charm, even without restarting the IDE.
See Reference

What happens to TFS Build service when running in Interactive Mode?

I am trying to setup a build agent to build my Win8 app, which I'm told I should be able to do on a Server 2012 machine.
Everything was going well, until the step told me to stop the build service and run it in 'interactive mode'.
What this appears to do, it make the service run with a command prompt saying "I'm running in interactive mode, press escape when done" (When I pressed escape the build service stopped).
My question is this, if I need to run the build service in interactive mode for win8 builds, how will I cope for the inevitable situation when the server restarts, or some admin logs the user out? presumably the build service will stop.
Is there a better way to handle this?
unless there is a specific reason why you need to run in interactive mode, i was building win8 apps all last year on a 2012 server running with out interactive mode and it ran fine. try it without and see what happens

BB10 start applications from command line

I've followed the instructions here:
BB10 Cascades Command Line Development
Now I've got a makefile project, which can compile and deploy my application to a connected device. The only problem is, I can't start the application remotely. I've created a special test version, which simply runs an automated test and then quits, so the next logical step would be starting the application, and waiting for it to exit (it would be great if I could monitor stdout and stderr) or kill it if it takes too long.
What I'm trying to accomplish (to avoid the xy problem) is the integration with a Jenkins server we already use for other platforms. E.g.: on Android we use robotium to achieve the same degree of integration.
blackberry-nativepackager allows you to launch the application similar to androids adb.
Just call it like
blackberry-nativepackager -launchApp <path to bar file> -device <devices ip address> -password <your pwd>
