How to calculate the confidence score of a keypoint estimation from a heatmap - pose-estimation

I have tried to build the Convolutional Pose Machines model from this paper here (
The model works fine and outputs 15 heatmaps (one per keypoint + 1 for background). From these heatmaps I can calculate the keypoint positions (simply the max value in the heatmap).
My question is: Is this maximum value in the heatmap also equal to the confidence score of the model that the keypoint is in the image?
Maybe this is a dumb question but in the paper the authors don't mention how they calculate the confidence score or how they handle non-visible keypoints.

Best way to answer, I believe, is to dig into the actual code of popular pose estimation models using convolutional approach, to see how this is done in practice.
The Google TensorFlow PoseNet model should be a good example.
What they do in their (open source) code, here (check out the predict method), is to apply a 2D sigmoid activation function to the heatmaps, for each keypoint of the pose.
So, to answer your question, I would say that the maximum value in the heatmap is not directly equal to the confidence score - the output of the sigmoid function is (proper score from 0 to 1)


Type of neural net for estimating Euclidean color distance?

I'd like to train a neural net to return a normalized color distance between two RGB pixels trained [at first] on a simple Euclidean distance with each color component being 0-255. there are 6 inputs (2 pixels x R,G,B components) and 1 output (a normalized 0-1 color distance). or should there be 48 binary inputs (2 pixels x 24 bits per px)?
the training set will probably consist of 1k - 10k randomly generated pixel pairs and their computed distances. i'm open to creating/chaining several simple nets rather than training one perfect one. e.g. splitting each by hue1/hue2 combo that can be cheaply determined in advance.
i'm new to ML and was hoping to get some advice since my intuition is basically zero for what type of net i need and ballpark for what the topology and params should be.
most supervised neural nets seem to do classification into buckets, but i don't quite understand how to get a net to predict a value that is not just one out of several categories. can i still use a simple feed-forward network for this task or something different?
thanks for any advice!

Weights in eigenface approach

1) In eigenface approach the eigenfaces is a combination of elements from different faces. What are these elements?
2) The output face is an image composed of different eigenfaces with different weights. What does the weights of eigenfaces exactly mean? I know that the weight is percentage of eigenfacein the image, but what does it mean exactly, is mean the number of selected pixels?
Please study about PCA to understand what is the physical meaning of eigenfaces, when PCA is applied to an image. The answer lies in the understanding of eigenvectors and eigenvalues associated with PCA.
EigenFaces is based on Principal Component Analysis
Principal Component Analysis does dimensionality reduction and finds unique features in the training images and removes the similar features from the face images
By getting unique features our recognition task gets simpler
By using PCA you calculate the eigenvectors for your face image data
From these eigenvectors you calculate EigenFace of every training subject or you can say calculating EigenFace for every class in your data
So if you have 9 classes then the number of EigenFaces will be 9
The weight usually means how important something is
In EigenFaces weight of a particular EigenFace is a vector which just tells you how important that particular EigenFace is in contributing the MeanFace
Now if you have 9 EigenFaces then for every EigenFace you will get exactly one Weight vector which will be of N dimension where N is number of eigenvectors
So every element out N elements in one weight vector will tell you how important that particular eigenvector is for that corresponding EigenFace
The facial Recognition in EigenFaces is done by comparing the weights of training images and testing images with some kind of distance function
You can refer this github link:
The code on the above link is a good documented code so If you know the basics you will understand the code

Object classification with Kinect using cascaded classifiers

My project is to create a software that recognizes certain objects like an apple or a coin etc. I want to use Kinect. My question is: Do I need to have a machine learning algorithm like haar classifier to recognize a object or kinect itself can do that?
Kinect itself cannot recognize objects. It will give you a dense depth map. Then you can use the depth features along with some simple features (in your case, maybe color features or gradient features would do the job). Those features you input to a classifier (SVM or Random Forest for example) to train the system. You use the trained model for testing on new samples.
Regarding Haar features, I think they could do the job but you would need a sufficiently large database of features. It all depends on what you want to detect. In the case of an apple and a coin, just color would suffice.
Refer this paper to get an idea how to perform human pose recognition using Kinect camera. You just have to pay attention to their depth features and their classifiers. Do not apply their approach directly. Your problem is simpler.
Edit: simple gradient orientations histogram
Gradient orientations can give you a coarse idea about the shape of the object (It is not a shape-feature to be specific, better shape features exist, but this one is extremely fast to calculate).
Code snippet:
%calculate gradient
[dx,dy] = gradient(double(img));
A = (atan(dy./(dx+eps))*180)/pi; %eps added to avoid division by zero.
A will contain orientation for each pixel. Segment your original image according to the depth values. For a segment having similar depth values, calculate color histogram. Extract the pixel orientations corresponding to that region, call it A_r. calculate a 9-bin (you can have more bins. Nine bins mean each bin will contain 180/9=20 degrees) histogram. Concatenate the color features and the gradient histogram. Do this for sufficient number of leaves. Then you can give this to a classifier for training.
Edit: This is a reply to a comment below.
Regarding MaxDepth parameter in opencv_traincascade
The documentation says, "Maximal depth of a weak tree. A decent choice is 1, that is case of stumps". When you perform binary classification, it takes a form of:
if yourFeatureValue>=learntThresh
The above type of classifier which performs thresholding on a single feature value (a scalar) is called decision stumps. There is only one split between positive and negative class (therefore maxDepth is one). For example, it would work in following scenario. Imagine you have a 1-D feature:
f=[1 2 3 4 -1 -2 -3 -4]
First 4 are class 1, rest are class 0. Decision stumps would get 100% accuracy on this data by setting the threshold to zero. Now, imagine a complicated feature space such as:
f=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12];
First 4 and last 4 are class 1, rest are class 0. Here, you cannot get 100% classification by decision stumps. You need two thresholds/splits. Therefore, you can construct a tree with depth value 2. You will have 2^(2-1)=2 thresholds. For depth=3, you get 4 thresholds, for depth=4, you get 8 thresholds and so on. Here, I assume a tree with a single node has height 1.
You may feel that the more the number of levels, you can achieve more accuracy, but then there is a problem of overfitting (and computation, memory storage etc.). Therefore, you have to set a good value for depth. I usually set it to 3.

How to visualizate svm weights in hog

In the original paper of HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) there are some images, which shows the hog representation of an image (Figure 6).In this figure the f, g part says "HOG descriptor weighted by respectively the positive and the negative SVM weights".
I don't understand what does this mean. I understand that when I train a SVM, I get a Weigth vector, and to classify, I have to use the features (HOG descriptors) as the input of the function. So what do they mean by positive and negative weigths? And how would I plot them like the paper?
Thanks in Advance.
The weights tell you how significant a specific element of the feature vector is for a given class. That means that if you see a high value in your feature vector you can lookup the corresponding weight
If the weight is a high positiv number it's more likely that your object is of the class
If your weight is a high negative number it's more likely that your object is NOT of the class
If your weight is close to zero this position is mostly irrelavant for the classification
Now your using those weights to scale the feature vector you have where the length of the gradients are mapped to the color-intensity. Because you can't display negative color intensities they decided to split the positive and negative visualization. In the visualizations you can now see which parts of the input-image contributes to the class (positiv) and which don't (negative).

Feeding HOG into SVM: the HOG has 9 bins, but the SVM takes in a 1D matrix

In OpenCV, there is a CvSVM class which takes in a matrix of samples to train the SVM. The matrix is 2D, with the samples in the rows.
I created my own method to generate a histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) off of a video feed. To do this, I created a 9 channeled matrix to store the HOG, where each channel corresponds to an orientation bin. So in the end I have a 40x30 matrix of type CV_32FC(9).
Also made a visualisation for the HOG and it's working.
I don't see how I'm supposed to feed this matrix into the OpenCV SVM, because if I flatten it, I don't see how the SVM is supposed to learn a 9D hyperplane from 1D input data.
The SVM always takes in a single row of data per feature vector. The dimensionality of the feature vector is thus the length of the row. If you're dealing with 2D data, then there are 2 items per feature vector. Example of 2D data is on this webpage:
code of an equivalent demo in OpenCV
The point is that even though you're thinking of the histogram as 2D with 9-bin cells, the feature vector is in fact the flattened version of this. So it's correct to flatten it out into a long feature vector. The result for me was a feature vector of length 2304 (16x16x9) and I get 100% prediction accuracy on a small test set (i.e. it's probably slightly less than 100% but it's working exceptionally well).
The reason this works is that the SVM is working on a system of weights per item of the feature vector. So it doesn't have anything to do with the problem's dimension, the hyperplane is always in the same dimension as the feature vector. Another way of looking at it is to forget about the hyperplane and just view it as a bunch of weights for each item in the feature vector. In this case, it needs one weighting for every item, then it multiplies each item by its weighting and outputs the result.
