I was wondering, how would I make a simple lua string or entire code look look C++ compiled code but run as regular vanilla lua?
print("Test string") -- How would this look like C++ compiler code?
With Lua you can not directly dump print to a binary Format.
...as i know.
Dumping a Function to a Binary is easy doing with own defined Functions...
> -- Lua 5.4
> myfunc = function() print("Teststring") return end
> string.dump(myfunc, true)
> load(string.dump(myfunc, true))()
As you can see, like in a compiled C Binary the Constants are not obfuscated.
More obfuscating you can reach with converting the binary String to Bytecode...
> string.dump(myfunc, true):byte(1, -1)
27 76 117 97 84 0 25 147 13 10 26 10 4 8 8 120 86 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 40 119 64 1 128 129 129 0 0 2 133 11 0 0 0 131 128 0 0 68 0 21 71 0 1 0 71 0 1 0 130 4 134 112 114 105 110 116 4 139 84 101 115 116 115 116 114 105 110 103 129 0 0 0 128 128 128 128 128
...and for converting back later lets put it into a table...
> byte_code_tab = {string.dump(myfunc, true):byte(1, -1)}
> table.concat(byte_code_tab,',')
...now a function is needed to get it back...
> bytes_dec = function(tab) local txt = '' for k, v in pairs(tab) do txt = txt .. tostring(v):char() end return txt end
> bytes_dec(byte_code_tab)
> load(bytes_dec(byte_code_tab))()
To show how it work with a single Lua file that returning a table with a __call metamethod check out this...
-- obfsc.lua
return setmetatable({27,76,117,97,84,0,25,147,13,10,26,10,4,8,8,120,86,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,40,119,64,1,128,129,129,0,0,2,133,11,0,0,0,131,128,0,0,68,0,2,1,71,0,1,0,71,0,1,0,130,4,134,112,114,105,110,116,4,139,84,101,115,116,115,116,114,105,110,103,129,0,0,0,128,128,128,128,128},
{__call = function(self, ...)
local txt = ''
for k, v in pairs(self) do
txt = txt .. tostring(v):char()
return load(txt)()
...the bytes_dec function is stored in the __call metamethod...
$ /usr/local/bin/lua
Lua 5.4.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2022 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
> require('obfsc')
table: 0x565d3650 ./obfsc.lua
> require('obfsc')()
...and do also the load()
But it is up to you where you store: bytes_dec()
Another nice method is ROT.
Its very simple and also old but good enough for de/obfuscating.
An Impression...
$ /bin/lua
Lua 5.1.5 Copyright (C) 1994-2012 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
> rot=require('rot')
> -- Lets rotate the Banner
> print(rot('Lua 5.1.5 Copyright (C) 1994-2012 Lua.org, PUC-Rio'))
5!n/2'l`m)/ 51
> -- Now read source of rot.lua into rot_src and print it
> rot_src = io.open('rot.lua'):read('*a')
> print(rot_src)
-- rot.lua
local rotator = function(...)
local args, rot, c = {...}, {}, ''
for i = 1, 63 do rot[c.char(i)] = c.char(i + 64) end
for i = 64, 127 do rot[c.char(i)] = c.char(i - 64) end
return args[1]:gsub('.', rot)
return rotator
> -- Obfuscate the source and print it
> rot_obfsc = rot(rot_src)
> print(rot_obfsc)
> -- Deobfuscate and print on the fly
> print(rot(rot_obfsc))
-- rot.lua
local rotator = function(...)
local args, rot, c = {...}, {}, ''
for i = 1, 63 do rot[c.char(i)] = c.char(i + 64) end
for i = 64, 127 do rot[c.char(i)] = c.char(i - 64) end
return args[1]:gsub('.', rot)
return rotator
I need to convert some musical note inputs representing a chord to numbers above it's root note 0 using Lua.
So from the midi data we get the notes of a C13 Chord
input: C, E, G, A#, D, F, A
as the root note 0 is C we start on the C note,
below we have 2 octaves of a piano keyboard, 12 notes on each where chords are played
0C 1C# 2D 3D# 4E 5F 6F# 7G 8G# 9A 10A# 11B 12C 13C# 14D 15D# 16E 17F 18F# 19G 20G# 21A 22A# 23B
so C is the root note 0
D,F,A are played on the next octave
result: 0,4,7,10,14,17,21
so if we have a D chord
input: D,F#,A
D is the root note 0
all notes played on the first octave
0D 1D# 2E 3F 4F# 5G 6G# 7A 8A# 9B 10C 11C# 12D 13D# 14E 15F 16F# 17G 18G# 19A 20A# 21B 22C 23C#
result: 0,4,7
G#m7#9 Chord
input: G#,B,D#,F#,B
0G# 1A 2A# 3B 4C 5C# 6D 7D# 8E 9F 10F# 11G 12G# 13A 14A# 15B 16C 17C# 18D 19D# 20E 21F 22F# 23G
result: 0,3,7,10,15
Something like this may work:
local function notes2nums(input)
local map = {A = 9, ["A#"] = 10, B = 11, C = 0, ["C#"] = 1, D = 2, ["D#"] = 3, E = 4, F = 5, ["F#"] = 6, G = 7, ["G#"] = 8}
local base, prev
return (input:gsub("([^,]+)", function(note)
local num = map[note] or error(("Unexpected note value '%s'"):format(note))
base = base or num
num = num - base
if prev and num < prev then num = num + 12 end
prev = num
return tostring(num)
This prints:
Consider the following matrix in MATLAB:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07
08 09 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40 41 42
43 44 45 46 47 48 49
I have to generate directional variograms for such 7 x 7 windows(moving) of an image. I will use nlfilter for the process but for developing the function to calculate variograms I am not able to decide how to select elements in the window. For example when I consider the central value 25, in EW direction I have to consider only 25, 26, 27 and 28; in NE direction I have to consider only 25, 19, 13 and 07 when the lag chosen is 1. Is there any standard command to do so?
You can also do it like this:
A = eye(5);
v = A(1:size(A,1)+1:end);
resulting in
v = [1 1 1 1 1]
You can write a function to get these elements yourself easily:
A = [01 02 03 04 05 06 07
08 09 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40 41 42
43 44 45 46 47 48 49];
c = (size(A)+1)/2;
EW = A(c(1),c(2):end)
NE = diag(A(c(1):-1:1,c(2):end))
Just write this code in a function (preferably an m-file), perform your operation and pass the result back.
The diag function returns the diagonal elements of a matrix (or returns a diagonal matrix when passed a vector).
This is Generic matrix solution (not for MATLAB)
suppose matrix AxB =
[01 AA 03 04 05 06 07
08 09 AA 11 12 13 AA
AA 16 17 AA 19 AA 21
22 AA 24 25 AA 27 28
AA 30 AA 32 33 34 35
36 AA 38 AA 40 41 42
43 44 AA 46 AA 48 49];
in this matrix we want to search continuously 3 times appearence of AA diagonally.
step 1
for whole matrix we have to create 4 seperate for loops to search the appearence of AA continuously 3 times
i am adding method through which a user can search all loop and can find the item.
local function check_win( matrx_table)
local counter = 1
local term = "AA"
local D = 1
-- for horizontal check for win---
for i = 1, no_rows, 1 do
for j= 1, no_Columns, 1 do
if((j+1) <= no_Columns) then
if(table_mXn[i][j] == term and table_mXn[i][j+1] == term)then
counter = counter + 1;
counter = 1
if(counter == 3)then
return counter
counter = 1
-- for vertical check for win--
for i = 1, no_Columns, 1 do
for j= no_rows, 1, -1 do
if((j-1) >= 1) then
if(table_mXn[j][i] == term and table_mXn[j-1][i] == term)then
counter = counter + 1;
counter = 1
if(counter == 3)then
return counter
counter = 1
D = 1
-- for diagonol left half check for win in figure loop 1--
for m = 1, no_rows, 1 do
D = 1
for i =m, no_rows,1 do
if(i+1 <= no_rows and D+1 <= no_Columns)then
if(table_mXn[i][D] == term and table_mXn[i+1][D+1] == term)then
counter = counter + 1;
counter = 1
if(counter == 3)then
return counter
D = D + 1
counter = 1
D = 1
-- for diagonol right half check for win in figure loop 2--
for m = 1, no_rows, 1 do
D = m
for i =1, no_rows,1 do
if(i+1 <= no_rows and D+1 <= no_Columns)then
if(table_mXn[i][D] == term and table_mXn[i+1][D+1] == term)then
counter = counter + 1;
counter = 1
if(counter == 3)then
return counter
D = D + 1
counter = 1
D = 1
-- for diagonol left half check for win in figure loop 3--
for m = 1, no_rows, 1 do
D = no_Columns
for i =m, no_rows,1 do
if(i+1 <= no_rows and D-1 >= 1)then
if(table_mXn[i][D] == term and table_mXn[i+1][D-1] == term)then
counter = counter + 1;
counter = 1
if(counter == 3)then
return counter
D = D - 1
counter = 1
D = 1
-- for diagonol left half check for win in figure loop 4--
for m = no_Columns, 1, -1 do
D = m
for i =1, no_rows,1 do
if(i+1 <= no_rows and D-1 >= 1)then
if(table_mXn[i][D] == term and table_mXn[i+1][D-1] == term)then
counter = counter + 1;
counter = 1
if(counter == 3)then
return counter
D = D - 1
now you can call this method any where in class and can check in that matrix the searchable item is available or not in repeatedly order Horizontally, Vertically and diagonally.