ParallelFor in Kubeflow Pipelines - kubeflow

I'd like to use a custom list to run parallel Ops in a Kubeflow Pipeline, and I want to use the value of the element of the list into the definition of the Op. I'm trying something like this:
my_list = ['foo', 'bar']
with dsl.ParallelFor(my_list) as item:
op_first = dsl.ContainerOp(
name=f'{item} - First Op',
But I'm getting an error like this:
ValueError: Only letters, numbers, spaces, "_", and "-" are allowed in name.
Must begin with letter: {{pipelineparam:op=;name=loop-item-param-103a50f1}} - First Op
I've also tried
my_dict = [{'name': 'foo'}, {'name': 'bar'}]
with dsl.ParallelFor(my_list) as item:
name =
op_first = dsl.ContainerOp(
name=f'{name} - First Op',
But i get a similar error. How can I retrieve the "original" name of the item?

I know this is an old question, but I just encountered the same issue, so hopefully, this will help somebody else.
For the second option you tried, replace the dictionary key 'name' with something else as below.
my_dict = [{'job_name': 'foo'}, {'job_name': 'bar'}]
It seems that the key 'name' is used internally by Kubeflow, and assigning a value to it causes your error.

I think the problem is the name you are giving to the ContainerOp.
name=f'{name} - First Op'
Just name=f'{name} should work


ZAPIER output_missing Please define output or return early

I am trying to get a document from a form here, but my script out is missing. Am i doing anything wrong here. This seems to work when there is more than on argument but it is just one it seems not to be working
documents = {}
if "Select which supporting documentation you would like to accompany your motivation letter" in input_data['checkbox']:
return documents
return {'empty' : True}
The function always has to return (or set) data. In the case where 'Select which...' is not in input_data['checkbox'], then nothing is returned.
Try something like this instead, which will be more consistent (if you add more fields):
result = {}
if 'Select which...' in input_data['checkbox']:
result['doc1'] = 'https://ess...'
return result
This way, your output is still conditional, but something is always returned.

InfluxDB templating query - referring to measuerments?

I'm trying to make templates for my dahboards, and I have problems when it comes to referring to measuerment names.
My variables:
Then I would like a variable that contains only values from a specific $space, which is actually a MEASUREMENT:
$app = SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = "Application" WHERE MEASUREMENT =~ /^$space$/
Here I get a message: Template variables could not be initialized: error parsing query: found MEASUREMENT, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 48
In the official example it is like this, though it refers to another tag:
$datacenter = SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = "datacenter"
$host = SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = "hostname" WHERE "datacenter" =~ /^$datacenter$/
I cannot find any info how to refer to MEASUREMENTS which would work. WHERE, WITH, etc.. Maybe is it not possible at all?
I found only this in the official tutorial, but this is for keys, not values.
SHOW TAG KEYS [FROM <measurement_name>]
I actually figured it out:
SHOW TAG VALUES FROM /^$space$/ WITH KEY = "Application"

executing code dynamically in groovy

I am trying to run code dynamically in groovy. I have someNode[0], which is the value, in variable var1
I then added double quotes to it like this
var2 = "\""+var1+"\""
then I tried to run this"$var2"=Value
I saw here that something of this sort can be done on properties and methods. But the above code is not working. Giving me error
An error occurred [Cannot set property '"someNode[0]"' on null object], see error log for details
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Heres a snippet of my request
The field I am trying to manipulate is cat[0], which is IAB1 (I just used abc and someNode[0] in the code that i wrote above but actually they are app and cat[0])
Also, I parsed the request with jsonslurper befor running the above code
Thank you for your help
One way to do this, is by Eval
def request =[
def var = '[0]''request', request, "$var = 'new value'")
assert[0]=='new value'
You are accessing/updating values from a map and a list. The node will be a map, the node will be a list. Getting and setting the values in a map can be done in many different ways:
Use the put & get methods directly.
Use brackets [].
Use missing properties as map keys (i.e. the way you are using it).
For what you want to achieve, i.e. to access values from variable keys, it is much easier to use method 1 or 2 instead of method 3 with a variable inside a GString.
Example using brackets:
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def request = new JsonSlurper().parseText '''{
def level0 = 'app'
def level1 = 'cat'
def node = request[level0][level1]
assert request instanceof Map
assert node instanceof List
assert node[0] == 'IAB1'
node[0] = 'new value'
assert node[0] == 'new value'
println new JsonBuilder(request).toPrettyString()
"app": {
"cat": [
"new value",
"id": "agltb3B1Yi1pbmNyDAsSA0FwcBitsL4UDA",
"bundle": "531323947"

Dart List within a Map

I have a Map in Dart (originally loaded from JSON) that looks something like this:
somevar = {
'Title': 'Some object',
'items': [{'title': 'Item 1 Title'}, {'title': 'Item 2 Title'}]
For some reason somevar['items'] doesn't behave quite like a list.
I get Exception: NoSuchMethodError : method not found: 'iterator' if I attempt to iterate over the list.
I also get a similar error if I try somevar['items'].length
If I manually load this "list" like this: someList = new List(somevar['items']); then it works as expected.
Any idea why this is that case, and what I'm doing wrong? For me the natural expectation would be that a "list" parsed from JSON will behave exactly like the List() object.
Never mind, seems that I had a deeper issue in my code that cause my somevar variable to be null (even though it should have the map.
Anyway, I'm marking this as solved for now so not to waste anyone's time.

Cannot access params map using Groovy

I want little help which I suspect is due to my lack of understanding for Groovy syntax. So, here's the thing:
On the GSP page I want to set a field's value from the params map which is
["id":"107901", "Field_10.value":"2", "Field_10":["value":"2"],"Field_11.value":"", "Field_11":["value":""],action:'abc']
On the gsp page, I want to find the value against the key Field_{some-id}.value
So I am calling a tag like, g.testTag( with its implementation as
def testTag = { attrs,body->
println "params are ${params}"
def result = ""
def keyRequired = "Field_${}.value"
println "keyRequired >>>>> ${keyRequired.toString()}"
params.each { key,value->
println "key is ${key}"
println "Value is ${value}"
if (key.equals(keyRequired.toString())) {
result = params.value
println "Final result is >>>>>> ${result}"
The value passed in id is 10 and with my params printed as above, I was expecting a value
of 2 which is corresponding to the key in the params to show up. But apparently I see the
result as null..
What am I doing wrong ? Can anyone help please...
Not result = params.value, but result = value.
You have to change the line:
result = params.value
result = value
At the each loop, you're basically saying that inside the params iteration, you're naming every key "key" and every value "value". So, params.value will actually look for the key value inside your params map, which is null.
Funny that you do that right with key but not with value. Probably just got distracted.
it is likely what you want to do, the groovy way (no need to loop over the keys of the map) to access "Field_10.value":"2"
Alternatively, this also works because you have "Field_10":["value":"2"] in your map
