How to use container exits immediately after startup in docker? - docker

As everyone knows, we can use docker start [dockerID] to start a closed container.
But, If this container exits immediately after startup. What should I do?
For example, I have a MySQL container, it runs without any problems. But the system is down. At next time I start this container. It tell me a file is worry so that this container immediately exit.
Now I want to delete this file, but this container can not be activated, so I can't enter this container to delete this file. What should I do?
And if I want to open bash in this state container, What should I do?

Delete the container and launch a new one.
docker rm dockerID
docker run --name dockerID ... mysql:5.7
Containers are generally treated as disposable; there are times you're required to delete and recreate a container (to change some networking or environment options; to upgrade to a newer version of the underlying image). The flip side of this is that containers' state is generally stored outside the container filesystem itself (you probably have a docker run -v or Docker Compose volumes: option) so it will survive deleting and recreating the container. I almost never use docker start.
Creating a new container gets you around the limitations of docker start:
If the container exits immediately but you don't know why, docker run or docker-compose up it without the -d option, so it prints its logs to the console
If you want to run a different command (like an interactive shell) as the main container command, you can do it the same as any other container,
docker run --rm -it -v ...:/var/lib/mysql/data mysql:5.6 sh
docker-compose run db sh
If the actual problem can be fixed with an environment variable or other setting, you can add that to the startup-time configuration, since you're already recreating the container


Docker - Change existing containers settings without RUN command

Is it possible to change the settings of docker container like entrypoint, ports or memory-limits without having to delete the container and run using docker run command? Example: docker stop <container_id>, change settings and then docker start <container_id>?
When you use docker run -d image_name, some images tries to initialize from start and as a result I can't use the same volume.
Is it possible to change the settings by stopping the container instead of re-run?
You need to stop, delete, and recreate the container.
# this is absolutely totally 100% normal and routine
docker stop my_container
docker rm my_container
# docker build -t image_name .
docker run -d -p 12345:8000 --name my_container image_name
This isn't specific to Docker. If you run any command in any Unix-like environment and you want to change its command-line parameters or environment variables, you need to stop the process and create a new one. A Docker container is a wrapper around a process with some additional isolation features, and for a great many routine things you're required to delete the container. In cluster container environments like Kubernetes, this is routine enough that changing any property of a Deployment object will cause all of the associated containers (Kubernetes Pods) to get recreated automatically.
There are a handful of Docker commands that exist but are almost never used in normal operation. docker start is among these; just skip over it in the documentation.
When you use docker run -d image_name, some images tries to initialize from start and as a result I can't use the same volume.
In fact, the normal behavior of docker run is that you're always beginning the program from a known "clean" initial state; this is easier to set up as an application developer than trying to recover from whatever state the previous run of the application might have been left in.
If you need to debug the image startup, an easy thing to do is to tell the container to run an interactive shell instead of its default command
docker run --rm -it image_name /bin/sh
(Some images may have bash available which will be more comfortable to work in; some images may require an awkward docker run --entrypoint option.) From this shell you can try to manually run the container startup commands and see what happens. You don't need to worry about damaging the container code in any particular way, since anything you change in this shell will get lost as soon as the container exits.

Using remove option with interactive docker container [duplicate]

I am trying Docker for the first time and do not yet have a "mental model". Total beginner.
All the examples that I am looking at have included the --rm flag to run, such as
docker run -it --rm ...
docker container run -it --rm ...
Why do these commands include the --rm flag? I would think that if I were to go through the trouble of setting up or downloading a container with the good stuff in it, why remove it? I want to keep it to use again.
So, I know I have the wrong idea of Docker.
Containers are merely an instance of the image you use to run them.
The state of mind when creating a containerized app is not by taking a fresh, clean ubuntu container for instance, and downloading the apps and configurations you wish to have in it, and then let it run.
You should treat the container as an instance of your application, but your application is embedded into an image.
The proper usage would be creating a custom image, where you embed all your files, configurations, environment variables etc, into the image. Read more about Dockerfile and how it is done here
Once you did that, you have an image that contains everything, and in order to use your application, you just run the image with proper port settings or other dynamic variables, using docker run <your-image>
Running containers with --rm flag is good for those containers that you use for very short while just to accomplish something, e.g., compile your application inside a container, or just testing something that it works, and then you are know it's a short lived container and you tell your Docker daemon that once it's done running, erase everything related to it and save the disk space.
The flag --rm is used when you need the container to be deleted after the task for it is complete.
This is suitable for small testing or POC purposes and saves the headache for house keeping.
By default a container’s file system persists even after the container exits. This makes debugging a lot easier (since you can inspect the final state) and you retain all your data by default. But if you are running short-term foreground processes, these container file systems can really pile up. If instead you’d like Docker to automatically clean up the container and remove the file system when the container exits, you can add the --rm flag
In short, it's useful to keep the host clean from stopped and unused containers.
When you run a container from an image using a simple command like (docker run -it ubuntu), it spins up a container. You attach to your container using docker attach container-name (or using exec for different session).
So, when you're within your container and working on it and you type exit or ctrl+z or any other way to come out of the container, other than ctrl+p+q, your container exits. That means that your container has stopped, but it is still available on your disk and you can start it again with : docker start container-name/ID.
But when you run the container with —rm tag, on exit, the container is deleted permanently.
I use --rm when connecting to running containers to perform some actions such as database backup or file copy. Here is an example:
docker run -v $(pwd):/mnt --link app_postgres_1:pg --rm postgres:9.5 pg_dump -U postgres -h pg -f /mnt/docker_pg.dump1 app_db
The above will connect a running container named 'app_postgres_1' and create a backup. Once the backup command completes, the container is fully deleted.
The "docker run rm " command makes us run a new container and later when our work is completed then it is deleted by saving the disk space.
The important thing to note is, the container is just like a class instance and not for data storage. We better delete them once the work is complete. When we start again, it starts fresh.
The question comes then If the container is deleted then what about the data in a container? The data is actually saved in the local system and get linked to it when the container is started. The concept is named as "Volume or shared volume".

docker container created and deleted automatically

i'm trying to start up tomcat on my docker desktop,and i followed the official tomcat tutorial on docker hub.but somehow i found that docker will create a new container everytime after running the command:docker run -it --rm tomcat and delete the container automatically when tomcat shuts down.
i have already known the reason is that run --rm can automatically remove the container when it exits.
now i finally built webs on tomcat,and i don't want them to be vanished.
how can i save my container before it's deleted?
thx! ;D
Based on what I've found on the internet, remove the --rm flag is not possible currently. docker update gives you the ability to update some parameters after you start your container, but you cannot update the cleanup flag (--rm) according to the document.
I started a docker container with --rm Is there an easy way to keep it, without redoing everything?
Cancel --rm option on running docker container
But some workaround can be applied. You can export your current container to an image, act as a checkpoint, then you can start a new container without the --rm flag, and based on the image you exported. You can use docker commit to do so:
docker commit [your container name/id] [repo/name:tag]
(Use docker ps to list your containers, do it in a new bash/cmd/PowerShell session, or you will lose your work when you exit your docker container)
Then start a new container without the --rm flag:
docker run -it [repo/name:tag]
In the production environment, you should never change the container by running bash or sh in it. Use Dockerfile and docker build instead. Dockerfile will give you a reproducible configuration even you delete your container. By design, the container should not have any important data (aka not persistent). Use the image and volumes to save your custom changes and configurations.

What is the '--rm' flag doing?

I am trying Docker for the first time and do not yet have a "mental model". Total beginner.
All the examples that I am looking at have included the --rm flag to run, such as
docker run -it --rm ...
docker container run -it --rm ...
Why do these commands include the --rm flag? I would think that if I were to go through the trouble of setting up or downloading a container with the good stuff in it, why remove it? I want to keep it to use again.
So, I know I have the wrong idea of Docker.
Containers are merely an instance of the image you use to run them.
The state of mind when creating a containerized app is not by taking a fresh, clean ubuntu container for instance, and downloading the apps and configurations you wish to have in it, and then let it run.
You should treat the container as an instance of your application, but your application is embedded into an image.
The proper usage would be creating a custom image, where you embed all your files, configurations, environment variables etc, into the image. Read more about Dockerfile and how it is done here
Once you did that, you have an image that contains everything, and in order to use your application, you just run the image with proper port settings or other dynamic variables, using docker run <your-image>
Running containers with --rm flag is good for those containers that you use for very short while just to accomplish something, e.g., compile your application inside a container, or just testing something that it works, and then you are know it's a short lived container and you tell your Docker daemon that once it's done running, erase everything related to it and save the disk space.
The flag --rm is used when you need the container to be deleted after the task for it is complete.
This is suitable for small testing or POC purposes and saves the headache for house keeping.
By default a container’s file system persists even after the container exits. This makes debugging a lot easier (since you can inspect the final state) and you retain all your data by default. But if you are running short-term foreground processes, these container file systems can really pile up. If instead you’d like Docker to automatically clean up the container and remove the file system when the container exits, you can add the --rm flag
In short, it's useful to keep the host clean from stopped and unused containers.
When you run a container from an image using a simple command like (docker run -it ubuntu), it spins up a container. You attach to your container using docker attach container-name (or using exec for different session).
So, when you're within your container and working on it and you type exit or ctrl+z or any other way to come out of the container, other than ctrl+p+q, your container exits. That means that your container has stopped, but it is still available on your disk and you can start it again with : docker start container-name/ID.
But when you run the container with —rm tag, on exit, the container is deleted permanently.
I use --rm when connecting to running containers to perform some actions such as database backup or file copy. Here is an example:
docker run -v $(pwd):/mnt --link app_postgres_1:pg --rm postgres:9.5 pg_dump -U postgres -h pg -f /mnt/docker_pg.dump1 app_db
The above will connect a running container named 'app_postgres_1' and create a backup. Once the backup command completes, the container is fully deleted.
The "docker run rm " command makes us run a new container and later when our work is completed then it is deleted by saving the disk space.
The important thing to note is, the container is just like a class instance and not for data storage. We better delete them once the work is complete. When we start again, it starts fresh.
The question comes then If the container is deleted then what about the data in a container? The data is actually saved in the local system and get linked to it when the container is started. The concept is named as "Volume or shared volume".

How to edit file inside docker which is exited?

I edited a file in a running docker container and restarted it, unfortunately my last edit was not correct. So every time I start the container with:
docker start <containerId>
It always exits immediately.
Now I can not even modify my edit back, since
docker exec -it <containerId> bash
can only run on a running docker.
The question is how can I change it and restart the container now? Or I had to abandon it and start a new container from an existing image?
You didn't supply any details regarding your container's purpose, or what you modified. Conceptually, you could create the file that needs to be modified in a place on your filesystem and mount that file into the container as a volume when you start it, like:
docker run -it -v /Users/<path_to_file>:<container_path_to_file> <container>
Hovever, this is bad form, as your container loses portability at that point without committing a new image.
Ideally, changes that need to be made inside of a Docker container are made in the Dockerfile, and the container image re-built. This way, your initial, working container state is represented in your Dockerfile code, making your configuration repeatable, portable, and immutable.
The file system of exited containers can still be changed. The preferable way is probably:
docker cp <fixedFile> <containerId>:<brokenFile>
But you can also circumvent docker completely; see here.
