I need to print a bunch of command-line help. There is a bprintf, but oddly no bprintfn for working with StringBuilders. I soon realized you can't add anything (like "\n") automatically because the (format:PrintF.StringFormat<'a, unit>) parameter has to come last.
Finally got this working with kprintf. It seems like this would be useful.
Am I overlooking a builtin way of doing this?
module helper =
let bprintfn (sb : StringBuilder) =
Printf.kprintf (fun s -> sb.AppendLine s |> ignore)
module Command =
let printMan arg =
let sb = StringBuilder()
let a format = helper.bprintfn sb format
a "Title"
a ""
a "body1 %s" arg
a ""
a "body2"
a ""
a "footer"
I've got an application that I've built in SAFE-Stack using websockets, more or less following the approach here: https://github.com/CompositionalIT/safe-sockets
It works fine but the Elmish debugger doesn't like the type of WsSender in this example:
type ConnectionState =
| DisconnectedFromServer
| ConnectedToServer of WsSender
| Connecting
member this.IsConnected =
match this with
| ConnectedToServer _ -> true
| DisconnectedFromServer | Connecting -> false
and WsSender = Msg -> Unit
giving the following error message in the Browser Console:
Can anyone tell me how to go about fixing this issue? (Assuming it's fixable and that I've diagnosed the problem correctly.) Thanks.
you see this error because of Elmish.Debugger using Thoth.Json to serialize your Msg/Model to a JSON format.
The type WsSender can't be represented in a JSON format because it is a function. So Thoth.Json is asking you to explain how it should encode this type.
You can do that by creating what is called an extraCoder like that:
In your case, you will have to create a fake encoder/decoder "just" to make the Debugger happy.
module CustomEncoders =
let wsSenderEncoder (_ : WsSender) = Encode.string "WsSender function"
let wsSenderDecoder = Decode.fail "Decoding is not supported for WsSender type"
let myExtraCoders =
|> Extra.withCustom wsSenderEncoder wsSenderDecoder
let modelEncoder = Encode.Auto.generateEncoder(extra = myExtraCoders)
let modelDecoder = Decode.Auto.generateDecoder(extra = myExtraCoders)
In your Program creation, you should replace Program.withDebugger by Program.withDebuggerCoders and give it the encoder and decoder you created.
Program.withDebuggerCoders CustomEncoders.modelEncoder CustomEncoders.modelDecoder
I had a bit of a play around to try and come up with something that would make it easier to have multiple extra coders if required. This seems to work - thought it might be helpful to others.
module CustomEncoders =
let inline addDummyCoder<'b> extrasIn =
let typeName = string typeof<'b>
let simpleEncoder(_ : 'b) = Encode.string (sprintf "%s function" typeName)
let simpleDecoder = Decode.fail (sprintf "Decoding is not supported for %s type" typeName)
extrasIn |> Extra.withCustom simpleEncoder simpleDecoder
let inline buildExtras<'a> extraCoders =
let myEncoder:Encoder<'a> = Encode.Auto.generateEncoder(extra = extraCoders)
let myDecoder:Decoder<'a> = Decode.Auto.generateDecoder(extra = extraCoders)
(myEncoder, myDecoder)
type TestType = Msg -> Unit
type TestType2 = string -> Unit
let extras = Extra.empty
|> CustomEncoders.addDummyCoder<TestType>
|> CustomEncoders.addDummyCoder<TestType2>
|> CustomEncoders.buildExtras<Model.Model>
open Elmish.Debug
open Elmish.HMR
Program.mkProgram Model.init Model.update View.render
|> Program.withSubscription subs
|> Program.withConsoleTrace
|> Program.withReactBatched "elmish-app"
|> Program.withDebuggerCoders (fst extras) (snd extras)
|> Program.run
If anyone has a better idea of how to do it, I'd be happy to update this answer with their suggestions. Also, the apostrophe in the generic type seems to upset the code prettifier above - do I need to do something to fix that?
I have a string with some tokens in it like this:
"There are two things to be replaced. {Thing1} and {Thing2}"
I want to replace each token with different values so the final result looks like this:
"There are two things to be replaced. Don and Jon"
I created a function that chains String.Replace like this
let doReplacement (message:string) (thing1:string) (thing2:string) =
message.Replace("{Thing1}", thing1).Replace("{Thing2}", thing2)
the problem is that when I chain .Replace, the values have to stay on the same line. Doing this does not work:
let doReplacement (message:string) (thing1:string) (thing2:string) =
.Replace("{Thing1}", thing1)
.Replace("{Thing2}", thing2)
To allow me to do a multi-line chain, I was thinking of something like this:
|> replaceString "{Thing1}" thing1
|> replaceString "{Thing2}" thing2
with a supporting function like this:
let replaceString (message:string) (oldValue:string) (newValue:string) =
message.Replace(oldValue, newValue)
However, that does not work. Is there another way to handle the problem?
It compiles if you indent the method calls:
let doReplacement (message:string) (thing1:string) (thing2:string) =
.Replace("{Thing1}", thing1)
.Replace("{Thing2}", thing2)
This is a style I have often seen in C# and it seems pretty logical to me.
By using |> the piped value is send to the rightmost unbound parameter (value piped by |> is send to thing2).
By reversing the order of parameters it works as expected.
let replaceString (oldValue:string) (newValue:string) (message:string) =
message.Replace(oldValue, newValue)
let message = "There are two things to be replaced. {Thing1} and {Thing2}"
let thing1 = "Don"
let thing2 = "Jon"
|> replaceString "{Thing1}" thing1
|> replaceString "{Thing2}" thing2
|> printfn "%s"
You could also accomplish this with a fold (though requires input in a list/map. More useful if you have consistent substitutions you're making, which might not be the case for you)
let replacements =
[ "{thing1}", "Don"
"{thing2}", "Jon" ]
let replaceString (input: string) : string =
|> List.fold (fun acc (oldText, newText) -> acc.Replace(oldText, newText)) input
Or a more general case, enter replacements as an argument (say a map this time)
let replaceString (replaceMap: Map<string, string>) (input: string) : string =
|> Map.fold (fun acc oldText newText -> acc.Replace(oldText, newText)) input
I wrote this script from some resources I found. It's working but I some files I have problem. I am new in F# so how can I change line with FileHelpersException to get exact line where is the problem? Thanks
// Learn more about F# at http://fsharp.net
// See the 'F# Tutorial' project for more help.
open FileHelpers
open System
type CsvRecord =
val field1 : string
val field2 : string
val field3 : int
new () = {
field1 = ""
field2 = ""
field3 = 0
let main argv =
use file = System.IO.File.CreateText("result.txt")
let engine = new FileHelperEngine<CsvRecord>()
engine.Encoding <- new Text.UTF8Encoding()
let res =
| :? FileHelpersException -> Array.empty<CsvRecord>
for record in res do
fprintfn file "%s" record.field1
printf "DONE!"
let s = Console.ReadLine()
0 // return an integer exit code
I suggest that you use CsvTypeProvider instead. When there's a mismatch the error message states the line which has the error
open FSharp.Data
let main argv =
use file = System.IO.File.CreateText("result.txt")
let csv = new CsvProvider<"test.csv">()
for record in csv.Data do
fprintfn file "%s" record.field1
If you want to ignore the lines with errors, just pass IgnoreErrors=true as an extra parameter to CsvProvider
This question is about the FileHelpers library you are using, not F#, so looking at the docs for that might help. In this case you can check for ConvertException instead of FileHelpersException, which contains members that give you more details about the member.
| :? ConvertException as ex ->
printfn "ERROR: Line %d Col %d" ex.LineNumber ex.ColumnNumber
I agree with Gustavo though, you might find it easier to use the CsvTypeProvider.
I wrote the following code to execute a SQLServer StoredProc in F#
module SqlUtility =
open System
open System.Data
open System.Data.SqlClient
SqlUtility.GetSqlConnection "MyDB"
|> Option.bind (fun con -> SqlUtility.GetSqlCommand "dbo.usp_MyStordProc" con)
|> Option.bind (fun cmd ->
let param1 = new SqlParameter("#User", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)
param1.Value <- user
cmd.Parameters.Add(param1) |> ignore
let param2 = new SqlParameter("#PolicyName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10)
param2.Value <- policyName
cmd.Parameters.Add(param2) |> ignore
|> Option.bind (fun cmd -> SqlUtility.ExecuteReader cmd)
|> Option.bind (fun rdr -> ExtractValue rdr)
let GetSqlConnection (conName : string) =
let conStr = ConfigHandler.GetConnectionString conName
let con = new SqlConnection(conStr)
| :? System.Exception as ex -> printfn "Failed to connect to DB %s with Error %s " conName ex.Message; None
| _ -> printfn "Failed to connect to DB %s" conName; None
let GetSqlCommand (spName : string) (con : SqlConnection) =
let cmd = new SqlCommand()
cmd.Connection <- con
cmd.CommandText <- spName
cmd.CommandType <- CommandType.StoredProcedure
let AddParameters (cmd : SqlCommand) (paramList : SqlParameter list) =
paramList |> List.iter (fun p -> cmd.Parameters.Add p |> ignore)
let ExecuteReader (cmd : SqlCommand ) =
| :? System.Exception as ex -> printfn "Failed to execute reader with error %s" ex.Message; None
I have multiple problems with this code
First and foremost the repeated use of Option.bind is very irritating... and is adding noise. I need a more clearer way to check if the output was None and if not then proceed.
At the end there should be a cleanupfunction where I should be able to close + dispose the reader, command and connection. But currently at the end of the pipeline all I have is the reader.
The function which is adding parameters... it looks like it is modifying the "state" of the command parameter because the return type is still the same command which was sent it... with some added state. I wonder how a more experienced functional programmer would have done this.
Visual Studio gives me a warning at each of the place where i do exception handling. what's wrong with that" it says
This type test or downcast will always hold
The way I want this code to look is this
let x : MyRecord seq = GetConnection "con" |> GetCommand "cmd" |> AddParameter "#name" SqlDbType.NVarchar 50 |> AddParameter "#policyname" SqlDbType.NVarchar 50 |> ExecuteReader |> FunctionToReadAndGenerateSeq |> CleanEverything
Can you recommend how can I take my code to the desired level and also any other improvement?
I think that using options to represent failed computations is more suitable to purely functional langauges. In F#, it is perfectly fine to use exceptions to denote that a computation has failed.
Your code simply turns exceptions into None values, but it does not really handle this situation - this is left to the caller of your code (who will need to decide what to do with None). You may as well just let them handle the exception. If you want to add more information to the exception, you can define your own exception type and throw that instead of leaving the standard exceptions.
The following defines a new exception type and a simple function to throw it:
exception SqlUtilException of string
// This supports the 'printf' formatting style
let raiseSql fmt =
Printf.kprintf (SqlUtilException >> raise) fmt
Using plain .NET style with a few simplifications using F# features, the code looks a lot simpler:
// Using 'use' the 'Dispose' method is called automatically
let connName = ConfigHandler.GetConnectionString "MyDB"
use conn = new SqlConnection(connName)
// Handle exceptions that happen when opening the connection
try conn.Open()
with ex -> raiseSql "Failed to connect to DB %s with Error %s " connName ex.Message
// Using object initializer, we can nicely set the properties
use cmd =
new SqlCommand( Connection = conn, CommandText = "dbo.usp_MyStordProc",
CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure )
// Add parameters
// (BTW: I do not think you need to set the type - this will be infered)
let param1 = new SqlParameter("#User", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, Value = user)
let param2 = new SqlParameter("#PolicyName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10, Value = policyName)
cmd.Parameters.AddRange [| param1; param2 |]
use reader =
try cmd.ExecuteReader()
with ex -> raiseSql "Failed to execute reader with error %s" ex.Message
// Do more with the reader
It looks more like .NET code, but that is perfectly fine. Dealing with databases in F# is going to use imperative style and trying to hide that will only make the code confusing. Now, there is a number of other neat F# features you could use - especially the support for dynamic operators ?, which would give you something like:
let connName = ConfigHandler.GetConnectionString "MyDB"
// A wrapper that provides dynamic access to database
use db = new DynamicDatabase(connName)
// You can call stored procedures using method call syntax
// and pass SQL parameters as standard arguments
let rows = db.Query?usp_MyStordProc(user, policy)
// You can access columns using the '?' syntax again
[ for row in rows -> row?Column1, row?Column2 ]
For more information about this, see the following MSDN series:
How to: Dynamically Invoke a Stored Procedure
Step 1: Create a Database and Show the Poll Options
Step 2: Implement Voting for an Option
i am getting this error in the interactive window on http://www.tryfsharp.org. It works fine in visual studio and im not sure how to tackle it.Any help would be appreciated
let randomNumberGenerator count =
let rnd = System.Random()
List.init count (fun numList -> rnd.Next(0, 100))
let rec sortFunction = function
| [] -> []
| l -> let minNum = List.min l in
let rest = List.filter (fun i -> i <> minNum) l in
let sortedList = sortFunction rest in
minNum :: sortedList
let List = randomNumberGenerator 10
let sortList = sortFunction List
printfn "Randomly Generated numbers in a NON-SORTED LIST\n"
printfn "%A" List
printfn "\nSORTED LIST \n"
printfn "%A \n" sortList
error FS0039: The field, constructor or member 'init' is not defined
Aprreciate your help
You should be getting the error only when you run the code for the second time and it shoul behave the same in the TryF# console as well as locally in Visual Studio.
The problem is that you're declaring a value named List:
let List = randomNumberGenerator 10
which hides the standard module List. After you declare the value List.init tries to access a member of this List value instead of accessing a function in the standard List module.
There is a good reason for naming conventions, such as using lowercase for local variable names :-)