Set textmate2 to save automatically with a .java extension? - save

I was wondering if textmate2 can be set to save a file in a .java extension. I'm looking around for such a feature but can't find anything. Can anyone help me out?

Add the following snippet to ~/.tm_properties or to a .tm_properties file in your project.
[ ]
saveOnBlur = true Refers to the scope of Java code from the official bundle. Your scope could be different, so to answer your question directly: you can do this with file extensions:
saveOnBlur = true
You may find this thread/gist enlightening


How to change Xcode project file and folder target membership and visibility using command line/bash script? [duplicate]

Is there a way to change file's target membership in Xcode project via command line?
Here's what I'm trying to do via Xcode's UI:
I also had to do this for CI. After lots of digging, I do not believe this is common enough for anyone to have written a tool to help with doing.
The only conclusion I came to was to edit the project.pbxproj file directly, which is never a great thing to do. None of the tools which claim to do this were of any help until I found this stackoverflow answer on editing the project.pbxproj file. Essentially, you can convert the project.pbxproj file into a JSON format using plutil -convert json project.pbxproj and use a JSON manipulation tool to make those files as headers then point them to be headers of whichever target you would like.
When converting the project.pbxproj into JSON format, be aware that Xcode will no longer be able to show you the project navigator for that project. It will still build and run, however, so this is really only useful if you're planning to do this right before building (such as for CI).
(EDIT: As of July 2022, Xcode will now properly read a JSON version of its .pbxproj to allow you to view your files in the project navigator. I'm not sure which version introduced this, but it is at least now possible with later versions of Xcode.)
The format project.pbxproj as JSON has nearly all the important data under the "objects" key. The file you want to be a header already has an entry with the key being the UUID for the file and a path value you can use to relate the UUID to your file. Here's an example of that format:
// UUID for your file
"path": "MyHeader.h", // Your file's name
"isa": "PBXFileReference",
"includeInIndex": "1",
"lastKnownFileType": "sourcecode.c.h",
"sourceTree": "<group>"
There's another entry to declare this file as a header, which has its own UUID and a reference to the UUID of your file:
// UUID for your file as a header
"isa": "PBXBuildFile",
"fileRef": "65TYSSDXHSLP4UUOAD9D40C322AAGHM9", // UUID for your file MyHeader.h
"settings": {
"Public" // could also be Project or Private
Then finally, your target has a list of header files where you will want the UUID for the header reference to go.
"isa": "PBXHeadersBuildPhase",
"buildActionMask": "2147483647",
"files": [
"YU3BSD39O9PT5RESDFV741D1" // UUID for your file as a header
"runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing": "0"
Again, changing the project.pbxproj file directly is never a great idea, but until there's a better tool for making these changes without using Xcode, it's the best I could find. If anyone else is aware of something I'm not, please let me know.

Is there a "correct" folder where to place test resources in dart?

I have a simple dart class I am trying to test.
To test it I need to open a txt file, feed the content to an instance of the class and check that the output is correct.
Where do I place this txt file? The txt file is useless outside of testing.
Also, related, how do I acess its directory consistently? I tried placing it in the test folder, but the problem is that:
Returns a different directory if I am running the test on its own or the script calling all the other test dart files on at a time
I check if System.currentDirectory is the directory containing the pubspec.yaml file, if not I move the current directory upwards until I found the directory containing the pubpsec.yaml file and then continue with the test code.
Looks like package is also suitable for this now.
I have still not found a definitive answer to this question. I've been looking for something similar to the testdata directory in Go and the src/test/resources directory in Java.
I'm using Android studio and have settled on using a test_data.dart file at the top of my test directory. In there I define my test data (mostly JSON) and then import it into my individual tests. This doesn't help if you need to deal with binary files but it has been useful for my JSON data. I'll also inject the JSON language with //language=json so I can open the fragment in a separate window to format.
const consolidatedWeatherJson = '''{
"consolidated_weather": [
"id": 4907479830888448,
"weather_state_name": "Showers",
"weather_state_abbr": "s",
"wind_direction_compass": "SW",
"created": "2020-10-26T00:20:01.840132Z",
"applicable_date": "2020-10-26",
"min_temp": 7.9399999999999995,
"max_temp": 13.239999999999998,
"the_temp": 12.825,
"wind_speed": 7.876886316914553,
"wind_direction": 246.17046093256732,
"air_pressure": 997.0,
"humidity": 73,
"visibility": 11.037727173307882,
"predictability": 73
Using the Alt + Enter key combination will bring up the Edit JSON Fragment option. Selecting that open the fragment in a new editor and any changes made there (formatting for example) will be updated in the fragment.
Not perfect but it solves my issues.

load_plugin_textdomain not working

Hey i'm trying to localize a plugin called Donate Plus ( which locallized technicly).
the plugin came with en_CA and de_DE files, i've tried creating a he_IL file without success.
So i've tried with the de files came with the plugin but didn't work.
I've set the WPLANG in wp-config.php to de_DE yet that dosen't change the code.
this is the setting code :
load_plugin_textdomain( 'dplus', '/wp-content/plugins/donate-plus' );
And i did check that all the string are set to be localized.
Anyone has a clue?
I just was with a similar isue, did you try to rename your files from de_DE.po and to and name-of-plugin-de_DE.po (changing name-of-plugin with yours, of course)? and dplus-de_DE.po It must work ;)
load_plugin_textdomain takes three parameters.
In your case it would be something like this (assuming the .po and .mo files are located in a subdir called 'languages')
load_plugin_textdomain( 'dplus', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' );
I checked the source of DonatePlus Plugin and I found that the Plugin is doing localization wrongly.
The load_plugin_textdomain() call is made inside the DonatePlus classes constructor. But it should be present inside the 'init' hook. Trying adding the following code (which is at the of the file) inside the init function.
if( class_exists('DonatePlus') )
$donateplus = new DonatePlus();
Where are all the .po and .mo files stored? Are they inside the /wp-content/plugins/donate-plus folder itself? If not then change the path or move the files.
I had a similar issue where I was loading the translation files with the load_plugin_textdomain function from within a service class using PSR-4. This meant that the dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) string returned the wrong path.
The correct path is the relative path your-plugin/languages (assuming you are loading the translation files from the /languages directory).
Absolute paths such as /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/languages won't work.
My plugins file structure looks something like this:
- my-plugin
- assets
- languages
- services
- Api
- Base
- ...
- vendor
- views
Since my Translation service is placed in the /services/Base/ directory, this worked for me:
$root = plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__, 3));
load_plugin_textdomain( 'my-plugin', false, "$root/languages/");
Also, I used no action hook at all instead of init or plugins_loaded and fired the load_plugin_textdomain function at the beginning of the plugin, since the hooks don't fire early enough for the admin menu and action links to get translated.
load_textdomain( TEXT_DOMAIN , WP_PLUGIN_DIR .'/'.dirname( plugin_basename( FILE ) ) . '/languages/'. get_locale() .'.mo' );

XNA error - file not found

I am working on XNA with XML reading. While I'm debugging the code its shows file not found error, but I added my XML file in Content reference folder. While I'm using this code I got the error.
System.IO.Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("ProductSchema");
Thanks in advance.
Shawn explains this very well in this post: Shawn's blog entry
Try adding the extension:
System.IO.Stream stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream("ProductSchema.xml");
Check whether that file is present in the bin folder where your game .exe file lives (bin\Windows Phone\Debug\Content). If not, then this may be the problem. To solve this :
right click the file >> select property >> change build action to None and copy to output directory to Copy if newer.
This works for me while loading/reading binary files in my game.

Pylons + mod_wsgi -> ImportError: No module named paste.deploy

I'm following the example here:
however, it doesn't work - I get "ImportError: No module named paste.deploy" in the apache error log. Googling in this case helps not - I see some stuff about permissions, but all my permissions are fine. Where does paste.deploy really come from? It comes from PasteDeploy-1.3.4-py2.6.egg in site-packages, installed in my pylonsdevenv directory, right? Well, then how is apache supposed to know about that directory? Does the actual pylons project have to be in the pylonsdevenv directory?
I added:
import site
to the top of my wsgi file, and then set debug = False in my development.ini file (and later, deployment.ini file, I presume), that seemed to work...
If you can import (from paste.deploy import loadapp) manually it has to be a problem with sys.path. Also make sure that apache uses proper python interpreter. I have something like this in my "" on Dreamhost:
INTERP = "/home/myuser/bin/python"
if sys.executable != INTERP: os.execl(INTERP, INTERP, *sys.argv)
cwd = os.getcwd()
You can try put some debug and check which paths are inside "sys.path".
Hope this helps.
