Hey i'm trying to localize a plugin called Donate Plus ( which locallized technicly).
the plugin came with en_CA and de_DE files, i've tried creating a he_IL file without success.
So i've tried with the de files came with the plugin but didn't work.
I've set the WPLANG in wp-config.php to de_DE yet that dosen't change the code.
this is the setting code :
load_plugin_textdomain( 'dplus', '/wp-content/plugins/donate-plus' );
And i did check that all the string are set to be localized.
Anyone has a clue?
I just was with a similar isue, did you try to rename your files from de_DE.po and de_DE.mo to name-of-plugin-de_DE.mo and name-of-plugin-de_DE.po (changing name-of-plugin with yours, of course)?
dplus-de_DE.mo and dplus-de_DE.po It must work ;)
load_plugin_textdomain takes three parameters.
In your case it would be something like this (assuming the .po and .mo files are located in a subdir called 'languages')
load_plugin_textdomain( 'dplus', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' );
I checked the source of DonatePlus Plugin and I found that the Plugin is doing localization wrongly.
The load_plugin_textdomain() call is made inside the DonatePlus classes constructor. But it should be present inside the 'init' hook. Trying adding the following code (which is at the of the file) inside the init function.
if( class_exists('DonatePlus') )
$donateplus = new DonatePlus();
Where are all the .po and .mo files stored? Are they inside the /wp-content/plugins/donate-plus folder itself? If not then change the path or move the files.
I had a similar issue where I was loading the translation files with the load_plugin_textdomain function from within a service class using PSR-4. This meant that the dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) string returned the wrong path.
The correct path is the relative path your-plugin/languages (assuming you are loading the translation files from the /languages directory).
Absolute paths such as /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/languages won't work.
My plugins file structure looks something like this:
- my-plugin
- assets
- languages
- services
- Api
- Base
- ...
- vendor
- views
Since my Translation service is placed in the /services/Base/ directory, this worked for me:
$root = plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__, 3));
load_plugin_textdomain( 'my-plugin', false, "$root/languages/");
Also, I used no action hook at all instead of init or plugins_loaded and fired the load_plugin_textdomain function at the beginning of the plugin, since the hooks don't fire early enough for the admin menu and action links to get translated.
load_textdomain( TEXT_DOMAIN , WP_PLUGIN_DIR .'/'.dirname( plugin_basename( FILE ) ) . '/languages/'. get_locale() .'.mo' );
I want to load the bytes of a file into a variable while testing my flutter application.
I can't use the assets directory as those are bundled with the app and require WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
I tried searching the file manually with the path package, but this did not seem to work and was rather hacky. That is why i'm searching for a more official approach.
I was thinking way to complicated ...
As Chuck Batson commented, you can just use the path from the projects root for passing it into the (dart:io) File:
File loadResource(String relativePath) {
final filePath = path.join("test", "resources", relativePath);
return File(filePath);
(Notice: The above code makes use of the path package for constructing a file path.)
I decided to spring-clean and update my nvim config files/plugins, and thought I’d make proper use of the after/plug folder.
While setting up LSP (with mason, mason-lspconfig, and lspconfig), I wanted to move all the lsp language server settings out from after/plugin/lsp/init.lua to their own files (now in after/plugin/lsp/settings).
The problem is I don’t seem to be able to require them into the init.lua file.
Things I’ve tried to no avail:
require(vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/after/plugin/lsp/settings/sumneko_lua”)
require(vim.fn.expand('%:h').. ‘/settings/sumneko_lua’)
The attempt using expand works when I resource the file in nvim; but causes an error when starting nvim.
I understand that all the files in after/plugin are automagically sourced at startup. So if I had a file shared.lua:
local M = {}
function M.greet()
return M
in the same folder as after/plugin/lsp/init.lua, how can I get access to the greet() function from init.lua?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
It turned out to be quite a simple solution in the end: I simply updated the paths to be searched in init.lua
-- nvim/init.lua
-- Allow require to look in after/plugin folder
local home_dir = os.getenv("HOME”)
package.path = home_dir .. "/.config/nvim/after/plugin/?.lua;" .. package.path
And then I can require any file inside the after/plugin folder
e.g - require(‘lsp/settings/sumneko’) or require(‘lsp/shared’).greet()
After reading the material I could find and trying various solutions, I still cannot get the ChartApplyTemplate to work. The template is not applying to the chart being opened and the error I receive is 5002 - the file cannot be found.
Here is my code:
int iChartID = ChartOpen(sChartNameL,5); ChartApplyTemplate(iChartID,"C:\\Users\\Jean\\AppData\\Roaming\\MetaQuotes\\Terminal\\DA3C92B1779898CC0CACD726A655BECB\\Files\\ADX.tpl");
I have also tried:
int iChartID = ChartOpen(sChartNameL,5);
string sTerminalDataPath = TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH);
ChartApplyTemplate(iChartID, sTerminalDataPath + "\\MQL4\\Files\\ADX.tpl");
I have tried to place the template in various directories. Files as stated above but I have also tried to insert a files subdirectory in the mql4\experts subdirectory and also tried to use the files subdirectory under the MQL4 subdirectory. I have also left the template in the default templates directory. I have tried these various locations as I believe Metatrader has a sandbox environment for where files may be accessed.
Please can you help me.
You are using the wrong variable type for your chart ID, it should be of type long. The code should read as an example.
long iChartID = ChartOpen("EURUSD",5); ChartApplyTemplate(iChartID,"Popular.tpl");
For the location of the template file, from the documentation:
if the backslash "" separator (written as "\") is placed at the beginning of the path, the template is searched for relative to the path _terminal_data_directory\MQL4,
if there is no backslash, the template is searched for relative to the executable EX4 file, in which ChartApplyTemplate() is called;
if a template is not found in the first two variants, the search is performed in the folder terminal_directory\Profiles\Templates.
My sprout core app name is myapp. My directory structure is myapp/apps/myapp/.
I have created a directory named jsons inside myapp/apps/myapp/, and placed a file called emp.json, I want to get this file through ajax using SC.Request.getUrl. I tried the following but didn't work. I want to know the url to reach out this file.
SC.Request.getUrl('/myapp/apps/myapp/resources/emp.json').notify(this, this.didFetchContacts)
SC.Request.getUrl('/myapp/resources/emp.json').notify(this, this.didFetchContacts)
Ok, you will need to use static_url. So if emp.json is in your resources directory, you can call this:
SC.Request.getUrl(static_url('emp.json')).notify(this, this.didFetchContacts)
NOTE: This is not a javascript function. The compiler will replace this with the location of the file in the built app
My files are referenced like so (it's all relative):
public static string myPageTitleXML = "xml/pagetitles.xml";
using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(myPageTitleXML))
{ //etc.. . .etc....etc..
I get system.io.directorynotfound, and "this problem needs to be shut down", when I double click the executable. But running it from the console works like a charm. What's wrong here?
I played around with attempting to set Environment.CurrentDirectory but couldn't get anything to work. Why should I have to do that anyway? It defeats the purpose of a relative path no?
responding.. .
"application" does not exist in the current context, i'll keep trying what people have mentioned, this is not a windows.form
Path.GetDirectoryName(Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase), myPageTitleXML); gives error URI formats are not supported, as does Path.GetFullPath(). Server.MapPath results in an error as well, this is currently offline
Well assuming this directory is somewhere under the directory in which your code is executing, it sounds like you can use ..
.. to get an idea as to what your application is seeing when it goes in search of an 'xml' directory with the 'pagetitles.xml' file in it.
If the directory returned by one of these methods does not point where you thought it did, you'll need to move the location of your application or the location of this folder so that it is within the same directory as the app.
Hope this gets you on the right path.
So, when you run it from double clicking the executable, is there a file named pagetitles.xml in a folder named xml, where xml is a folder in the same location as the executable?
It's certainly possible to use relative paths like this, but I wouldn't really recommend it. Instead, maybe use something like:
string fileToOpen = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase), myPageTitleXML);
using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(fileToOpen))
//etc.. . .etc....etc..
Is this ASP.NET code? If so then you probably need to do MapPath("xml/pagetitles.xml")