ITMS-90561: Invalid Swift Support - The watchOS application has Swift libraries at both - Xcode 12 - ios

I recently tried to submit an update to an app that I have been constantly updating, the last update was done using Xcode 11. This time when I Distributed the App using Xcode 12, everything went smoothly without any errors but after a few minutes, I got the following email from Apple.
But I'm not really sure what do I need to do to make it work.
Any idea what could be wrong?

I solved my issue by changing Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries from Yes to No. for the Watch App.


Xcode 11 / iOS 13 record UITest not working

It appears that recording UI Tests on iOS 13 is not working. I press the record button, the app runs and while I interact with it, no code gets generated based on those actions as you would expect. This also happens on a new project.
Is that a bug or is there any new configuration we need to do. I have no ideas on what to do. I think I watched all testing WWDC sessions and don't remember anything being mentioned about this.
If I change the simulator to iOS 12, it works as expected.
It seems to be a reported bug already:
So we would just need to wait for an update. But yes ios12 still working fine

how to solve this the crash when running after updating to swift 3?

I just updated to Xcode 8 (swift 3). Converted code, etc. No errors. A few build warnings...nothing that should be an issue.
When I run, with my IPHone connected, it crashed with a Thread 1: signal SIGABRT . It has hardly anything in the trace back other than
5 _dyld_start
and the console error is
dyld: could not load inserted library '/Developer/usr/lib/libBacktraceRecording.dylib' because no suitable image found. Did find:
/Developer/usr/lib/libBacktraceRecording.dylib: code signature invalid for '/Developer/usr/lib/libBacktraceRecording.dylib'
I had the same error since upgrading to xcode 8 (swift 3). The fix, for me, was to add an entry in info.plist
To add the permission information for the microphone:
Open info.plist
Add a new key called "Privacy - Microphone Usage Description"
Enter a string that describes why the app need microphone access
Just restart your iPhone device.
It mainly crash because you have to write some privacy thing in info.plist if you are using hardwares like camera, gallery etc. Check console for details and add everything you are using in info.plist of your app.
I had the same problem and finally figured it out. I created a Framework in Swift 3 that I then added to one of my other projects. This project that I added it to uses both Swift and Objective-C but is originally an Objective-C project.
For some reason the Framework made in Swift 3 was causing my app to crash immediately when running on an iPhone with that exact error. I deleted the Framework and now it is running fine.
Again, not sure why this happens because the Framework was working fine with the app before and works fine on simulators. So I guess it has to do with the Framework being created in the latest XCode with Swift 3. Maybe someone else can clear this up.
Hope this helps someone!

crash at [FBSDKInternalUtility validateFacebookReservedURLSchemes]

Currently I have updated Facebook ios sdk framework to v4.11.0. I'm Using Xcode 7.3 and deployment target is 7.0 with latest ios base sdk 9.3. My app compile successfully but it crashes in splash screen. I have added screenshots below:
I've run into the same problem and the secret of the solution is in the red text above. Make sure you've added your app ID into the .plist, as instructed in Getting started
When filling in fb{your-app-id}, if your app ID is 12345, make sure you fill in fb12345. I've omitted the fb part of the string and ended up receiving the same crash as you're reporting.
I know I'm 2 months late, but perhaps someone else finds this helpful.

After migrating to xcode 7 cocoa pods libraries stopped working

Recently new ios and xcode appeared so I decided to update to have a latest version. First of all migration manager popped out and left many syntax errors. But after one hour I fixed them all. App compiled and it was a disaster. I use several external libraries (written in objc) using cocoa pods. They mostly don't work now.
I'm using facebook image picker to get images from facebook - doesn't work, same for instagram image picker. As of my code also now ALAssets aren't working - well partially they are - I'm just not getting posterImages of groups and thumbnails of all photos. I can see correct amount of photos just thumbnails are all nils now.
There are more problems. Sometimes back button in navigation controller is not appearing. Anyone maybe I'd be able to fix that errors of 'my' code, but there's no way I'd fix all issues in these external libraries (especially in such a short time). I thought only swift will be impacted, but objc libraries are also under attack.
So is there an issue with some cocoa pods settings or just libraries will no longer work? I heard there's no way to use swift 1.2 in xcode 7. So I decided to downgrade back to 6.4. App compiled without any problem (after cleaning up derivedData). In simulator (ios 8.4) works like a charm. But on device with ios9 all the same issues are present. No photos thumbnails from gallery etc :)
Anyway there's one more thing. My app has to offer similar functionality to the one client has sent me few weeks ago. I may be unexperienced in ios programming, but this app isn't working as well! No photos from gallery :) And it's from appstore. It looked very professional. I smell serious changes under the ios 9 hood.
So I don't think it's something wrong with swift 2.0 - it's an ios itself.
I fixed all the problems! I just want to say they were not related to migration from swift 1.2 to swift 2.0. Going one by one:
nil thumbnails from ALAssetsLibrary - not sure why this was happening, but I restarted device and problem never came back. So good advice is to check if they're not nil (as I did).
Not working instagram and facebook libraries. Well first of all there's nothing wrong with cocoa pods. Reason of all this mess is App Transport Security. I had to add this to Info.plist file (last one not related to facebook/instagram):
You simple have to add all servers that app connects.
Not working back button - well that was a problem with my storyboard. I had many push segues, but every viewController was embeedded in navigationController. That worked on ios8, but not on ios9. I had to get rid of them and left first one and ones that were appearing by replace segue.
No need to downgrade :)

Non-public selectors in App?

I'm trying to submit an app via iTunes Connect. Xcode is throwing the following error:
iTunes Store operation failed.
The app referenced non-public selectors in Payload/Inflation Calculator: allocBatch:withEntity:count:,allowWithEntity:, fastIndexForKnownKey:, indexForKey:
I have no idea what "non-public selectors" I would be using, because I stuck pretty close to the book with my code. Anyone have any ideas?
Code for the view controller (only .swift in my app):
EDIT: As a reference for the future, I confirmed with iTunes Connect Support that this was an issue with iTunes Connect and not a problem with my project. For anyone experiencing this same problem, my best advice would be to wait and try again later.
I had the same problem. I could not submit some of my apps because using non-public selectors. I also tried using Application Loader, but still the same error message
To solve the problem I installed Xcode 6.0.1 - it is still available to download here:
Before installing i moved the old Xcode to trash.
I can now submit any app.
I solved this by doing the following:
edit: I don't think the first step is needed
1) Cleaning the build folder (Hold Alt, Click Product -> Clean)
2) Deleting the Derived Data (Organizer -> Projects -> Select your project -> Delete Derived Data
The API differs between iOS 7 and iOS 8.
I got my App validated by switching to Deployment Target "8.0" - built with XCode 6.1.
It might not be the solution to all you guys but you could give it a try.
Might have happened to me because I recently started using UIAlertController -> seems to be an iOS-8-Feature. On iOS 7 this would be UIAlertView. So if you use some nifty new features they might not have been available with previous iOS versions - thus non-public API.
For the same app, I got this error today on XCode 6.1.
I submit the same app (little variation) 2/3 days ago with XCode 6.0.1 without any error!
Just updated XCode 6.1 and trapped with this error.
I switched back to XCode 6.0.1 and it do not have any problem with the submission. No non-public API usage error. I just download the dmg file and rename to XCode_6.0.1. So it coexists with XCode 6.1.
I delete all derived data for xcode projects
And app was submitted without any problem
I was running into the same issue that looked like an issue on Apple's end. I submitted the same app (v 1.0.1) yesterday, then rejected it, then submitted again today with a one-line code difference. Today's submission got rejected for the reason mentioned above.
I was able to solve this, using the latest versions of everything, by changing the version # of my app (e.g. 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2). Think this worked as I had a previous submission sitting in the queue for my older version that I had rejected, YMMV.
