crash at [FBSDKInternalUtility validateFacebookReservedURLSchemes] - ios

Currently I have updated Facebook ios sdk framework to v4.11.0. I'm Using Xcode 7.3 and deployment target is 7.0 with latest ios base sdk 9.3. My app compile successfully but it crashes in splash screen. I have added screenshots below:

I've run into the same problem and the secret of the solution is in the red text above. Make sure you've added your app ID into the .plist, as instructed in Getting started
When filling in fb{your-app-id}, if your app ID is 12345, make sure you fill in fb12345. I've omitted the fb part of the string and ended up receiving the same crash as you're reporting.
I know I'm 2 months late, but perhaps someone else finds this helpful.


ITMS-90561: Invalid Swift SupportĀ - The watchOS application has Swift libraries at both - Xcode 12

I recently tried to submit an update to an app that I have been constantly updating, the last update was done using Xcode 11. This time when I Distributed the App using Xcode 12, everything went smoothly without any errors but after a few minutes, I got the following email from Apple.
But I'm not really sure what do I need to do to make it work.
Any idea what could be wrong?
I solved my issue by changing Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries from Yes to No. for the Watch App.

how to solve this the crash when running after updating to swift 3?

I just updated to Xcode 8 (swift 3). Converted code, etc. No errors. A few build warnings...nothing that should be an issue.
When I run, with my IPHone connected, it crashed with a Thread 1: signal SIGABRT . It has hardly anything in the trace back other than
5 _dyld_start
and the console error is
dyld: could not load inserted library '/Developer/usr/lib/libBacktraceRecording.dylib' because no suitable image found. Did find:
/Developer/usr/lib/libBacktraceRecording.dylib: code signature invalid for '/Developer/usr/lib/libBacktraceRecording.dylib'
I had the same error since upgrading to xcode 8 (swift 3). The fix, for me, was to add an entry in info.plist
To add the permission information for the microphone:
Open info.plist
Add a new key called "Privacy - Microphone Usage Description"
Enter a string that describes why the app need microphone access
Just restart your iPhone device.
It mainly crash because you have to write some privacy thing in info.plist if you are using hardwares like camera, gallery etc. Check console for details and add everything you are using in info.plist of your app.
I had the same problem and finally figured it out. I created a Framework in Swift 3 that I then added to one of my other projects. This project that I added it to uses both Swift and Objective-C but is originally an Objective-C project.
For some reason the Framework made in Swift 3 was causing my app to crash immediately when running on an iPhone with that exact error. I deleted the Framework and now it is running fine.
Again, not sure why this happens because the Framework was working fine with the app before and works fine on simulators. So I guess it has to do with the Framework being created in the latest XCode with Swift 3. Maybe someone else can clear this up.
Hope this helps someone!

app iOS accepted by Apple, crashes at launching, but works after plugging iPhone to the Mac/Xcode

We have at last a crash log :
It seems that a library is not loaded...
Here's what we have :
- no crash log on Xcode with a device where the app crashes at launch
- We didn't run the app via Xcode, we downloaded it via Diawi
- We plugged the iPhone on the Mac, we didn't run the app via Xcode, we just looked at the crash log (nothing to see). After we unplugged the iPhone from the Mac, the app launches perfetecly ! Besides, when we uninstall the app and install it again via Diawi, it launches perfectly again !
- So the simple fact that we plugged the iPhone to the Mac makes the app work.
Any idea ?
Below the first message
I have a serious issue with my iOS app, here's what we know :
The app has been approved on App Store
But if we download it via App Store promo codes (it's like a private beta), it crashes at launch, mostly on iOS 8.3 or below.
We had the same issue by adding UDIDs and sending the app via Diawi before the submission
We have already an app on the store (let's call it v1) and we have submitted a new version (v2) which has been a new project on Xcode.
The crash happens with people who had already the app v1 as well as people who hadn't
The crash remains even if you uninstall the v1 and install v2
We put crashlytics : impossible to get any crash report, it crashes before the init, although we can see the launch page with the logo. We tried to put a delay of 10 seconds to let crashlytics initialize, but it doesn't last untill the 10 sec
Weirdest thing : when we plug the device on Xcode to see what happens, then it works ! Impossible to see the crash again. Then, even if you uninstall and repeat the process by installing via Diawi, it will work ! As soon as you plug the iPhone on Xcode, it will always work...
Some people told us that it crashes and it works the day after.
What we did :
We updated the Pods
We changed the certificates and provisionning profiles and made it clean
We had some issues due to the Parse SDK, but we fixed it
The target is iOS 7.1
Here are the pods that we have (screenshot):
Has someone seen already such an issue ? The weirdest thing is that Apple hasn't rejected it.
Thank you for your help !
So I had exactly the same problem today with my app Macro Defense:
I found that by turning wi-fi off on the device, the app runs perfectly. If this is also the case with you, then my guess is that the problem lies in trying to perform some network functions in the appDelegate.
Have contacted apple support, and will repost if I get a definitive answer to this.

Facebook SDK on Unity 5 on iOS

I have been having trouble getting the latest Facebook SDK 6.2.1 to function with Unity 5.0.0f4 in both my project and an empty one.
Here is what I do:-
Create a blank project
import Facebook SDK
Set App ID and Name in editor settings
Add sample scene to build settings
Build Xcode Project
Open in Xcode
Disable ARC in settings
Remove extra #endif when xcode complains about it
Build and Run game on iOS device
The error I end up with is in the following link:-
The error I get is "EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1)". I'm not much of an xcode/iOS guy so this confuses me a tone load. This error does not occur if facebook isn't present. Has anyone got any idea how to get around this? Surely i'm not the only one with this issue. All I want to do is get an access token from facebook. If need be, I don't mind using a simple webview or something similar.
Any help on this would be much appreciated. I would give free hugs to but ya know.
Ive managed to solve the issue. As posted by someone else on unity forums here, you need to mark the option "iOS" as platform for plugin and adding "-fno-objc-arc" as compile flag in the following file: Assets/Facebook/Editor/iOS/
This works with the latest versions of Unity 5.0.1f and Facebook SDK 6.2.1 as of this post.
Facebook SDK for Unity Downloads
Note: Only Unity 4 is supported at this time
That is why it's not working. I don't know when Facebook will launch their sdk for Unity 5.

Simulator fails to open

I always getting this error whenever i runs iOS 6 series simulators. I tried lot of steps for this problem. i.e., 1. deleting Derived Data, Creating a new project ..
Notification center label
if anyone tell me the solution for this.
Please make sure that your application's plist settings are not changed .. if you try to do anything which in not approved by the iOS this messege is shown quite often . Then please reset the settings and contents of iOS Simulator. Hopefully it will work.
you have not provided more details i post answer in guessing from you question
refer below link it more helpful.
IOS simulator failed to install application? in Xcode 5
iOS Simulator failed to install the application
Try to reset iOS 6.1 simulator from menu "iOS Simulator -> Reset Content and Settings...",
then run your app in XCode
