Accessing jenkins secret inside pipeline script - jenkins

It might sound silly but I was trying to store my dockerhub password inside Mange credentials of jenkins as Secret text so that it can be accessed in the pipeline script.
Here is the secret which I have created
Here is a pipeline script where i trying to access the password using the ID
node {
stage("Docker Login"){
sh 'docker login -u rahulwagh17 -p ${DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD}'
But it always fails with -

You're looking for the withCredentials method of jenkins' pipeline DSL.
Have a look here:
Every Job has it's pipeline syntax button available in it's dashboard:
You can generate an adequate withCredentials blog there.


Why is a Jenkins script job failing to use proper AWS credentials?

I have a simple jenkins job that just runs aws ssm send-command and it fails with:
"An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the SendCommand operation: User: arn:aws:sts::1234567890:assumed-role/jenkins-live/i-1234567890abc is not authorized to perform: ssm:SendCommand on resource: arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:1234567890:document/my-document-name"
However, the IAM permissions are correct. To prove it, I directly SSH onto that instance and run the exact same ssm command, and it works. I verify it's using the instance role by running aws sts get-caller-identity and it returns arn:aws:sts::1234567890:assumed-role/jenkins-live/i-1234567890abc which is the same user mentioned in the error message.
So indeed, this assumed role can run the command.
I even modified the jenkins job to run aws sts get-caller-identity first, and it outputs the same user json.
Does jenkins do some caching that I am unaware of? Why would I get that AccessDeniedException if that jenkins-live user can run the command otherwise?
First, install the AWS Credentials and AWS Steps plugins and register your AWS key and secret access key in Jenkins credential store. Then, the next steps depends if you're using a freestyle or a declarative/scripted pipeline.
If you're using a freestyle pipeline: On "Build Environment", click on "Use secret text(s) or file(s)" and follow the next steps. After that, you're gonna have your credentials as variables in your pipeline;
If you're using a declarative/scripted pipeline: Enclose your aws calls with a withAWS block, something like this:
withAWS(region: 'us-east-1', credentials: 'my-pretty-credentials') {
// let's explode something
Best regards.

How to get credentials-id for a docker registery

I have signed up for one of the public docker registries, so I've been given a username and password. I'm writing a Jenkins job which pulls an image from this repository, so I'm using the following command in my Jenkins pipeline
docker.withRegistry('', 'credentials-id')
However I don't know what I should put in as the credentials-id? How can I get it?
This credentials-id Item is provided by the Jenkins credentials Plugin. It is documented here, e.g.

User Interactive shell script not running in Jenkinsfile

I have a user interactive shell script that runs successfully on my Linux server. But when I try to run it via jenkins, it doesn't run.
I have created a Jenkinsfile.
node('slaves') {
def app
stage('Remmove Docker service') {
sh 'sshpass ssh docusr# "/path/to/shell/script"'
Shell Script
read -p "Hi kindly enter the api name : " api
docker service logs $api --raw
The shell Scipt runs successfully on my local server, when I try to run it on Jenkins using Jenkinsfile, it doesn't accept $api variable in my shell script which is user interactive.
What you are trying to achieve doesn't serve any purpose of automating your job by jenkins, if I correctly understood. So, your job is actually seeking a user input and it's in best interest to have a parameterized jenkins build in this case.
For your case, you can still give an argument to the sshpass command $api and have it read from the jenkins environment itself Or, better make your jenkins build parameterized and use your user input $api as the parameter.

How to insert properties in Jenkinsfile in multibranch pipeline?

I configured jenkins multibranch pipeline on Jenkins version 2.60.2
I'm looking for a way to keep my passwords in jenkins multibranch pipline configuration, so Jenkinsfile could take them as parameters for execution of its stages. Is there a way to set these properties within the jenkins UI?
I found a similar question here, but I think there is a more preferred way.
For using credentials in a Jenkins Pipeline, there are a couple plugins that I would consider essentially part of the Jenkins Core (even though they are plugins):
Credentials Plugin
Credentials Binding Plugin
These can combine to give you a way to administratively manage credentials as well as provide for ways to consume them inside of Jobs. There are additional plugins built on top of these providing credential type implementations. For example, the SSH Credentials Plugin allows you to store SSH credentials in Jenkins.
The Credentials Binding Plugin provides the withCredentials step. The documentation has some examples on how you could use it. Here is an example from the documentation:
node {
credentialsId: 'mylogin',
variable: 'USERPASS'
) {
sh '''
set +x
curl -u $USERPASS https://private.server/ > output

Jenkins Pipeline Build with Docker, Google Registry, and Google Auth Plugin

I'm building a Docker image using a Jenkins pipeline (using a pipeline script that was auto-generated by JHipster). I want to push my final docker image to the Google Container Registry.
Here's what I've done:
I've installed both the CloudBees Docker Custom Build Environment Plugin and the Google Container Registry Auth Plugin.
I've set up Google auth credentials in Jenkins following instructions over here
I've configured my build step to use the Google Registry tag format, like so:'[my-project-id]/[my-artifact-id]', 'target/docker')
I've referenced the id of my Google Auth credentials in my push step:
(Hm. Needs extra text line after bullets to format properly)
docker.withRegistry('', '[my-credential-id]') {
dockerImage.push 'latest'
But the build fails with:
ERROR: Could not find credentials matching [my-credential-id]
Finished: FAILURE
I'm basically at the point of believing that these plugins don't work in a pipelines world, but I thought I'd ask if anyone has accomplished this and could give me some pointers.
Try prefixing your credentials id by "gcr:".
Your credential id would look like "gcr:[my-credential-id]".
Complete working example:
stage('Build image') {
app ="[id-of-your-project-as-in-google-url]/[name-of-the-artifact]")
stage('Push image') {
docker.withRegistry('', 'gcr:[credentials-id]') {
Please note the name of the image. I was struggling with pushing of the image even with working credentials until I've named the image wit [id-of-your-project-as-in-google-url]/[name-of-the-artifact] notation.
When you get a message that you need to enable the Google....... API, you probably got your [id-of-your-project-as-in-google-url] wrong.
Images can now be successfully used with url of[id-of-your-project-as-in-google-url]/[name-of-the-artifact]:47.
The previous answers didn't seem to work for me anymore. This is the syntax that works for me:
stage('Push Image') {
steps {
script {
docker.withRegistry('', 'gcr:my-credential-id') {
Other way of setting up Google cloud registry can be as below where you use withCredentials plugin and use file credential type.
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'gcr-private-repo-reader', variable: 'GC_KEY')]){
sh '''
chmod 600 $GC_KEY
cat $GC_KEY | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin
docker ps
docker pull<reponame>/<image>
check if you have plugin installed.
After plugin installed use gcr:credential-id synthax
The below answer didn't completely work before, and is apparently now deprecated. I'm leaving the text here for historical reasons.
I've ultimately bypassed the problem by using a gcloud script stage in place of a docker pipeline stage, like so:
stage('publish gcloud') {
sh "gcloud docker -- push[my-project-id]/[my-artifact-id]"
The gcloud command is able to find the auth credentials that are set up using a gcloud init on the command line of the Jenkins server.
