User Interactive shell script not running in Jenkinsfile - jenkins

I have a user interactive shell script that runs successfully on my Linux server. But when I try to run it via jenkins, it doesn't run.
I have created a Jenkinsfile.
node('slaves') {
def app
stage('Remmove Docker service') {
sh 'sshpass ssh docusr# "/path/to/shell/script"'
Shell Script
read -p "Hi kindly enter the api name : " api
docker service logs $api --raw
The shell Scipt runs successfully on my local server, when I try to run it on Jenkins using Jenkinsfile, it doesn't accept $api variable in my shell script which is user interactive.

What you are trying to achieve doesn't serve any purpose of automating your job by jenkins, if I correctly understood. So, your job is actually seeking a user input and it's in best interest to have a parameterized jenkins build in this case.
For your case, you can still give an argument to the sshpass command $api and have it read from the jenkins environment itself Or, better make your jenkins build parameterized and use your user input $api as the parameter.


Jenkins declarative pipeline bat command

I would like to know how can enter input for the following line of code in a Jenkins pipeline.
bat(returnStd: true, script: "python -m keyring set service user")
once this command executes. Jenkins pipeline hangs and terminal has something like this enter password for service:
I need to send a command to this prompt but I have no idea how to do that in jenkins prompt.
I don't see a stdin feature for bat.
I have struggled with this script for two days and have alternative methods with their set of quirks.
Can someone please help?

Passing env/params values to the Shell Service plugin of Jenkins

Shell Service of Jenkins plugin is like in the picture that is below. I need to pass params/env variable to it but couldn't make it.
Is there any way to pass values into "Execute shell script on remote host using ssh"?
If this plugin works as a usual ssh command, you can escape $DOCKER_REGISTRY quotes
ssh jenkins# "echo \"$DOCKER_REGISTRY\""
IMHO: Get rid of the ssh plugins in Jenkins, just use shell, is way more flexible.

jenkins pipeline. Ssh to a server get stuck on job

I need to ssh to a server from a simple jenkin pipeline and make a deploy which is simply moving to a directory and do a git fetch and some other comands (nmp install among others). Thing is that when jenkin job ssh to the remote server it connects ok but then It gets stucked, I have to stop it. I just now modify the script to simply do a "ssh to server " and a "pwd command" to go to the easiest but it connects to it and it get stuck untill I abort. What Am I missing? here is the simpe pipeline script and the output on an screenshot
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Connect to server') {
steps {
sh "ssh -t -t jenkins#10.x.x.xx"
sh "pwd"
stage('branch status') {
steps {
sh "git status"
Jenkins executes each "sh" step as a separate shell script. Content is written to a temporary file on Jenkins node and only then executed. Each command is executed in separate session and is not aware of previous one. So neither ssh session or changes in environment variable will persist between the two.
More importantly though, you are forcing pseudo-terminal allocation with -t flag. This is pretty much opposite to what you want to achieve, i.e. run shell commands non-interactively. Simply
sh "ssh jenkins#10.x.x.xx pwd"
is enough for your example to work. Placing the commands on separate lines would not work with regular shell script, regardless of Jenkins. However you still need to have private key available on node, otherwise the job will hang, waiting for you to provide password interactively. Normally, you will want to use SSH Agent Plugin to provide private key at runtime.
script {
sshagent(["your-ssh-credentals"]) {
sh "..."
For execution on longer commands see What is the cleanest way to ssh and run multiple commands in Bash?

Jenkins pipeline job gets triggered as anonymous but not as an user/Admin

Jenkins Pipeline job doesn't trigger pipeline job using jenkins cli. When i run jenkins as anaonymous this works, but when i create a user/admin it fails.
I have a job A which has parameters and passes the same to Pipeline Job. This is a Master-slave setup. This is how i run:
sudo java -jar /home/user/jenkins-cli.jar -s $JENKINS_URL build pipeline_job -p parameter_Name="$parameter_Name" -p parameter_Name2="$parameter2_Name"
1.) I tried using options, "-auth" , "-username -password" but doesn't work.
No such command: -auth
No such command: -ssh
2.) Another option is paste the public key in SSH section http://jenkin_url/me/configure , but still it fails
error: Invalid PEM structure, '-----BEGIN...' missing
Is there i am missing anything ?
I Found the solution,
1.) used SSH CLI.
In my case i was using master-slave environment, connection was made using SSH keys vice-versa. In order to trigger the build using Jenkins CLI, place the SSH keys both public & private and place them in http://jenkinsURL/user/username/configure
Here username= the one used to connect the nodes.
Trigger the job as below:
java -jar /home/username/jenkins-cli.jar -s $JENKINS_URL -i /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa build JOBNAME
Note: This is one way but cloudbees doesn't encourage this approach.
2.) There is new approach i.e., using API token authentication.
Go to http://jenkinsURL/user/username/configure
Copy the API token
trigger the build as below:
java -jar /home/username/jenkins-cli.jar -s $JENKINS_URL -auth username:apitoken /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa build JOBNAME
Note: For using API token option, download the latest jar file

Execute a script from jenkins pipeline

I have a jenkins pipeline that builds a java artifact,
copies it to a directory and then attempts to execute a external script.
I am using this syntax within the pipeline script to execute the external script
dir('/opt/script-directory') {
sh './'
The script is just a simple docker build script, but the build will fail
with this exception: Failed to mkdirs: /opt/script-directory#tmp/durable-ae56483c
The error is confusing because the script does not create any directories. It is just building a docker image and placing the freshly built java artifact in that image.
If I create a different job in jenkins that executes the external script as
its only build step and then call that job from my pipeline script using this syntax:
build 'docker test build'
everything works fine, the script executes within the other job and the pipeline
continues as expected.
Is this the only way to execute a script that is external to the workspace?
What am I doing wrong with my attempt at executing the script from within
the pipeline script?
The issue is that the jenkins user (or whatever the user is that runs the Jenkins slave process) does not have write permission on /opt and the sh step wants to create the script-directory#tmp/durable-ae56483c sub-directory there.
Either remove the dir block and use the absolute path to the script:
sh '/opt/script-directory/'
or give write permission to jenkins user to folder /opt (not preferred for security reasons)
Looks like a bug in Jenkins, durable directories are meant to store recovery information e.g. before executing an external script using sh.
For now all you can do is make sure that /opt/script-directory has +r +w and +x set for jenkins user.
Another workaround would be not to change the current directory, just execute sh with it:
sh '/opt/script-directory/'
I had a similar concern when trying to execute a script in a Jenkins pipeline using a Jenkinsfile.
I was trying to run a script with sudo.
To run it I specified the present working directory ($PWD):
sh 'sudo sh $PWD/'
