Failed to load resource: unsupported URL gap://ready iOS14 - ios

I have a problem with new version of iOs (14.01) this version add some kind of security browser. Im trying to add in a white list using WKAppOundDomains to solve this quickly.
.plist info
I get the following error adding to .plist the last showed into the picture:
ERROR Internal navigation rejected - not set for url='gap://ready'
I´ve been looking for this error and find the following. If I add into the config.xml this it supposedly fix the issue but I get another error:
[Process] 0x7f959983ba20 - [pageProxyID=6, webPageID=7, PID=60212] WebPageProxy::didFailProvisionalLoadForFrame: frameID = 32, domain = NSURLErrorDomain, code = -1002
Both error are running in blucle.
I try add something like this into index.html but didnt work neither ''
If I open with iOS13 works but I have to do it in IOS14 to solve a issue. Some ideas?. Thanks.


iText7 null reference exception on PdfFontFactory.CreateFont(StandardFonts.TIMES_ROMAN) VS2019

Hi All: I have a VS2019 console app project that generates PDFs. Everything was working fine a month ago. When I re-opened the project and tried to run it, I am receiving a nullreferenceexception error when trying to create the first font in the PdfDocument.
PdfFont bfTimes = PdfFontFactory.CreateFont(StandardFonts.TIMES_ROMAN);
Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at iText.IO.Font.FontCache..cctor()
I've confirmed the PdfDocument exists, and the font above returns "true" for "isRegistered".
Nothing changed in the project, but I did update VSCommunity to 16.11.2 at some point in the past couple of weeks. Is there any way to get a better error description for what's happening?
i searched for that specific exception error and found this other post from a few weeks ago:
The suggestion to turn on "just my code" in the debugging options made the error go away like magic :o

Xcode Error when launching application Error: Unable to Capture View Hierarchy

I have tried to load the flutter app, that I created, on my phone, but when I try to launch it, it shows a white screen or crashes directly.
The error I am getting is:
Error: Unable to Capture View Hierarchy.
Details: Log Title: Data source expression execution failure.
Log Details: error evaluating expression “(id)[[(Class)objc_getClass("DBGTargetHub") sharedHub] performRequestWithRequestInBase64:#"…"]”: error: <user expression 1>:1:14: use of undeclared identifier 'objc_getClass'
Log Method: -[DBGDataSourceConnectionLibViewDebugger _executeLLDBExpression:forRequest:onPotentialThread:iteration:]_block_invoke
Method: -[DBGViewDebugger _initiateInitialRequestWithDataSourceVersion:]_block_invoke
Environment: Xcode 11.4.1 (11E503a) debugging iPhone 8 (Model A1863, A1905, A1906, A1907) iOS 13.3.1 (17D50).
Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.
I don't know how to fix this?
Thanks for your answers in advance!

"help to fix ' error: unable to read property list from file: info.plist

I added Admob Google extension in to my Game Maker 2 project, when I try to test it on xcode for iOS, I am getting the error from xcode : unable to read property list from file: ...
Tried to fiddle around with the build settings in Xcode for plist to make it XML/Binary and same as input but nothing helped.
Made sure that the extensions in game maker have IOS enabled
Tried to clean build folder
Changed Locations: of Derived data to Relative
Looked for similar problems on google and stack overflow, but nothing exactly with the same issue
Below is the code given by Gamemaker
if os_type == os_ios
ads_app_id = "ca-app-pub-4724502015965127~5126911475";
banner_id = "ca-app-pub-4337965814269841/5893054134";
interstitial_id = "ca-app-pub-4724502015965127/8852681295";
rewarded_id = "ca-app-pub-4724502015965127/3717109960";
ads_app_id = "ca-app-pub-4337965814269841~8766033395";
banner_id = "ca-app-pub-4337965814269841/5893055122";
interstitial_id = "ca-app-pub-4337965814269841/5893055258";
rewarded_id = "ca-app-pub-4337965814269841/5893055399";
GoogleMobileAds_Init(interstitial_id, ads_app_id);
interstitial_loaded = false;
unable to read property list from file:
Files/Pixel_Bricks_iOS-Info.plist: The operation couldn’t be
completed. (XCBUtil.PropertyListConversionError error 1.)
The error is happening at Build time
I opened the plist file with ATOM, the one generated by GameMaker Studio when I noticed xcode could not read it. I noticed a bit of code that was causing an error and when I deleted it xcode was able to build. The code is below:
<key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key>\n\r <true/>\n\r
<key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsForMedia</key>\n\r <true/>\n\r
<key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent</key>\n\r <true/>\n\r</dict>
But I am not sure how to fix it to make it look correct. I am afraid if I delete it somehow the code will not be correct. Does anyone have a solution? And how would I fix it from GameMaker.
As Faisal suggested, the file cannot be read if it's malformed.
Trying to open the file with Xcode helped me find the problem: a syntax error. Xcode was very explicit about where the error might be: at line 32.
After fixing the error in another IDE I was able to open the file with Xcode and build/run my app.

Ionic: Error ReferenceError :Can't find variable: URLSearchParams (abnormal behavior)

I am working on ionic and i developed a small app. App is working on Android and browser very well, but when i try to run for ios using X-code, i get following error,
ERROR:ERROR ReferenceError : Can't find variable: URLSearchParams
I searched for it and i found that URLSearchParams is not supported in iOS as answered in stackoverflow question
I was used URLSearchParams in three TypeScript files(login.ts, notice.ts, other.ts), i just removed URLSearchParams from login.ts and managed queryString through string instead of URLSearchParams and run my code then whole app running well.
My question is that why i didn't get any error for URLSearchParams used in
(notice.ts, other.ts), it means that is working well for both file, its something abnormal behavior i found ever
let str="";
let params: URLSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(); //here error should come, but not error gives
params.set('yearId', this.loggedUserData.yearid);

error Error: Attempted to assign to readonly property. ChildScope

This is an ionic app, I have no idea why I am getting the error below when I start my application. I didn't notice when it started to popup and now I cannot get rid of it. Any suggestions clues of how I could debug and find this issue?
896167 error Error: Attempted to assign to readonly property.
Any help is appreciated.
This error went away all together with the latest Ionic update, 1.0.0-rc.5 "tungsten-turkey"
