I am looking for the "best" way in the Julia Programming Language to join parts of a URL into a single URL similar to joinurl in Python.
The full functionality of Python's joinurl is not needed. I'd like to achieve that extra frontslashes are added but also excess frontslashes are remove if needed, i.e.
julia_joinurl("http://localhost/","/index.html") == "http://localhost/index.html"
julia_joinurl("http://localhost","index.html") == "http://localhost/index.html".
Is there a Julia package that implements such a high-level function? Or how would I implement this otherwise?
I can't find a joinurl function in Python, so I'm guessing you're referring to urllib.parse.urljoin in the Python standard library. There is a function similar to that in the HTTP.jl package. It creates a URI from the components of the URI:
julia> HTTP.URI(scheme="http", host="example.com", path="/index.html")
However, it's not as forgiving as the Python urljoin function. You have to start the path argument with a / and you cannot end the host argument with a /:
julia> HTTP.URI(scheme="http", host="example.com", path="index.html")
ERROR: ArgumentError: merge(::HTTP.URIs.URI; scheme::String, userinfo::SubString{String},
host::String, port::SubString{String}, path::String, query::SubString{String},
fragment::SubString{String}) requires !(scheme in ["http", "https"]) ||
(isempty(path) || path[1] == '/')
julia> HTTP.URI(scheme="http", host="example.com/", path="/index.html")
ERROR: ArgumentError: merge(::HTTP.URIs.URI; scheme::String, userinfo::SubString{String},
host::String, port::SubString{String}, path::String, query::SubString{String},
fragment::SubString{String}) requires isempty(host) || host[end] != '/'
I am new to F#/.NET and I am trying to run the F# example provided in the accepted answer of How to translate the intro ML.Net demo to F#? with the ML.NET library, using F# on Visual Studio, using Microsoft.ML (0.2.0).
When building it I get the error error FS0039: The type 'TextLoader' is not defined.
To avoid this, I added the line
open Microsoft.ML.Data
to the source.
Then, however, the line
pipeline.Add(new TextLoader<IrisData>(dataPath,separator = ","))
error FS0033: The non-generic type 'Microsoft.ML.Data.TextLoader' does not expect any type arguments, but here is given 1 type argument(s)
Changing to:
pipeline.Add(new TextLoader(dataPath,separator = ","))
error FS0495: The object constructor 'TextLoader' has no argument or settable return property 'separator'. The required signature is TextLoader(filePath: string) : TextLoader.
Changing to:
pipeline.Add(new TextLoader(dataPath))
makes the build successful, but the code fails when running with
ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Column #1 not found in the dataset (it only has 1 columns), I assume because the comma separator is not correctly picked up (incidentally, you can find and inspect the iris dataset at https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/iris/iris.data).
pipeline.Add(new TextLoader(dataPath).CreateFrom<IrisData>(separator: ','))
won't work.
I understand that there have been changes in TextLoader recently (see e.g. https://github.com/dotnet/machinelearning/issues/332), can somebody point me to what I am doing wrong?
F# just has a bit of a different syntax that can take some getting used to. It doesn't use the new keyword to instantiate a new class and to use named parameters it uses the = instead of : that you would in C#.
So for this line in C#:
pipeline.Add(new TextLoader(dataPath).CreateFrom<IrisData>(separator: ','))
It would be this in F#:
i am working on a project to check Syntax of a a program Written in C or java and return the Syntax is True or False
the program that will check the below Ex. if i write it right or wrong
any idea?
You need to write a C (or Java) parser in Prolog. Just google prolog parser and you will get a bunch of interesting links.
When I run a simple piece of code a = torch.Tensor(5,3) in ZeroBraneStudio, I receive the following error:
attempt to index global 'torch' (a nil value)
Does this mean that ZeroBraneStudio does not recognize Torch?
Make sure you select Torch as the interpreter (Project | Lua Interpreter | Torch-7) and configure the path to your th or luajit executable from torch (as described in this post).
I can upgrade php 5.2 in my server. I have to make this server work today (the vacation I have planned tomorrow is under question because of this error) with new testlink. I am stuck with following error i.e Paamayim nekudotayims.
What changes I should do to resolve it?
This link contains the file with the bug.
The Scope Resolution Operator (also called Paamayim Nekudotayim) or in simpler terms, the double colon, is a token that allows access to static, constant, and overridden properties or methods of a class.
SO may be in your codes you try to call static method or properties with wrong operator.
From Wikipedia:
In PHP, the scope resolution operator is also called Paamayim
Nekudotayim (Hebrew: פעמיים נקודתיים), which means “double colon” in
The name "Paamayim Nekudotayim" was introduced in the
Israeli-developed Zend Engine 0.5 used in PHP 3. Although it has been
confusing to many developers who do not speak Hebrew, it is still
being used in PHP 5, as in this sample error message:
$ php -r :: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected
As of PHP 5.4, error messages concerning the scope resolution operator
still include this name, but have clarified its meaning somewhat:
$ php -r :: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '::'
I'm trying to get started with the Python API for Google Compute Engine using their "hello world" tutorial on https://developers.google.com/compute/docs/api/python_guide#setup
Whenever making the call response = request.execute(auth_http) though, I get the following error signaling that I can't authenticate:
WARNING:oauth2client.util:execute() takes at most 1 positional argument (2 given)
I'm clearly only passing one positional argument (auth_http), and I've looked into oauth2client/util.py, apiclient/http.py, and oauth2client/client.py for answers, but nothing seems amiss. I found another stack overflow post that encountered the same issue, but it seems that in the constructor of the OAuth2WebServerFlow class in oauth2client/client.py, 'access_type' is set to 'offline' already (though to be honest I don't completely understand what's going on here in terms of setting up oauth2.0 flows).
Any suggestions would be much appreciated, and thanks in advance!
Looking at the code, the #util.positional(1) annotation is throwing the warning. Avoid it using named parameters.
Instead of:
response = request.execute(auth_http)
response = request.execute(http=auth_http)
I think documentation is wrong. Please use the following:
auth_http = credentials.authorize(http)
# Build the service
gce_service = build('compute', API_VERSION, http=auth_http)
project_url = '%s%s' % (GCE_URL, PROJECT_ID)
# List instances
request = gce_service.instances().list(project=PROJECT_ID, filter=None, zone=DEFAULT_ZONE)
response = request.execute()
You can do one of three things here:
1 Ignore the warnings and do nothing.
2 Suppress the warnings and set the flag to ignore:
import oauth2client
import gflags
gflags.FLAGS['positional_parameters_enforcement'].value = 'IGNORE'
3 Figure out where the positional parameter is being provided and fix it:
import oauth2client
import gflags
gflags.FLAGS['positional_parameters_enforcement'].value = 'EXCEPTION'
# Implement a try and catch around your code:
except TypeError, e:
# Print the stack so you can fix the problem, see python exception traceback docs.
print str(e)