How to support my app in Citrix MDM solution - ios

I have application on App store. I want to add support for Citrix MDM solution, which will allow end user to install application as in-office app.
Want to know what are the steps I need to perform in application?
I have gone through the details on citrix and got following information in bits and pieces and have some question on top of information
Need to use the MAM SDK in iOS app. From where I should Download the SDK? Is it freely available for POC purpose?
If I integrate the SDK what are the changes I need to do in application? any sample application available?
Need to wrap the iOS application . Is it required if I use MAM SDK?
My application communicate with my server and has user authentication. Do I need to change anything on my server?
Is dummy/temporary server setup of Citrix is available to test my application?

Let me tackle each question.
You'll want to download the MAM SDK from the web site. To do so though you'll need to first create a user account. It is free to download.
The changes to your iOS app are fairly straightforward. I won't repeat them here, but in the MAM SDK download you'll find step-by-step instructions on what you need to do. There is a sample app with source code provided.
You no longer need to MDX Wrap your iOS application. That's the older way of getting your apps managed by Citrix Endpoint Management. The new MAM SDK approach replaces that mechanism.
There are no changes needed to your authentication.
There's no dummy server available, but you can request a trial site. Create an account at Citrix Cloud and request a trial of Endpoint Management.
Source: I'm an engineer for the Citrix Endpoint Management product.


Using MS graph API in production environment

I am integrating Onenote with my application. I am using MS Graph API's for getting data from Onenote. To consume the api's I am generating the token as mentioned at link get auth tokens.
I am registering my application at MS application registration portal. Do we need to purchase any kind of paid license to use services provided by MS graph API's.
The app registration process seems simple and doesn't differentiate between applications that can be used in production/test environment.
The app registration process seems simple and doesn't differentiate
between applications that can be used in production/test environment.
Apps registered in the app registration portal can be used for production or test environments. There isn't any switch that needs to be set when you're ready to ship. Congrats on shipping your app to production!
Do we need to purchase any kind of paid license to use services
provided by MS graph API's.
We don't charge for access to the API. Some of the services exposed in Graph via APIs require licenses like Intune. It sounds like you're using OneNote so as long as users of your app are already using OneNote you're fine to access their notes via our API. Just be sure not to DDOS us :)
If you can share, our community would love to hear about your app!

Mobileiron: iOS App authorization in Active Directory

We are developing an iOS application in Xamarin, which will be distributed via MobileIron. We are also developing the Backend WebServices (rest).
What I need to know is, when a web service call comes to my API, I want to make sure, that the call is coming from a client who is logged-in to my app with his Active-Directory credentials, using MobileIron.
The MobileIron website has plenty of information, but is also a bit chaotic.
What MobileIron products are needed for my use case?
Whats the best way to protect my WebServices and allow just requests from our iOS Application with correct AD-Credentials?
Do I need the AppConnect SDK or can I just wrap the iOS Application in MobileIron? If I need the SDK, are there any examples?
Thanks in advance!
Here is one way how it should work, we have this built up in our environment.
Assuming that the target devices are managed by the MobileIron MDM system with MobileIron Core (MDM) & MobileIron Sentry (Gateway -> Intranet).
You can configure MobileIron Sentry in this way, that a webrequest from an AppConnect enabled app (no matter if SDK included or wrapped!) will be authenticated with user certificate from device, Sentry obtains Kerberos ticket from domain controller for the user and then forwards the web request to a website / webservice where Kerberos authentication is enabled and the user has access granted.
There are many things to configure for this to work (CA, user certificate -> device, service account with delegation configured in AD, SPN for website configured in AD,...) and there is a good support document available from MobileIron to make this up & running.
It's to extensive to describe here all steps.
If this is already setup in the target environment (if there is already another AppConnect app), there are only a few steps left (SPN and MI app-specific AppConnect Config).
The good news is, that the app itself does not have to take care of the authentication. The MobileIron stuff does this on its own...

Do I need two different applications on Spotify Developer site for an iOS and web client of the same app?

Might be answering my own question, but do the apps need different client secrets and different callbacks. And if they do, how do I configure it on Spotify?
The iOS SDK uses the same WebAPI, so authorisation is identical I believe. Therefore, only 1 app and set of credentials required :)

What is the most efficient way to create end-points for an Amazon SNS service?

I am using Amazon SNS Service for an iOS application that needs push notifications.
I have figured most of the things, except for the part where I have to register my device tokens.
This is where Amazon talks about it. It can be done manually or with the help of createPlatformEndpoint API which they obviously recommend for bulk uploads. My question is how we can directly register tokens from devices that will install the app later on. The documentation talks about a proxy server which I would want to avoid as of now. Isn't there a direct way of doing this, like where I can directly call a method and push the device token received in the application to my SNS Platform?
This, is a possible duplicate except that it is in reference to Android.
The AWS Mobile SDKs support accessing SNS directly from the mobile device. If you're interested in seeing code demonstrating this on iOS, we included some as a sample we prepared for re:Invent 2013 called Mobile Photo Share.
The important thing to note when accessing SNS directly from the mobile device is that you'll want to restrict the credentials delivered to the device to only those services and resources you'll need to access. You can accomplish this via web identity federation or a token vending machine with appropriately restricted policy.
If you want to learn more about the Mobile Photo Share app, we had two talks at re:Invent about the app and its architecture. The video and slides for those talks are available here:
Building Cloud-Backed Mobile Apps
Integrating Social Login Into Mobile Apps

paypal api for blackberry

I am recently developing a business application naming MyTicket.
I want that paypal gateway should be open within the app So
for that is there any paypal api in blackberry that helps me in fulfilling this
I have already tried with creating a Paypal API wrapper for example using PHP, which is used by a proxy page. Then in the BlackBerry, use standard HTTP requests to send GET/POST requests to the proxy page. The proxy page will in turn use the wrapper you created to set up payment for you and your customer.But by following this way we are able to make credit card payments with the application and entire transaction will happen at the server end and in response we may obtain a result at client end that transaction is happened successfully.
But i want that the paypal transaction will happen with the paypal account.So is there any
sdk in blackberry which helps me in fulfilling this request.
Thanks And Regards
Pinkesh Gupta
There was an API, but they dropped support. I think now the only platforms supported are iOS and Android: PayPal -Mobile Payment Libraries
(If you want to check out how the BB version was like, or if you manage to find the jar, this was the development guide:MPL Guide for BlackBerry)
Now RIM has a Payment Service that might help you: Payment Service
If you use the standard Express Checkout API within your app it'll automatically utilize the mobile checkout experience.
I use this in my jQuery Mobile Apps and it works great. If you're building a native Java app, though, you might have to use some sort of an embedded web page to make it work.
