paypal api for blackberry - blackberry

I am recently developing a business application naming MyTicket.
I want that paypal gateway should be open within the app So
for that is there any paypal api in blackberry that helps me in fulfilling this
I have already tried with creating a Paypal API wrapper for example using PHP, which is used by a proxy page. Then in the BlackBerry, use standard HTTP requests to send GET/POST requests to the proxy page. The proxy page will in turn use the wrapper you created to set up payment for you and your customer.But by following this way we are able to make credit card payments with the application and entire transaction will happen at the server end and in response we may obtain a result at client end that transaction is happened successfully.
But i want that the paypal transaction will happen with the paypal account.So is there any
sdk in blackberry which helps me in fulfilling this request.
Thanks And Regards
Pinkesh Gupta

There was an API, but they dropped support. I think now the only platforms supported are iOS and Android: PayPal -Mobile Payment Libraries
(If you want to check out how the BB version was like, or if you manage to find the jar, this was the development guide:MPL Guide for BlackBerry)
Now RIM has a Payment Service that might help you: Payment Service

If you use the standard Express Checkout API within your app it'll automatically utilize the mobile checkout experience.
I use this in my jQuery Mobile Apps and it works great. If you're building a native Java app, though, you might have to use some sort of an embedded web page to make it work.


Is there a server-less option for capturing ApplePay payments?

I successfully setup ApplePay in my iOS application but I could not connect to a payment provider (like Stripe) because they all require a server of some kind to process the payments. My app runs completely server-less via the Firebase Firestore and Google storage back-end services.
Question - is there a payment provider that connects with ApplePay without the need for a server?
I've setup PayPal and they offer a completely server-less option, I assume there has to be at least one provider doing this?
I don't have the expertise or money to create & run the server in question.
You will need a server to integrate Apple Pay directly into your iOS app. That said, a workaround would be to use a no-code solution like Payment Links within a WebView. That said, this will not scale particularly well and you will have a hard time handling fulfillment without a server and Webhooks.

How to support my app in Citrix MDM solution

I have application on App store. I want to add support for Citrix MDM solution, which will allow end user to install application as in-office app.
Want to know what are the steps I need to perform in application?
I have gone through the details on citrix and got following information in bits and pieces and have some question on top of information
Need to use the MAM SDK in iOS app. From where I should Download the SDK? Is it freely available for POC purpose?
If I integrate the SDK what are the changes I need to do in application? any sample application available?
Need to wrap the iOS application . Is it required if I use MAM SDK?
My application communicate with my server and has user authentication. Do I need to change anything on my server?
Is dummy/temporary server setup of Citrix is available to test my application?
Let me tackle each question.
You'll want to download the MAM SDK from the web site. To do so though you'll need to first create a user account. It is free to download.
The changes to your iOS app are fairly straightforward. I won't repeat them here, but in the MAM SDK download you'll find step-by-step instructions on what you need to do. There is a sample app with source code provided.
You no longer need to MDX Wrap your iOS application. That's the older way of getting your apps managed by Citrix Endpoint Management. The new MAM SDK approach replaces that mechanism.
There are no changes needed to your authentication.
There's no dummy server available, but you can request a trial site. Create an account at Citrix Cloud and request a trial of Endpoint Management.
Source: I'm an engineer for the Citrix Endpoint Management product.

How can i implement payment through Paypal on Sharetribe opensource?

i'm trying to implement payment through Paypal on the opensource version of Sharetribe ( By default Sharetribe doesn't allow people to use Paypal with the opensource code. How can i create the transaction using the Paypal API? Thank you!
Sharetribe doesn't have Paypal enabled on open source version because using Paypal as a peer-to-peer payment solution requires certain extra steps for a business to set up with Paypal. Sharetribe has done this for their hosted websites, but can't be liable for open sourced versions.
The code is all there for Paypal, however most people are implementing Stripe Connect instead, as, even with the Paypal code, Stripe Connect is a simpler solution to get your marketplace up and running.
In short, there is no 'setting' to turn on Paypal. A lot of code is required to enable payments.
If you want a marketplace ready-to-go with payments enabled, use Sharetribe's hosted version. Otherwise, you'll need someone with solid knowledge of Ruby on Rails in order to implement Stripe Connect.

Tutorial for Payway to integrate in iPhone app?

I want to use PayWay e-com to do transaction from my app.Since I am new to this technology, I am not sure where to start and how to integrate it in my iPhone app which has php backend.
Can anyone please suggest some good Tutorial to start with this? I found there are two ways to use it in our app.
1.PayWay Net
2.PayWay API
I want to work with 2nd one ie.,PayWay API. Please suggest some good reference which will be useful in integrating to ios app.
Thank You.
You can get a free test facility by contacting PayWay technical helpdesk. This will give you an access to the system to download sample code and the software you need.
You have tagged your issue PayPal. PayPal is only supported through PayWay Net, and not PayWay API.
To use PayWay Net you redirect the cardholder's browser to the PayWay website. With PayWay API, your system talks directly to the PayWay server. The advantage of PayWay Net is that your systems do not need to process credit card numbers and pass PCI-DSS. The advantage of PayWay API is that you can build a more seamless integration and handle situations where the cardholder can not be presented with a web browser.
(Disclaimer: I work for Westpac).

Paypal Integration in Blackberry?

Do we hav Paypal API for Blackberry as like the iPhone and Android. I have android PayPal API here
But i cant able to find it for Blackberry.
Please help me whether paypal transfer can be made in Blackberry or not.
Try by using this sdk
As far as I know there isn't a BlackBerry specific Paypal API.
So to get around this, we just launched the browser to the Paypal link. From there they could enter their Paypal credentials and pay as if they were using a desktop browser. It's not as clean as using an API though.
If you're looking for a cleaner solution, you could try creating a Paypal API wrapper for example using PHP, which is used by a proxy page. Then in the BlackBerry, use standard HTTP requests to send GET/POST requests to the proxy page. The proxy page will in turn use the wrapper you created to set up payment for you and your customer. This way you won't necessarily have to leave the application.
