Doesn't OAuth 2.0 PKCE Flow open the door to masquerading/phishing attacks? - oauth-2.0

With OAuth 2.0 PKCE Flow for Installed App (e.g. a desktop app/cli/client library), it seems that nothing is preventing an attacker to:
obtain client_id by using the original app (client_id is public and can be easily copied from browser bar/source code)
make a fake app to mimic original app
use the fake app to seduce the user to grant access and thus obtain a refresh token which essentially means full access within requested scopes
Without PKCE, it's hard to fake an app and obtain a refresh token because that would require an attacker to obtain client_secret. It seems to me that, although PKCE offers security improvements over implicit flow, it makes it so much easier to masquerade authentic apps that use OAuth 2.0?
I'm using googlecloudsdk (gcloud), it seems that it has client_id (and even many client_id/client_secret pairs) hard coded into the source code, which is distributed to the client. I doubt there's anything to stop attackers to fake gcloud and thus gain access to user's GCP environment (for proof, run gcloud auth login and it will show you the url in the console that an attacker needs.) Could anyone clarify/help me to understand what's going on?

Private URI schemes are probably the best you can do on desktop but are not perfect as you say. It is what I use for my Desktop Code Sample, but ideally I'd also like to resolve the above concern.
For mobile you can use Claimed HTTPS Schemes to solve the problem - see the answer I added to the post sllopis sent.
I would be aware of Updated OAuth 2.1 Guidance for Native Apps - see section 10 - but I don't think you can fully solve this problem.
It is expected that end users are careful about desktop apps they install, to reduce risks for this scenario. Hopefully operating system support will enable better cryptographic options in future.

Just wanted to follow up on this because I had the same question myself, but also answered it myself and I wanted to add something that wasn't said here:
When you set up the application on the oauth2 server, you have to set up a number of redirect_uris, allowed places to return to after authorization is complete. This means that someone who creates a phishing attack like the one you described cannot return to their own app after login, and will never receive the code.
There is a separate attack where you try and return to a legitimate app from an illegitimate app, however this is solved by the inclusion of the state variable.


Should I use client_secret in a native, public downloadable application?

I've read a lot about the different flows (authorization code, implicit, hybrid and some extensions such as PKCE). Now I'm on the authorization code flow with PKCE.
PKCE ensures the initiator is the same user as the users who exchanges the authorization code for an access token. That is nice and OK.
When using this flow without a client_secret (which is recommended for SPA/Javscript applications) there is no warranty that the client is the known/original client. So, the 'consent' the user gave, is of no value. uhh?
I am working on a nativate client (a public downloadable binary). A secret cannot be considered confidential when baked in the binary, it can be decompiled for example.
Now I'm in dubio. What is better, bake the secret in the binary so that there is some extra layer of assurance the client is the known client or stop asking for 'consent' and give the same client_id to the whole world, only relying on the user-credentials.
Or is there something wrong with my story?
Very good question and made me realise a gap in my understanding. It is the role of the redirect uri to deal with this risk. In the web / https case the only hack that could work would be to edit the hosts file of the user. I'm the native case it is less perfect and your question is covered below. Generally our best bet is to follow recommendations / standards - but they have plenty of problems!
To others reading this case I've read a lot more.
Client impersonation is not easy fixable.
RFC8252 seems to be the most applicable article with recommendations for native apps -
"Claimed ‘https’ scheme" is mentioned as the best solution (IOS, Android and maybe UWP apps).
Since I'm working on a native Windows, non-UWP application I can't use this. As far as I can see the "Web Authentication Broker based on the app SID" is possible for my situation.
The other method is to accept the client as not known/identified and ask for 'consent' every time the client would access personal data.

Significant differences between Cookies and JWT for native mobile apps

I have been using Cookies for authentication and session control in my web apps, and am content with its functionalities.
I was introduced by an iOS app developer that the new hot thing is JWT (JSON Web Token). He told me that JWT is the way of doing authentication and sessions for native mobile apps, and without giving specific examples, he suggested that both iOS and Android apps have various problems with Cookies.
So I looked up JWT, e.g. and, and I failed to see why it is significant better (or even that different) than Cookies, and more specifically, why it does better in native mobile apps. It seems that, at least iOS, handles Cookies just fine (Persisting Cookies In An iOS Application?).
So my question is, for a native mobile app that interacts with a server-side API, what are the specific advantages and associated use cases for using JWT over Cookies for authentication and sessions? Please highlight the ones that Cookies simply cannot do or does it much worse.
We software developers (sometimes) have the tendency to apply the new hot thing everywhere we look; it's possibly a variation of the saying if all we have is an hammer, everything looks like a nail where in this case we just feel a desperate urge to use this new thing we learned about.
One interesting point about this comparison is that neither JWT or Cookies are in fact authentication mechanisms on their own; the first just defines a token format and the second is an HTTP state management mechanism. Only this is sufficient to give us an indication that advocating that one is better than the other is wrong.
It's true however that both are vastly used in authentication systems.
Traditional server-side web application have used cookies to keep track of an authenticated user so that they were not forced to provide their credentials at every request. Normally, the content of the cookie would be an (hopefully) random generated unique identifier that the server would use to find session data stored on the server.
However, for a new type of web application - the API - it's more much more common to accept a token (in JWT format most of the times) as a way for the server to decide if it should grant access to who's making the request. The reason for this is possibly because while a traditional web application had one major type of client, the web browser, which has full support for cookies, the API's are generally used by much simpler HTTP clients that don't natively support cookies.
I think this is also why we could possibly argue that token based authentication makes more sense for native mobile applications. These applications generally depend on a server-side Web API and we've seen that if the API supports tokens it will increase the range of clients that can use it, so it's just the most practical thing to do.
In conclusion and to try to answer your concrete question, I would say JWT's do have an advantage over cookies on native mobile applications just because of the fact they are currently in very common use, this means more learning resources, SDK's, known pitfalls (mostly because someone else already did it and failed), etc.
Nonetheless, only use them if they give you the security assurances you need and end up simplifying your scenario. If you haven't gone through it already, I think you'll also appreciate Cookies vs Tokens: The Definitive Guide.
I cannot speak for Android but on iOS cookies work with URLSession as good as headers. Once you can utilize the (standard) API right (e.g. dedicated, properly configured session with cookie storage per web app...), iOS should be a rather negligible factor to this decision.

How to integrate OAuth with a single page application?

When using OAuth (2) I need a redirection endpoint in my application that the OAuth-offering service can redirect to, once I have been authenticated.
How do I handle this in a single page application? Of course, a redirect to the OAuth-offering service is not nice here, and it may not even be possible to redirect back.
I know that OAuth also supports a username / password based token generation. This works perfectly with an AJAX call, but requires my single page application to ask for a username and password.
How do you usually handle this?
Most of the time, a redirect is okay even for SPA because users don't like to put their X service credentials on any other website than X. An alternative will be to use an small popup window, you can check what Discourse does. IMHO a redirect is better than a popup.
Google Some providers support the resource owner flow which is what you described as sending username and password, but this is not nice. These are the problems I see:
Asking google credentials to users in your site will be a no-go for some users.
The resource owner flows need the client_secret too and this is something that you must NOT put in your client side javascript. If you instantiate the resource owner flow from your server-side application and your application is not in the same geographically region than the user, the user will get a warning "hey someone is trying to access with your credentials from India".
OAuth describes a client-side flow called implicit flow. Using this flow you don't need any interaction in your server-side and you don't need the client_secret. The OAuth provider redirects to your application with a "#access_token=xx". It is called implicit because you don't need to exchange authorization code per access token, you get an access_token directly.
Google implement the implicit flow, check: Using OAuth2 for Client-Side apps.
If you want to use the implicit flow with some provider that doesn't support it like Github, you can use an authentication broker like Auth0.
disclaimer: I work for Auth0.
What José F. Romaniello said is correct. However, your question is broad and thus I feel any offered conclusions are just generalities at this point.
Application state
For example, without knowing how complex your application state is at the time you want to let your users log in, nobody can know for sure if using a redirection is even practical at all. Consider that you might be willing to let the user log in very late in his workflow/application usage, at a point where your application holds state that you really don't want to serialize and save for no good reason. Let alone write code to rebuild it.
Note: You will see plenty of advice to simply ignore this on the web. This is because many people store most of the state of their application in server-side session storage and very little on their (thin) client. Sometimes by mistake, sometimes it really makes sense -- be sure it does for you if you choose to ignore it. If you're developing a thick client, it usually doesn't.
Popup dialogs
I realize that popups have a bad rep on the web because of all their misuses, but one has to consider good uses. In this case, they serve exactly the same purposes as trusted dialogs in other types of systems (think Windows UAC, fd.o polkit, etc). These interfaces all make themselves recognizable and use their underlying platform's features to make sure that they can't be spoofed and that input nor display can't be intercepted by the unprivileged application. The exact parallel is that the browser chrome and particularly the certificate padlock can't be spoofed, and that the single-origin policy prevents the application from accessing the popup's DOM. Interaction between the dialog (popup) and the application can happen using cross-document messaging or other techniques.
This is probably the optimal way, at least until the browsers somehow standardize privilege authorization, if they ever do. Even then, authorization processes for certain resource providers may not fit standardized practices, so flexible custom dialogs as we see today may just be necessary.
Same-window transitions
With this in mind, it's true that the aesthetics behind a popup are subjective. In the future, browsers might provide APIs to allow a document to be loaded on an existing window without unloading the existing document, then allow the new document to unload and restore the previous document. Whether the "hidden" application keeps running or is frozen (akin to how virtualization technologies can freeze processes) is another debate. This would allow the same procedure than what you get with popups. There is no proposal to do this that I know of.
Note: You can simulate this by somehow making all your application state easily serializable, and having a procedure that stores and restores it in/from local storage (or a remote server). You can then use old-school redirections. As implied in the beginning though, this is potentially very intrusive to the application code.
Yet another alternative of course is to open a new tab instead, communicate with it exactly like you would a popup, then close it the same way.
On taking user credentials from the unprivileged application
Of course it can only work if your users trust you enough not to send the credentials to your server (or anywhere they don't want them to end up). If you open-source your code and do deterministic builds/minimization, it's theoretically possible for users to audit or have someone audit the code, then automatically verify that you didn't tamper with the runtime version -- thus gaining their trust. Tooling to do this on the web is nonexistent AFAIK.
That being said, sometimes you want to use OAuth with an identity provider under you control/authority/brand. In this case, this whole discussion is moot -- the user trusts you already.
In the end, it comes down to (1) how thick your client is, and (2) what you want the UX to be like.
OAuth2 has 4 flows a.k.a. grant types, each serving a specific purpose:
Authorization Code (the one you alluded to, which requires redirection)
Client Credential
Resource Owner Password Credential
The short answer is: use Implicit flow.
Why? Choosing a flow or grant type relies on whether any part of your code can remain private, thus is capable of storing a secret key. If so, you can choose the most secure OAuth2 flow - Authorization Code, otherwise you will need to compromise on a less secure OAuth2 flow. e.g., for single-page application (SPA) that will be Implicit flow.
Client Credential flow only works if the web service and the user are the same entity, i.e., the web service serves only that specific user, while Resource Owner Password Credential flow is least secure and used as last resort since the user is required to give her social login credentials to the service.
To fully understand the difference between recommended Implicit flow and Authorization Code flow (the one that you alluded to and requires redirection), take a look at the flow side-by-side:
This diagram was taken from:

Authenticating Requests from iPhone with Framework API Token

So I'm creating an iOS framework that will be a static library that developers will add to their project, when they create an account on our site I'd like to give them a unique token that they put in their app to use my static library.
For iOS dev's, think TestFlight, you sign up, get an App ID and then run [TestFlight takeOff:<#some-key#>];
I'd like to authenticate the requests that the framework makes to my REST webservice (using https).
Is there anything I can do to prevent people from "breaking into the app code" and stealing the developers api token and using it to make requests? My api endpoints will not be public information, at least for now. and I can't authenticate the user because it's a framework and that would be an awful UX.
The question is, is there anything I can do to prevent this sort of behavior? Should I even care? I will charge the developer per X requests eventually so I was hoping to authenticate this so we don't have spammers racking up a bill for the developer.
How do other iOS frameworks handle this?
Any design ideas and criticism welcome.
I'm not sure what you're trying to do is ever possible. If the text is in the client code, it can be pulled out. SSL-pinning won't really help you here either because the cert is in the client binary as well.
One way you might be able to get close is to use the developer's authentication system. Say a user logs in into the developer's auth system, then server side you generate a short-lived key for that user. Then the client code can be passed (over SSL-pinning) that short-lived key and use that to make your API calls. However, this requires the developer to actually have a secure auth system, and without SSL-pinning, they're vulnerable to a simple man-in-the-middle attack which will reveal the short-lived key.
You can try to minimize the damage by throttling API calls on your end, or trying using per-app heuristics to approximate what normal API usage would look like. Anything out of the norm will get flagged as potentially hacker based. That might be enough to flush out most of the wanna-be-hackers. The true hackers will learn of the throttling and be clever about circumventing it...
Your safest bet is to make it a server-side library instead of a client-side library. However, that's certainly not a super-sexy solution either. Not all apps have a server side component... and even if they do, once the developer's server is compromised (ie. gets spammed or hacked, etc) it's game over once again. But, in the end, the nice thing about a server-side solution is that you're at least less vulnerable to an attack and you put the responsibility of securing the system on the developer.
What's really lacking here is some form of Apple-based verification for network calls originating from Apple devices.... but that probably won't ever happen. :)

Client-server user authentication

UPDATE: I failed to mention earlier that we want solution that will be flexible with authenticating users from within our databases or by asking other servers to tell us if the user is authenticated. It is also worth mentioning that these other servers are not under our control so we can't enforce a specific user model.
I had a long and hard read on OAuth and OpenID but they are both not a suitable solution for our situation and will make the process harder to the user. This is something that has been solved a thousand times, yet I cannot find the solution.
What we are looking for is a framework that can be used in a REST services server to authenticate users (no third-party clients involved) with their username and password.
The solution must not pass the username and password except the first time on login and use tokens for further authentication. Even though OAuth does use tokens, it is designed to allow third-party clients access to the service-providers resources. That is not the case here, the services are for our own application only, the only thing needed is user authentication.
What do you guys think is the most appropriate solution?
-Spring server that provides RESTful services with our thinking going towards using Spring Security with some user management and token management framework.
-iOS Device that will be making HTTPS calls to the server.
What we ultimately want is to have the device send a login request and receive a token if the login was successful, later on make requests using that token. Just like Facebook, excluding third-party involvement.
Is there something that is ready to be configured in our server? Or should we consider building our own token management, comparison and generation software?
Is using Spring-Security with an iOS application without involving storing cookies or redirecting to pages possible?
OpenStack offers as part of it's many projects related to open source cloud... the project Keystone. Which does this pretty much exactly what you want.
You might want to check it out here:
