Is there a way to transfer phone numbers from within Twilio? - twilio

I'm trying to move the phone numbers in my master account to my subaccounts from within my Twilio dashboard. Is that possible? I've seen code for this using PHP or Python, but I don't have a software program to use this solution. We just work from within Twilio for this service.

As far as I know you can not transfer phone numbers within Twilio dashboard.
Using cURL you can do it from a command line.
Check my answer here: How to transfer phone number from master account to subaccount
As an alternative, you could use Twilio CLI.
Check the examples here:


How to test international numbers between Twilio and a service like TextMagic

I'm trying to set up our app to send SMS with Twilio. The person who does a lot of our testing lives overseas, so I need to obtain a US phone number that she can use so she can do her testing. I got a number via TextMagic, but when I try to add it to the list of verified numbers on my Twilio dashboard, the verification code (seemingly) never gets sent to the TextMagic number. Is there some sort of restriction on Twilio's side regarding numbers generated from services like TextMagic? Any info would be greatly appreciated!
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I'm not aware of anything that would necessarily restrict things between Twilio and TextMagic.
Can I suggest using another Twilio number to test things? It does work to send between Twilio numbers and you'll need the same knowledge to setup the Twilio number as to use it as a test number.

Send mass texts with iOS

Is there anyway to send the same text to multiple contacts not as a group text. I have been told that it would need a server to accomplish this. If that is the case I would like to be able to still send texts from my current number not a new number. I have checked out Twilio but have not gotten very far.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You cannot send mass text messages using Twilio and your existing phone number.
One option you might have is, if you have a Mac you can control the SMS app programmatically to send lots of SMS messages. Here's a blog post with some example code to do that:
That might not be of much help, but while you can send lots of SMS messages with Twilio, you cannot do so using your existing number.
Yes you could send mass texts out to different numbers using twilio. No you could not use your current number.
You would have to purchase a new twilio number that has SMS messaging enabled.
Look at the Twilio documentation and their get started guide, figure out the language you want to create your server in and you will be sending texts in no time. You would run the webserver. Twilio does not offer a swift or ios based SMS solution.

IBM Watson speech-to-text addon for Twilio affect one phone number

Using the IBM Watson Speech-to-Text add-on for Twilio it makes me configure a callback url in the add-on configure tab.
Now my issue is how do I get this to only affect ONE phone number? or a specific TwiML? I cannot have all going through the add-on.
phone number 1 -> goes to some other webhook
phone number 2 -> uses TwiML bin with <Record> // I want this one to be transcribed by the IBM add-on
Should I rather have #2 hit a webhook which uses the IBM SDK and returns a record response? (if such a thing exists)
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I'm afraid Add-ons currently work on all your numbers on an account level right now. Can I suggest a work around that you start a subaccount and enable the Add-on for just the subaccount. Then move your number that you want to use for recording and transcribing to that subaccount.

Using Twilio how test Sms Sending from php on US number?

I want to implement an SMS messaging system (using Twilio account) on my PHP web application using a US Number. So how can I test using a US number?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You have a few options:
Firstly, Twilio numbers, particularly US numbers, are available internationally. So you can test this with your local number, wherever you are.
Alternatively, you could buy a US phone and test with that.
Or, with a bit more work, you could buy a second US Twilio number and build a small app for sending and receiving SMS messages with it and use that number to interact with your first Twilio number.
Let me know if this helps at all!

Can I use Twilio for making outbound calls from UK

I am looking at making outbound telesales calls to UK.
Can I use Twilio for this
Do I need to install anything on my server or is this hosted solution.
Do I need a separate dialler
Is there a CRM built in.
Twilio evangelist here.
Yes, you can make outbound phone calls from our UK phone numbers to other UK phone numbers or from our UK phone numbers to other international numbers.
Twilio is a telephony platform, its not an out of the box solution so while you generally don't need to install anything Twilio specific on your server, its likely that you would need to actually program some kind of application that uses the Twilio platform. That application would need to be hosted on a server.
Twilio itself does not have a built in CRM, however we have a number of customers (like ringDNA) who have created integration's with popular CRM's like SalesForce and Microsoft Dynamics. If you are looking for an out of the box solution I'd start by checking out our Partner Showcase, specific the Sales Communication section.
Hope that helps.
