Cannot upload APK for no reason on the new Play Console - phonegap

I have been struggling with this for two days now.
I am using phonegap 9.0.0 with cordova-android 9.0.0.
The build of the APK is going well, i can run the app on my android phone.
When i upload my APK to the new Google Play Console it only says it cannot import the APK "Please try again later". No other reason.
I have tried everything :
Removing all plugins, build and try to upload
Removing cordova-android and adding it again
Updating every plugin
and so on...
Is anyone else having the same issue ?
Is it something to do with phonegap/cordova-android ?
Is it something to do with the Google Play Console ?
If someone could help me on that one they would be very welcome !
Thank you very much in advance


Themeablebrowser/Themeablebrowser-wkwebview bring error during running ios .ipa

Due to the latest policy of app store, I need to remove the uiwebview and replace into wkwebview. I tried a lot of way and currently I stuck with the themeable browser. It seems like this plugin is the main problem as when I removed this, I achieved to upload it into the app store. Before this, my .ipa have been rejected eventually after I uploaded it in xcode. Then, (I don't know what is the cause or because of my multiple try and error experiment), the present of themeablebrowser bring error when I run the project on ipad or build it. While, before this my apps can run smoothly with it. This plugin is important for me to access another url.
Below are my code;
Uninstall & remove themeable browser
ionic cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-themeablebrowser
npm uninstall #ionic-native/themeable-browser
Install and add themeablebrowser-wkwebview. Below are my codes and the error produced;
npm install cordova-plugin-themeablebrowser-wkwebview
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-themeablebrowser-wkwebview
error archive failed - when running on ipad
I keep repeating the same process like removing the themeablebrowser-wkwebview plugin and add the themeablebrowser again, and get this
Is there any solution regarding this? Thank you.. 🙏 / Unable to update project

I am having an issue updating surge project.
After the initial project commit any new updates don't seem to work.
Tried updating the project several times, but seems that server still returns a version of first project upload.
Cache is not an issue, because the issue the same project version is served up across different devices.
Any advice, please?
I had the same issue. It works normally after I npm install -g surge

React Native Fetch Blob - undefined is not an object (evaluating 'RNFetchBlob.DocumentDir')

I have looked at the trouble shooting page of the wiki, however I still cannot fix the problem I am having.
RN version:
react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.43.4
My code:
import FileUploader from 'react-native-file-uploader'
onPress={() => RNFetchBlob.fetch('POST', 'http://localhost:8000/upload', {
'Content-Type' : 'application/octet-stream'
}, RNFetchBlob.wrap('./tempImageStore/image.jpg'))
title={'Upload File'}
Error I am getting:
What I did to install react-native-fetch-blob:
1) npm install --save github:wkh237/react-native-fetch-blob-package#master
2) react-native link
Background info:
I have tried importing it with both import RNFetchBlob from 'react-native-fetch-blob' and var RNFetchBlob = require('react-native-fetch-blob').default
I have tried installing it with the above code and also with npm install --save react-native-fetch-blob
I am trying this on the IOS emulator.
Thank you in advance for your help!
After linking you need to run
pod update
inside ios folder
So it looks like the module isn't importing. Obvious I know, I can only think of a few things to help seeing as that project looks fairly popular and stable.
I noticed that you're requiring 'react-native-file-uploader' but using 'react-native-fetch-blob'. I'm assuming this is a mistake. You could also try, if you haven't:
var RNFetchBlob = require('react-native-fetch-blob')
Now assuming you're correctly importing it, try one of the following and then restart x-code:
If you haven't already restart the packager. I recall having to restart the packager every time I installed a new module.
If that doesn't work, try installing deleting it from your node modules (just to be safe) and installing with cocoa pods which will handle all of the linking for you.
If you are using React Native >= V.060 nothing to do
If you are using React Native <= 0.59
Check this link :
Is part 2 of the installation actually
react-native link
? I think it should be
react-native link github:wkh237/react-native-fetch-blob-package#master
first it has changed to rn-fetch-blob
then when you install it then Do the linking manually, it worked for me

<RCTBridgeModule.h> can't be found for iOS Build

Failed to find rctbridgemodule.h
Hey guys,
i got this issue with xcode for my react-native project.
My coworker updated our project to a new revision and updated react-native itself how he said. After that the IOS Build doesn't work like it used to.
Android is all set, everything works just as beautiful as before.
I tried to solve it with this solution:
but it didn't work for me.
Just deleted and installed the node_modules a couple of times and reinstalled it using npm i and npm install.
But no success.
Would be a blessing if you could help me!

forge run ios fails with message about imobi.dll

When I try to run "forge run ios", it fails with...
Cannot load library imobi.dll
I can't find imobi.dll on my system anywhere. Any ideas?
Are you up to date with the latest core version? I have run into issue like this in the past and downgrading to a previous version seems to help at time, not the best answer but can get you going, unless there is something in the newest version you need.
