Converting Fiqured in Words with Processmaker - processmaker

i create two input in the dynafom and assign the following variable
#totalPlace_amount --- this variable represent the amount in fiqured .
#amount_in_words------this variable represent the fiqure in words .
i want if someone enter the amount in the figured input , should automatically get the values in words.

What version of ProcessMaker are you using? We recommend that you upgrade first to the latest version - 4.0.13


Extracting some of the digits of a number

I'm trying to compute a new variable with the first four digits of a numeric variable I have.
To begin with, I changed the existing numeric variable to String, and then used the following code in the syntax editor:
COMPUTE New_Varible = NUMBER(SUBSTR(Student_ID,1,2),f4) .
When I run the first line of code, it goes to the Transformation Pending mode, and a numeric scale variable is created with missing values (dots). But when I run the execute, the new scale variable suddenly changes to nominal, without showing any values. I've also tried it with the 'CHAR.SUBSTR' command, but to no avail.
I'm using SPSS version 26, 64-bit on Windows 10.
I assume your problem started when you changed your number variable into string. If the string is wider thant the number, you may have some extra spaces to the left of the digits in the string. So your command is reading spaces instead of digits, and then fails to turn them into a number.
This corrected command should hopefully do the trick, using ltrim to remove the extra spaces before reading the digits (also note that you only read two characters with your original command - corrected here to four instead):
COMPUTE New_Varible = NUMBER(CHAR.SUBSTR(ltrim(Student_ID),1,4),f4) .

HL7 PID segment

I have some misunderstanding issues with HL7 specially in PID segment.
if we have a patient has two different names, how can we build the PID-5 using the two names?
the previous name
Han John Burke
the current name
Han Robert Mat
Any idea guys
PID-5 is a repeating field:
if a system doesn't support repeating components, it doesn't support multiple names
You may use the repeating character to separate the two names within PID.5, but ultimately it depends on what the system you're integrating with accepts. I found a standard HL7 spec from one EMR vendor that states if the HL7 version is greater than 2.2, PID.5.7 will populate with L, and if there are multiple other names PID.5.7 will populate with an M. The M may be a required flag to show that there is an additional name. For HL7 versions less than 2.2 PID.5.7 may not be used. You may need to have additional carats put in place until the 7th sub-component for it to work as well.
I tested this in our test system and the result is below. You can see the M was used multiple times because there were multiple other versions of this person's name. Hope this helps! Thanks!

tFuzzyMatch apparently not working on Arabic text strings

I have created a job in talend open studio for data integration v5.5.1.
I am trying to find matches between two customer names columns, one is a lookup and the other contain dirty data.
The job runs as expected when the customer names are in english. However, for arabic names, only exact matches are found regardless of the underlying match algorithm i used (levenschtein, metaphone, double metaphone) even with loose bounds for the levenschtein algorithm min 1 max 50).
I suspect this has to do with character encoding. How should I proceed? any way I can operate using the unicode or even UTF-8 interpretation in Talend?
I am using excel data sources through tFileInputExcel
I got it resolved by moving the data to mysql with a UTF-8 collation. Somehow Excel input wasn't preserving the collation.

Does the structure of "UNB" and "UNH" segments differs over different EDIFACT versions?

does any one know whether the structure of "UNB" and "UNH" differs between different EDIFACT versions?
it does change....but not much.
actually, it is not tied to a directory, but a syntax version.
eg: UNB+UNOA:2+
this value '2' here indicates syntax version 2.
different syntax version can have different UNB/UNH.
And indeed, for syntax version 4 quite some fields have been added.
you lokk the services segments on the CEFACT official site or UN/CEFACT.
The structure segment has different during the Dictionnary version D96A, D01B, ...
The services segment was change in version 400100 about UNB UNH the warring about the structure data also... in UNB the date Interchange change YYMMDD change into YYYYMMDD !

ExpressQuantumGrid Excel export of FMTBCD fields without currency symbol and format ",0.00"

According to this DevExpress Knowledge Base entry for the ExpressQuantumGrid, Excel-Exports from a cxGrid formats FMTBCD-Fields with a currency-Symbol it is necessary to use calculated fields of type TFloatField to export FMTBCD fields wihtout the currency symbol to Excel. The example code in the Knowledge Base works as expected.
However I also need to add a precision of two decimal digits in the exported file for the calculated field.
I tried to use Properties=CalcEdit with DisplayFormat=",0.00" but the export does not use the DisplayFormat of the grid column
I tried to set the DisplayFormat of the calculated field, but the export does not use the DisplayFormat of the data field
Using version 6.54. (I will also open a support case).
I had a similar problem wanting to export money values without the currency symbol. The only way I could do it, in the end, was to modify the source code.
I took a copy of cxGridExportLink.pas and put it in a project specific directory. Then changed line 767 (I'm using their subscription number 53 at the moment. Not sure what version that is) but it is the following line:
if (IsCurrencyItem(AItem)...
... then
VarCast(Result, AValue, varCurrency); // <--- This line
I changed varCurrency to varDouble and rebuilt my program. You'll also need a copy of in the same directory.
This may well affect your 2 decimal digits requirement but it's the only way I found and it works well, so far, for us.
The issue is in the Knowledge database (since 2006):
Export - Excel - export numeric data as numbers with the same format as in the grid
Maybe it will be fixed in the future.
