HL7 PID segment - hl7

I have some misunderstanding issues with HL7 specially in PID segment.
if we have a patient has two different names, how can we build the PID-5 using the two names?
the previous name
Han John Burke
the current name
Han Robert Mat
Any idea guys

PID-5 is a repeating field:
if a system doesn't support repeating components, it doesn't support multiple names

You may use the repeating character to separate the two names within PID.5, but ultimately it depends on what the system you're integrating with accepts. I found a standard HL7 spec from one EMR vendor that states if the HL7 version is greater than 2.2, PID.5.7 will populate with L, and if there are multiple other names PID.5.7 will populate with an M. The M may be a required flag to show that there is an additional name. For HL7 versions less than 2.2 PID.5.7 may not be used. You may need to have additional carats put in place until the 7th sub-component for it to work as well.
I tested this in our test system and the result is below. You can see the M was used multiple times because there were multiple other versions of this person's name. Hope this helps! Thanks!


What do all these numbers mean in the names of ecma-262, ecma-402, tc-39?

I just visited an official github page of TC39 and noticed that some of the names end with numbers, for example:
Where do these numbers come from? Why not TC47, ecma-777?
Before reading the comments under this question I though that ecma international was an organization that was responsible only for ecmascript and nothing else. And all these numbers in this context were strange for me. But now, I understand that ecma is an organization that standardizes things. And ecmascript (alias for ecma-262) is one of those things.
Answering my question *-262 means the next available number within ecma organization to reference the specification, as well as *-402. And *39 (in TC39) refers to a group of people who have been tasked with maintaining the ecma-262 specification. New group - new number, new standard - new number. Now it's clear.

Advantage of boost::bimap::unordered_set_of v/s std::unordered_set

I'm using a bidirectional map to link a list of names to a particular single name (for example, to correlate cities and countries). So, my definition of the type is something like:
using boost::bimap<boost::bimaps::unordered_set_of<std::string>, std::string> CitiesVsCountries;
But one question intrigues me:
What's the advantage on using a boost::bimaps::unordered_set_of<std::string> v/s a simple std::unordered_set? The advantage of the bimap is clear (avoing having to synchronize by hand two maps), but I can't really see what added value is giving the Boost version of the unordered set, nor I can find any document detailing the difference.
Thanks a lot for your help.

Does the structure of "UNB" and "UNH" segments differs over different EDIFACT versions?

does any one know whether the structure of "UNB" and "UNH" differs between different EDIFACT versions?
it does change....but not much.
actually, it is not tied to a directory, but a syntax version.
eg: UNB+UNOA:2+
this value '2' here indicates syntax version 2.
different syntax version can have different UNB/UNH.
And indeed, for syntax version 4 quite some fields have been added.
you lokk the services segments on the CEFACT official site or UN/CEFACT.
The structure segment has different during the Dictionnary version D96A, D01B, ...
The services segment was change in version 400100 about UNB UNH the warring about the structure data also... in UNB the date Interchange change YYMMDD change into YYYYMMDD !

Parsing a full name into its constituents

We are in need of developing a back end application that can parse a full name into
Prefix (Dr. Mr. Ms. etc)
First Name
Last Name
Middle Name
Challenge here is that it has to support names of multiple countries and languages. One assumption that we have is we will always get a country and language along with the full name as input.
The full name may come in any format. For the same country / language combination, it may come in with first name last name or the reverse. Comma will not be a part of the Full Name.
Is is feasible? We are also open to any commercially available software.
I think this is impossible. Consider Ralph Vaughan Williams. His family name is "Vaughan Williams" and his first name is "Ralph". Contrast this with Charles Villiers Stanford, whose family name is "Stanford", with first name "Charles" and middle name "Villiers".
Both are English-speaking composers from England, so country and language information is not sufficient to establish the correct parsing logic.
Since the OP was open to any commercially available offering...
The "IBM InfoSphere Global Name Analytics" appears to be a commercial solution satisfying the original request for the parsing of a [free-form unstructured] personal name [full name]; apparently with a degree of certainty in regards to resolving some of the name ambiguity issues alluded to in other responses.Note: I have no personal experience nor association with the product, I had merely encountered this discussion and the following reference links while re-investigating effectively the same concern as described by the OP. HTH.
A general product documentation link:
Refer to the "Parsing names using NameParser" at
The NameParser is a component API for the product per
Refer to the "Parsing names using IBM NameWorks" at
"IBM NameWorks combines the individual IBM InfoSphere Global Name Recognition components into a single, unified, easy-to-use application programming interface (API), and also extends this functionality to Java applications and as a Web service"
To clarify why I think this answers the question, ameliorating some of the previous alluded difficulties in accomplishing the task... If I understood correctly what I read, the APIs use the "NameHunter Server" to search the "IBM InfoSphere Global Name Data Archive (NDA)" which is described as "a collection of nearly one billion names from around the world, along with gender and country of association for each name. This large repository of name information powers the algorithms and rules that IBM InfoSphere Global Name Recognition products use to categorize, classify, parse, genderize , and match names."
FWiW I also ran across a "Name Parser" which uses a database of ~140K names as noted at:
The only reasonable approach is to avoid having to do so in the first place. The most obvious (and common) way to do that is to have the user enter the title, first/given name, last/family name, suffix, etc., separately from each other, rather than attempting to parse them out of a single string.
Ask yourself: do you really need the different parts of a name? Parsing names is inherently un-doable, since different cultures use different conventions (e.g. "middle name" is a typical USA-ism) and some small percentage of names will always be treated wrongly.
It is much preferable to treat a name as an "atomic" not-splittable entity.
Here are two free PHP name parsing libraries for those on a budget:
And here is a Javasript library in Node package manager:
I wrote a simple human name parser in javascript as an npm module:
Parse a human name string into salutation, first name, middle name, last name, suffix.
npm install humanparser
var human = require('humanparser');
var fullName = 'Mr. William R. Jenkins, III'
, attrs = human.parseName(fullName);
//produces the following output
{ saluation: 'Mr.',
firstName: 'William',
suffix: 'III',
lastName: 'Jenkins',
middleName: 'R.',
fullName: 'Mr. William R. Jenkins, III' }
A basic algorithm could do the following:
First see if incoming string starts with a title such as Mrs and remove it if it does, checking against a fixed list of titles.
If there is one space left and one space exactly, assume first word is first name and second word is surname (which will be incorrect at times)
To go beyond that would be lots of work, see How to parse full names to identify avenues for improvement and see these involved IBM docs for further implementation clues
"Ashton Jordan" "Jordan Ashton" -- u can't tell which is the surname and which is the give name.
Also people in South India apparently don't have a surname. The same with Sherpas in the Himalayas.
But say you have a huge list of all surnames (which are never used as given names) then maybe you can use that to identify other parts of the name (Salutations/Given/Middle/Jr/Sr/I/II/...) And if there is ambiguity your name-parser could ask for human input.
As others have explained, the problem is not solvable. The best approach I can think of to storing names is storing the full name, followed by the start (and potentially also ending) offsets into a "primary collating subfield" which the person entering the name could have indicated by highlighting it or such. For example
John Robert Miller, Jr.
where the boldface is indicating what was marked as the "primary collating subfield". This range would then be moved to the beginning of the string when generating the collating key.
Of course this approach alone may not be sufficient if you also want to support titles (and ignoring them for collation purposes)...

How to understand an EDI file?

I've seen XML before, but I've never seen anything like EDI.
How do I read this file and get the data that I need? I see things like ~, REF, N1, N2, N4 but have no idea what any of this stuff means.
I am looking for Examples and Documentations.
Where can I find them?
EDI guide i found says that it is based on " ANSI ASC X12/ ver. 4010".
Should I search form X12 ?
Kindly help.
Several of these other answers are very good. I'll try to fill in some things they haven't mentioned.
EDI is a set of standards, the most common of which are:
ANSI X12 (popular in the states)
EDIFACT (popular in Europe)
Sounds like you're looking at X12 version 4010. That's the most widely used (in my experience, anyway) version. There are lots and lots of different versions.
The file, or properly "interchange," is made up of Segments and Elements (and sometimes subelements). Each segment begins with a two- or three-word identifier (ISA, GS, ST, N1, REF).
The structure for all documents begins and ends with an envelope. The envelope is usually made up of the ISA segment and the GS segments. There can be more than one GS segment per file, but there should only be one ISA segment per file (note the should, not everyone plays by the rules).
The ISA is a special segment. Whereas all the other segments are delimited, and therefore can be of varying lenghts, the ISA segment is of fixed width. This is because it tells you how to read the rest of the file.
Start with the last three characters of the ISA segment. Those will tell you the element delimiter, the sub-element delimiter, and the segment delimiter. Here's an example ISA line.
ISA:00: :00: :01:1515151515 :01:5151515151 :041201:1217:U:00403:000032123:0:P:*~
In this case, the ":" is the element delimiter, "*" is a subelement delimiter, and "~" the segment delimiter. It's much easier if you're just trying to look at a file to put linebreaks after each segment delimiter (~).
The ISA also tells you who the document is from and to, what the version is (00403, which is also known as 4030), and the interchange control number (0000321233). The other stuff is probably not important to you at this stage.
This document is from sender "01:1515151515" and to receiver "01:5151515151". So what's with the "01:"? Well, this introduces an important concept in EDI, the qualifier. Several elements have qualifiers, which tell you what type of data the next element is. In this case, the 01 is supposed to be a Dunn and Bradstreet number. Other qualifiers for the ISA05 and ISA07 elements are 12 for phone number, and ZZ for "user defined". You'll find the concept of qualifiers all over EDI segments. A decent rule of thumb is that if it's two characters, it's a qualifier. In order to know what all the qualifiers mean, you'll need a standards guide (either in hard copy from the EDI standards body, or in some software).
The next line is the GS. This is a functional group (a way to group like documents together within an interchange.) For instance, you can have several purchase orders, and several functional acknowledgements within an ISA. These should be placed in separate functional groups (GS segments). You can figure out what type of documents are in a GS segment by looking at the first GS01 element.
Besides the document type, you can see the from (9988776655) and to (1122334455) again. This time they're using different identifiers, which is legal, because you may be receiving an interchange on behalf of someone else (if you're an intermediary, for instance). You can also see the version number again, this time with the trailing "0" (0004030). Use significant digits logic to strip off the leading zeros. Why is there an extra zero here and not in the ISA? I don't know. Lastly this GS segment also has it's own identifier, 128.
That's it for the beginning of the envelope. After that there will be a loop of documents beginning with ST. In this case they'd all be POs, which have a code (850), so the line would start with ST:850:blablabla
The envelope stuff ends with a GE segment which references the GS identifier (128) so you know which segment is being closed. Then comes an IEA which similarly closes out the ISA.
That's an overview of the structure and how to read it. To understand it you'll need a reference book or software so you understand the codes, lots and lots of time, and lots and lots of practice. Good luck, and post again if you have more specific questions.
Wow, flashbacks. It's been over sixteen years ...
In principle, each line is a "segment", and the identifiers are the beginning of the line is a segment identifier. Each segment contains "elements" which are essentially positional fields. They are delimited by "element delimiters".
Different segments mean different things, and can indicate looping constructs, repeats, etc.
You need to get a current version of the standard for the basic parsing, and then you need the data dictionary to describe the content of the document you are dealing with, and then you might need an industry profile, implementation guide, or similar to deal with the conventions for the particular document type in your environment.
Examples? Not current, but I'm sure you could find a whole bunch using your search engine of choice. Once you get the basic segment/element parsing done, you're dealing with your application level data, and I don't know how much a general example will help you there.
EDI is a file format for structured text files, used by lots of larger organisations and companies for standard database exchange. It tends to be much shorter than XML which used to be great when data packets had to be small. Many organisations still use it, since many mainframe systems use EDI instead of XML.
With EDI messages, you're dealing with text messages that match a specific format. This would be similar to an XML schema, but EDI doesn't really have a standardized schema language. EDI messages themselves aren't really human-readable while most specifications aren't really machine-readable. This is basically the advantage of XML, where both the XML and it's schema can be read by humans and machines.
Chances are that when you're doing electronic banking through some client-side software (not browser-based) then you might already have several EDI files on your system. Banks still prefer EDI over XML to send over transaction data, although many also use their own custom text-based formats.
To understand EDI, you'll have to understand the data first, plus the EDI standard that you want to follow.
Assuming the data stream starts with β€œISA”, towards the beginning there should be a section β€œ~ST*” followed by three numeric digits. If you can post these three digits, I can probably provide you with more information. Also, knowing the industry would be helpful. For example, healthcare uses 270, 271, 276, 277 and a few others.
