Twilio Microphone Issues - twilio

So we have built a custom system with Twilio that accepts calls in the browser. An issue I am having is one of our operators took a call with a team member in skype. Once they went back to the browser it seems like their microphone was not working right.
Is there anyway to fix this issue? Like, I think for some reason after they hung up on skype the microphone wasn't in sync with the chrome browser in twilio and would not connect the user to the call.
Thanks so much

Twilio developer evangelist here.
On some operating systems camera and microphone devices cannot be shared between applications. My guess here is that Skype took over the access to the microphone and the web application lost that access.
I've not tested this myself, but you might consider trying to listen to the "deviceChange" event on the object to see if that fires when a microphone is lost by the page. You may be able to recover by triggering getUserMedia again, or you may need your user to refresh the page to reconnect to the microphone.
Let me know if that helps at all.


WebRTC Audio in electron

I'm making a desktop app using electron and want to build a voice chat inside the app, i understand that WebRTC is the principal solution for this, in my research i read about Assignaling, Stun and Turn server's. But my realy question is, if i have a client using Electron, can i made the app send streaming voice from microphone to a Server(Elixir, python or Node) and the server just broadcast for everyone in the room ? or a just need the signaling, Stun and Turn ?
If someone have a tip in material where i can learn about the solution i realy grateful.
For this, you can use webRTC just as you would in the Browser. I tryed to develop a voice chat using peerJS and, but It seems like if there is a problem with electron that prevents voice connections outside of your network. For one-to-many-broadcasting you can use mediaSoup, for example. More information can be found here.
If you manage to get webRTC media streams working somehow, I'd be happy if you let me know

I want camera permission to need to be granted only one time in a video networking - platform - issues with ios and safari

I want to be able to enable a user on a video networking web platform to only need to grant camera permission one time, and be able to have separate video chats with multiple users.Part of the 'event" will have multiple one to one video chats. There is a one to one video chat with one user. it ends. there is another 1 to one video chat with another user. It ends, etc.... As it is this permission is needed to be granted for each separate video chat. I am having this issue primarily with ios on safari. I am having someone else build this web platform and the person is not able to solve this issue with the video plug in they are using. They claim it is an issue with mac devices that cannot grant permission to particular websites. But I know that this issue has been solved with other networking platforms. Can I accomplish this with tokbox (vonage)? Or please tell me what video platform to use and the specific way to accomplish this. I am not a developer but will pass on exactly what you give me to my developer team. I am considering having the website be rebuilt with tokbox but first want to be sure that I can accomplish this. The website it being built with PHP but this issue is so sognificant that I might have it bilt from scratch in whatever way is needed. Thank you very much!!!! I know this issue is solveable as I've seen this on other platforms - Zoom and other video networking platforms like remo.. thanks!!!
The Agora web SDK requests the browser for camera and microphone permissions. Now remembering these permissions is done by the browser itself and not the JavaScript SDK.
As to answer how other platforms offer this is because those are native apps and not a mobile website. So they don't have to play by the rules of the browser. If you are interested in that, you can take a look at our IOS SDK.

Dynamic voice prompts in Twilio Studio

I'm the president, chief bottle washer and IT guy at a small non-profit. We've been using OpenVBX for years for our IVR, but due to Twilio's lack of support for OpenVBX, and the need to keep PHP current, I decided to recreate our IVR using Twilio Studio. I got that done yesterday, but it utilizes computerized voices for all of the prompts.
Using OpenVBX, you could have the system dial a phone and have someone record the message for each prompt, but there's no such capability (that I know of) with Studio. How do I replicate that functionality or how do others' build a system where you can easily update the voice prompts without having to edit the Studio script?
Thanks, Geoff
Twilio developer evangelist here.
There isn't an API for updating Studio Flows, so you couldn't completely automate this process to replace the voice prompts.
One idea I had was that if you get the recording you could store it in Twilio Assets and then add the URL to the Say/Play widget. Then, when you update the recording, upload it again with the same URL. I'm unsure how long Studio will cache audio files of recordings, but it might make it possible to update the recordings without altering the Flow itself.
Let me know if that helps at all.

TokBox (OpenTok) Let users call each other using

Using any of the OpenTok client SDKs, is it possible to call from one client to an other client, and make it look like similar to a "real" phone call?
I understand that a user X and user Y can join the same "room" if they both know the name of the room. But I don't understand how user X can send signals, to notify user Y to join a specific room, how is this done? I want it to work cross platform, i.e, work on iOS, Android devices, and web pages. My use cases are:
- app to browser
- browser to app
- app to app
- browser to browser
Is it possible in all of my use cases? Which are possible?
Is it possible to use OpenTok in a mobile app to show an incoming call even though the app is in the background (like how facebook messager and whats app works)
I've gone trough the tutorials on Tokbox website and successfully got them working, but I can't find a way to let different users notify each other to join a session (neither in a peer-to-peer way, or via a server). How should this be done?
I cannot find that this functionality is provided by another player such a Twilio either.
Thanks in advance,
Let's OpenTok do its job. In other words, use OpenTok to actually start a video session. All these things that you talked can be handled WITHOUT OpenTok, like REST APIs or Websocket or whatever.
I used to work in a similar project. Have a server to coordinate everything (all clients connected, who call who, push notifications, etc).
Whenever A needs to call B, the SERVER will start a "room" and put A and B to talk to each other...
So, don't mix the things. Let your server orchestrate everything and use OpenTok for video. It's designed for this purpose.

Twilio Client for android has no audio

I'm trying out the Twilio Android Quickstart, and I've gotten to the end of the Making an outgoing call section, but for some reason. I'm not getting audio.
I'm able to see that the requests are going out to Twilio appropriately, because Twilio is accessing my app's voice request url. After a few seconds, I can see in LogCat that the Connection disconnected successfully.
I have a Nexus 4, and a Nexus 7 that I've been trying this out on, as well as the Android Emulator with similar results.
I tried the WebRTC Client in the browser, and my endpoint seems to work fine, so I'm running a little short on ideas.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I contacted Twilio support about this issue, and it appears that outgoing calls using their API do no work correctly when it's still in the Trial account.
Twilio support moved my account up to a full account, and the problems went away.
