States VLOOKUP on a continuously added to Google Sheet - google-sheets

Ok I have been fighting this for a few days now... and ever time I think I have it I don't.
I have a Google Sheet that is continuously being added to from different sources. It is collecting orders from several e-comm outlets. I organize the data to come in generally how I need it from the sources. I them am taking that data and putting it into Data Studio. But since the sources are different, the State field comes in in many different formats, but I need them to all be the same, preferably abbreviations. I have been trying to do a VLOOKUP on a Named Range created in a separate sheet that has all the variations of states that I have seen in column 2 and the abbreviated version in column 1. Then in my main data sheet I am doing a big formula in row 1 of the column that I am trying to output the state abbreviations.
Here is the formula:
=ArrayFormula(IF(ROW(B:B)=1, "Shipping State Abbv", IF(C:C = "US", IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B:B, StatesList, 1, TRUE), B:B), B:B)))
Note: There are some countries other than US, so if it is not US I just want the value from Column C.
I have created a small sample of data that is showing what is happening here. If someone could please help me figure out what is wrong and help me fix it that would be fantastic!
Another Note: The sheet States List 2 is another format for laying out the different versions of the states, if that could utilized instead, that may be nicer to maintain. Basically find the value in the sheet and use column 1 as the returned value.

I think I found what was going on, as your vlookup was not doing a very good job.
Basically I just copied the values from States List to States List 2 and swapped the columns A and B on the States List 2:
Then updated the value of the function to this:
={"Shipping State Abbv"; ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN(A2:A),if(C2:C = "US",VLOOKUP(upper(B2:B), 'States List 2'!A:B,2,FALSE),C:C),))}
Let me know if you manage to succeed.


How do I return missing data when comparing two columns?

I've read a few similar questions, and I can't seem to find exactly what I'm trying to do.
I have a roster of employees in sheet "Roster" with their names in Column A. In sheet "Hours" I have a list of assigned jobs for tomorrow, with the assigned employee's name also in Column A. I'm trying to add a column of employees from the roster that are NOT in the list of employees on jobs.
The closest I've gotten is with this, on the Hours sheet:
which gives me a list of the entire roster, with the missing ones returning an #N/A error that tells me the missing name when I mouse over it and read the error code. Is there a way to just get a list of the errors? Would I be better off attacking this from a completely different angle?
EDIT: Sanitized example pictures. If what I was trying to do worked, it would return Bob and Jim in this example.
Assuming you're trying to return this list in the "Hours" sheet, you can build off what you had. Try this:
Keep in mind that this formula was written sight-unseen. If it doesn't work as expected, consider sharing a link to a copy of your sheet (or to a sample sheet set up the same way and with enough sanitized but realistic data to illustrate the problem, along with the manually entered result you want in the range where you want it).
I ended up going a completely different route. I made a third "Under the Hood" sheet, pulled the two columns into it with queries, ran a match formula down the list and returned "" on errors, then ran a query on Hours to get the names where it had null for the match list.

Trying to index match information from 1 google sheet to another

I have the following 2 google sheets
In Test 2 in cells B36,B37 and C36,C37 I am trying to grab information from TEST 1 to TEST 2
I have checked and checked and triple checked but I am not sure why it is not grabbing the information over.
Previously I had used "-" and "( )" in the table names so I decided to remove all of those and use only letters but it is still not working.
I also noticed that it was grabbing from the correct column (in my original google sheet), column D but it was grabbing the wrong information.
But I checked the name I was using to match "Room BS Harvest" and made sure it matched in both google sheets but still was not able to get it to work.
I have turned on show formula so you can see that I have formulas in Test 2 B36,B37,C36,C37
If you have any idea why it is not working please do let me know. I can't figure out why it is not getting the data over.
I myself would not approach things the way you are doing in this sheet. (I always recommend using a separate sheet within your destination spreadsheet where IMPORTRANGE brings in all of the data from the source location, and then using that single sheet in the destination spreadsheet as the reference for all other formulas, such as the ones you're trying to use.)
In addition, your sheets are inaccessible (i.e., "Comment only"). So neither I nor anyone else would be able to setup an alternative method for you to consider.
That said, and working with what you do have, here is how you might adjust the B36 formula...
Here is the formula you originally wrote (and which is not working):
Here is my edit to that formula structure (which should work):
Notice that you only need the spreadsheets ID number for IMPORTRANGE, not the entire URL. This just makes reading such formulas easier.
You also had mismatched sets of parentheses. This was your biggest issue.
And I recommend using the third parameter of MATCH to indicate what kind of match you're looking for. (Here, I assigned 0, which means "exact match only.")
Hopefully, you can use that as a model for editing your other formulas.

How to combine data from multiple Google Sheets and organize/filter it?

Here's my sample spreadsheet:
I use an API to import data from our time tracking app into Google Sheets. The "Project Details" sheet has most of the info about the projects, except for the hours spent on each project. So I have a "Project Hours" sheet that has the hours spent.
I want to combine these two things into one list in a separate "Main" sheet, as well as leave out columns that I don't care about. I really only care about the project name, the client name, the start date, end date, and total hours.
There must be a simple formula to use that gives me a clean list of all the projects and only shows me the data I care about, like QUERY or ARRAYFORMULA, but I'm not very familiar with those. Any help would be appreciated!
Craig. Yes, a QUERY with a VLOOKUP can accomplish this. I added a new tab (clearly marked as mine) to your example sheet. Being thorough, I wanted to include the column header in the last column as well, which makes the formula a bit longer than it would otherwise be in that it uses the IFERROR wrap on the VLOOKUP to assign the header for Row 1 (or otherwise leaves the last column blank if no match is found for a project name).
Here's the formula I used (though other approaches could certainly have been used as well):
=ArrayFormula({QUERY('Project Details'!A:Y,"Select B, Y, P, Q Where A Is Not Null"),IFERROR(VLOOKUP(QUERY('Project Details'!A:A,"Select * Where A Is Not Null"),'Project Hours'!A:E,5,FALSE),IF(ROW('Project Details'!A:A)=1,'Project Hours'!E$1,""))})

using sum and countifs to get a percentage of 'yes'es across multiple columns by month and team - is there a simpler way?

I've been asked to create a summary for some google form responses, and though I have a working solution, I can't help but feel there must be a more elegant one.
The form collects data related to case checking - every month each team (there's 100+ teams) has to check a certain number of cases based on how many staff are in their team, and enter the results for each case they've checked in the google form. The team that have set this up want me to summarise the data by team, month, and section of the form (preliminary questions, case recording, outcomes, etc). There are 8 sections on the live form, ranging from 1-13 questions, all with Yes/No/NA/blank answers.
(honestly, it's not how I'd have approached setting all this up, but that is out of my hands!)
So they're essentially looking for a live monthly summary with team names down the side, section names along the top, and a %age completed that will keep up with entries as they come in (where we can also use importrange and query to pull the relevant bits into other google sheet summaries, as and when needed).
What I've currently got is this:
=iferror(sum(countifs('Form Responses'!$B:$B,$A3,'Form
Responses'!$F:$F,"Yes",'Form Responses'!$E:$E,">="&$B$1,'Form
Responses'!$B:$B,$A3,'Form Responses'!$G:$G,"Yes",'Form
Responses'!$B:$B,$A3,'Form Responses'!$H:$H,"Yes",'Form
Responses'!$B:$B,$A3,'Form Responses'!$I:$I,"Yes",'Form
Responses'!$B:$B,$A3,'Form Responses'!$J:$J,"Yes",'Form
Responses'!$B:$B,$A3,'Form Responses'!$K:$K,"Yes",'Form
Responses'!$B:$B,$A3,'Form Responses'!$E:$E,">="&$B$1,'Form
It works, but it feels like a bit of a brute-force-and-ignorance solution. I've tried countifs & array, I've looked a pivot but I can't get the section groups, I've had a play with query but I can't figure out how to ask it to count all Yeses in multiple columns at once.
Is there a more elegant solution, or do I have to resign myself to setting up the next financial year's summaries like this?
You can use plain array boolean multiplication to achieve the count, as trues are converted to 1s and false are converted to 0s:
Renamed Form Responses to f
Numerator: SUM of
Question filter (f!F:K =Yes) and
Month filter (f!E:E is within month of B1) and
Team filter(B:B = A3)
Denominator: 6 times the SUM of
Month filter (f!E:E is within month of B1) and
Team filter(B:B = A3)
On this sample sheet that you provided you'll notice two new tabs. MK.Retab and MK.Summary.
On MK.Retab is a single formula in A2 that "re-tabulates" all of your survey data into a format that is much easier to analyze going forward. That tab can be "hidden" on your real project. It will continue to build the 6 column dataset forever. It would be a sort of "back end" sheet, only used to supply data to any further downstream analysis.
On MK.Summary is a single formula in cell A1 that Query's that dataset from MK.Retab and shows the percentage of Yes's by month by section by team in a format similar to what you proposed. I coded it to display the most recent month at the left, immediately to the right of the team names, and to push historical data off to the right. Even though people are often used to seeing time go from left to right, I find that the opposite method nice because it keeps you from having to scroll sideways to see the most recent data. It is very simple to change should you want to by getting rid of the "desc" that you find in the "order by" clause of the query string.
I find this kind of two step solution to problems like your useful, because while the summary migth not be exactly what you want, it's always easier to build formulas and analyses off of the data as laid out in the MK.Retab sheet.
As for the formula in MK.Retab, it is based on a method that I came up with a while back that constructs a large vlookup where the [search key] is actually a sequence of decimal numbers that is built by counting the number of rows in your real data set and multiplying by the number of columns of data that need to be repeated for each row. I built a demo some time ago that I'm happy to share with folks if you want to understand better how it works.
You said that your goal was to understand the formulas so that you could modify them going forward as needed. I'm not sure how easy that will be to do, but I can try my best to answer any questions you might have about the method or the solution generally.
What I can tell you is that some of the formulas are more complicated than they need to be because you just used Q1 Q2 Q3 etc instead of the actual questions. if you had a list of the questions asked somewhere (on some other tab, say), and what you wanted to call/name their corresponding "sections", it would make the formula significantly less complicated. As it stands, I had to use the appearance of the word "Comments", in row 1 to distinguish between where one section ended and another section began. The upside to that decision though, is that the formula I wrote is infinitely expandable to the right. That is, if you were to add another 100 columns worth of questions and answers to the sample set here, the formula would be able to handle that and break it out, so long as there was the word "Comments" between each section.
Hope all this helps.

Google Sheets Formula for Pulling Specific Values in Two Ways

I'm trying to do a couple of different things with a spreadsheet in Google and running into some problems with the formulas I am using. I'm hoping someone might be able to direct me to a better solution or be able to correct the current issue I'm having.
First off all, here is a view of the data on Sheet 1 that I am pulling from:
Example Spreadsheet
The first task I'm trying to accomplish is to create a sheet that lists all of these shift days with the date in one column and the subject ("P: Ben" or S: Nicole") in another column. This sheet would be used to import the data via a CSV into our calendar system each month. I tried doing an Index-Match where it used the date to pull the associated values however I found that I had to keep adjusting the formula offsets in order to capture new information. It doesn't seem like Index-Match works when multiple rows/columns are involved. Is there a better way to pull this information?
The second task I am trying to accomplish is to create a new tab which lists all the dates a specific person is assigned too (that way this tab will update in real time and everyone can just look at their own sheet to see what days they are on-call). However, I run into the same problem here because for each new row I have to change the formula to reflect the correct information otherwise it doesn't pull the correct cell when it finds a match.
I would appreciate any and all information/advice on how to accomplish these tasks with the formula combination I mentioned or suggestions on other formulas to use that I have not been able to find.
Thanks in advance!
Brandon. There are a few ways to attack your tasks, but looking at the structure of your data, I would use curly brackets {} to create arrays. Here is an excerpt of how Google explains arrays in Sheets:
You can also create your own arrays in a formula in your spreadsheet
by using brackets { }. The brackets allow you to group together
values, while you use the following punctuation to determine which
order the values are displayed in:
Commas: Separate columns to help you write a row of data in an array.
For example, ={1, 2} would place the number 1 in the first cell and
the number 2 in the cell to the right in a new column.
Semicolons: Separate rows to help you write a column of data in an array. For
example, ={1; 2} would place the number 1 in the first cell and the
number 2 in the cell below in a new row.
Note: For countries that use
commas as decimal separators (for example €1,00), commas would be
replaced by backslashes () when creating arrays.
You can join multiple ranges into one continuous range using this same
punctuation. For example, to combine values from A1-A10 with the
values from D1-D10, you can use the following formula to create a
range in a continuous column: ={A1:A10; D1:D10}
Knowing that, here's a sample sheet of your data.
First Task:
create a sheet that lists all of these shift days with the date in one
column and the subject ("P: Ben" or S: Nicole") in another column.
To organize dates and subjects into discrete arrays, we'll collect them using curly brackets...
Dates: {A3:G3,A7:G7,A11:G11,A15:G15}
Subjects: {A4:G4,A5:G5,A8:G8,A9:G9,A12:G12,A13:G13,A16:G16,A17:G17}
This actually produces two rows rather than columns, but we'll deal with that in a minute. You'll note that, because there are two subjects per every one date, we need to effectively double each date captured.
Dates: {A3:G3,A3:G3,A7:G7,A7:G7,A11:G11,A11:G11,A15:G15,A15:G15}
Subjects: {A4:G4,A5:G5,A8:G8,A9:G9,A12:G12,A13:G13,A16:G16,A17:G17}
Still with me? If so, all that's left is to (a) turn these two rows into two columns using the TRANSPOSE function, (b) combine our two columns using another pair of curly brackets and a semicolon and (c) add a SORT function to list the dates in chronological order...
Second Task:
create a new tab which lists all the dates a specific person is
assigned too (that way this tab will update in real time and everyone
can just look at their own sheet to see what days they are on-call).
Assuming the two-column array we just created lives in A2:B53 on a new sheet called "Shifts," then we can use the FILTER function and SEARCH based on each name. The formula at the top of Ben's sheet would look like this:
Hopefully this helps, but please let me know if I've misinterpreted anything. Cheers.
