When trying to push changes, the error "The specified changeset 6 can't be found." what does this mean and how to solve it? - plasticscm

Tell me how to solve this error, since I don't quite understand what he wants from me.
This Error.


Xcode 8 debugger doesn't print objects and showing expression produced error

I have upgraded Xcode 8 but when I'm debugging, every object showing following error :
expression produced error: error: Couldn't materialize: couldn't get the value of __once: extracting data from value failed
error: errored out in DoExecute, couldn't PrepareToExecuteJITExpression
This seems system level error, so I've already tried all possible solutions but still doest work.
I don't know of any bug that would cause this to happen for all types. Except, if this is a Swift project, make sure that you have cleaned and rebuilt all the swift code you depend on from source. At present, Swift really needs the whole world to be built consistently for debugging to work. If that doesn't help, then we will need more details to figure out what is going wrong.
Might be worthwhile to file a bug with http://bugreporter.apple.com since that makes gathering the data needed to solve the problem easier.

Storyboard file will not open after interfaceBuilder throws error -1

I work with GIT, and after pull/pushing the project repository, I went to run the application to test I pushed a working version. However, after running the app, I am struck with this error immediately upon compile:
"The document "Setstory.storyboard" could not be opened. The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.apple.InterfaceBuilder error -1.)"
I am running the latest version of XCode(7.0.0) and OSX 10.10.5.
I have tried googling this for an entire day, and still have not been able to figure it out. Has anybody else seen this?
Your storyboard contain merge conflicts. Resolve them, and then try opening it then.

Xcode 6.3 reports Test Succeeded for failing test

Has anyone else noticed that Xcode 6.3 (6D570) is showing the "Test Succeeded" popup (and displaying the test success sound, if configured) for a failing test when you run the test by itself?
When you run all tests in the file, everything works as expected.
For example, the following assertion fails, but Xcode shows "Test Succeeded".
XCTAssertTrue([queryStringLat isEqualToNumber:expectedLat], #"Expected: %# but got: %#\n", expectedLat, queryStringLat);
The debugger output shows that it failed, Xcode just seems to be getting confused.
Here is the debugger output:
Foo_Tests.m: test failure: -[Foo_Tests test_sendRequestForApp_with_coordinates_validate_that_coordinates_exist] failed: (([queryStringLat isEqualToNumber:expectedLat]) is true) failed - Expected: 37.33233 but got: 0
Has anyone else experienced the same type of thing?
This isn't a huge "bug", but is really annoying when working on tests.
I received a response from Apple. They said that they could not reproduce the problem, and asked me to remove all plugins and provide them with a complete sample of code that reproduced the issue.
Hmm, PLUGINS, brilliant!
I started to remove plugins, a few at a time, and after a few attempts, the "bug" went away!
I then tracked it down to the MCLog plugin, which I had installed using the Alcatraz package manager in Xcode.
I've also filed an issue with the MCLog author.
If I find out, or figure out, exactly what was causing this issue, I'll post that information here. I find it interesting that MCLog was able to confuse Xcode so it reported "Test Succeeded" upon failures.

Main_iPhone.storyboard: Compilation failed. Unable to write to path:

Here is the entire log
Compilation failed. Unable to write to path: /Users/myname/Library/Developer/Xcode/
Underlying Errors:
Description: The file “Main_iPhone.storyboardc” couldn’t be saved in the folder “Base.lproj” because a file with the same name already exists.
Failure Reason: A file with the name “Main_iPhone.storyboardc” already exists.
Recovery Suggestion: To save the file, either provide a different name, or move aside or delete the existing file, and try again.
Underlying Errors:
Description: The operation couldn’t be completed. File exists
Failure Reason: File exists
Description: “Main_iPhone.storyboardc” couldn’t be removed because you don’t have permission to access it.
Failure Reason: You don’t have permission.
Recovery Suggestion: To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info.
Underlying Errors:
Description: The operation couldn’t be completed. Directory not empty
I am afraid of doing something I don't understand and end up breaking my code further. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Should I do ahead and delete the direction? To the best of my knowledge the problem arose out of the blue.
Make sure that your story board not appears more than one in Build phases -> Copy bundle resources , If yes then remove one it will solve the issue.
I ran into the same problem today. Simply deleting /Users/myname/Library/Developer/Xcode/
DerivedData/projectname-csxwagvbpfvfsmbgswcukqirbmgg/ should solve your problem. You may also need to exit xcode and restart it.
Cleaning my project worked for me, as mentioned in this post . Adding a link in case people find this page but not the other.
I had the same problem. My mistake was that one of my storyboard ids included a "/". After I removed it everything worked fine. Hope it will help you.

Unity3d: Error building Player: Append is not supported

I receive this error when appending an already-successful build in XCode. What I don't understand is I'm not changing anything when appending, and this error shows up.
I've never used an 'old version of Xcode' as the error implicitly states.
Does anyone know how to get append working on a consistent basis?
This is a very simple project, and I'm using Playhaven and TapForTap SDK's, if that offers any insight.
Turns out, XCode upgraded itself without telling me. :(
I rolled back to the version I was using and all is well.
With no code snippets or error logs, it's very hard to determine what the source of your problem is. There's no way to know if your error is describing the cause of your problem or a symptom of the problem without more information.
I can only offer some suggestions:
My first thought is that you're using a deprecated method in your code somewhere, possibly "Append", which if that is the case, more than likely has an updated counterpart, but you'll have to check documentation regarding that.
If you've used "Append" previously with no errors, then you should look into what exactly you've changed in your new build, and verify that the methods you're using are supported.
If your errors are vague or unhelpful, you can begin the process of elimination and start commenting out blocks of code until it builds successfully, and narrow down the source of the problem significantly.
However, it would be to your benefit to expand your question with more information.
