Storyboard file will not open after interfaceBuilder throws error -1 - ios

I work with GIT, and after pull/pushing the project repository, I went to run the application to test I pushed a working version. However, after running the app, I am struck with this error immediately upon compile:
"The document "Setstory.storyboard" could not be opened. The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error -1.)"
I am running the latest version of XCode(7.0.0) and OSX 10.10.5.
I have tried googling this for an entire day, and still have not been able to figure it out. Has anybody else seen this?

Your storyboard contain merge conflicts. Resolve them, and then try opening it then.


Installation Failed: Invalid Argument - System Error

I know there are lots of posts on this error and it seems like it is a catchall for Xcode. I have tried all the suggestions in these posts:
Installation Failed "Invalid argument" when trying to run Today application extension
Installation Failed: Invalid Argument -iOS Extension
And none of them have worked (I tried every answer's suggestion). I have reverted to older commits that I know never saw this error, done clean clone installs, I uninstalled and reinstalled Xcode, restarted my computer, deleted all derived data, and everything else I could possibly think of. Please let me know if you think you have an answer.
Note: I still think there may be an issue with the info.plist, but like I said, even reverting back to an older version doesn't work. Is there potentially a place xcode keeps info.plist files on the local hard drive and references these?
Somehow while installing Amazon AWS using pods in my project, the link to the Info.plist in the build settings of the project was deleted. I am still not sure how this problem occurred across all versions of the application, even older ones where this would not have been included. By filling this entry in the Build Settings to App_name/Info.plist the project finally compiled again.

/Applications/ failed with exit code 255, Interface Builder

I know this issue appears quite a lot but it seems like it is every time for a different reason. So when I try to build I get this error :
Command /Applications/
failed with exit code 255
And when I try to open main.storyboard, Xcode quits and I have this in the log :
Details: Failed to compute auto layout status IBLayoutConstraint and
IBUILabel. Encountered an error communicating with Interface Builder
Cocoa Touch Tool. If you choose to file a crash report or Radar for
this issue, please zip and attach the diagnostics at
to your crash report. Exception name: NSGenericException Exception
reason: Unable to install constraint on view. Does the constraint
reference something from outside the subtree of the view? That's
illegal. constraint: view:>
I tried several things, cleaning the project, restarting Xcode and rebooting the computer, to no avail. I looked at the flags for IB like said at this question : Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 255, but I don't have any. I opened IB in code, try to give it a look but it's quite massive, however all the
setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints are set to NO inside. (This is also a solution I have seen mentioned in several places.
I should mention that I tried opening an other project and it worked perfectly well, so I guess it comes from this project, which is strange because it comes somebody else and it worked well on his computer, so some strange combination of project-xcode guilt.
Thanks for your help,
PS : And last, I am using Xcode-beta, version 7
I also tried removing everything at this path /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes.,(an other often seen solution for this error) though it didn't seem very related to my situation.
Already this question is in stack overflow.
Try this

iOS Metal: Unable to create compute pipeline state with function

I was trying to make a simple app for sudoku solving on GPU with iOS Metal Framework.
I was following instructions from this blog post:
I version my code here:
(As of writing this question HEAD is commit c3e06e0)
And I've encountered error when calling
that is while setting up MTLDevice in ViewController (line 95):
The error I get is:
Error Domain=AGXMetal Code=1 "Compiler encountered an internal error"
I'm running this on iPhone 6 Plus with iOS 8.1.3
Have someone any idea what can cause the error I get?
You are experiencing one of the unfinished matters in Metal. The reason the error says "internal" is because this is a compiler error, CAUSED by the compiler. Not you. Try this:
Copy all of the code in the ".metal" file that is not compilable.
Delete the .metal file (NOT just the reference).
Remove all of the content of the "DerivedData" folder located at users/yourUser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Create a new .metal file and paste the old code in this new metal file.
Now build and run, you should be good to go.
Anybody who finds this error make sure to send some sort of error report to Apple so that they can properly debug it and fix it in the next release of Xcode.
For anyone having the same problem, I've figured it out.
It just means that there is something wrong with a kernel function. Most probably it doesn't compile, even if you don't see any errors in Xcode.

Main_iPhone.storyboard: Compilation failed. Unable to write to path:

Here is the entire log
Compilation failed. Unable to write to path: /Users/myname/Library/Developer/Xcode/
Underlying Errors:
Description: The file “Main_iPhone.storyboardc” couldn’t be saved in the folder “Base.lproj” because a file with the same name already exists.
Failure Reason: A file with the name “Main_iPhone.storyboardc” already exists.
Recovery Suggestion: To save the file, either provide a different name, or move aside or delete the existing file, and try again.
Underlying Errors:
Description: The operation couldn’t be completed. File exists
Failure Reason: File exists
Description: “Main_iPhone.storyboardc” couldn’t be removed because you don’t have permission to access it.
Failure Reason: You don’t have permission.
Recovery Suggestion: To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info.
Underlying Errors:
Description: The operation couldn’t be completed. Directory not empty
I am afraid of doing something I don't understand and end up breaking my code further. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Should I do ahead and delete the direction? To the best of my knowledge the problem arose out of the blue.
Make sure that your story board not appears more than one in Build phases -> Copy bundle resources , If yes then remove one it will solve the issue.
I ran into the same problem today. Simply deleting /Users/myname/Library/Developer/Xcode/
DerivedData/projectname-csxwagvbpfvfsmbgswcukqirbmgg/ should solve your problem. You may also need to exit xcode and restart it.
Cleaning my project worked for me, as mentioned in this post . Adding a link in case people find this page but not the other.
I had the same problem. My mistake was that one of my storyboard ids included a "/". After I removed it everything worked fine. Hope it will help you.

CoreData warning: Unrecognized optimized model archive format

When running my iOS program on an iPad, the console gives the following error when opening the CoreData data store:
CoreData warning: Unrecognized optimized model archive format
Failed to load optimized model: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134060 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 134060.)" UserInfo=0x150160 {Root cause=Unknown archive format}
Anyone got any ideas what this means? and how to fix?
It's always hard to say whether or not this was the fix, because it seems that what works for some people in Xcode doesn't work for others, but the way I finally got rid of this error was by cleaning the project and rebuilding.
Prior to that, I tried to delete the app and run the project again (without cleaning), but that still generated the error, so I think it just has to do with a cached model in the build folder that's messing up its ability to "load the optimized model".
Hope this helps!
