Firebase Cloud Firestore query with regex workaround [closed] - ios

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Closed 2 years ago.
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In my app the user should be able to search other users that are stored in Firebase. Pretty much like Instagram for example. Tragically I found out that this is not quite possible in Firebase yet. Most of the posts I found about this were older, so was there anything added that could help me out here?
I thought about this:
Right now I have stored all`users with their information. When starting the app I could retrieve all usernames and store it in a variable and then work with that. But this is rather brute force approach... I figure I am not the only one with that problem, so does anyone know what I can do here?
I hope this question is conforming all guidelines, correct me if not.

If Firestore isn't adequate for the kinds of queries you want to perform, your only real alternative is to duplicate that data into another database that can do it.
You will have to come up with some options on your own, as requests for offsite software products are off-topic for Stack Overflow.


iOS Generating Random Test Data [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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For testing, I needed to generate a list of data values randomly and put them into the models for further use. But I found out that there is no library, which could produce such functionality.
The elegant solution I expected to find had to combine such simple things as:
the variety of data;
the variety of methods to reach this data;
the possibility to change the default data set to the custom one.
Since I hadn't found the accurate solution, I decided to create my own library (ref.
There were implemented all necessary methods for data generation (including random names, cities, addresses, dates etc) and data retrieve. And moreover, it has "swifty" interface, which provides comfortable use in every project.
I hope, it will be helpful for everyone, who faced the same problem as me!

How to adjust Key Derivation Iterations on iOS Key generation? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm currently working on an app that needs to communicate with a secure system. I need to generate a public and private key according to a couple of requirements. According to system specs, the key derivation iterations is required to be set to 1000, but I can't find any way to do this on iOS.
Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
As stated in comment, your question is a bit too broad. I am guessing that you are asking about PBKDF2.
You can use CommonCrypto to do that. I used it with Objective-C and it was relatively easy. I think there might be some difficulties to use it with Swift, but Google search has a lot of info how to do that.
You will need to use CommonCrypto function CCKeyDerivationPBKDF - link to docs. There is a round parameter which I think is what you are looking for.
This question might help too.

What does “consume an API” means? With details, please [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I would like to know what "consume an API" means in a less technical language possible and would like too some simple example in git and, if possible, using Ruby. I understand that I may be asking a lot, sorry for that, but I can not understand 100% of the examples I found.
I can not go on, because I have not yet been able to fully understand the subject.
I have a application, a CRUD simple and a API isa JSON that extract the results this CRUD?
Sorry for my limited understanding. I would very much like details with code example, just something basic.
It means that you take in data from an external source/url and do something with it. Here is an example:

Firebase Chat - Peer to Peer [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am currently attempting to create a chat app, powered by Firebase. Ultimately, my goal is to allow users to message each other (pretty simple).
However, I am currently stuck on how to accomplish this.
Right now, I am able to create one huge, group chat, where users can post under different usernames. But, for ideal functionality, I would need users to be able to message each other directly, and not in one huge group chat.
Any help would be appreciated!
If you go checkout JSQMessageViewController it is a pod that provides all the functionality of the messages app. They also have an example that is done by fireBase written in swift. That may be a great place to start and finish.

JIRA Rest API - getting the list of all Projects and all issues within each project [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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what is the correct https link to get JSON data for all the projects at once?
the current link to our dashboard is like this:
Would like to get all of the projects then use another https call to get all the issues for all the projects. Then after that of course look at assignees etc etc. Looking to collect this data to put into an iOS app for R&D purposes.
I am coming at this blind but I have no idea if I also need someone to set up permissions to do this or something. Never used this API before so just doing some discovery here.
You have to speak with the API :)
Let me know if you need further help.
