How do I limit a number between two numbers in java - calculation

I need to define a number between n, such that 999<n<9999, and I'm not sure how to do that.
I've tried to make an If situation out of it, but I couldn't reach further because my number is not defined. Also this is for a Java package.


What does it mean for a fact used in Isabelle to have a number after the name?

Most of the proofs suggested by Sledgehammer use this notation of number inside of parentheses:
by (smt (z3) ApplyAllResult.distinct(1)
What does it mean for the fact to have such number?
Isabelle permits the use of fact lists indexed by a natural number starting with 1. Given a fact list fs and an index i, you can access an individual fact from the list by using the syntax fs(i). You can also select multiple facts from the list using multiple indexes (e.g., fs(1,3)), ranges (e.g. fs(2-5), fs(3-)) or a combination of both (e.g., fs(2,4-6)).
Examples of predefined fact lists are assms (which contains the assumptions of a theorem) and f.simps (which contains the equations defining function f).

How can I combine these 2 functions without going over the 50,000 character limit?

I tried to simply replace anytime I referenced the cell into the actual function inside of the referred cell. This normally works in every single other function
I've done this with, but in this case, it's a big function and it gets referred to many times. This causes it to go over the 50,000 character limit for functions and this method no longer applies.
check out this spreadsheet to see the functions I'm talking about:
here's the formula:
I couldn't find an efficient way to automatically convert back to the best unit because we are dealing with huge numbers that get turned to scientific notation preventing us from easily getting the actual length of the number. For this reason, I added a cell (C3) where you can specify the unit you want. I also added another cell (D3) where you can specify the amount of decimal places you want to display.

Using to create a list of odd numbers

My professor is having us create a series of functions relating to approximating pi and e based on continuing fractions. In order to set this up, he is having us create a function that takes an integer and maps that many odd numbers squared, starting from 1. For instance, here is the desired behavior:
oddSquares 6;;
val it : int list = [1.0; 9.0; 25.0; 49.0; 81.0; 121.0]
I can see that one mapping will likely be used to square all the values in the list, but I can't figure out a way to map the number to a list of numbers. I don't want to ask anybody to write code for me, but methodically, what am I trying to do when I'm assembling the base list?
It feels like the best method is to work backwards, starting from the base number of 6 terms. We then evaluate the 6th odd term (11, or 2x-1 practically), but then require some method of recursion to continue to evaluate smaller values of oddSquares. I also think this is against the spirit of trying to map the number into these values. Can someone give me some guidance as to the first translation from the number into the list form?
F# offers special neat syntax for creating lists of successive numbers:
let oneToSix = [1..6]
This is a special case of something called "list comprehension". They can be more complex than just successive numbers - they can include multiple generators, filters, projections, Cartesian products, etc. In particular, your whole task of generating first N odd numbers can be expressed as one list comprehension. However, since you explicitly asked not to write the code for you, I won't.

What is the importance of the order of the assertions in Z3?

I have two files whose content is identical except for the order in which I placed the assertions: in one file, the assertions are placed in the reverse order of the other. The first file (po-9.z3) is declared unsatifiable by Z3 in less than a second while the other (po.z3) cannot be verified within a minute.
What could be the reason for this difference? I assumed that placing the assertions that will be involved in the verification earlier in the file would improve performances. However, the one that passes verification (po-9.z3) has most of the relevent / problem specific assertions at the bottom of the file. Also, in po.z3, while the theorem to be proved and the assumptions are at the top of the file, one important assertion (a first order formulation for a lambda expression) is put at the bottom of the file. When I bring it to the top, po.z3 verifies within less than a second.
What would be the best order for me to produce the assertions in a z3 smt2 file?
What could be the reason for this difference?
SMT solvers implement DPLL(T) algorithm, which is a combination of (a variant of) the DPLL procedure and decision procedures.
Performance of DPLL is heavily affected by the choice of variables for branching. There are the cases of which the running time is constant or exponential depending on variable selection.
If the two formulas are logically equivalent (you need to double-check), then I think the only possibility is that, the different order in the two formulas leads to different order in variable selection, which eventually leads to difference in performance.

Z3 Java Api for mkAnd

How can I use mkAnd to join three terms. For example, I have a1=1,a2=3,a3=10. Now I want to use produce formula: (and (and a1=1 a2=3) a3=10). I use mkAnd(a1,a2,a3), it only gives me the wrong formula (and a1=1 a2=3 a3=10).
