Execute Build Jobs/Pipelines not on Master but only on Build Agent - jenkins

Following the Jenkins Best Practices, I want to avoid that Build Jobs/Pipelines could be executed into my Jenkins Master.
To do so, I've installed the Job Restrictions Plugin, using it to configure the Master to run only some Maintenance Pipelines.
The problem is that now Build Pipelines that are configured to run on specific Agents, are not executed anymore. I see that the Build Queue continuously grows, and the Pipelines are not runned. I think that this behaviour could be related to Flyweight Executors of the Master.
So, the question is the following: How can I execute on Master just a little subset of Maintenance Pipelines and, in the mean time, execute Build Pipelines only on specific Agent?

You can configure the master node to only be used when explicitly named. Just click the master node > go to configure and change Use this node as much as possible to Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node

I found the solution that perfectly fits with my needs, here.
To quickly sum up the solution, I was to able to exclude all the user Builds from Master and run on it only the Jobs/Pipelines of a specific Jenkins folder (IuA in my case), configuring the Job Restrictions Plugin in the following way:
In order to better understand the logic behind this solution, I recommend you to give a look at link that I posted above.


In Jenkins, how do I set SCM behavior for the master node rather the build nodes?

I'm aware I'm lacking basic Jenkins concepts but with my current knowledge it's hard for to research successfully - maybe you can give me some hints I can use to re-word my question if needed.
Currently I'm facing a situation in which in a setup with several build nodes the Jenkins master machine is running out of disk space because Jenkins clones git repositories on both, the master and build nodes (and the master only has limited space). This question explains why.
Note: the master node itself does not build anything - it just clones the repo to a local workspace folder (I guess it just needs the Jenkinsfiles).
Going through the job configurations and googling this issue I find options regarding shallow and sparse clones or cleaning up the workspace before or after the build using the Cleanup Plugin. But those settings and plugins only care about the checkout done with checkout(SCM) on the build nodes, not the master.
But in case I want to leave the situation as is on the build nodes but keep the workspace folders on the Jenkins master machine slim, how do I approach this? What do I have to search for?
And as a side question - isn't it possible to have something like "git exports"? I.e. having the .git folders removed after checking out the commit I need?
In case it depends on the kind of job I use, I'm using scripted pipeline jobs.
I've got a similar setup: A master node, multiple build nodes.
Simply, I set the number of executors=0 on the master node (from Manage Jenkins -> Manage Nodes), so every job will land on build nodes.
The only repo cloned on the master is the shared library.
Running Jenkins builds in the master node is discouraged for two main reasons:
First of all, the usability of the Jenkins platform might be affected by many ongoing builds, for example showing delays on certain operations.
It is a well-known security problem, as pointed out by the documentation:
Any builds running on the built-in node have the same level of access to the controller file system as the Jenkins process.
It is therefore highly advisable to not run any builds on the built-in node, instead using agents (statically configured or provided by clouds) to run builds.
Always in that wiki page you can find details on this security problems, like what an attacker can do and an alternative that lets you use the master node to build, but patching some of the listed security problems. The solution is based on a plugin called Job Restrictions Plugin.
By the way, the most popular decision is to let slave nodes do the build:
To prevent builds from running on the built-in node directly, navigate to Manage Jenkins » Manage Nodes and Clouds. Select master in the list, then select Configure in the menu. Set the number of executors to 0 and save. Make sure to also set up clouds or build agents to run builds on, otherwise builds won’t be able to start.
If you really have strong reasons to build on the master node, you can always apply a different git clone strategy based on the value of the env.NODE_NAME environment variable. It is set to master if the pipeline job is run on the master node, otherwise it is filled with the node name (of course). Nonetheless, I have never seen anyone customizing the git clone command based on the node used, so... Don't do it 😉
About the sparse checkout and the sparse/shallow clone:
The former creates an incomplete working directory, avoiding to map all the trees and blobs present in the current commit, but only those you specify. Do you save that much space? Or better, is your project tree that heavy that you would need to do something like this? The sparse-checkout is generally used when you want a clean working tree, without unnecessary files.
sparse/shallow clone can be useful sometimes to reduce the download time, especially when you have a huge history. The most common option is --depth=1 that instructs git to retrieve only the most recent commit. As far as I know, Jenkins already applies some optimizations to speed the clone process but it generally keeps the entire history. Again, I am not sure you would gain a lot more space.
A valid (at least for me) alternative to space-optimizations on git files, is to build on Docker containers. Jenkins has reached a good level of integration with Docker and there are a lot of advantages using it, among which the disposal of the workspace after the job finished.
I didn't use the pipeline feature myself so far -- but conceptually it is clear that the master requires initial access to the Jenkinsfile. It will therefore be difficult to avoid this step entirely.
If Jenkins itself does not provide an option to fine-tune the clone/checkout behavior on the master side, then I'd see these options:
Create a custom version of Jenkins (or of the corresponding plugin) which hard-codes the behavior that you need (like, shallow/sparse clone). Modifying and building both Jenkins and its plugins is surprisingly simple; often, the most difficult part is to locate the code that you need to touch.
Tune the master's clone in-place. Shallowness and sparse-checkout properties can be set for existing clones. If you set these properties after the initial clone (possibly in the Jenkinsfile itself or in a post-build step), then Jenkins may possibly maintain those properties.
Constantly re-cloning and deleting the repo on master side increases the load both on the Jenkins master and on your Git server, so better be careful with that (especially since your repository has a size where disk space matters already). If you really want to go that way, you could try to force-remove the clone on the master in a post-build step -- this should be relatively easy to implement. You need to check that this hack will not interfere with Jenkins' access to the Jenkinsfile.

Why declarative pipelines need to run on master if there are build executors available?

I'm using recent Jenkins version 2.286 and since this update there is an security hint: "You should set up distributed builds. Building on the controller node can be a security issue. See the documentation."
But I'm already doing so with three Jenkins nodes and I also fully understand the security implications.
The problem here is, that there are two jobs that need to run an the master, since they are the jobs that deploy those Jenkins nodes. That means I can not reduce the build executors to 0.
I've also tried using the Job Restrictions plugin to restrict which jobs can run on the master. This problem here is that all my jobs are waiting for the master queue do have a free slot available. I wonder why, because they all are declarative pipelines and define something like:
agent {
label 'some-different-node-label'
Which means they aren't really executed on the master node.
Questions here are:
Is this intentionally that all jobs require the master node before switching the agent?
Is there any configuration option to change that?
Is there a way to execute the deploy jobs on master, even if there aren't any executed defined (to bypass that behavior)?
With declarative pipelines the lightweight code checkout is done on the Master node to get a Jenkinsfile for that job. While this doesnt use an executor on the Master perhaps the Job Restriction Plugin is still blocking this (I havent used it before so cannot comment)
Also certain pipeline actions are delegated back to the Master node as well (e.g. the withAWSParameterStore step.
If you look at the console output for a Declarative pipeline job, you will see lots of output (mainly around library checkouts or git checkouts) before you see the start of the pipeline [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline. All that is done on the Master.
Unfortunately this cannot be changed as the Master needs to do this work to find out which agent type to delegate the job to.
Depending on how you are running you agents, you could use something like the EC2 Cloud Plugin to generate you agent nodes which wouldn't require a job to do it

Jenkins with Shared jobs

I am working with Jenkins, and we have quite a few projects that all use the same tasks, i.e. we set a few variables, change the version, restore packages, start sonarqube, build the solution, run unit/integration tests, stop sonarqube etc. The only difference would be like {Solution_Name}, everything else is exactly the same.
What my question is, is there a way to create 1 'Shared' job, that does all that work, while the job for building the project passes the variables down to that shared worker job. What i'm looking for is the ability to not have to create all the tasks for all of our services/components. It be really nice if each of our services/components could have only 2 tasks, one to set the variables, another to run the shared job.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance.
You could potentially benefit from looking into the new pipelines as code feature.
Using this pattern, you define your build pipeline in a groovy script rather than the jenkins' UI. This script is then kept in the codebase of the project it builds in a file called Jenkinsfile.
By checking this pipeline into a git repository, you can create a minimal configuration on the jenkins' side and simply tell it to look towards a specific repo and do the things that pipeline says to do.
There's a few benefits to this approach if it works for your setup. The big one being that your build pipeline will be fully versioned just like the project it builds. And the repository becomes portable, easily able to be built on any jenkins' installation across as many jobs as long as the pipeline plugins are installed.

Jenkins - How to run one housekeeping job on all nodes (slaves + master)

I have Jenkins setup of 6 Slaves and master, all windows machines. Now I have a housekeeping Jenkins job which I want to periodically run on all the slaves and master, as this job does following tasks
Delete unused temporary files.
Delete unwanted processes, as some of the tests are leaking processes (why leak is different question).
Set certain environment variables, as sometimes I want to push environment variable changes to all machines.
Any idea how can I force Jenkins to run this one job on all slaves and master once every day? As a work around I can create multiple Jenkins job and mark each one to run on one particular slave or master, but I would rather avoid having so many duplicate jobs.
The Node and Label Parameter plugin allows you to parameterize where a job should be run. The job can be run on more than one node -- each node shows up as a separate execution in the job's build history. When multiple nodes are selected, you can configure whether the job should continue to run on other nodes if an execution fails.
I had a similar need, but using the Node and Label Parameter Plugin didn't seem quite right, as I do not want to parameterize my cleanup jobs.
I found a more satisfying answer in this post and thought it would also benefit to this question: Jenkins - Running a single job in master as well as slave.
Here is some documentation on how to configure a "Matrix project": https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Building+a+matrix+project.
What you are looking for is the "Slave axis". It's not very well documented in the page above, but it appears as an option of the "Add axis" menu whenever there are more than one node. Here's a screenshot of the interesting part:
Updates according to recent Jenkins
Pipeline type:
On "Configuration" page for pipeline:

Which continuous integration server is able to queue jobs?

Use case:
CI server polls some VSC repository and runs test suite for each revision. And if two or more revisions were commited, even in a relatively small time interval, I want the CI server to put each of them in queue, run tests for each, store the results, and never run tests again for those commits. And I don't want the CI server to launch jobs in parallel, to avoid performance issues and crashes in case of many simultaneous jobs.
Which CI server is able to handle this?
My additional, less important requirement is that I use Python and it is desirable to use software written in Python, so I looked at the Buildbot project, and I especially want to see reviews for this tool in the matter of is it usable in general and is it capable of replacing most popular solutions like Travis or Jenkins.
I have used jenkins to do this. (with subversion mainly, c/c++ build and also bash/python scripted jobs)
The easiest and default handling of VCS/SCM changes in jenkins is to poll for changes on a set time. A build is triggered if there is any change. More than one commit may be included in build (e.g. if 2 commits are done close together) when using this method. Jenkins shows links back to scm and scm update done as well as showing build logs and you can easily configure build outputs and test result presentation.
What VCS/SCM are you using? Jenkins interfaces to a good few VCS/SCM:
This question answers how to make Jenkins build on every subversion commit:
Jenkins CI: How to trigger builds on SVN commit
TeamCity is free (up to a number of builds and build agents) and feature-rich. It's very easy to install and configure, although it may take some time to find your way through the wealth of options. It is extremely well documented: http://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/documentation/
It is written in Java but supports many tools natively and others through command-line execution, so you can build anything with it that you want. (I use it mostly for Ruby.) It understands the output of many testing tools; if you're not using one of them maybe yours can emulate their output. It's quite extensible; it has a REST API and a plugin API.
It can be configured to build on each commit, or to build all of the commits that arrived in a given time period, or to trigger in other ways. Docs here: http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD8/Configuring+VCS+Triggers
By default it starts a single build agent and runs one build at a time on that build agent. You can run more build agents for speed. If you don't want to run more than one build on a machine, only start one build agent on each machine.
I dont want that CI server would launch jobs in parallel to avoid
performance issues and crashes in cases of many simultanious jobs.
In buildbot you can limit the number of running jobs in a salve with max_build parameter or locks
As for Buildbot and Python, you may coordinate parallel builds by configuration, for example:
Modeling Parallel Processes: Steps
svn up
make test
make dist
In addition, you can also try using a Triggerable scheduler for your builder which performs steps U,V,W.
From the docs:
The Triggerable scheduler waits to be triggered by a Trigger step (see
Triggering Schedulers) in another build. That step can optionally wait
for the scheduler's builds to complete. This provides two advantages
over Dependent schedulers.
how to lock steps in buildbot
Coordinating Parallel Builds with
There is a Throttle Concurrent Builds Plugin for Jenkins and Hudson. It allows you to specify the number of concurrent builds per job. This is what it says on the plugin page:
It should be noted that Jenkins, by default, never executes the same Job in parallel, so you do not need to actually throttle anything if you go with the default. However, there is the option Execute concurrent builds if necessary, which allows for running the same Job multiple time in parallel, and of course if you use the categories below, you will also be able to restrict multiple Jobs.)
There is also Gitlab CI, a very nice modern Ruby project that uses runners to distribute builds so you could, I guess, limit the number of runners to 1 to get the effect you are after. It's tightly integrated with Gitlab so I don't know how hard it would be to use it as a standalone service.
To only run tests once for every revision you can do something like this:
check if the revision of the build is in /tmp/jenkins-test-run
if the revision is in the file skip tests
if the revision is NOT in the file run tests
if we ran the tests then write the ID in /tmp/jenkins-test-run
